Thread: My Ultimate Might and Magic Heroes VIII Idea | |

Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted August 16, 2017 02:34 PM |
bonus applied by kiryu133 on 21 Aug 2017. |
My Ultimate Might and Magic Heroes VIII Idea
Main changes from Might and Magic Heroes VI/VII
My proposal for Might and Magic: Heroes VIII is one of a nostalgic and yet evolutionary nature. It will be very different from Heroes VI and Heroes VII though, drawing inspiration from the first five games of the series. Other features are as follows:
• It will be set in a completely new world different from Ashan, a world called Elladarian
• There will be eight factions, which will be of a very familiar nature
• Each town has seven levels of creatures with one upgrade, like in Heroes III. The three levels of Core, Elite and Champion are reverted back to the 7 levels of Heroes III and Heroes V.
• Each town has only one hero type instead of two
• A Hero can learn 6 secondary skills, one skill unique to the hero’s faction and five from a choice of 11 skills. Each secondary skill is split into two or three tertiary skills.
• When a hero levels up, s/he gets a primary skill increase, a choice of secondary skill or a tertiary skill choice
• There are five magic schools: Light Magic, Enchantment, Dark Magic, Summoning Magic and Nature Magic
• Light Magic specialises in Blessings and Healing
• Enchantment specialises in mind-affecting spells and magic damage
• Summoning Magic specialises in summoning and illusions
• Dark magic specialises in curses and poisoning
• Nature magic specialises in spells that are based on the forces of nature as well as some adventure spells
• Battlefield will be like in Heroes V and VI, and the movement will be like in those games as well
• Morale and Luck will be like as in Heroes V
• There will be good, neutral and evil races
• The resources will be like in Heroes I to V
• There are substantial cultural themes within each town type (e.g. Haven will be based on Renaissance Europe)
The Story
In the year 1680 A.T (After the Tempest), the king of the Royal Kingdom of Morodin, Leopold Wingsteed, was assassinated by one of his aides, thus sparking a crisis regarding the Pegasus throne. After the other aides reprimanded the assassin and beheaded him for regicide, it turned out during his confession that the assassin entered a pact with Leopold’s exiled brother, Jonathan. Jonathan was banished from Morodin a long time ago for refusing to swear oath to Leopold and has been spending his time covertly trying to usurp the Pegasus throne ever since. Now with King Leopold dead, the fight for the throne commences, between the factions that support Jonathan and the factions who rally behind Leopold’s legitimate heir, Prince Edmund Wingsteed. And the fight for succession to the throne begins, with Edmund determined to hold off his uncle’s rebellion once and for all. Compounding the problems for both sides, however, are the neutral factions who are trying to ward off both factions in order to protect their lives.
The Skills
There will be 11 secondary skills, five martial skills and six magical skills in this game. Each hero class also starts with a secondary skill that is unique to their class as well. The 11 secondary skills have two or three tertiary skills related to them as well, and a hero can learn two tertiary skills with each secondary skill. The 11 secondary skills are as follows:
• Leadership – This increases the morale of the hero’s army.
o Basic – +1 to army’s morale
o Advanced – +2 to army’s morale
o Expert – +3 to army’s morale
• Luck – This increases the luck of the hero’s army.
o Basic – +1 to army’s luck
o Advanced – +2 to army’s luck
o Expert – +3 to army’s luck
• Warfare – This increases the experience gained by the hero after battles or visiting experience gaining sites/treasure chests.
o Basic – 10% more experience gained
o Advanced – 15% more experience gained
o Expert – 20% more experience gained
• Ballistics – This increases the accuracy of the catapult during a siege and increases the number of shots at higher levels.
o Basic – Player takes control of catapult and fires one shot with increased accuracy
o Advanced – Same as basic, but with two shots
o Expert – Same as Advanced, but with maximum accuracy except against gate or towers
• Logistics – This increases the land movement of the hero.
o Basic – 10% more land movement
o Advanced – 20% more land movement
o Expert – 30% more land movement
• Sorcery – This increases the damage of offensive spells cast by the hero.
o Basic – 10% more damage
o Advanced – 15% more damage
o Expert – 20% more damage
• Light Magic – Allows the hero to learn Light Magic Spells above level 2
o Basic – Hero can learn level 3 Light Spells
o Advanced – Hero can learn level 4 Light Spells
o Expert – Hero can learn level 5 Light Spells
• Enchantment – Allows the hero to learn Enchantment Spells above level 2
o Basic – Hero can learn level 3 Enchantment Spells
o Advanced – Hero can learn level 4 Enchantment Spells
o Expert – Hero can learn level 5 Enchantment Spells
• Dark Magic – Allows the hero to learn Dark Magic Spells above level 2
o Basic – Hero can learn level 3 Dark Spells
o Advanced – Hero can learn level 4 Dark Spells
o Expert – Hero can learn level 5 Dark Spells
• Summoning – Allows the hero to learn Summoning Spells above level 2
o Basic – Hero can learn level 3 Summoning Spells
o Advanced – Hero can learn level 4 Summoning Spells
o Expert – Hero can learn level 5 Summoning Spells
• Nature Magic – Allows the hero to learn Nature Magic Spells above level 2
o Basic – Hero can learn level 3 Nature Magic Spells
o Advanced – Hero can learn level 4 Nature Magic Spells
o Expert – Hero can learn level 5 Nature Magic Spells
Each Secondary skill also has two or three Tertiary skills associated with them. Learning the respective secondary skill allows the hero to also learn the associated tertiary skills as well. If there are three tertiary skills associated, the hero can learn two of the three. The tertiary skills are as follows:
• Diplomacy – Tertiary skill associated with Leadership.
Allows the hero to negotiate with weaker neutral creature stacks for a fee and reduces the cost of surrendering
o Basic – 25% of creatures will join for a fee. Cost of surrendering reduced by 30%
o Advanced – 50% of creatures will join for a fee. Cost of surrendering reduced by 50%
o Expert – All creatures will join for a fee. Cost of surrendering reduced by 70%
• Estates – Tertiary skill associated with Leadership. Allows the hero to generate a small amount of gold each day
o Basic – Hero generates 125 gold/day
o Advanced – Hero generates 250 gold/day
o Expert – Hero generates 500 gold/day
• Tactics – Tertiary skill associated with Leadership. Allows the hero to rearrange his/er armies before the start of battle in a given area
o Basic – Hero can rearrange the army within a 3-square radius
o Advanced – Hero can rearrange the army within a 5-square radius
o Expert – Hero can rearrange the army within a 7-square radius
• Arcane Luck – Tertiary skill associated with Luck. Allows the hero to roll luck on casting an offensive spell, dealing double damage
o Basic – 10% chance of dealing double damage with offensive spell
o Advanced – 20% chance of dealing double damage with offensive spell
o Expert – 30% chance of dealing double damage with offensive spell
• Resistance – Tertiary skill associated with Luck. Allows the hero’s army to resist a hostile spell casted by the enemy hero
o Basic – 10% chance to resist enemy spell
o Advanced – 15% chance to resist enemy spell
o Expert – 20% chance to resist enemy spell
• Spoils of War – Tertiary skill associated with Luck. Allows the hero to collect resources from slain enemies after a victorious battle
o Basic – 5% of total enemy armies XP is collected in gold
o Advanced – 10% of enemy armies XP is collected in gold, in addition, 2-5 each of wood and ore is also collected
o Expert – 20% of enemy armies XP is collected in gold, in addition, 2-5 each of wood, ore and one rare resource is also collected
• Offense – Tertiary skill associated with Warfare. Allows the hero’s army to deal more damage in melee combat
o Basic – 10% more melee damage
o Advanced – 20% more melee damage
o Expert – 30% more melee damage
• Armorer – Tertiary skill associated with Warfare. Allows the hero’s army to resist more damage in combat against both melee and ranged attacks
o Basic – 10% less damage
o Advanced – 15% less damage
o Expert – 20% less damage
• Archery – Tertiary skill associated with Warfare. Allows the hero’s ranged units to deal more damage in ranged combat
o Basic – 10% more ranged damage
o Advanced – 25% more ranged damage
o Expert – 50% more ranged damage
• Artillery – Tertiary skill associated with Ballistics. Allows the hero to take control of the ballista and deal increased damage
o Basic – Player takes control of Ballista and Ballista’s shot ignores 40% of enemy’s defense
o Advanced – Same as Basic, but with 2 shots
o Expert – Same as Advanced, but Ballista now ignores 80% of enemy’s defense
• First Aid – Tertiary skill associated with Ballistics. Allows the hero to take control of the first aid tent and heal his/er army more efficiently
o Basic – Player takes control of First Aid Tent and can heal up to 50 health on a friendly stack. Also removes negative spell effects on the army stack as well
o Advanced – Hero can now heal up to 100 health on a friendly stack
o Expert – Hero can now heal up to 200 health on a friendly stack
• Siege Defense – Tertiary skill associated with Ballistics. Allows the hero to take control of castle towers when defending against a siege and deal increased damage to enemy stacks
o Basic – Player takes control of castle towers and towers deal 10% more damage to enemy stacks
o Advanced – Castle towers now deal 20% more damage to enemy stacks
o Expert – Castle towers now deal 30% more damage to enemy stacks
• Pathfinding – Tertiary skill associated with Logistics. Reduces the penalty for rough terrain when the hero travels on them
o Basic – 25% less movement penalty on rough terrain
o Advanced – 50% less movement penalty on rough terrain
o Expert – Complete elimination of movement penalty on rough terrain
• Navigation – Tertiary skill associated with Logistics. Increases the hero’s movement on water and protects hero’s army from whirlpools
o Basic – 50% more water movement, whirlpool damage reduced by 25%
o Advanced – 100% more water movement, whirlpool damage reduced by 50%
o Expert – 150% more water movement, whirlpool damage nullified
• Scouting – Tertiary skill associated with Logistics. Increases the hero’s viewing radius and can detect numbers in enemy stacks as well as the behaviour of neutral creatures in higher levels
o Basic – Viewing radius increased by 1 tile, hero can see exact numbers inside creature banks and caches and can see if they are already explored or not
o Advanced – Viewing radius increased by 2 tiles, hero can also see exact numbers in enemy armies and neutral stacks
o Expert – Viewing radius increased by 3 tiles, hero can also see the likely behaviour of neutral stacks when encountering them
• Intelligence – Tertiary skill associated with Sorcery. Increases the hero’s maximum mana
o Basic – Maximum mana increased by 25%
o Advanced – Maximum mana increased by 50%
o Expert – Maximum mana increased by 100%
• Scholar – Tertiary skill associated with Sorcery. Allows trading of spells between heroes provided the right magic skills are learned
o Basic – Allows trading of level 1 and 2 spells between heroes
o Advanced – Allows trading of level 3 spells between heroes
o Expert – Allows trading of level 4 spells between heroes, hero can also learn all level 3 spells as well
• Negate Resistance – Tertiary skill associated with Sorcery. Hero can deal extra damage to magically resistant units and negates enemy magic resistance. Units with magic immunity are not affected, however
o Basic – Hero deals 25% more damage to magically resistant units
o Advanced – Hero deals 50% more damage to magically resistant units
o Expert – Hero deals 100% more damage to magically resistant units
