Thread: Extracting models from H6 | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · «PREV |

Adventuring Hero
posted March 03, 2018 04:08 PM |
It isn't. Our Polish friend, Kurek is using these script to restore models from H6. Why? He is putting them in his mod adding Conflux to H7. Here is link to topic on AC and below you have some screens:

Famous Hero
The Whisperer
posted March 04, 2018 10:10 PM |

Adventuring Hero
posted March 06, 2018 12:20 PM |
Bones there are, only animations are lacking. I would extract them if I had any idea how does their format works.


Hired Hero
posted October 12, 2019 08:44 PM |
Edited by Footman at 20:45, 12 Oct 2019.
In which file are the animations? and can update link for scripts?

Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted March 12, 2020 01:08 AM |
Can you update the download link? I'd be pretty nice to print the Kirin or something else, without having to use NinjaRipper. H6 really excels in unit quality (at least graphically).
Footman said: In which file are the animations? and can update link for scripts?
Probably still in Data1.orc

Known Hero
posted August 12, 2020 04:54 PM |
could anyone who has alrdy extracted models and textures put down a short guide here or something? how are u supposed to extract models and textures with orc2zip? im not ecen sure what orc2zip is, the one i have is an application that does nothing, so?
some help would be appreciated (:

Known Hero
posted August 12, 2020 05:44 PM |
i see orc2 zip seems to be part of noesis, so not sure why it was listed seperately, however it seems u need the demonangels script for some task? however i cant find it, can someone share this one?
@also what is the difference between umodel and and noesis? i remember i once alrdy extracted H6 models i think using umodel, i havnt installed H6 atm but shouldnt umodel work as well? ill try it again later but some feedback on it would be nice (-:
i know animations dont work but im interested in models,textures and bones


Hired Hero
Member of Praetorian Guard
posted August 14, 2020 03:05 PM |
MoritzBradtke said: could anyone who has alrdy extracted models and textures put down a short guide here or something? how are u supposed to extract models and textures with orc2zip? im not ecen sure what orc2zip is, the one i have is an application that does nothing, so?
some help would be appreciated (:
If you are still intrusted, i can teach you the proccess. Im working now on mod which actually use H6 resources. Its not so complicated if you know, what you are doing.

Known Hero
posted August 14, 2020 09:03 PM |
yes, it would be appreciated, there is no hurry though but i think it would make sense to gather some information about this topic in this thread (: im working on a mod as well, for H7 and being able to reuse some stuff from H6 might be useful for some people, me as well (:


Hired Hero
Member of Praetorian Guard
posted August 14, 2020 10:17 PM |
Edited by Kierby at 22:22, 14 Aug 2020.
MoritzBradtke said: yes, it would be appreciated, there is no hurry though but i think it would make sense to gather some information about this topic in this thread (: im working on a mod as well, for H7 and being able to reuse some stuff from H6 might be useful for some people, me as well (:
Ok then. Im using resources of both H6 and H7 in mod for H5.
I will try to make short tutorial on basic export and edit here propably tomorrow.

Known Hero
posted August 15, 2020 02:09 AM |
thank you a lot, just take ure time tough! (-: as long as it is on the way, it will be helpful


Hired Hero
Member of Praetorian Guard
posted August 18, 2020 09:07 PM |
Edited by Kierby at 21:08, 18 Aug 2020.
Sorry for the delay, but because im working on my mod, i didnt had much time to prepare the tutorial, BUT i found even more ways of adapting the H6 models. Im working on the tutorial and it should be out by the end of this week, hopefully.
I would like to show you some of my recent work, so that you have an idea, how it looks like. Even tho this is in H5.
Praetorian, Double skeleton and rigg - 1 Week of work, about 35 hours of pure work. Old metod.

Marksman, One skeleton and rigg - 2 days of work, about 16 hours of pure work. New "T-W8" metod.

Its clear that the new metod is much more efficient, needs more knowledge tho. I hope that it helps at least psychicaly, until my tutorial arrives.
If someone tells you, that something its impossible...its propably just little bit more complicated.

Known Hero
posted August 19, 2020 05:23 PM |
hey, this sounds/looks very promising (-:
thx for sharing your knowledge, i think it will be helpful for other moders... previous ones and those to come!
and as i've said no need to hurry, take ure time with it (-: