Thread: I want (only) Faeries as guards in rmg | |

Supreme Hero
u can type so much text in her
posted July 03, 2016 04:35 PM |
I want (only) Faeries as guards in rmg
For 'Clash of Dragons', at this moment my favorite XL-U rdm map, I would like the guards that separate the 2 players to be only faeries (and not azure drags). I have the maximum guards installed (3090000), but that means 90-100 azures. I want those guards to be faeries though.
Anyone an idea how to change this in the rmg?
On a related note, are there equally good rdms? The bigger and harder, the better.
People used to call me crazy, but now that I'm rich I am excentric.

Known Hero
posted July 06, 2016 07:04 PM |
I doubt it's possible in regular homm 3. If you set a lower guard, it will have all kind of options, like rust dragons, level 7 monsters etc. Higher guards will give just more azures.
For harder templates, if you play against AI I made a template where AI get's pandora boxes early on. It's fairly hard, especially if you end turns for a first few weeks to give a head start. Recommended setting is XXL map width underground, 7 AIs in a few teams, no water, strong guards, 200%. You will get AI heroes flying around with ~300 archangels and stats in 40s by month 2-3.
To play it you need this file. Rename it to "Objects.txt" and put in data folder. This disables prisons in random maps. Otherwise the template will have so many prisons the game will break. Objects.txt without prisons
Template itself: Crazy2.txt

Tavern Dweller
posted December 14, 2020 05:51 AM |
thank batoonike, very useful info!
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