• Spirituality – Tertiary skill associated with Light Magic. Increases effectiveness of status Light Magic Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for status Light Magic Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for status Light Magic Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for status Light Magic Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Retribution – Tertiary skill associated with Light Magic. Increases effectiveness of offensive Light Magic Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for offensive Light Magic Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for offensive Light Magic Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for offensive Light Magic Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Charms - Tertiary skill associated with Enchantment. Increases effectiveness of status Enchantment Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for status Enchantment Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for status Enchantment Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for status Enchantment Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Bewitchment - Tertiary skill associated with Enchantment. Increases effectiveness of offensive Enchantment Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for offensive Enchantment Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for offensive Enchantment Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for offensive Enchantment Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Occultism - Tertiary skill associated with Dark Magic. Increases effectiveness of status Dark Magic Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for status Dark Magic Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for status Dark Magic Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for status Dark Magic Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Voodoo - Tertiary skill associated with Dark Magic. Increases effectiveness of offensive Dark Magic Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for offensive Dark Magic Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for offensive Dark Magic Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for offensive Dark Magic Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Conjuration - Tertiary skill associated with Summoning Magic. Increases effectiveness of illusionary Summoning Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for illusionary Summoning Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for illusionary Summoning Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for illusionary Summoning Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Demonology - Tertiary skill associated with Summoning. Increases effectiveness of offensive Summoning Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for offensive Summoning Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for offensive Summoning Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for offensive Summoning Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Herbalism - Tertiary skill associated with Nature Magic. Increases effectiveness of status Nature Magic Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for status Nature Magic Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for status Nature Magic Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for status Nature Magic Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
• Invocation - Tertiary skill associated with Nature Magic. Increases effectiveness of offensive Nature Magic Spells and reduces the mana needed to cast them
o Basic – Mana cost for offensive Nature Magic Spells reduced by 1
o Advanced – Mana cost for offensive Nature Magic Spells reduced by 2 and effectiveness of spells increased by 25%
o Expert – Mana cost for offensive Nature Magic Spells reduced by 3 and effectiveness of spells increased by 50%
In addition, each hero class has its own unique secondary skill that they learn. Unlike the other secondary skills, these unique skills have 4 levels as opposed to 3 with a higher level called Ultimate. The unique skills are as follows:
• Training – Unique Knight’s skill. The Knight can train his/er units more efficiently than other hero classes. As a result, the knight can upgrade creatures at a cheaper price than normal
o Basic – Cost of creature upgrading reduced by 20% Upgraded creatures can be bought for a reduced price in parallel to the upgrade cost over the basic unit
o Advanced – Cost of creature upgrading reduced by 30%
o Expert – Cost of creature upgrading reduced by 50%
o Ultimate – Cost of creature upgrading reduced by 75%
• Avenger – Unique Druid’s skill. The Druid’s knowledge of the woods and guerrilla warfare allows him/er to better study the nature of his enemy’s weak points, allowing his units to deal critical damage on a more regular basis on enemies that s/he has faced before
o Basic – Hero has an avenger list of 3 favoured enemy creatures. When facing these creatures, hero’s army has a 40% chance of dealing double damage to these stacks. Hero must kill at least 2 weekly base populations of creatures to be able to place them on favoured enemy list. In addition, this attack cannot be blocked
o Advanced – Same as Basic, but avenger list increased to 4 creatures and now has a 50% chance of dealing double damage to favoured enemy stacks
o Expert – Same as Advanced, but avenger list increased to 5 creatures and now has a 60% chance of dealing double damage to favoured enemy stacks
o Ultimate – Same as Expert, but avenger list increased to 6 creatures and now has a 70% chance of dealing double damage to favoured enemy stacks
• Artificer – Unique Wizard’s skill. The wizard, through his/er use of alchemy, can create artifacts for his/er armies, giving them increased benefits and abilities in battle. Artifacts come in the following flavours: Offense, Defense, Critical Strike and Vitality
o Basic – Hero can create artifacts for Level 1 and 2 creatures to improve their battle abilities
o Advanced – Same as Basic, but artifacts can be created for Level 3 and 4 creatures
o Expert – Same as Advanced, but artifacts can be created for Level 5 and 6 creatures
o Ultimate – Same as Expert, but artifacts can be created for Level 7 creatures
• Gating – Unique Heretic’s skill. The Heretic can call upon the forces of Hell to summon Inferno creatures into his army every day of the week, making his/er army grow with each passing day. The Heretic can choose which creature type to summon from the gates of Hell as well
o Basic – Heretic can summon 10 HP + 1HP/level of the Heretic’s worth of Imps, Familliars, Hell Hounds or Cerberi into army each day
o Advanced – Same as Basic, but Heretic can now summon 20 HP + 2HP/level of the Heretic’s worth of Imps, Familiars, Hell Hounds or Cerberi into army each day
o Expert – Same as Advanced, but Heretic can now summon 30 HP + 3HP/level of the Heretic’s worth of Minions, Maniacs, Succubi, or Succubus Queens into army each day
o Ultimate – Same as Expert, but Heretic can now summon 40 HP + 4HP/level of the Heretic’s worth of Breeders, Mother Breeders, Pit Fiends or Pit Lords into army each day
• Necromancy – Unique Necromancer’s skill. The Necromancer, through studying this dark art, can raise a certain amount of dead creatures as undead after a victorious battle. Only one kind of creature can be raised per combat, and no more than one undead creature per casualty can be raised as undead per combat
o Basic – Necromancer can raise up to 10% of enemy dead as skeletons after a victorious battle. Undead, golem or elemental creatures cannot be raised. Maximum total health of raised creatures is 50 HP + 5HP x Necromancer’s level
o Advanced – Necromancer can raise 20% of enemy dead as skeletons or ghosts after a victorious battle. Only Level 3 or higher-level creatures can be raised as ghosts. Undead, golem or elemental creatures cannot be raised. Maximum total health of raised creatures is 75 HP + 7 HP x Necromancer’s level
o Expert – Necromancer can raise 30% of enemy dead as skeletons, ghosts or liches. Only Level 6 or 7 creatures can be raised as liches. Undead, golem or elemental creatures cannot be raised. Maximum total health of raised creatures is 100 HP + 10 HP x Necromancer’s level
o Ultimate – Necromancer can raise 40% of enemy dead as skeletons, ghosts or liches. In addition, necromancer can also raise enemy dragons as undead dragons. Undead, golem or elemental creatures cannot be raised. Maximum total health of raised creatures is 150 HP + 15 HP x Necromancer’s level
• Elemental Vision – Unique Warlock’s skill. The warlock can master the power of the elements better than any other hero class and can muster that power to give their armies to potentially unleash devastating elemental damage to their enemies on the battlefield in addition to their normal damage. The elemental damage type (air, water, earth or fire) is selected at random
o Basic – Warlock can imbue one of his/er units to deal extra elemental damage in addition to their normal damage per combat. The elemental damage is 10% of the average damage range for that stack
o Advanced – Warlock can imbue one of his/er units to deal extra elemental damage in addition to their normal damage per combat. The elemental damage is 20% of the average damage range for that stack
o Expert – Warlock can imbue one of his/er units to deal extra elemental damage in addition to their normal damage per combat. The elemental damage is 30% of the average damage range for that stack
o Ultimate – Warlock can imbue two of his/er units to deal extra elemental damage in addition to their normal damage per combat. The elemental damage is 30% of the average damage range for that stack
• Blood Rage – Unique Barbarian’s skill. The Barbarian is unmatched in physical combat and can work up his/er troops into a battle frenzy by making them even more pumped up for battle through their Blood Rage ability, giving them extra aggressiveness in the battlefield
o Basic – All Stronghold troops start with Level 1 Rage
o Advanced – All Stronghold troops start with Level 2 Rage
o Expert – All Stronghold troops start with Level 3 Rage
o Ultimate – All Stronghold troops start with Level 4 Rage
• How Blood Rage Works – The Barbarian’s skill of Blood Rage is radically different from the other hero classes’ unique skills in that it higher levels can be achieved during the course of battle and how it is utilised in combat. A Stronghold creature stack can achieve a higher level of rage when it hits a certain number of rage points. The following table shows the level of Blood Rage and the number of rage points needed to obtain it.
Level Rage Points Needed Stat Improvements
1 0 None
2 50 +10% Attack and +10% Damage
3 125 +20% Attack and + 20% Damage
4 225 +30% Attack and + 30% Damage
5 350 +50% Attack and + 50% Damage
6 500 +75% Attack and +75% Damage
7 700 Double Attack and Damage
The number of rage points earned or lost is mentioned in the next table.
Action Rage Points Earned
Moving 2 per tile
Attacking creature from lower tier 10% of Creature XP killed
Attacking creature from higher tier 30% of Creature XP killed
Attacking creature from same tier 20% of Creature XP killed
Casting a spell 25
Waiting -20
Defending -30
Taking attack from lower or -10% of Blood Rage in stack lost
equal tier creature
Taking attack from -5% of Blood Rage in stack lost
higher tier creature
• Scavenger – Unique Beastmaster’s skill. Being more resourceful than the other heroes, the Beastmaster has the ability to search for resources from the most unlikely of resources such as shrines, trees of knowledge or even in the middle of the road. This gives them a certain advantage over the other factions in resources
o Basic – Beastmaster has a 20% chance to find 100 – 500 gold or 1 -2 wood/ore when visiting shrines, experience gaining sites, quest huts, external creature dwellings or primary skill advancing sites
o Advanced – Beastmaster has a 30% chance to find 200 – 1000 gold, 2-4 wood/ore or 1-2 rare resource when visiting shrines, experience gaining sites, quest huts, external creature dwellings or primary skill advancing sites
o Expert – Beastmaster has a 45% chance to find 300 – 1500 gold, 3-6 wood/ore or 2-3 rare resource when visiting shrines, experience gaining sites, quest huts, external creature dwellings or primary skill advancing sites
o Ultimate – Beastmaster has a 60% chance to find 400 – 2000 gold, 4-8 wood/ore or 2-4 rare resource when visiting shrines, experience gaining sites, quest huts, external creature dwellings or primary skill advancing sites
These are the skills in my proposed MMH8 idea. The creature lineups will be in a future post.
