Thread: MMDoC is alive! | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |


Hired Hero
posted February 03, 2019 09:09 AM |
Edited by Abvgd at 06:44, 19 Feb 2019.
MMDoC is alive!
Hello, heroes!
I didn't find the topic about Might and Magic Duel of Champions and decided to write here (i'm really sorry for that).
So, one russian programmer have made dreams to become a true! MMDoC is now alive and you can play it without any restrictions at non-ubisoft servers (it require a new profile)!
Here the game itself: [url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OxAAQxnXI0vd0zXPNzmVrlHQNJqy4bhm/view]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OxAAQxnXI0vd0zXPNzmVrlHQNJqy4bhm/view[/url]
Good duels! 

Known Hero
posted February 03, 2019 11:22 AM |
o.o, sounds too good to be true lol

Famous Hero
posted February 04, 2019 09:39 PM |
But it is

Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted February 04, 2019 09:57 PM |
can confirm, mmdoc is back for the time being

Undefeatable Hero
posted February 04, 2019 11:01 PM |

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 05, 2019 08:21 AM |
Or you could say that the game is dead just for you.
Good to know the game is not lost but I gave up on it a long time ago and am unlikely to return.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Adventuring Hero
posted February 05, 2019 08:29 AM |
Stevie said: If you Raise Dead it doesn't mean it's alive.
It does in this case.
But it will live in different form.
I will develop this project, fix bugs, balance, make new game modes, etc.
MMDoC is the best card game ever according to fans. It can not die completely, if it was played even in paper after death and before the revival.

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted February 05, 2019 08:45 AM |
Oh, you can balance cards? That would be great, I remember a lot that were not worth playing.
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb


Hired Hero
posted February 05, 2019 10:32 AM |
baratorch said:
It does in this case.
But it will live in different form.
I will develop this project, fix bugs, balance, make new game modes, etc.
MMDoC is the best card game ever according to fans. It can not die completely, if it was played even in paper after death and before the revival.
@baratroch Yep, definitely this is one of the best card games which I've ever played – personally my favourite online card game. I remember that I had account with collection almost all of cards and a lot of dust.
Do you have any plans about additional expansion?
So, I wonder how the development of the collection will be made
(all for free or dust mechanic + small payments system like in the original version)?

Undefeatable Hero
posted February 05, 2019 11:55 AM |
baratorch said: It does in this case.
But it will live in different form.
I will develop this project, fix bugs, balance, make new game modes, etc.
MMDoC is the best card game ever according to fans. It can not die completely, if it was played even in paper after death and before the revival.
If there's a fanbase for it, why not. I'm sure you'll see the numbers. But I feel like Elvin does. I also don't believe it to be the best card game. After experiencing Hearthstone, The Elder Scrolls: Legends, GWENT and recently Magic: The Gathering, it would be my last choice.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Adventuring Hero
posted February 05, 2019 11:56 AM |
For now all cards are available. No collection mode there.
In future collection mode may appears but it will be different.
There is cann't be any payments. All for free.
The project is in alpha testing (but already +- stable and playable). Many features will be developed later.

Adventuring Hero
posted February 05, 2019 12:05 PM |
Stevie said: If there's a fanbase for it, why not. I'm sure you'll see the numbers. But I feel like Elvin does. I also don't believe it to be the best card game. After experiencing Hearthstone, The Elder Scrolls: Legends, GWENT and recently Magic: The Gathering, it would be my last choice.
After experiencing in all that you listed I dont play any of these games and I consider MMDoC is incomparably better.


Hired Hero
posted February 05, 2019 12:17 PM |
baratorch said:
Stevie said: If there's a fanbase for it, why not. I'm sure you'll see the numbers. But I feel like Elvin does. I also don't believe it to be the best card game. After experiencing Hearthstone, The Elder Scrolls: Legends, GWENT and recently Magic: The Gathering, it would be my last choice.
After experiencing in all that you listed I dont play any of these games and I consider MMDoC is incomparably better.
Same for me MTG - clever, but too slooooooow, hearthstone - primitive and dumb (how can this stump even can be called a card game? :/), but shiny and beautiful, gwent - have too many restriction (limited number of cards and creatures on battlefield), Tes - haven't tried yet.


Hired Hero
posted February 05, 2019 03:56 PM |
Definitely MMDoC is much better than Hearthstone

Known Hero
posted February 05, 2019 11:32 PM |
comparing heartstone with mmdoc is rly a "Little" off, but Maybe he just listed it for complete list what he experienced so far, heartstone is rly a very simple game and not nearly as tactical as mmdoc

Known Hero
posted February 05, 2019 11:45 PM |
baratorch said:
Stevie said: If you Raise Dead it doesn't mean it's alive.
It does in this case.
But it will live in different form.
I will develop this project, fix bugs, balance, make new game modes, etc.
MMDoC is the best card game ever according to fans. It can not die completely, if it was played even in paper after death and before the revival.
so you are the guy that made it happen? congrats (-: just took a quick look so far but rly nice work here,
of Course it will be Rough to get it going again and it will never be as in its glory days again
it is nice that u can Play the game again but i cant imagine a lot uptades on the game anymore, i would like to see the game keep going even in its niche it is currently, it is better than nothing…
if People support it and i think there are quite a few, Maybe we can Keep it alive, is there a Website for this Project? if u want People to support the game via real cash i think it would be a good idea to provide some numbers as how much Money u Need to Keep the game going, so People have some imanigation, last Thing People Need and want is another cashgrab like the real mmdoc People put Money in this game to support it and they just closed the servers..., not that i think u would do that, im sure u put some effort in this Project and you want to see the game doing well (: just saying, People might be afraid of this, however this game is rly nice and worth it, rly good Card game if u like Card games at all
also i wonder is this even legal? i mean the games Content should still belong to Ubisoft etc.@? so this might be a Problem?

Adventuring Hero
posted February 05, 2019 11:58 PM |
Maybe read the thread you are posting in.
baratorch said:
There is cann't be any payments. All for free.

Known Hero
posted February 06, 2019 09:52 AM |
Maybe check the game itself? last time i played and that was like 2 days ago there was a donate button and a note to the user that donations are required to keep the game going… so unless it was changed, it is still the same, that Quote u Posting might be related to something else as well


Hired Hero
posted February 06, 2019 11:29 AM |
The most interesting thing from my side in MMDoC is a lot of roads for building decks because of existing a lot of heroes with difference specialization + extensive system of creatures, spells, fortunes, events and even buildings.

Legendary Hero
disrupting the moding industry
posted February 06, 2019 02:05 PM |
I am not sure how you got allowance to do this with Ubisoft game but I wonder if you can (or what should be done to try) give the same availability for another of their games - Might and Magic: heroes kingdoms!
It is of great interest to me .
Thank you!
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