Thread: HoMM3 ERA HD + Era scripts gaming build | This thread is pages long: 1 10 ... 17 18 19 20 21 ... 26 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Known Hero
posted October 09, 2021 06:24 PM |
synesthesiac said: Hello. I can't seem to get the HD+ settings to work. Particularly. the alt+click to see movement. I have era 3 and I installed the plugin at the top of this post. Not sure what to do. Thanks!
hd + isn't avvailable for WoG/ERA/
alt+click movement is a separate script, which works even without an hd mod

Adventuring Hero
posted October 10, 2021 09:40 PM |
daemon_n said:
synesthesiac said: Hello. I can't seem to get the HD+ settings to work. Particularly. the alt+click to see movement. I have era 3 and I installed the plugin at the top of this post. Not sure what to do. Thanks!
hd + isn't avvailable for WoG/ERA/
alt+click movement is a separate script, which works even without an hd mod
Thanks for answering!
Is it a standalone script that I could add to a scenario? I see it's supposed to be in Game Enhancement Mod (I think), but I have not been able to get that to work very well with Valery's maps that I am playing. And I can't figure out which script in there controls this option.
But I pulled the Battle Save and Replayable Quick Combat scripts out of that mod and directly put them into the scenarios I'm playing, which has seemed to work. Is there a .erm or .dll for the alt-click movement?
Here's my mods if it helps.


Hired Hero
posted October 10, 2021 11:20 PM |
i've since my last reports started the save from a particular point which worked and got around to playing it until now by quick-saving.
however, now *again*, suddenly nor my latest quick-save nor the most recent battle save work. and here i was thinking i can actually finish this map...
compability_dir = C:GamesHoMM 3 ERA_HD3_DataCompability#era
HOMM3 HD version: 5.2 R74
Time { 10/11/2021 00:16:45 }
Module: h3era HD.exe
Adress: [ 0x0040E905 ]
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: -
Context { EAX: 0x000001FA, ECX: 0x00000000, EDX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0x251B8D68, ESP: 0x02D39D7C, EBP: 0x02D39D98, ESI: 0x12252C40, EDI: 0x1284486A }
Call stack
? called from before [ 0x12252C40 ]
? called from before [ 0x0000025B ]
Call stack V2
0040E905 (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
004089C6 (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
02F1AFAC (?): (?): (?)
02F1AF39 (?): (?): (?)
02F37156 (?): (?): (?)
02F37C0B (?): (?): (?)
059776BA (era: 05950000): (?): (?)
0597777D (era: 05950000): (?): (?)
05984999 (era: 05950000): (?): ClearAllIniCache
02F1427E (?): (?): (?)
02F1C1A4 (?): (?): (?)
02F1C12E (?): (?): (?)
02F3785A (?): (?): (?)
1000DD0F (_hd3_: 10000000): (?): HdCommon_Set
02F10067 (?): (?): (?)
755FFA29 (KERNEL32: 755E0000): (?): BaseThreadInitThunk
77697A9E (ntdll: 77630000): (?): RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
77697A6E (ntdll: 77630000): (?): RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath


Hired Hero
posted October 11, 2021 06:20 AM |
it seems like it's related to another issue of one of the heroes not being "green" when new turn starts (as if movement points already spent). when you move with all the rest and quick-save *before* pressing hourglass, the save errors out at critical.
whereas if you press the hourglass after moving with the rest and then have all heroes at "green" and then quick-save, the save opens without issues next time you press play on hd mod.
hope this made sense.

Known Hero
posted October 11, 2021 10:32 PM |
Edited by daemon_n at 22:39, 11 Oct 2021.
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.33 (10.11.2021)
[+] Updated HD-Mod to version 5.2 R74 - thanks to Baratorch;
[+] BattleQueue mod doesn't display error message when the game starts, if it has low resolutions - thanks to Hawaiing;
[+] New option: Most Spell Scrolls are replaced. This option will replace 85% of spell scrolls with piles of gold and standard chests (also reorganised the menu in order to add in this option) - thanks to Archer30;
[+] Improved week of monster. Now monsters with ID greater than 195 have better chance to be chosen as the monster of the week (if mod supported) - thanks to Archer30;
[+] Battle Academy and School of Wizardry now checks the real skill limit of the game instead of 8/10 (with 10ss plugin) - thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed possible crash with multiple scripts that check hero's basic primary skills, including Enhanced Commander Artifacts, Hero Specialty Boost, etc - thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed most spell scrolls got replaced if Forgotten Shrine + Replace Objects During WoGification are enabled - thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed hint text of Emerald Tower - thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed retreating from battle in Garrison results in all the battles become garrison type - thanks to Archer30;
[#] Era Erm Framework - Fixed possible crash with the function of getting a hero's primary skills without - thanks to Archer30;
[#] optimization of some scripts;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher
aldzzzv2 said: it seems like it's related to another issue of one of the heroes not being "green" when new turn starts (as if movement points already spent). when you move with all the rest and quick-save *before* pressing hourglass, the save errors out at critical.
whereas if you press the hourglass after moving with the rest and then have all heroes at "green" and then quick-save, the save opens without issues next time you press play on hd mod.
hope this made sense.
better do not save with that way, i suppose 
synesthesiac said: Is there a .erm or .dll for the alt-click movement?
write in Discord please