No one knows my true nature here...

Undefeatable Hero
posted August 16, 2017 07:57 PM |
Edited by Stevie at 19:59, 16 Aug 2017.
I'll just limit my reply to this since it's about the game's key features and concepts, the skills are a bit lengthy and detailed so I won't go there.
Damacon_Ace said: • It will be set in a completely new world different from Ashan, a world called Elladarian
• There will be eight factions, which will be of a very familiar nature
• Each town has seven levels of creatures with one upgrade, like in Heroes III. The three levels of Core, Elite and Champion are reverted back to the 7 levels of Heroes III and Heroes V.
• Each town has only one hero type instead of two
• A Hero can learn 6 secondary skills, one skill unique to the hero’s faction and five from a choice of 11 skills. Each secondary skill is split into two or three tertiary skills.
• When a hero levels up, s/he gets a primary skill increase, a choice of secondary skill or a tertiary skill choice
• There are five magic schools: Light Magic, Enchantment, Dark Magic, Summoning Magic and Nature Magic
• Light Magic specialises in Blessings and Healing
• Enchantment specialises in mind-affecting spells and magic damage
• Summoning Magic specialises in summoning and illusions
• Dark magic specialises in curses and poisoning
• Nature magic specialises in spells that are based on the forces of nature as well as some adventure spells
• Battlefield will be like in Heroes V and VI, and the movement will be like in those games as well
• Morale and Luck will be like as in Heroes V
• There will be good, neutral and evil races
• The resources will be like in Heroes I to V
• There are substantial cultural themes within each town type (e.g. Haven will be based on Renaissance Europe)
1. I agree with ditching Ashan, at this point it doesn't even matter if it's good or bad, it's at the very least unpopular and that alone should signal change.
2. A line-up of 7 creatures per town is in my opinion insufficient. The old model was good 15-20 years ago. Nowadays it's all about strategic choice, so the more options the better. In my guide, I argued for 10 creatures as the base minimum for any town, all recruitable but with only a number of them filling an army. It's not going overboard, but it's a great start at that level of strategy.
3. One type of hero is fine, but you would want some class development there as well. The skills you chose influencing that could be an idea.
4. I can understand you're taking Heroes 5 as the base model for a lot of concepts, which is fine as I consider it the pinnacle of gameplay the franchise had. Except for magic. 5 schools with a specific each is one-dimensional. Instead, I'd prefer if there were 5 schools that each emphasized different styles of play, for more variety. That's to say that not every summoning spell is in a Summoning school, instead you could have various summon spells in each of them, a Guardian of Justice for Light and a Grim Reaper for Dark for example.
5. Battlefields need a chance in my opinion. Hexes are preferable to squares. Also different sizes, objects, elevation could be added. In fact, this is one area that could be improved so much that every battle could feel unique and immersive.
6. Morale and luck working after Heroes 5 also means that you're thinking that there will be ATB initiative, something I am very fond of. For me there's no going back to the old system after that.
7. I'm okay with good, neutral and evil races. Also okay with the 7 resources.
8. Thematic approach is something I'm an advocate of, as opposed to the racial one.
It makes me a bit happy to see that there still are people excited for a good Heroes game and making threads like these to propose ideas and mechanics. I wish though that the times weren't as they are, but more hopeful and for good reason. Sadly the interest is dwindling. But from me you have a handshake and congratulations for your effort here, keeps the passion alive for the few of us remaining.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Famous Hero
DoR Dev Team
posted August 16, 2017 09:54 PM |
Battlemaster could be renamed to Warfare.
Divination and Astrology renamed to Charms and Bewitchment (Divination and Astrology are more related to future-seeing, Charms and Bewitchment are more related to Enchantments).

Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted August 17, 2017 06:14 AM |
Lord_Immortal said: Battlemaster could be renamed to Warfare.
Divination and Astrology renamed to Charms and Bewitchment (Divination and Astrology are more related to future-seeing, Charms and Bewitchment are more related to Enchantments).
Added your name changes to the proposal Lord Immortal.
Now I'll show the factions that form the Good Side, the Haven, the Rampart and the Academy.
• Motto: “For Honour, Order, Duty and Goodwill”
• Country/Empire: The Royal Kingdom of Morodin
• Associated Colours: Blue and Yellow
• Core Philosophy: Law, Order and Honesty
• Worship: Yalath, the God of Light and his angelic servants
• Key Symbols: The Pegasus and the Eternal Sun
• Main Magic Schools: Light and Enchantment
• Siege Weapon: Trebuchet
A feudal-Renaissance Empire, the Haven is one of the most prominent forces in the realms of Elladrian. Through their worship of Yalath, the God of Light, the Royal Kingdom of Morodin is dedicated to spreading their worship
Haven Creatures
Haven Creatures are largely based on men-at-arms from Medieval and Renaissance Europe. While men-at-arms make up the bulk of the Haven armies, they are also augmented by the Pegasus, the emblem of the Haven, and the Archon, the holy servants of Yalath. Haven Creatures are balanced in all aspects and can be augmented greatly in battle through Light Magic, both from heroes and holy warriors like Priestesses.
Royal Sentinel (Level 1)
The basic foot soldier for the kingdom of Morodin, these halberd-armed soldiers form the core of Morodin’s armies. Charging into battle carrying their halberds, these soldiers, while slow, have decent combat ratings for a base creature. In addition, they are immune to the jousting damage of some cavalry units, furthering their longevity in battle.
Ability: Resist Jousting
This unit negates jousting damage from enemy units possessing this ability such as Royal Riders and Dark Raiders
Royal Guardian (Level 1 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Royal Sentinel also allows them to have a chance to deal a critical strike to their opponents.
Ability: Critical Strike
This unit has a 20% chance to deal a critical strike (double damage) to an opponent on the battlefield during combat
Archer (Level 2)
The ranks of the Haven army are largely populated by these longbow armed soldiers. Although weak and easily killed, they are quite numerous and can shoot their targets from a great distance. In addition, they are armed with daggers for hand-to-hand combat should the situation arise.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Marksman (Level 2 Upgrade)
The Marksman can shoot two shots in the same time it takes normal archers to shoot one.
Ability: Double Shot
This unit can shoot two projectiles per turn
Page (Level 3)
When Morodin calls for a strong defensive formation to absorb attacks from hostile armies, it calls on its pages. Armed with swords and shields, these soldiers can protect their fellow men while using their shields to potentially protect nearby forces from being badly damaged by oncoming ranged attack.
Ability: Large Shield
This unit carries a large shield and takes only half damage from non-magical ranged attack. In addition, adjacent units also benefit from this reduction
Squire (Level 3 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Page, the Squire can also use their shields to block any physical attack that is aimed at them.
Ability: Block Attack
This unit has a chance to block physical damage aimed at them, dealing no damage. There is a 50% chance that this will happen. There can be a maximum of three consecutive hits at any time, of which the next attack is a block, or three consecutive blocks, of which the next attack is a hit. Units with the Unblockable attack do not count in this system
Pegasus (Level 4)
The mascot and emblem of the kingdom of Morodin, these winged equines are a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. They attack their enemies by flying towards their target and pummel them with their hard hooves. In addition, their magical aura on the battlefield forces the opposing hero to spend more mana on casting their spells.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over obstacles and walls on the battlefield
Ability: Magic Dampener
This unit forces the opposing hero to spend 20% more mana on casting spells
Silver Pegasus (Level 4 Upgrade)
The Silver Pegasus is not only tougher, but it can also remove all negative spell effects from a suffering ally.
Ability: Heal Other
This unit can remove all negative spell effects from the affected friendly stack
Priestess (Level 5)
The holy orders of Morodin are not exactly complete pacifists. These sisters who are devout to the worship of Yalath are in fact competent warriors that can shoot holy energy blasts from their crosses. Also, they are uniquely resistant to dark magic spells and can cast an array of holy spells from their books.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability.
Ability: Resist Dark
This unit has a 30% chance to resist Dark Spells outright and takes half damage from offensive Dark Spells
Ability: Spell caster
This unit can cast the following spells: Bless, Cure, and Haste
High Priestess (Level 5)
High Priestesses, who are more zealous than their regular counterparts are also able to deal full damage in melee combat.
Ability: Normal Melee
This unit deals full damage against an adjacent opponent
Royal Rider (Level 6)
When Morodin calls for fast, yet powerful striking power, they call for these horse-mounted Royal Rider cavalry regiments to the battlefield. These cavalry units can charge at the enemy dealing extra damage depending on the distance they charge at their enemy.
Ability: Jousting
This unit deals an extra 5% damage per tile moved when attacking the enemy
Royal Champion (Level 6 Upgrade)
Royal Champions, the upgrade of Royal Riders, can charge further and attack so overwhelmingly that the enemy is less able to defend against their attacks.
Ability: Reduce Enemy Defense
This unit ignores 20% of their enemy target’s defense when attacking
Archon (Level 7)
These holy servants of Yalath are often called by the kingdom of Morodin to assist them on the battlefield in times when victory is needed. Possessing mighty valor and prowess, these celestial beings lift up their compatriots’ spirits when in battle.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over obstacles and walls on the battlefield
Ability: Courage
The presence of these creatures gives +1 morale to all friendly units on the battlefield
Seraph (Level 7 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Archon, the Seraph is also brave enough to withstand all forms of fear and can also resurrect fallen comrades back to life.
Ability: Fearless
This unit is immune to all forms of fear
Ability: Resurrection
Once per combat, this unit can resurrect fallen enemies to life
• Motto: “We dance to the Rhythm of Our World”
• Country/Empire: The Eternal Kingdom of Terrakin
• Associated Colours: Green and Brown
• Core Philosophy: Balance, Harmony and Compassion
• Worship: Garya, the Earth Goddess and the sacred tree Nuyi
• Key Symbols: The Unicorn and the Tree of Life
• Main Magic Schools: Nature and Light
• Siege Weapon: Twin Catapult
A nature-loving kingdom, the elven lands of Terrakin are a peaceful yet determined and strong force in Elladrian. Their determination to preserve nature and live in harmony with it is emphasised through their worship of the sacred tree Nuyi.
Rampart Creatures
Rampart Creatures are largely based on typical Elven/Magic Forest creatures and units. The Elven fighters are augmented by various “Magic Forest” type creatures such as the unicorn, the emblem of Terrakin as well as the dryads and satyrs. Rampart creatures tend to be faster than most armies, but are not as durable. Light and Nature magic can augment a Rampart army very effectively.
