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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted September 01, 2016 05:00 PM |
Questions for H7 developers
If there are any people who are still interested in H7, who don't have a Steam account with a permission to write comments and who would like to ask developers some questions, I can write them into new Steam Q&A thread.
Just post any questions for Limbic developers below.
You can check the answers on Steam Q&A Thread.
Side note: Not all the questions will be copied, especially not the ones which are quite flamy.
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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 01, 2016 05:06 PM |

Known Hero
posted September 01, 2016 06:22 PM |
Thanks for this initiative Antalyan, much appreciated.
Here are the questions I posted on the Q&A thread (no need to carry them over again).
1) The game is slowly and steadily improving, which is much appreciated, I am really hopeful again. There are however a few issues (except the various bugs) that still stand out. Those are in my opinion the memory (RAM) leak, the lack of gameplay balance (Magic, Warfare) and the (improved but still bad) AI. Is the dev team working on those 3 things and can we expect a solution in the future?
2) As proven by H5 TotE, a mediocre game can turn into a gem with enough care and expansions. Is there a willingness to keep supporting the game from a dev perspective or should we only expect bug fixes? So far the improvements of H7 over time are leaps and bounds ahead of its state at release, so it would be a shame to stop this effort now.

Famous Hero
posted September 01, 2016 07:05 PM |
SoilBurn said:
2) As proven by H5 TotE, a mediocre game can turn into a gem with enough care and expansions. Is there a willingness to keep supporting the game from a dev perspective or should we only expect bug fixes? So far the improvements of H7 over time are leaps and bounds ahead of its state at release, so it would be a shame to stop this effort now.
Maybe with less optimism and praise, but - this.
Also, are you or aren't you working on a Inferno expansion?

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted September 01, 2016 07:10 PM |
1) Why didn't you listen to Elvin?
2) And how many times better would the game have been if you had?
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Famous Hero
posted September 01, 2016 07:22 PM |
Elvin said: 1) Why didn't you listen to Elvin?
2) And how many times better would the game have been if you had?

Adventuring Hero
posted September 01, 2016 07:27 PM |
Was there a reason, not lore-wise, why Sanctuary, probably best part of H6, did not make it?

Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted September 01, 2016 07:29 PM |
don't think the so-called developers and I have anything to say to each other personally, and that goes for the rest of the forum but a small few I reckon, they pretty much alienated almost everyone with their low quality game and pathetic unprofessional attitude lol

Famous Hero
posted September 01, 2016 07:37 PM |
Elvin said: 1) Why didn't you listen to Elvin?
2) And how many times better would the game have been if you had?
If it wasn't obvious enough they couldn't give a snow about fan feedback lol

Known Hero
posted September 01, 2016 07:49 PM |
Edited by Aionb at 19:52, 01 Sep 2016.
Datapack said:
Elvin said: 1) Why didn't you listen to Elvin?
2) And how many times better would the game have been if you had?
If it wasn't obvious enough they couldn't give a snow about fan feedback lol
Also - Elvin's questions are good (even if already answered by Datapack and Limbicwarrior )

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 01, 2016 08:16 PM |
Elvin said: 1) Why didn't you listen to Elvin?
2) And how many times better would the game have been if you had?
They didn't listen because you were too busy with your real life while things could have been changed and when you had more time again, train had crashed already.

Known Hero
posted September 01, 2016 08:25 PM |
Edited by SoilBurn at 20:27, 01 Sep 2016.
Momo said:
SoilBurn said:
2) As proven by H5 TotE, a mediocre game can turn into a gem with enough care and expansions. Is there a willingness to keep supporting the game from a dev perspective or should we only expect bug fixes? So far the improvements of H7 over time are leaps and bounds ahead of its state at release, so it would be a shame to stop this effort now.
Maybe with less optimism and praise, but - this.
Hey, "leaps and bounds ahead" of a disaster can still be a disaster, just a smaller one 
Joking aside, the game is not in a bad state right now. It just needs balancing, bug fixing and technical optimization. And Sanctuary. And Inferno.

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 01, 2016 08:36 PM |
JollyJoker said:
Elvin said: 1) Why didn't you listen to Elvin?
2) And how many times better would the game have been if you had?
They didn't listen because you were too busy with your real life while things could have been changed and when you had more time again, train had crashed already.
So what you're trying to say here is that the one and only Elvin was not dedicated enough to the development process of Heroes 7?
Reality is a lie.
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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted September 01, 2016 08:39 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 20:40, 01 Sep 2016.
Hurts and stings But was it really the matter of one less voice during the times I could not afford a more indepth response? And what about the times I could? What about the times other insiders could not?
The 'Elvin' part is just my taking lightly a very serious matter. I know who was there trying to make H7 a better game and the real question is, why did an obviously inexperienced team not take advantage of people who knew more things than them and had happily offered to help them in the first place? Similarly, why did they stick with their skill system despite the community outcry? Because it was too late? Because they thought they knew better? Because only hardcore fans visit the internet?
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Undefeatable Hero
posted September 01, 2016 09:09 PM |
Hey, I don't blame you. Real life is always more important than a silly game, just ask Oakwarrior. 
But the truth is, with you out I was more or less on my own save the occasional Vitirr, but HE, I suppose, got his teeth pulled when he tried to make sure the adventure map view would be good - and everything he and eversone else said could have a been an "to avoid by all means".

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted September 01, 2016 09:28 PM |
Vitirr is great, he can say so much in so few words. Everything he says is precise and well thought out.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 01, 2016 09:32 PM |
Well, that's what I think as well. Not Limbic, though.

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 01, 2016 10:13 PM |
Met Vitirr irl in Paris and I liked him. He gave me the look when I told him Heroes 4 was not the way to go 
But yea the guy's great, really good at observing things and giving quality feedback.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Undefeatable Hero
Blob-Ohmos the Second
posted September 01, 2016 10:32 PM |
My question? Why won't you sell the franchise if it's obviosuly not earning you much income?

Famous Hero
posted September 02, 2016 12:44 AM |
blob2 said: My question? Why won't you sell the franchise if it's obviosuly not earning you much income?
At the moment when Ubi invests in HOMM less than the income, Ubi will definitely consider selling the license. Sadly they can make it so it simply never happens. If they just stop investing in HOMM (=they stop making games) then they cannot cut a loss out of HOMM and can still keep the franchise nonetheless. Why keep it? Well, to reboot it at a later time or age or just to prevent others from taking the advantages of having the franchise.
All in all, not an happy formula for us. Basically, including how I theorized many times that Ubisoft would just dread the chance of making a title like HOMM3, I think the ending result is that Ubi truly has no reason to meet our wishes or hopes in any way.