Hired Hero
posted October 12, 2021 05:36 AM |
daemon_n said:
better do not save with that way, i suppose 
yeah well, ideal would be to not have these types of weirdness requiring jumping through various hoops, but yeah, sure.


Hired Hero
posted October 21, 2021 12:39 AM |
hmm, well, i have the latest launcher and latest versions of tum/acm etc, but now when i try to start whatever type of scenario map (be it random or random made by map editor or custom), the whole thing exists with critical error.
what am i missing yet again?
cannot play at all now, as it stands


Hired Hero
posted October 21, 2021 12:49 AM |
compability_dir = C:GamesHoMM 3 ERA_HD3_DataCompability#era
HOMM3 HD version: 5.2 R74
Time { 10/21/2021 01:47:17 }
Module: era.dll
Adress: [ era.dll+0x19C5 ]
Flags: 0x00000000
Information: read of address: 0x00000004
Context { EAX: 0x00000008, ECX: 0xFFFFFFF8, EDX: 0x07979260, EBX: 0x05A86044, ESP: 0x02D36528, EBP: 0x02D365EC, ESI: 0x16097C15, EDI: 0x00000000 }
Call stack
[ era.dll+0x1988 ] called from [ era.dll+0x2E80 ]
? called from before [ 0x00010000 ]
Call stack V2
059F19C5 (era: 059F0000): (?): (?)
05A3D191 (era: 059F0000): (?): SetPreselectedDialog8ItemId
05A3EE66 (era: 059F0000): (?): SetPreselectedDialog8ItemId
007493CC (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
0074C4FE (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
0074C7EA (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
004FDF90 (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
004C295D (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
004BFC7E (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
004C02AA (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
0058C9A3 (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
0058C54E (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
053AE534 (?): (?): (?)
053AE4C1 (?): (?): (?)
005869D6 (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
60E51625 (XXL: 60E50000): (?): (?)
0058847D (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
60E51122 (XXL: 60E50000): (?): (?)
053AF1FA (?): (?): (?)
053B71F1 (?): (?): (?)
053B7E78 (?): (?): (?)
005FFACB (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
00584F0C (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
0077927A (h3era HD: 00400000): (?): (?)
053B7D42 (?): (?): (?)
0539C45A (?): (?): (?)
0539C3E4 (?): (?): (?)
053B7B10 (?): (?): (?)
1000DD0F (_hd3_: 10000000): (?): HdCommon_Set
05390067 (?): (?): (?)
755FFA29 (KERNEL32: 755E0000): (?): BaseThreadInitThunk
77697A9E (ntdll: 77630000): (?): RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
77697A6E (ntdll: 77630000): (?): RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath

Adventuring Hero
posted October 21, 2021 09:21 AM |
aldzzzv2, please join the ERA discord server and send a report there. Ideally, we need a save game before the crash and the debug folder, which is located in the root folder of ERA to sort out the issue. Thanks!


Hired Hero
posted October 21, 2021 07:19 PM |
Archer30 said: aldzzzv2, please join the ERA discord server and send a report there. Ideally, we need a save game before the crash and the debug folder, which is located in the root folder of ERA to sort out the issue. Thanks!
i haven't used discord before, but sure, i can join.
for this issue tho, um, there is *no* save, cos - as i wrote above - *i cannot get any map to load*. it throws the critical error with everything i try.


Hired Hero
posted October 21, 2021 07:21 PM |
Archer30 said: aldzzzv2, please join the ERA discord server and send a report there. Ideally, we need a save game before the crash and the debug folder, which is located in the root folder of ERA to sort out the issue. Thanks!
i haven't used discord before, but sure, i can join.
for this issue tho, um, there is *no* save, cos - as i wrote above - *i cannot get any map to load*. it throws the critical error with everything i try.


Hired Hero
posted October 21, 2021 10:15 PM |
went ahead and reinstalled/updated era just in case.
same thing.
custom maps won't even load and throw the critical error and game crashes.
random maps start to load but then just hang indefinitely.
i'm at a complete loss what is wrong this time...