Pixie (Level 1)
These little gals are not to be underestimated. Although small and delicate, these pixies come in large numbers and attack so quickly that the enemy can neither retaliate nor block these attacks.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over obstacles and walls on the battlefield
Ability: No Enemy Retaliation
When this unit attacks, the enemy cannot retaliate
Ability: Unblockable Attack
The attack of this unit cannot be blocked
Dryad (Level 1 Upgrade)
The Dryad, the upgrade to the Pixie, will always feel lucky on the battlefield no matter what happens around her.
Ability: Lucky
This unit always has positive luck (i.e. their luck rating cannot go below 1)
Centaur (Level 2)
These half-human, half-horse warriors make their homes in the many forests of Terrakin. Armed with scimitars on both hands, these centaurs charge at the enemy ranks in the battlefield. In addition, they have a chance to resist dark spells cast at them.
Ability: Resist Dark
This unit has a 30% chance to resist Dark Spells outright and takes half damage from offensive Dark Spells
Centaur Captain (Level 2 Upgrade)
The Centaur Captain also gains the ability to deal a critical strike to their opponents.
Ability: Critical Strike
This unit has a 20% chance to deal a critical strike (double damage) to an opponent on the battlefield during combat
Hunter (Level 3)
The main battling force for the Eternal Kingdom of Terrakin, these elven archers use compound bows that deal incredibly accurate damage at their target. In addition, they are able to deal two shots in the time most others take to shoot one, also that their shots catch the target off guard, so their ranged attacks cannot be blocked in this sense. If the need arises, they have daggers for melee combat.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Double Shot
This unit can shoot two projectiles per turn
Ability: Ranged Unblockable Attack
The ranged attack of this unit cannot be blocked
Ranger (Level 3 Upgrade)
The ranger, the hunter upgrade, knows their enemy’s weak spots well enough so that their ranged attacks ignore a sizeable portion of their enemy’s defense when shooting.
Ability: Reduce Enemy Defense
This unit ignores 25% of their enemy target’s defense when using their ranged attack
Satyr (Level 4)
These half-man, half-goat beings may look friendly and harmless but they are a in fact a menace on the battlefield. Quite tough for a mid-level unit, these Satyrs kick their opponents with their hooves on the battlefield and are incredibly resistant to magical attacks as well. They can also boost the morale of an allied stack as well.
Ability: 50% Magic Proof
This unit only takes half-damage from offensive spells
Ability: Courage of the Satyr
This unit can boost the morale of an allied unit by 2 twice per combat
Elite Satyr (Level 4 Upgrade)
The Elite Satyr also has the ability to resurrect fallen pixies back into the battlefield for a second chance at life.
Ability: Resurrect Pixie
Once per combat, this unit can raise fallen pixies and dryads back to life. Number of resurrected pixies is equivalent to 3 x number of Elite Satyrs
Earth Sister (Level 5)
These beautiful elven ladies are not to be messed or played with. Their zeal to defend Terrakin through the worship of Garya, they shoot nature-charged energy blasts from their staves. Should the situation arise, their staves can also whack adjacent enemies if needed. They are also equipped with spellbooks that can cast an array of Nature spells.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Spell Caster
This unit can cast the following: Lightning Bolt, Wasp Swarm and Nature’s Strength
Sorceress (Level 5 Upgrade)
The Sorceress, the upgrade to the Earth Sister, is tougher and their staves can also deal full damage to adjacent enemies.
Ability: Normal Melee
This unit deals full damage against an adjacent opponent
Unicorn (Level 6)
These prissy-looking equines are not to be laughed at on the battlefield. They have a powerful aura around them that makes adjacent allies able to resist magic at times. They can also temporarily blind their targets, making them helpless against attacks.
Ability: Blinding Attack
This unit has a 20% chance to cast Blind on an enemy stack, making them unable to move or attack unless attacked. The deactivating attack is not retaliated against
Ability: Aura of Resistance
Allied units adjacent to this unit have a 20% chance to resist enemy magic outright
Golden Unicorn (Level 6)
This upgrade to the unicorn is not only tougher, but it is also immune to all forms of elemental magic.
Ability: Elemental Immunity
This unit is immune to “elemental-based” spells, namely fire, ice, earth and lightning-based spells
Pixie Dragon (Level 7)
These large, purple dragons make their home in the many forests of Terrakin. A powerful force on the battlefield, these dragons simply toast their opponents with their acidic dragon breath. In addition, they are immune to all forms of elemental magic
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Elemental Immunity
This unit is immune to “elemental-based” spells, namely fire, ice, earth and lightning-based spells
Ability: Breath Attack
This unit’s attack affects 2 spaces and therefore can attack up to two enemies at once
Faerie Dragon (Level 7 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Pixie Dragon also gains the ability to emit scalding acids, that deal additional damage as well as the ability to lower their defense
Ability: Scalding Acid
This unit’s attack emits scalding acids that deal 10 damage per unit to targets, plus it also reduces their defense by 2
• Motto: “Knowledge is Power”
• Country/Empire: The Kingdom of Neferti-Set
• Associated Colours: Purple and Saffron
• Core Philosophy: Knowledge, Humility and Wisdom
• Worship: Multiple Gods including Sekhet, the Goddess of Knowledge and Ptorah, the God of War
• Key Symbols: The Ankh and the Eye of Knowledge
• Main magic schools: Enchantment and Summoning
• Siege Weapon: Bombard Cannon
A vast desert empire, Neferti-Set is a theocracy ruled by a council of scholarly mages who rule the empire through the worship and guidance of many gods, the three most notable being Sekhet, the Goddess of Knowledge, Ptorah, the God of War and Anakis, the God of the Dead.
Academy Creatures
Academy Creatures consist largely of the mages’ apprentices and various magical races loyal to Neferti-Set. Such races include the Gremlins, Sphinxes and Titans. The kingdom of Neferti-Set also employ various creatures, such as the Griffin, and magical creations such as the Golem. Academy Creatures are quite powerful but are few in number. The main magic schools, Enchantment and Summoning, help out the army even more.
Gremlin (Level 1)
These midget-like beings serve Neferti-Set with no exception. They are weak, but numerous and willing. Armed with sling and stone, they hurl stones at their opponents with their slings. They are also armed with daggers should the situation arise for that.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Gremlin Saboteur (Level 1 Upgrade)
Gremlins who master the art of sabotage are known as Gremlin Saboteurs. They possess the ability to disable an enemy war machine, making it inoperable.
Additional Ability: Sabotage
This unit can disable an enemy war machine for every turn per 100 gremlin saboteurs
Salamander (Level 2)
Neferti-Set employs these lizard beings to fight for their cause. These lizards crawl into battle and attack with their sharp fangs. If the Salamander successfully kills a target, they gain the courage to attack again.
Ability: Cleave
If this unit successfully kills a unit on first attack, they perform another attack
Fire Salamander (Level 2 Upgrade)
Fire Salamanders, as their name implies, have a fiery aura around them that makes them immune to all fire-based spells and effects
Ability: Fire Immunity
This unit is immune to all fire-based spells and effects (except Armageddon)
Stone Golem (Level 3)
The workers of Neferti-Set built these magically animated statues, called Golems, for use as tanks in battle. While slow, they are durable and pack a punch, and also boot magical resistance into the mix, making them ideal damage soakers.
Ability: 50% Magic Proof
This unit only takes half-damage from offensive spells
Ability: Mechanical
This unit is immune to mind spells, poison and plague
Bronze Golem (Level 3 Upgrade)
The Bronze Golem is animated to be a tireless fighter capable of retaliating against any attack that is dished upon them.
Ability: Unlimited Retaliation
This unit retaliates against all attacks except those with the No Enemy Retaliation ability
Apprentice (Level 4)
Apprentice magi, under the tuition of the wizard leaders of Neferti-Set, prove their loyalty to the kingdom by fighting on the battlefield for their cause. Magi shoot deadly blasts from their staves, which also deal full damage should an enemy become adjacent.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Normal Melee
This unit deals full damage against an adjacent opponent
Disciple (Level 4 Upgrade)
The Disciple, a more trained and experienced apprentice, also has a wide variety of spells to cast from in addition to his normal attack.
Ability: Spell Caster
This unit can cast the following spells: Bless, Precision and Magic Arrow
Griffin (Level 5)
The wizards of Neferti-Set breed and train these magnificent beasts to be powerful and fierce warriors for their cause. Griffins fly around the battlefield and attack with their sharp beaks and claws. Their attacks are so swift that they catch the enemy off guard, making them unable to block. In addition, they retaliate against any number of attacks thrown at them with ease
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Unblockable Attack
The attack of this unit cannot be blocked
Ability: Unlimited Retaliation
This unit retaliates against all attacks except those with the No Enemy Retaliation ability
Imperial Griffin (Level 5 Upgrade)
Imperial Griffins are trained even harder by the wizards so that they can master the Battle Dive attack that can deal tremendous damage to anyone unfortunate enough to stand in their path.
Ability: Battle Dive
This unit can perform a Battle Dive attack. On the first turn, it flies up in the sky, making them immune to any attack. On the second turn, it swoops down on the target square and deals double damage to any unit in the target square before landing nearby
Sphinx (Level 6)
Sphinxes are half-man, half-lion beasts that act as the guardians of the kingdom of Neferti-Set as well as the bodyguards of the council. These sphinxes attack with a powerful magical breath that deals tremendous damage in an arc that can kill multiple adjacent enemies at once. The Sphinx can also become more offensive through activating their Battle Roar ability.
Ability: Battle Roar
When this unit activates the Battle Roar ability, its attack is doubled and intiative goes up by 2, at the expense of defense, which is halved
Criosphinx (Level 6 Upgrade)
The Criosphinx is able to perform a spinning attack that can hit all adjacent enemies that stand in its way.
Ability: Spinning Combo Attack
This unit spins around while attacking in a 360-degree circle, hitting all adjacent enemies at once but still suffers retaliation from the target stack.
Colossus (Level 7)
These hulking giants are employed by the council of Neferti-Set as the ultimate guardians – and also the ultimate warriors of the kingdom. These giants, known as Colossi, deal massive damage with their powerful kicks. In addition, they are also immune to lightning attacks and mind spells.
Ability: Immune to Lightning
This unit is immune to lightning-based attacks
Ability: Own Will
This unit is immune to all mind affecting spells and abilities
Titan (Level 7 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Colossus, the Titan is able to shoot lightning from its enchanted hands and can still deal full melee damage with their kicks. In addition, they can bestow the power of lightning to an allied stack allowing them to do lightning damage for a period of time.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Normal Melee
This unit deals full damage against an adjacent opponent
Ability: Bestow Lightning
This unit, once per combat, can bestow a friendly stack to deal lightning damage in addition to their normal attack. Damage is 10 lighting damage per titan in addition to normal unit damage for 3 turns
I was hoping to have illustrations of the creatures, but that would make my post way too large. Next post here will be of the three factions of the Evil Side.
