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Age of Heroes Headlines:  
5 Oct 2016: Heroes VII development comes to an end.. - read more
6 Aug 2016: Troubled Heroes VII Expansion Release - read more
26 Apr 2016: Heroes VII XPack - Trial by Fire - Coming out in June! - read more
17 Apr 2016: Global Alternative Creatures MOD for H7 after 1.8 Patch! - read more
7 Mar 2016: Romero launches a Piano Sonata Album Kickstarter! - read more
19 Feb 2016: Heroes 5.5 RC6, Heroes VII patch 1.7 are out! - read more
13 Jan 2016: Horn of the Abyss 1.4 Available for Download! - read more
17 Dec 2015: Heroes 5.5 update, 1.6 out for H7 - read more
23 Nov 2015: H7 1.4 & 1.5 patches Released - read more
31 Oct 2015: First H7 patches are out, End of DoC development - read more
5 Oct 2016: Heroes VII development comes to an end.. - read more
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Heroes Community > Heroes 7 - Falcon's Last Flight > Thread: Limbic is gone - what will happen now?
Thread: Limbic is gone - what will happen now? This thread is 8 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
posted October 06, 2016 04:34 PM

It looks like there might be another patch; there is this nasty issue that all area buffs disappear after just one round of duration, and it would seem that this would be too serious a bug to leave in the game. Or so it might seem, since Ubimoshi is requesting save files, relating that they would investigate the issue.

One can only speculate at this stage, what they will break this time should they actually fix that.

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Supreme Hero
H7 Forever
posted October 06, 2016 04:54 PM

JollyJoker said:
It looks like there might be another patch; there is this nasty issue that all area buffs disappear after just one round of duration, and it would seem that this would be too serious a bug to leave in the game. Or so it might seem, since Ubimoshi is requesting save files, relating that they would investigate the issue.

One can only speculate at this stage, what they will break this time should they actually fix that.

I'm curious about it
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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted October 06, 2016 08:56 PM

JollyJoker said:
Or so it might seem, since Ubimoshi is requesting save files, relating that they would investigate the issue.

I think she's creating a gallery on their living room of a last glimpse of hope from their last hopeful victims, before vanishing into the void laughing in a maniacal sort of way. But I may be wrong.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted October 06, 2016 09:28 PM

airodinamic said:

Whats next? a new unpolished game from a small studio, maybe a remastered Heroes 5 for both PC and Tablets?

Actually I may buy this... but only for the sake of integrating with Heroes 5.5 and only if the remastered version is actually better than the current fan made remaster mod (by Xuxo).
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Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2016 09:55 PM

Guys, don't get hooked up on textures and franchises. All that matters is a good strategy game. I'm looking forward for that Faeria card game. There's an option in the game, buy all cards for 50 $. Maybe it'll be good.

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Legendary Hero
President of MM Wiki
posted October 06, 2016 09:59 PM

What's next is the Duel of Champions to play before the deadline runs out, in about three weeks.

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Adventuring Hero
posted October 06, 2016 10:11 PM

Oh, so I should've known that before even coming and registering on this community. I should've known it was pointless.
I am going to cry. All these good times I had, as a kid playing Heroes, I remember when I was 6 and my uncle gave me a copy of heroes, although I didn't know tactics it was fun to learn from my friends, and to compete in multiplayer. The basic rule in game making used to be quality over quantity. Classic games used to be fun, with next gen and games like heroes III it was a whole lot more fun, and now that they went even further, ruining the game, it's all F***ed.
We are all F***ed. I don't know, dude, come on, it's just awful. WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU EVEN WASTE YOUR TIME MAKING THIS GAME !? If they knew what was gonna happen, they should've made plans to increase their budget, like releasing updates to the previous games, they knew the community was still alive, and then when they got enough, they might make polls and such. Well, so long, Heroes Saga. Funeral

*Note : Might and Magic 7 might've died, but Heroes Of Might and Magic 6 and 7 have not died they weren't even born yet.*

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Supreme Hero
posted October 06, 2016 10:12 PM

Lol. Picture the people that gave Ubisoft 300 + $ in that stupid card game, only to see it shut down. Don't give money to Ubisoft folk.

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Famous Hero
Warlord of the sea
posted October 06, 2016 10:17 PM

Know what wouldn't be too bad? The franchise getting sold to Sega, who then would put amplitude studios on the task of developing the game. Then we atleast knows it's in the hands of good developers, though probably would have lots of DLCs.
Still better than Ubisoft.