Hired Hero
posted October 22, 2021 12:04 AM |
disabled both tum and acm, and was able to load a custom map. so it looks like the issue is somewhere in either of these.
also, after reinstalling/updating era, the critical error log shows kernel exception, not one in era.dll.
will investigate further.

Known Hero
posted November 01, 2021 11:16 AM |
Edited by daemon_n at 21:52, 05 Nov 2021.
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.34 (11.01.2021)
[+] Updated HD-Mod to version 5.2 R78 - thanks to Baratorch;
[+] Updated Wog Graphics Fix Lite mod to version 2.7.0 - thanks to Grossmaster;
[+] Mod "TrainerX" has been updated with the addition of new functions in the battle window on F6 - thanks to Archer30;
[+] Added a new menu for selecting the settings file for wog-options - thanks to igrik;
[+] Plugin "BattleSave.dll" updated - thanks to igrik;
[#] Reorganized wog-options menu to fix dependent elements - thanks to Archer30;
[#] Multiple fixes and improvements;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.35 (11.03.2021)
A very important update for multiplayer!
[!] Fixed desynchronization in PvP battles - you can continue already started games if you reload the scripts;
[+] The script for displaying different hero images has been updated. Now works in PvP without problems - thanks to Archer30;
[+] Updated and fixed the script for displaying additional information on creatures in battle - Alt + RMB on the live stack;
[#] Small but important fixes and improvements;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher

Known Hero
posted November 05, 2021 10:53 PM |
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.36 (11.06.2021)
[+] You have been waiting for a long time - I did it for a long time 
Added the first public version of Spell Research - Hooray!
The option is enabled by default - you can disable it through the GEM menu (~) or the button in the upper right corner;
[+] Plugin "wog native dialogs.era" has been updated - added keyboard arrow control - thanks to igrik;
[+] Updated and adapted for multiplayer options "Enhanced War Machines I and III", now the machines are protected from being transferred to another hero when you press the "transfer all artifacts" button in the hero meeting window;
[+] The GetTxtFileString function has been added to the "Game Enhancements Mod" - allows you to get a string from non-table text files of the game:
!#VA(txtFileName:x) (stringNum:x) (string:x);
[+] Added new hooks for the hero meeting event:
[#] Fixed the "Transfer owner" wog-option;
[#] Small but important fixes and improvements;

Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher

Known Hero
posted November 06, 2021 08:10 AM |
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.37 (11.06.2021)
[!] Hotfix - fixed inability to start a new game;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher

Known Hero
posted November 06, 2021 10:07 PM |
Edited by daemon_n at 19:32, 07 Nov 2021.
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.38 (11.07.2021)
[+] Spell Researching - now only a spell is available for 5th level magic when researching;
[#] Fixed a bug that allowed to get "Summon El. Water" into the spellbook through Spell Research;
[#] "Trainer" mod - fixed crash when opening the commander's dialog;
[#] Fixed a crash when starting a map with "Trainer" and "Game Enhancement Mod";
[#] Small but important fixes;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher
ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update!
v2.39 (11.07.2021)
[+] The plugin "Wog Native Dialogs.era" has been updated, interaction with the window for saving/loading WoG options settings has been improved - thanks to igrik;
[+] TrainerX mod updated - thanks to Archer30:
- added commander animation;
- added original icons for changing skills;
- updated graphics and reworked interaction with some elements in the hero's dialogue;
# Fixed a crash when opening the commander's dialogue;
[+] Spell research - added a check for spells forbidden through the map editor for each town - thanks to igrik;
[+] In the Mage Guild added a research guide and the ability to see the spells that you can get while researching;
[+] "Smalres.def" graphics updated - thanks to DrD_AVEL;
[#] Fixed crash when starting the game with the Third Upgrades Mod and WoG-options "Enhanced Monsters";
[#] Fixed bonus accrual of resources at the start of the game;
[#] Small but important fixes;
Update your game now with Heroes 3 Launcher

Legendary Hero
posted November 20, 2021 07:07 AM |
Hi, having both Era II and HotA plus probably more then one installation of each because I'm testing different things, in different platforms, is the Launcher always the same and I can have it looking for updates automatically or I should check each version first? In that case, are they distributed separately?

Known Hero
posted November 20, 2021 09:04 PM |
bloodsucker said: Hi, having both Era II and HotA plus probably more then one installation of each because I'm testing different things, in different platforms, is the Launcher always the same and I can have it looking for updates automatically or I should check each version first? In that case, are they distributed separately?
Check via "Game Control"

Legendary Hero
posted November 20, 2021 09:08 PM |
daemon_n said: Check via "Game Control"
And what is "Game Control"?