No one knows my true nature here...

Undefeatable Hero
Altar Dweller
posted August 17, 2017 10:11 AM |
Oh, a new proposal =)
Well, here is what I think about the stuff.
• It will be set in a completely new world different from Ashan, a world called Elladarian
• There will be eight factions, which will be of a very familiar nature
• Each town has seven levels of creatures with one upgrade, like in Heroes III. The three levels of Core, Elite and Champion are reverted back to the 7 levels of Heroes III and Heroes V.
• Each town has only one hero type instead of two
• A Hero can learn 6 secondary skills, one skill unique to the hero’s faction and five from a choice of 11 skills. Each secondary skill is split into two or three tertiary skills.
• When a hero levels up, s/he gets a primary skill increase, a choice of secondary skill or a tertiary skill choice
• There are five magic schools: Light Magic, Enchantment, Dark Magic, Summoning Magic and Nature Magic
• Light Magic specialises in Blessings and Healing
• Enchantment specialises in mind-affecting spells and magic damage
• Summoning Magic specialises in summoning and illusions
• Dark magic specialises in curses and poisoning
• Nature magic specialises in spells that are based on the forces of nature as well as some adventure spells
• Battlefield will be like in Heroes V and VI, and the movement will be like in those games as well
• Morale and Luck will be like as in Heroes V
• There will be good, neutral and evil races
• The resources will be like in Heroes I to V
• There are substantial cultural themes within each town type (e.g. Haven will be based on Renaissance Europe)
• Dithcing Ashan is great - and also a necessity. One can only hope developers take this notion some time.
• 8 Factions are the Standard...and to me, they are a bit few, but that's personal. Well, 8s enough...but barely. I agree with stevie that the lineup system could be improved. 7 creatures, one upgrade each, that's the classic - which is, by now, ancient and, to be honest, a bit boring.
• I prefer two heroes / faction, but it's ok 
• The skill system...well the basics sound a bit boring, I'll comment on details later. (Note here: I prefer to have a lot of options)
• The Magic system...I agree with stevie again...can work, but I also dislike schools being restricted to one type of effects.
• on the basics of the "races" (And I hope this term does not mean it's 1-race-factions only): the cultural theme sounds reasonable, as does good, evil, neutral
• the other stuff I like 
The Story
...frankly, that story, in the overview, sounds a bit...boring?! I mean, I don't want to be rude, but in its basic it is REALLY standard - which, btw. is okay. I don't think it is necessary for an HoMM game to have an innovative storyline. But I have to say that so far, it is really standard, and a standard that was used several times in the series.
The Skills
I, for one, WILL go into detailed comments here. Before I do that, though: I'd advise you to put the Tertiaries to the Skill, makes it easier to associate (for me, at least). An example could be
• Leadership – This increases the morale of the hero’s army.
o Basic – +1 to army’s morale
o Advanced – +2 to army’s morale
o Expert – +3 to army’s morale
• Diplomacy – Allows the hero to negotiate with weaker neutral creature stacks for a fee and reduces the cost of surrendering
o Basic – 25% of creatures will join for a fee. Cost of surrendering reduced by 30%
o Advanced – 50% of creatures will join for a fee. Cost of surrendering reduced by 50%
o Expert – All creatures will join for a fee. Cost of surrendering reduced by 70%
• Estates – Allows the hero to generate a small amount of gold each day
o Basic – Hero generates 125 gold/day
o Advanced – Hero generates 250 gold/day
o Expert – Hero generates 500 gold/day
• Tactics – Allows the hero to rearrange his/er armies before the start of battle in a given area
o Basic – Hero can rearrange the army within a 3-square radius
o Advanced – Hero can rearrange the army within a 5-square radius
o Expert – Hero can rearrange the army within a 7-square radius
That said I also am uncertain if I like the tertiaries having levels, but it certainly boosts up the system a bit.
Now details...for the basic skills, I honestly cannot say much. They are, again, very standard. Which, for the main skills, definitely is ok. But I am a bit disappointed that NOTHING stands out as innovative there.
And unfortunately, it's the same with the tertiaries...and here I do find it a bit sad, because...well it's mostly chances and stat boosts. The spell tertiaries are all the same, which cuts away true specification that could have been done here.
The class skills now...well, no creativity eaither, as far as I can tell, they're just the H5 ones...and I'd really have expected something different here. Class skills have SO much room for creativity, after all. The Scavenger skill is ok, but not outstanding.
btw, don't the class skills have tertiaries?
On to everybodys favorite part - the faction.
I like the change from griffin to pegasus...but sadly, that's teh only change. I can understand that, though, altering haven is oft very tough - especially if you go for the "human empire that worships light" way. The abilities are few, but solid.
Also a very classical lineup. Not too many elves, which I like I like your centaur version as well. Satyrs in lv 4 is interesting. ...not that great imo is, that Earth sister seems too similar to the haven caster, especially with their upgrades giving the same benefit. On the whole, I like the general approach and especially the resistance-focus. In my eyes, this faction should get a different racial/class skill than avenging, which does not fit it that much, imo. (something more related to magic or nature maybe?!)
The gryffin with academy, that is interesting. Overall this lineup is a tiny bit less standard, and I like it a bit more than the two before. A thing I do not like so much is the sphinx abilities (why does a sphinx have a spinning attack?) and that gameplaywise, the units seem a bit unconnected to me.
Well, that's it from me so far. I hope I was not too harsh. Quite some of it is definitely personal taste. But I have to say so far this feels a lot like H5 remade with gameplay borrowing from H3 and Story from H2. Still I want to encourage you to go on, and I'd like to see how the rest of your factions look.

Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted August 18, 2017 03:13 AM |
Now to the evil factions...
• Motto: “Do what thou desire, without guilt”
• Country/Empire: The lower empire of Acheron
• Associated Colours: Red and Black
• Core Philosophy: Destruction, Domination and Chaos
• Worship: Diablo-il-zar, the Arch Demon and his fallen angels
• Key Symbols: The Devil’s Circle and the ever-burning Stone of Chaos
• Main magic schools: Dark and Summoning
• Siege weapon: Flaming catapult
The deep depths of the lower empire of Acheron is the one of the most prominent and the most feared evil realms in Elladrian. It is the place where the demonic forces who bow to their diabolical deity Diablo-il-zar seek to bring anarchy and destruction to the lands of Elladrian.
Inferno Creatures
The creatures of the Inferno are drawn from the classic “hell” creatures such as imps, demons, and succubi. Besides these traditional demons, Acheron also employs creatures born of the lava pits of Acheron such as Cerberi and Breeders. Inferno creatures are weak statistically but they are numerous and possess several abilities to offset this handicap. Dark and Summoning magic are key to the survival of this insidious faction.
All Inferno creatures possess the following ability:
Ability: Demonic
All Inferno creatures are Demonic, which means they are immune to fire spells (except Armageddon) and abilities. However, they are vulnerable to spells like Holy Word
Imp (Level 1)
These little diabolical beings are one of the weakest units, but they are numerous. They can also siphon mana from enemy heroes.
Ability: Siphon Mana
Unit can siphon 1 mana per 5 units from enemy hero
Familiar (Level 1 Upgrade)
The Familiar also possess the ability to channel some of the mana they siphoned from the enemy hero into their master’s mana pool.
Additional Ability: Channel Mana
Half the mana siphoned from the enemy hero is delivered to the friendly hero
Hell Hound (Level 2)
These vicious dogs from the depths of Acheron attack with their sharp jaws. While they are weaker than their other towns’ counterparts, they more than make up with their speed and numbers, evening the playfield.
Cerberus (Level 2 Upgrade)
The three-headed Cerberus is a much more menacing battler than their Hell Hound counterparts. Able to attack up to three adjacent enemies at once, they also suffer no enemy retaliation when attacking.
Ability: Tri-Attack
Unit’s attack affects the three squares in front of it, allowing it to attack up to three targets at once
Ability: No Enemy Retaliation
When this unit attacks, the enemy cannot retaliate
Minion (Level 3)
These demons act as the main grunts of the armies of Acheron. Welding into battle carrying pitchforks, these demons are permanently under the influence of Bloodlust, increasing their offense.
Ability: Bloodlust
This unit is permanently under the influence of the Bloodlust spell
Maniac (Level 3 Upgrade)
The Maniac, the upgrade of the Minion, is even more battle-thirsty to the extent that they deliver two attacks in the same time it takes Minions to do one.
Ability: Double Attack
This unit attacks twice per turn, with retaliation in between
Succubus (Level 4)
These female demons are not to be underestimated. Succubi fly around the battlefield and attack with their cat-o-nine-tails that deal appreciable damage. Their attack is swift enough to catch the opponent off guard, making their attack unblockable.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Unblockable Attack
The attack of this unit cannot be blocked
Succubus Queen (Level 4 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Succubus also enables them to drain life from living creatures, potentially allowing them to resurrect their fallen comrades in battle.
Ability: Vampirism
This unit can drain life from living creatures, allowing them to heal themselves and even resurrect their fallen comrades in battle
Breeder (Level 5)
These grotesque beings, born of the fiery depths of the lower realms of Acheron, attack their opponents by shooting flaming flesh at their opponents. In melee combat, they deal normal damage by whacking them with their many tentacles.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Normal Melee
This unit deals full damage against an adjacent opponent
Mother Breeder (Level 5 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Breeder allows them to shoot larger flaming flesh that deals area damage.
Ability: Area Attack
This unit’s ranged attack deals damage in a 3 x 3 area. It will affect allies as well as enemies
Pit Fiend (Level 6)
These elite demons of Acheron can either use their large blades to attack or cast a wide array of spells from afar to torment and humiliate their opponents. In addition, they are resistant to Light magic spells cast at them. When they feel the need to do so, they can sacrifice some minions or maniacs in the hero’s army to regain health and mana.
Ability: Spell Caster
This unit can cast the following spells: Firewall, Fire Ball and Blind
Ability: Resist Light
This unit has a 30% chance to resist Light Spells outright and takes half damage from offensive Light spells
Ability: Sacrifice Minion
This unit can sacrifice a number of minions or maniacs in the army to regain health and restore mana. Number of health gained is equivalent to health of minions and maniacs sacrificed. Each sacrificed minion or maniac gives back 3 mana
Pit Lord (Level 6 Upgrade)
The Pit Lord, the upgrade to the Pit Fiend, can also deal fire damage in addition to their normal damage.