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Legendary Hero
Celestial Heavens Mascot
posted October 06, 2016 10:20 PM

Even my mother would be better than Ubisoft. Hope she doesn't mind the comparison.
"Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster."
GlaDOS – Portal 2

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Adventuring Hero
posted October 06, 2016 10:24 PM

PandaTar said:
Even my mother would be better than Ubisoft

Wait, wait, wait. You are a panda. Then your mother is a panda ? O_o

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Legendary Hero
Highly illogical
posted October 06, 2016 11:23 PM

We can only hope...
It is with a heavy heart that I must announce that the cis are at it again.

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Known Hero
posted October 06, 2016 11:52 PM

This was the last Might&Magic game for desktop systems in a foreseeable future.
The best thing we may count on is a mobile game similar to the Clash of Heroes.
Ubi won't sell rights to the franchise especially under a threat of takeover.
And I assure you that takeover won't happen. Ubisoft is staying strong and the whole game industry and community including media is on their side.

The show is over. Turn of the lights.
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Supreme Hero
posted October 07, 2016 01:21 AM
Edited by Kayna at 01:32, 07 Oct 2016.

3lion said:

The best thing we may count on is a mobile game similar to the Clash of Heroes.

"We"? I'm not counting on anything lol. What do you think this is, a Heroes forum? This is a heroes bug forum and a political discussion forum.

3lion said:

And I assure you that takeover won't happen. Ubisoft is staying strong and the whole game industry and community including media is on their side.

The whole community, the whole game industry and the whole media is on Ubisoft's side? lol! Damn bro, you livin' inna bubble! I want Ubisoft to be taken over. The more hostile the better! It's because the Heroes franchise cannot get any lower, so with Vivendi in power, it can only be equally snowty or slightly better.

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Known Hero
posted October 07, 2016 02:16 AM

Kayna said:
I want Ubisoft to be taken over.

Okay. Not the whole community but the whole community except those seven guys from HC. Aaand maybe this guy next door, his aunt Emma and her pet.
Creature Scale mod (patch 2.2.1 compatible)

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted October 07, 2016 10:44 AM

3lion said:
Okay. Not the whole community but the whole community except those seven guys from HC. Aaand maybe this guy next door, his aunt Emma and her pet.

that's not really true to be honest, where do you frequent, because if you look around many of the relevant gaming forums and comment sections you'll see a lot of ambivalent people and people openly welcoming Vivendi as much as we do in this place lol

don't be fooled by Ubisoft's simpleton propaganda, it's toothless, if the takeover fails it will be down to the shareholders not some fanboy bloggers and cyber commenters lol

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted October 07, 2016 10:59 AM
Edited by NimoStar at 11:05, 07 Oct 2016.

This is a thread on a developer's forum where most people trash ubisoft even for Heroes 6.
The thread and reading about Heroes VI combat system actually made me believe it is mostly a decent and interesting game, in combat at least, and it was Ubi simplification, DRM and always-online requirements that trashed it (ok, and on a lesser note also the spider and dark elf crap, which is also Ubi)

Also, the dishonest practices or Ubisoft are notorious on the gaming community - for example search the scandals of their "downgraded" games, when they cut the graphics of the PC games to par them down with the console versions.

Also many of the bigger Ubisoft franchises are getting frozen and it seems HOMM is only one more of them.

So, the tides aren't turning precisely on it's favor;
And although I know not enough about Vivendi,
Ubisoft seems to be practically as bad as EA in terms of a game publisher - that seemingly does not even develop their own games and has predatory practices that abuse and blame developers for their corporate failures.

As such it is tempting to say:
"I, for one, welcome our new Vivendi overlords"

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 07, 2016 11:27 AM

I tend to disagree with this.

Black Hole used an engine for H6 that wasn't really that usable for the purpose of an HoMM game, and so, even though it was BH's own engine the game suffered from a virtual ton of bugs which becomes obvious when you have a look at the patchlogs.
Also, it was Black Hole's ambition to "fine-tune balancing", resulting in (overstated) abilities like, adding 2.53%. Clicking at any time during combat on any stack to take a look at what you would actually deal with, would result in a mind-boggling line of icons for a ton of abilities, modifiers and statusses, so that there was basically no easy way to see whether the combat results were as they were supposed to be or not; even the hero stats were no linear thing, but followed complex percentage curves.
In combat, the game was playing you, not you playing the game.

