Thread: Overhaul the original learning skill of heroes 3 | |

Tavern Dweller
posted July 31, 2018 08:54 PM |
Edited by sulik at 20:55, 31 Jul 2018.
Poll Question: Overhaul the original learning skill of heroes 3
Which option do you support regarding the original learning skill of heroes 3? The options are proposed by different authors in this forum.
As of current, this poll allows only one selection. Is it possible to allow multiple selections? That way multiple options can be selected and combined better.

Known Hero
Invest in your future.
posted August 01, 2018 07:28 PM |
Allow hero to be able to pick among 3 or more skills during level-up.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted August 01, 2018 07:37 PM |
So let's say you can choose 3 skills at basic, 4 at advanced and 5 at expert, I would still never pick it.
If you get it as your final skill, it does'nt do anything at all. (Even worse than it is now.)
If you meant in addition to XP bonus, than yeah maybe.
But I think I like the Heroes 5 version best, XP and stats bonus. (Balanced to not be under or overpowered of course.)

Legendary Hero
Modding the Unmoddable
posted August 02, 2018 04:01 AM |
As I said, I would remove the XP boost as it is not campaign friendly (you are limited in level and XP anyways), and instead go for booting other skills with it. For example: 1 additional skill slot with basic learning, two additional with advanced and three additional with expert. In this way it is an investment into further secondary skills by sacrificing a level of advancement immediately.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 11, 2018 04:34 PM |
Anyone know if Hota development team want to change this skill? From the poll it can be seen that noone want to have eagle eye with its original function.


Hired Hero
posted August 12, 2018 03:14 PM |
Edited by luk3Z at 19:23, 12 Aug 2018.
First of all: separate skills from specialities (for more balance in game).
When hero gain next lvl he should gain only next lvl of speciality (no for +1 skill).
I say no more for heroes such as 40/40/40/40 vs 10/10/10/10 (this is stupid when creatures gain +x from hero skill, so artifacts and tactics doesn't matter anymore).
Make H3 more tactical again where artifacts and tactics on battlefield really matter.
How to do this ? Currently by openning map in mapeditor and limit hero lvl for example to 3-5.
Maybe HDMod someday add this tweak for +x skills only from artifacts and buildings.