Ability: Flame Strike
This unit deals fire damage in addition to their normal damage during combat
Balrog (Level 7)
The most powerful creatures from Acheron, these Balrogs can teleport their way around the battlefield and attack with their giant axes from Hell. Their attack is so overwhelming that they cannot be retaliated against. In addition, their will to serve Acheron is so strong that their minds cannot be altered by any spell.
Ability: Teleport
This unit can teleport around the battlefield, ignoring obstacles
Ability: No enemy retaliation
When this unit attacks, the enemy cannot retaliate
Ability: Own Will
This unit is immune to all mind affecting spells and abilities
Arch Demon (Level 7 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Balrog, the Arch Demon’s attack also has the ability to resurrect a fallen stack as Minions once per battle.
Ability: Raise Minion
This unit can raise Minions from a fallen stack once per battle. Total Health of Minions raised cannot exceed total health of fallen stack raised. Maximum number of Minions is 2.2 per Arch Demon.
• Motto: “Exist in Shadow, strike fear with zeal”
• Country/Empire: The empire of Ys-Imagol
• Associated Colours: Magenta and Silver
• Core Philosophy: Sabotage, Domination and Fear
• Worship: Sinlar, the Dark Goddess of the Underworld
• Key Symbols: The Dragon’s Head and the Cursed Amethyst
• Main magic Schools: Dark and Nature
• Siege Weapon: Stone-throwing Dragon
The dark empire of Ys-Imagol is made up of several confederations of Dark Elves that live in a society similar to those found in organised crime gangs. Although each confederation runs in autonomy of each other, they all unite under the same worship of their Dark Goddess Sinlar and her representative, the Dark Empress of Ys-Imagol.
Dungeon Creatures
Dungeon Creatues consist of Dark Elven warriors and mages drawn from the many confederations of Ys-Imagol, along with their loyal minions that consist of diabolical creatures like minotaurs, hydras and dragons. Dungeon creatures are very powerful and durable, but are few in number. Dark and Nature magic help the Dungeon armies massively with a vast array of curses and destructive spells.
Giant Bat (Level 1)
These giant bats dwell in caves around Ys-Imagol. These bats possess great speed and attack with their sharp fangs. In addition, they cannot be blinded.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Immune to Blind
This unit is immune to the Blind Spell
Vampire Bat (Level 1 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Giant Bat, the Vampire Bat possess sharper fangs and a more accurate attack that has a chance to cripple its target, reducing their speed.
Ability: Crippling Wound
This unit has a 25% chance to cripple their opponent, making their speed and initiative reduced by 25%
Rogue (Level 2)
These dark elven grunts of Ys-Imagol are armed with crossbows for ranged attack and are also armed with large daggers for melee combat. Unlike most archers, Rogues are skilled enough with their dagger to cast full damage hand-to-hand.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Normal Melee
This unit deals full damage against an adjacent opponent
Assassin (Level 2 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Rogue, the Assassin is skilled with his crossbow to the extent that his shots are especially deadly at close range.
Ability: Precise Shot
When performing a ranged attack at a target three tiles or less from it, the attack deals double damage
Blood Maiden (Level 3 Walker)
Ys-Imagol employs many confederations to fill its ranks. In one confederation, known as the Sisterhood of the Blood, members known as Blood Maidens charge into battle armed with hand claws that deal decent damage against an opponent. They are fleet-footed in that they return to their original position after performing an attack. In addition, they catch the enemy off guard, so their attack cannot be blocked.
Ability: Strike and Return
This unit returns to its original position after performing an attack, unless impeded by Bind
Ability: Unblockable Attack
The attack of this unit cannot be blocked
Blood Fury (Level 3 Upgrade)
Blood Furies are the more powerful and more expertly-trained versions of the Blood Maidens. They attack with such overwhelming force that the enemy can neither block nor retaliate from their attack.
Ability: No Enemy Retaliation
When this unit attacks, the enemy cannot retaliate
Minotaur (Level 4)
These half-bull, half-man monsters work around Ys-Imagol largely as Security forces and they are largely responsible for the muscle and enforcement of the kingdom. In battle, they are armed with massive axes that deal strong damage and are always filled with courage.
Ability: Bravery
This unit always has positive morale (i.e. its morale is never lower than 1)
Minotaur Guard (Level 4 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Minotaur, the Minotaur Guard can also use his large axe to potentially block any physical attack that is aimed at them.
Ability: Block Attack
This unit has a chance to block physical damage aimed at them, dealing no damage. There is a 50% chance that this will happen. There can be a maximum of three consecutive hits at any time, of which the next attack is a block, or three consecutive blocks, of which the next attack is a hit. Units with the Unblockable attack do not count in this system
Shadow Witch (Level 5)
These fanatical women both serve the empire of Ys-Imagol and the Dark Goddess Sinlar with great zeal. Blessed by the Goddess Sinlar, they shoot dark energy from their hands. If the need for hand-to-hand combat arises, they deal full damage with their whips. In addition, their presence also reduces the mana needed to cast spells.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Normal Melee
This unit deals full damage against an adjacent opponent
Ability: Preserve Mana
This presence of this unit reduces the spell cost of the hero and any friendly spell caster creatures by 2 (minimum cost 1)
Shadow Matriarch (Level 5 Upgrade)
The more elite form of the Shadow Witch, the Shadow Matriarch also gains the ability to dispel any beneficial spells on their target
Ability: Dispel Blessing
This unit’s attack can dispel any beneficial spell on the target they hit
Hydra (Level 6)
These multi-headed monstrosities serve Ys-Imagol with great zeal and often serve as the executioners of the empire (execution by devouring by monster is not a pleasant experience!) These monsters known as Hydras plod into the battlefield and attack with their heads. Their attacks attack all adjacent enemies and no retaliation is possible.
Ability: Multi-attack
This unit’s attack affects all adjacent enemies
Ability: No enemy retaliation
When this unit attacks, the enemy cannot retaliate
Chaotic Hydra (Level 6 Upgrade)
The even more fearsome Chaotic Hydra also gains the ability to intimidate any opponent adjacent to it, lowering their attacking ability.
Ability: Aura of Intimidation
This unit reduces the attack of any adjacent unit by 3. Units with the Fearless ability are not affected
Red Dragon (Level 7)
These grand beasts are the pride and joy of the empire of Ys-Imagol. Known as Red Dragons, these beasts fly around the battlefield incinerating anything that gets in their way with their flame breath. In addition, they are immune to all forms of fear.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Breath Attack
When this unit attacks, it also attacks the unit behind the target unit, allowing it to attack 2 enemies at once
Ability: Fearless
This unit is immune to all forms of fear
Black Dragon (Level 7 Upgrade)
Black Dragons, even more powerful than Red Dragons, are also immune to all forms of magic, making them ideal for the deadly Armageddon attack.
Ability: Magical Immunity
This unit is immune to all forms of magic
• Motto: “Harmony and order upon the beauty of Death”
• Country/Empire: The Dark Kingdom of Moralya
• Associated Colours: Black and Turquoise
• Core Philosophy: Terror, Death and Devastation
• Worship: Isyulg, the Eternal Dragon of the Dead
• Key Symbols: The Spider and the Crystal Skull
• Main Magic Schools: Enchantment and Dark
• Siege Weapon: Bone Catapult
A dark and eerie realm of the undead, the Kingdom of Moralya is a desolate, barren and eternally dark place where the various races of the undead make their place at home away from the living beings that they resent. Here, they seek to drain the life out of the living and expand their army of undead in the hope of uniting Elladrian under one big undead empire.
Necropolis Creatures
True to form, the Necropolis Creatures consist of undead favourites such as skeletons, ghosts, liches and vampires. However they also employ undead versions of creatures such as wolves and dragons to augment their forces. Necropolis Creatures are weak statistically in the lower levels but strong in the upper levels and can be forever boosted by the powers of Necromancy. Dark and Enchantment magic also assist in the endeavours of the undead.
All Necropolis Creatures possess the following ability:
Ability: Undead
This unit is undead, and therefore unaffected by morale, Bless, Curse, and abilities that only affect living creatures.
Skeleton (Level 1)
These animated bones serve as the foot soldiers of the expanding armies of Moralya. Known as skeletons, they are armed with a javelin to attack their target and potentially turn them into loyal members of Moralya as fellow skeletons. In addition, their skeletal ability makes them more resistant to ranged attack.
Ability: Skeletal
This unit is skeletal, making ranged attacks only deal half damage against them
Skeleton Javelineer (Level 1 Upgrade)
Skeleton Javelineers, the upgrade to the Skeleton, can also throw their javelins at their enemies as a ranged attack.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Normal Melee
This unit deals full damage against an adjacent opponent
Fallen Wolf (Level 2)
The Necromancers of Moralya are known to capture and breed wolves and re-condition them to serve their kingdom by draining the life out of them, turning them into a zombified version of the lupine beast. These undead wolves, known as Fallen Wolves, attack with their sharp teeth, but unlike their living counterparts, are free from their instinct of attacking the nearest target they can find. They can weaken their opponents with their attack making them less battle-ready.
Ability: Weakening Strike
When this unit attacks, the target loses 25% of its attack. Multiple attacks will not weaken the unit further
Blood Wolf (Level 2 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Fallen Wolf, the Blood Wolf can cause an enemy stack to suffer from a disease when it attacks, reducing the enemy health by a sizeable amount.
Ability: Disease
This unit has a 20% chance to inflict disease on an enemy living stack. Diseased stacks lose 25% of their health, making them more vulnerable
Ghost (Level 3)
These spirits of the condemned are re-conditioned to serve the kingdom of Moralya. Flying around the battlefield, they are helped by their incorporeal ability, which allows them to potentially be unaffected by a physical attack aimed at them.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Incorporeal
There is a 50% chance that physical attacks may miss this unit. There can be a maximum of three consecutive hits at any time, of which the next attack is a miss, or three consecutive misses, of which the next attack is a hit
Wight (Level 3 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the ghost, the Wight also possess the ability to regenerate its health each turn, making it harder to kill.