Limbic, on the other hand, used a well-documented, tried engine for the game - and managed to introduce new bugs with each patch, even though, there are comparatively few modifiers and abilities AND everything has become linear as a lesson learned from 6.

So, sorry when I don't agree with the story of the poor developers here. No matter, how the games actually play and look, the games both are technically, err, unsound, so the games mever really left beta state, and that's due to the developers.

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Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted October 07, 2016 12:13 PM

are you trying to rebut that Black Hole guy's specific statements mate lol

fair enough, we hashed that out many times and I don't think any of us ever fully believe him anyway, but that's not the bigger picture point here, at the end of the day, Ubisoft chose the developers lol

what you see is a what you get, you made your bed you better lie in it, you choose your leaders and place your trust as the lies wash you down and the promises rust,
going underground, going underground, yadda yadda yadda ya let the boys all sing, ,

invest a budget, spend more, review your lieutenants, hire better or more appropriate developers if you want to avoid that, it's not like one couldn't see these failures and abortions coming a mile away from Black Hole and Limbic, two mediocre to bad work for hire studios which never developed a TBS in their lives lol

what the developers did or didn't do is a microcosm of the main problem, all responsibilities and blame of their brand ultimately and inexcusably trace back to Ubisoft and Yves, from employing and retaining a woefully retarded, unqualified and self-absorbed internal staff at Team Erwin, to the cheap and incompetent mercenary devs, to the bad budgets, the misreading of the market, the anticonsumer DRM, the pathetic blame games themselves and all the rest lol

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Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted October 07, 2016 12:15 PM
Edited by NimoStar at 12:23, 07 Oct 2016.

Black hole bugs were inevitable for a small company with given not enough time or resources to try the game.

Also, it was Black Hole's ambition to "fine-tune balancing", resulting in (overstated) abilities like, adding 2.53%. Clicking at any time during combat on any stack to take a look at what you would actually deal with, would result in a mind-boggling line of icons for a ton of abilities, modifiers and statusses, so that there was basically no easy way to see whether the combat results were as they were supposed to be or not; even the hero stats were no linear thing, but followed complex percentage curves.

First off, I like some complexity for my combats, and linear abilities are often unbalanced, has H5 and H6 showed, having both too weak and too strong skills. The H6 line of design was a step up from this, not down. Heroes 3 combat you cannot say it was simple, many creatures had undocumented abilities that did not even show on their (extremely short and vague) descriptions. It also had unknown equations for determining combat boost from Creature specialties, and also spell effects, and many other things... (you would never know without visiting some obscure online resource that Fire magic does not actually increase the damage progression of fire spells, but just a fixed base damage amount; but it's not the same with Sacrifice - see this equation/description for example: "Target, non-undead troop is sacrificed (destroyed). Then another target dead troop has ((power + destroyed troop's base health + 3) x # of creatures sacrificed) in health total of creatures returned to life. "
So the complex calculations and abilities were there, simply they were never displayed to you, which should be considered worse.
Sacrifice Spell
Fine tuning balance is considered an art and is used in lots of games which are considered online sports, such as Starcraft, MOBA's, etc. "pwetty round numbers" don't make a game better than good mechanics.

Limbic, on the other hand, used a well-documented, tried engine for the game - and managed to introduce new bugs with each patch, even though, there are comparatively few modifiers and abilities AND everything has become linear as a lesson learned from 6.

this is simply untrue.
The Unread engine is not designed for Turn-Based-Strategy (it was actually originally for FPS), so I don't see why you think it's "tried and true". For the matter, Heroes VII had (and still has) way more and worse bugs than Heroes VI ever had (not counting Conflux and Laptop problems) - is less optimized, and even has worse graphics.

The bugs were inevitable due to the adopting of an engine that was never intended for the purpose of the game.
Look at Heroes 1-4 ... barely received any support and still almost to never crash or have game-breaking bugs. And this was before pervasive internet updates, patching and player feedback.
The choice of half-baked mechanics, erratic game design direction, and, in the last installment, non-dedicated engines is to blame; not specifically game developer companies which may have given all they could and that would have still never been good enough to fix a base that should have never been broken. You cannot build anything on shaky foundations, everything will crumble.

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