"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."
In fairness to Macron, he started doing exactly what he said he was going to do when you people elected him, like, yesterday, and then you started setting cars on fire when he did it. You are obviously mixing in a lot of crack & jazz cabbage with your overrated, overpriced wine.
Putin's popularity going down to ~2/3rd is pretty significant for an African country with a non-functioning democracy.
"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."
Blizzardboy said:In fairness to Macron, he started doing exactly what he said he was going to do when you people elected him
No, he isn't. The few people who legit voted for him regret it now, they hoped for a different policy than his predecessors but he's just the final nail in the coffin of the country's last 40 years of policy. What is going on in France right now is a disaster, people are out in the street for a reason and the repression is extremely brutal with some protesters now mutilated for life (eyes and hands lost) among several deaths. Retired people are in the street and can't pay their rent any longer even though he promised not raising taxes on them during his campaign. There is too many examples. The full middle-class is being bled to death and that is not what they voted for.
Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted January 24, 2019 01:42 PM
Salamandre said:
to be fair why were you lazy not to help the fascist lemon win the election instead of wasting your time on ancient music nobody listens to, creating maps for prehistoric strategy games, and being constantly triggered on dead internet forums lol
verriker said:instead of wasting your time on ancient music nobody listens to, creating maps for prehistoric strategy games, and being constantly triggered on dead internet forums lol
Lol, somehow this sentence describes the state of HC forums nowadays pretty accurately
Blizzardboy said:In fairness to Macron, he started doing exactly what he said he was going to do when you people elected him, like, yesterday, and then you started setting cars on fire when he did it. You are obviously mixing in a lot of crack & jazz cabbage with your overrated, overpriced wine.
Putin's popularity going down to ~2/3rd is pretty significant for an African country with a non-functioning democracy.
It's the French, they treat rioting in the streets like it's a national pastime.
Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted January 24, 2019 03:07 PM
Trogdor said:It's the French, they treat rioting in the streets like it's a national pastime.
Now that is just polemic. 99% of protesters are pacifists. There hasn't been protests with such amplitude in the country since decades. Medias focus extensively on violences to discredit the movement and manipulate public opinion. Protesting is a constitutional right in France, at least for now. People are out now because they literally cannot eat before even the end of the month.
Ridiculous, you don’t know African countries, you don’t need popularity to rule. Thus you don’t care when you lose 90%, screw it all actually.
____________ Nothing of value disappears from this world, it will reappear in some shape or form ^^ - Elvin
man, I was so missing those dumb sjw threads where one soy boy thinks he got a scoop then shows his ignorance. Then other soy boys come to join what they also think is a scoop. Therefore we get even more ignorants.
No, Macaron isn't doing what he said, exactly the opposite. But what would you guys know, brainwashed by CNN/BBC fake news, good luck with that. Also Putin's reasons and actions are out of your IQ range, definitely, but keep trying, there is only way to improve - to think by yourself.
____________ Era II mods and utilities
Galaad said:People are out now because they literally cannot eat before even the end of the month.
Exactly. There were so much cuts into all budgets (salaries, retirement, additional taxes, health care) except one, immigration, +300 million euros for 2018, for a total of 2 billions. If Macaron is so brilliant that he thinks only an austerity commune effort can save a country, be it, personally I can understand. But then you cut EVERYWHERE, starting with the resources destined to people you are NOT in charge, legally. The irony.
____________ Era II mods and utilities
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted January 24, 2019 11:18 PM
I really hate the soy boy terminology, as if there’s something wrong with vegans. Let’s face it, cows or pigs are not less sentinent species than our beloved cats or dogs. And we put them in 2 metersquare cages for the eternity of their lives where they dont even get to play with their own kind as kids, we torture them with milk sucking tubes and stuff, pigs are slaughtered with intoxication or being smashed against the walls. It’s all torture, agony and death. We all saw the videos, it’s horrible, it is systematic. Yet, we prefer to look away simply because meat tastes really good and everything is happening far far away. Vegans are the ones actually doing something about it, they deserve respect not ridicule. The whole mentality is like calling an anti-slavery person “negro lover” in the 18th century.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost
Legendary Hero
We don't need another 'eroes
posted January 24, 2019 11:29 PM
Salamandre said:
to be sure even a relevant reply would be an incorrect reply for you still waste time best spent stanning con artists and failing African geography being punk'd, albeit that is the preserve of the remedial leech to waltz in arrogant from afar, fall instantly to social engineering and wreck the place from within, for sure be social engineered then do the tide pod challenge to win a great vacation cheers lol
Ah, but does that make sense? We all can eat meat and vegetables, and that is what makes us animals, too. This is what we are accustomed to, and it makes us no different than any other carnivore that eats other animals. What is wrong, however, is the rise in population increases the demand of these resources.
Besides, wouldn't taking out vegetables be wrong, too? Let potatoes live on, rather than eating them!!
Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted January 24, 2019 11:52 PM
Modern meat industry isnt exactly “the natural order of things” and civilization allows us to do better. When it comes to potatoes, they arent exactly sentinent, are they. I mean, I eat meat, too, and I dont blame anybody for eating meat. Attacking vegans seems like cowardice though, it’s like trying to pull them down to feel better only because they are being less selfish than us and making us aware that it is possible to be so.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost
OhforfSake said:Isn't there two types of vegans, btw.? In my language one type doesn't eat meat, while the other doesn't eat anything that means the living organism that produced it perishes.
Only the latter is vegan, first type you mention is regular vegetarian. Or at least that's how it is in my language too.