Ability: Regeneration
This unit regenerates its health each turn in battle
Vampire (Level 4)
Vampires are elite soldiers of the undead kingdom of Moralya. Vampires fly around the battlefield and attack so overwhelmingly that the enemy cannot retaliate. In addition, they also drain life from living targets, healing themselves and even replenishing their numbers.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: No enemy retaliation
When this unit attacks, the enemy cannot retaliate
Ability: Vampirism
This unit can drain life from living creatures, allowing them to heal themselves and even resurrect their fallen comrades in battle
Vampire Count (Level 4 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Vampire, the Vampire Count, is also blessed with the ability to bestow their life-draining ability on a friendly stack, making them also able to replenish their numbers as well
Ability: Mark of the Vampire
Once per combat, this unit can bestow the Vampirism ability on a friendly stack, giving them the ability to drain life from living targets
Abomination (Level 5)
The Moralyan Necromancers are known to love experiments. One such experiment, the Abomination, consisting of a grotesque hybrid of creatures captured by the Necromancers and drained of life, is used extensively on the battlefield. The Abomination’s presence is intimidating to adjacent enemies to the extent that their morale suffers.
Ability: Aura of Sorrow
Living units adjacent to this unit have their morale reduced by 1
Frightening Abomination (Level 5 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Abomination, the Frightening Abomination also possesses the ability to curse their opponents with their attack.
Ability: Cursing Attack
This unit’s attack has a 30% chance to curse the target
Lich (Level 6)
Liches are fallen royalty or aristocracy resurrected as loyal undead followers of Moralya. Liches attack by shooting a death cloud that affects the target unit as well as any living adjacent unit within a 3 x 3 radius. If the need arises, they have daggers for hand-to-hand combat.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Death Cloud Attack
This unit’s attack not only deals damage at the target, but all adjacent living units also suffer from the attack
Power Lich (Level 6 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the lich, the Power Lich also gains the ability to cast a negative spell on the target when it uses its Death Cloud attack
Ability: Ranged Hexing Attack
This unit’s ranged attack may cast one of the following negative spell effects: Curse, Weakness, Vulnerability, Slow, Misfortune, or Sorrow
Undead Dragon (Level 7)
These undead versions of the fearsome Dragon are a menace on the Battlefield. Attacking with their sharp fangs, the Undead Dragon also gains the upper hand against armies that rely on Light magic as they are resistant against it. Their skeletal ability also protects them from deadly ranged attack
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Skeletal
This unit is skeletal, making ranged attacks only deal half damage against them
Ability: Resist Light
This unit has a 30% chance to resist Light Spells outright and takes half damage from offensive Light spells
Spectral Dragon (Level 7 Upgrade)
The Spectral Dragon, the upgrade to the Undead Dragon has an attack so intimidating that living units not only cannot retaliate against it, but flee from its presence if possible.
Ability: Fright
When this unit attacks living creatures, the creature loses its ability to retaliate and runs 3 tiles away from the unit if possible. Does not affect creatures with the Fearless ability
The two neutral factions will be described in my next post here.
Following that will be the Hero Classes, their specialties, and four possible classes for each hero type.
No one knows my true nature here...

Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted August 22, 2017 10:50 AM |
It's time for the two Neutral Town Factions, plus creatures that are not aligned with any town to be described.
The Neutral
There are two sides that comprise the neutrals that distrust both the good and evil sides: the Stronghold and the Bastion.
• Motto: “We fight for the survival of our way of life”
• Country/Empire: The great plains of Ul-Hakih
• Associated Colours: Yellow and Sanguine
• Core Philosophy: Might, War and Survival
• Worship: Multiple Nature Gods and Spirits
• Key Symbols: The Wolf and the Sacred Totem
• Main Magic Schools: None. Uses Warcries instead of magic
• Siege Weapon: Stone-throwing Cyclops
The vast, great plains of Ul-Hakih that cover a sizeable part of Elladrian are home to many tribes of Orcs, who live in harmony with the plains and commune with the nature around them and seek strength through nature worship and the art of war. Constantly at battle with each other, the tribes of Ul-Hakih are well trained for battles and fighting.
Stronghold Creatures
The plains of Ul-Hakih send their finest warriors to battle, these make up the bulk of the Stronghold Army. The various orc armies are augmented by beasts such as the wolf and the Wyvern. Stronghold Creatures tend to have poor armour and speed but a very high attack, making them ideal for quick battles. Instead of magic, the Stronghold armies rely on shamanistic warcries for enhancements on the battlefield.
All Stronghold creatures possess the following ability:
Ability: Raging Blood
This creature is able to invoke the Blood Rage ability, giving them greater Battlefield prowess
Goblin (Level 1)
The grunts of the armies of Ul-Hakih, Goblins are weak but numerous. When faced by an attack, however, Goblins don’t retaliate, instead they run away from the target if possible.
Ability: Cowardice
When attacked, this unit does not retaliate, but runs away from the attacker if possible (moves up to 5 tiles away)
Hobgoblin (Level 1 Upgrade)
The Hobgoblin, the upgrade to the Goblin is much braver in battle in that they don’t run away from the target when attack but instead retaliate against them like normal.
The Hobgoblin does not possess the Cowardice ability and has no other specials other than Raging Blood.
Wolf (Level 2)
These canine beings are trained by the orcs of Ul-Hakih to be fierce warriors, and they do show that by attacking with their sharp fangs in battle. Unfortunately for their trainers, the Wolf is too overwhelmed by its instinct to kill and maim an enemy to the extent that it will ignore commands from the leader and simply charge at first sight.
Ability: Berserk
This unit must attack or move to attack each turn. It cannot wait or defend. It is also immune to all forms of fear
Dire Wolf (Level 2 Upgrade)
The Dire Wolf is the upgrade to the Wolf, and is twice as offensive, being able to attack twice per round.
Ability: Double Attack
This unit attacks twice per turn, with retaliation in between
Blowgunner (Level 3)
Female orcs who choose to serve their tribes across Ul-Hakih are trained to attack from a distance. Armed with blowguns that shoot deadly bolts, these orcs are also armed with daggers for melee combat should the situation arise.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Master Blowgunner (Level 3 Upgrade)
These orc ladies who are even more skilled with their blowgun are known as Master Blowgunners. The Master Blowgunner can also potentially paralyse her target, making them miss a turn in combat
Ability: Paralysing Attack
This unit’s ranged attack can potentially paralyse their opponent, making them unable to move or retaliate for one turn
Harpy (Level 4)
Harpies are fearsome half-bird, half-woman beings that swoop around the battlefield attacking with their sharp claws. They are swift enough to be able to return to their original position after attacking.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Strike and Return
This unit returns to its original position after performing an attack, unless impeded by Bind
Fury (Level 4)
The upgrade to the Harpy, the Fury attacks so quickly and with much malice that their attacks cannot be retaliated against.
Ability: No Enemy Retalition
When this unit attacks, the enemy cannot retaliate
Shaman (Level 5)
These orcs serve as the spiritual and mystical forces of the armies of Ul-Hakih. They plod into the battlefield, attacking with their totemic sceptres. In addition, they can also cast an array of spells to help their allies in battle as well as being resistant to hostile magic.
Ability: 50% Magic Proof
This unit only takes half-damage from offensive spells
Ability: Spell Caster
This unit can cast the following spells: Nature’s Strength, Quicksand and Haste
Witch-Doctor (Level 5 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Shaman, the Witch-Doctor gains a sceptre that is so powerful that it has the potential to deliver a crushing blow, dealing additional damage.
Ability: Crushing Blow
This unit has a 30% chance to deliver a crushing blow, dealing 50% extra damage in addition to normal damage and reducing the target’s defense by 25%
Wyvern (Level 6)
These menacing dragon-like beasts fly around on the battlefield causing mayhem with their sharp fangs. Known as Wyverns, they are also known to feed on enemy corpses in the battlefield, regaining their fallen numbers in battle.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Devour Corpse
Once per battle, this unit can devour a dead stack, friendly or hostile, to replenish its health and even its numbers. Number of health replenished is equivalent to 25% of the dead stack’s health consumed
Foul Wyvern (Level 6 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Wyvern, the Foul Wyvern also gains the ability to poison the enemy stack, dealing extra damage to them.
Ability: Poison
When this unit attacks a living stack, it poisons them. The target suffers 3 x number of Wyverns in poison damage for 5 turns
Cyclops (Level 7)
These hulking one-eyed giant monstrosities are a feared menace on the battlefield and are the pride and joy of the armies of Ul-Hakih. Their presence drives fear through the enemy ranks, reducing their morale. Cyclopes attack with a powerful beam radiating from their blood-red eye, and attack so overwhelmingly that the target is less able to defend themselves from such attack.
Ability: Morale Breaker
This unit’s presence decreases morale of enemy living creatures by 1. Units with the Fearless ability are unaffected
Ability: Reduce Enemy Defense
This unit ignores 30% of their enemy target’s defense when attacking
Cyclops Elder (Level 7 Upgrade)
Cyclops Elders are a more powerful version of Cyclops that also gain the ability to attack castle walls and gates, allowing for faster access for the army to enter castle grounds.
Ability: Reduce Enemy Defense
This unit ignores 60% of their enemy target’s defense when attacking
Ability: Wall Smash
This unit can target castle walls, towers and gates, damaging them
• Motto: “We live in harmony through our worship”
• Country/Empire: The paradise of Hanaleia
• Associated Colours: Orange and Sap Green
• Core Philosophy: Harmony, Survival and Honour
• Worship: Various Gods including Palia, the Fire Goddess and Maua, the Sun God
• Key Symbols: The Basilisk and the Tiki Statue
• Main Magic Schools: Nature and Summoning
• Siege Weapon: Battering Ram
The forlorn swamps and lush exotic forests of Hanaleia are home to various gnoll and lizardman tribes that scatter throughout its lands. Through their worship of various gods including the fire Goddess Palia, these indigenous inhabitants of Hanaleia also consider warfare an art. This does not mean that they are pushovers. In fact, they are one of the most feared armies in all of Elladrian.
Bastion Creatures
Bastion creatures are largely drawn from the ranks of the gnoll and lizardmen tribes although various deadly creatures are also employed to their service, including the fearsome Basilisk. Unlike other factions, though, the Bastion does not employ a catapult but a battering ram that can be moved to any location on the battlefield and can attack a wall, a tower or the gate. The Ballistics Skill increases the effectiveness of the Battering Ram, on Expert Level, it can demolish the gate in one go. Bastion creatures are largely defensive but have many specials to weaken their opposition.
Marauder (Level 1)
These gnolls, known as Marauders, are the grunts of the armies of Hanaleia. Armed with spears, they are quite strong for a base level creature.
Tracker (Level 1 Upgrade)
Trackers, the upgraded form of the Marauder, know swamp terrains very well due to their uncanny knowledge of the nature and geography of Hanaleia that armies with trackers in them suffer no penalty when travelling through swamps.
Ability: Swamp Walkers
When an army has this unit in their ranks, they do not suffer terrain penalty when travelling through swamp
Serpent Fly (Level 2)
These large insects populate the jungles of Hanaleia widely. The Serpent Fly, as it is known, can dispel beneficial spells on any target that it strikes.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Dispel Blessing
This unit’s attack can dispel any beneficial spell on the target they hit
Dragon Fly (Level 2 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Serpent Fly, the Dragon Fly’s attack spits out a sticky web-like substance that binds their target in place. Binded enemies cannot move and retaliate at half-strength. The binding ends when the dragonfly moves or is killed.
Ability: Binding Attack
The attack of this unit binds the target in place, making them unable to move. Binded enemies retaliate at half-strength. The binding ends when this unit moves or gets killed
Lizardman (Level 3)
Lizardmen populate the jungles of Hanaleia. Armed with bows for ranged combat, their scaly skin also possesses the ability to resist damaging spells aimed at them. Should the need arise, they have small clubs for melee combat.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: 50% Magic Proof
This unit only takes half-damage from offensive spells
Lizard Warrior (Level 3 Upgrade)
The upgrade of the lizardman, the lizard warrior possesses arrows that can poison the target, making them a more formidable force on the battlefield.
Ability: Poison Arrow
When this unit’s ranged attack hits a living stack, it poisons them. The target suffers 1 x number of Lizard Warriors in poison damage for 5 turns
Spirit Maiden (Level 4)
These female gnolls devote their time to the worship of the Fire Goddess Palia. Called Spirit Maidens, they attack with energy rays from their wooden staves. They can also bless a fellow friendly stack during battle as well. Should the situation arise, they are armed with small clubs for melee combat.
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Bless
Three times per combat, this unit can cast Bless on a friendly target, maximising their damage
Spirit Mistress (Level 4 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Spirit Maiden, the Spirit Mistress’s attack is powerful enough to be able to attack two enemies at once, potentially dealing twice the damage.
Ability: Penetrating Attack
This unit’s ranged attack affects not only the target tile, but the tile behind it as well, potentially hitting two targets
Mana Warrior (Level 5)
These large gnolls devote their time to the honour of the various gods that Hanaleia worships. Bestowed by the Blessings of the Hanaleia gods, these gnolls can teleport around the battlefield and attack the opponent with massive clubs. In addition, friendly units adjacent to them are blessed with the ability to take less damage from hostile spells.
Ability: Teleport
This unit can teleport around the battlefield, ignoring obstacles
Ability: Aura of Magic Weakness
Friendly units adjacent to this unit take only half-damage from offensive spells
Mana Chieftain (Level 5 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Mana Warrior, the Mana Chieftain calls on the forces of the Hanaleia gods to punish the opposing army by reducing their luck in battle.
Ability: Unlucky Strike
This unit’s attack decreases the enemy target’s luck by 2
Basilisk (Level 6)
These giant lizards are tamed by the inhabitants of Hanaleia for both use as pets and as mighty warriors on the battlefield. When these lizards, known as Basilisks attack, they have the chance to petrify the enemy, turning them to stone.
Ability: Petrifying Attack
This unit has a 30% chance to petrify a target, turning them to stone. Petrified creatures cannot move or attack while in this state. They are unfrozen when attacked, but cannot retaliate on that attack. Petrification lasts for 3 turns
Greater Basilisk (Level 6 Upgrade)
Greater Basilisks are stronger and more menacing than regular Basilisks. Their petrification attack is strong enough to kill a creature outright should the petrification be activated.
Ability: Petrifying Death
This unit’s petrification attack immediately kills a creature outright when it is activated
Firebird (Level 7)
These large beautiful birds that inhabit the volcanoes of Hanaleia are deceptive. Although they look beautiful, they are very deadly on the battlefield. Known as Firebirds, they attack with their volcanic breath that can hit up to three adjacent enemies at once, tripling their offense. In addition, they are immune to all fire spells and abilities, including Armageddon.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Arc Breath Attack
This unit’s attack affects three adjacent tiles at once, potentially attacking up to three enemies at once
Ability: Advanced Fire Immunity
This unit is immune to all fire-based spells and effects, including Armageddon
Phoenix (Level 7 Upgrade)
The upgrade to the Firebird, the Phoenix can also re-incarnate itself from the ashes of its demise during combat, furthering their longevity in battle.
Ability: Rebirth
When this unit’s stack dies, 50% of its numbers are resurrected back into life, rounded down (minimum 1)
These creatures are not aligned to any town and most can be recruited from the adventure map. Some of these creatures can also be summoned through Summoning Magic.
Peasant (Level 1)
Peasants are numerous throughout the realm of Elladrian. Although weak and easily killed if recruited into battle, they are numerous and cheap. Their Taxpayer ability is also useful for any hero who wishes to buff up his/er economy too.
Ability: Taxpayer
This unit generates 1 gold per unit per day in taxes
Gargoyle (Level 2)
Gargoyles are hand-crafted creations from alchemists around Elladrian. These Gargoyles are average in battle, but they can provide some useful abilities that can be helpful.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Elemental Immunity
This unit is immune to “elemental-based” spells, namely fire, ice, earth and lightning-based spells
Ability: Elemental
This unit is an Elemental type, meaning that is always at neutral morale and is immune to abilities that only affect living creatures
Zombie (Level 2)
Zombies are somewhat commonplace around Elladrian. Although undead, the kingdom of Moralya sees no need for them as they believe they have better units to fill their ranks. Zombies are quite durable for a low-level creature.
Ability: Undead
This unit is undead, and therefore unaffected by morale, Bless, Curse, and abilities that only affect living creatures.
Nomad (Level 3)
Nomads wander the deserts of Elladarian. Although they wish to serve Neferti-Set, they are denied entry due to their lack of magical knowledge. Being native to the sands, armies with Nomads will find it easier to traverse through desert terrain.
Ability: Sand Walkers
When an army has this unit in their ranks, they do not suffer terrain penalty when travelling through swamp
Air Elemental (Level 4)
Air Elementals are beings formed from the element of air. Fast and light, they fly around the battlefield and attack with such quickness that their attacks can neither be retaliated nor blocked.
Ability: Elemental
This unit is an Elemental type, meaning that is always at neutral morale and is immune to abilities that only affect living creatures
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: No Enemy Retaliation
When this unit attacks, the enemy cannot retaliate
Ability: Unblockable Attack
The attack of this unit cannot be blocked
Ability: Lightning Immunity
This unit is immune to lightning-type spells
Fire Elemental (Level 4)
Fire Elementals are beings formed from the element of fire. Fire Elementals shoot fireballs at their targets, and are also immune to all fire spells and effects, including Armageddon.
Ability: Elemental
This unit is an Elemental type, meaning that is always at neutral morale and is immune to abilities that only affect living creatures
Ability: Ranged
This unit shoots at their targets. Melee damage is at half-strength unless unit possesses the “Normal Melee” Ability
Ability: Flame Body
When this unit is attacked, the attacker suffers 10 x no. of fire elementals in fire damage. Units immune to fire are not affected
Ability: Advanced Fire Immunity
This unit is immune to all fire-based spells and effects, including Armageddon
Water Elemental (Level 4)
Water Elementals are beings formed from the element of water. Being made from water, they are immune to all ice spells and can cast spells at their targets.
Ability: Elemental
This unit is an Elemental type, meaning that is always at neutral morale and is immune to abilities that only affect living creatures
Ability: Cold Immunity
This unit is immune to all ice-type spells
Ability: Spell Caster
This unit can cast the following spells: Ice Bolt and Frost Ring
Earth Elemental (Level 4)
Earth Elementals are beings formed from the element of earth. Strong and Durable, they are resistant to offensive magic spells and can retaliate against an infinite number of attacks aimed at them.
Ability: Elemental
This unit is an Elemental type, meaning that is always at neutral morale and is immune to abilities that only affect living creatures
Ability: 50% Magic Proof
This unit only takes half-damage from offensive spells
Ability: Unlimited Retaliation
This unit retaliates against all attacks except those with the No Enemy Retaliation ability
Mermaid (Level 5)
Mermaids occupy the various seas of Elladrian. Although beautiful to look at and having great musical talent, they are devious when it comes to battling. Anyone who is unfortunate enough to be attacked by a mermaid may find themselves under the spell of their attacker, obeying their will.
Ability: Sea Mastery
In sea combat, the attack and defense of this unit goes up 50%
Ability: Seduce
This unit has a 20% chance to hypnotise an attacked living enemy under their control for one round. Units with the Own Will ability cannot be seduced
Genie (Level 6)
These genies are found in lamps scattered by merchants around Elladrian. Those who are fortunate enough to come across one may entice the genies in the lamp to come to their side. In the battlefield, genies have the uncanny ability to halve enemy stacks with a mysterious form of magic. In addition, they seem to be unaffected by any mind-altering sensations.
Ability: Fly
This unit can fly over walls and obstacles on the battlefield
Ability: Own Will
This unit is immune to all mind-affecting spells and abilities
Ability: Deadly Blast
This unit has a 10% chance to halve an enemy stack regardless of strength
Sea Monster (Level 7)
Along the depths of the Elladrian seas, these mysterious beasts known only as Sea Monsters are sometimes discovered by wandering merchants. Fearsome and menacing, those who come face-to-face with these monstrosities have seen some of their troops instantly devoured by these beasts.
Ability: Sea Mastery
In sea combat, the attack and defense of this unit goes up 50%
Ability: Devouring Attack
This unit has a 10% chance for every 10 units to instantly devour a unit from a stack (unit is killed outright)
My next post will be on the heroes of each town in detail and how they are able to advance into new hero classes.
No one knows my true nature here...

Supreme Hero
posted August 22, 2017 03:04 PM |
With all of these dreams and hopes for the next Heroes game, why not look at Restoration of Heroes in progress.
If people were to join forces, I think the idea of a fan made game could stand a chance, but anyway best of luck with your project here..

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted September 07, 2017 11:29 PM |
I just want to point out I was one of the firsts to say we could make a fanmade "Heroes VIII"-like game from scratch and everybody told me I was crazy.
One year later everyone and their cousin is trying to do a fanmade H8-like game :V

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted September 08, 2017 11:02 AM |
Having ideas =/= creating the actual game, Nimostar.

Undefeatable Hero
posted September 08, 2017 12:53 PM |

Legendary Hero
the reckoning is at hand
posted September 08, 2017 07:59 PM |
NimoStar said: I just want to point out I was one of the firsts to say we could make a fanmade "Heroes VIII"-like game from scratch and everybody told me I was crazy.
One year later everyone and their cousin is trying to do a fanmade H8-like game :V
Who knows, some of us may have something concocting in their basement that's not moonshine