Thread: ERA Scripts Mod (latest version) | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |


Hired Hero
posted June 16, 2020 11:24 PM |
Edited by asandris at 16:43, 02 Jul 2020.
ERA Scripts Mod (latest version)
ERA Scripts Mod version 1.46f
Authors (recent updates): Algor, igrik (script code, ideas), Sandris (graphics). Translation: Drake.
[url=https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-j-aHbrhR4JbV6INdfN0YH9fqmhdW7WE/view?usp=sharing]English version 1.46f[/url] (updated 02.07.2020)
[url=http://sites.google.com/site/hommfun/files/ERA%20scripts%20Rus.zip]Russian version 1.46f[/url] (updated 30.06.2020)
To run the mod requires ERA 2.9.14.
Era Scripts is a mod/script-pack that adds many additional features/options to the game.
New options are on the last two tabs of the “WoG Options” menu.
The mod can be run with or without the HD mod.
Since version 1.37, the mod contains the ReMagic mod option. In order to avoid conflicts, do not forget to disable a separate ReMagic mod if you used it.
The mod, especially ReMagic option, would possibly prohibit from completion some custom WoG or SoD maps, because of the Town Portal modified spell, so in that case you can disable ReMagic option.
For correct mod work, before installing, you need to remove the previous version of the mod (delete the “Mods/ERA Scripts Eng” folder).
How to activate and use this mod.
1. Put the ERA Scripts Eng folder into your ...HoMM/Mods folder.
2. Activate it via Era II Mod Manager - ... HoMM/Tools/Era Start Menu/start.exe

3. In game click the WoG Options button in Main Menu screen.
4. Activate/deactivate any of the ERA Scripts options you prefer to use/or ignore during the game.
What`s new in version 1.46f
Added option 724 "Leprechaun's Bank" (converted to the separate option from the single mod with the same name)
A bug fixed: when taking a Targeted loan for the 1st level Mage Guild construction, the building was not built.
The option disables only the WoG option "Bank".
WoG options "Resource Trading Center" and "Ability to transfer ALL resources" are now not disabled, and work (activate) only via right mouse button click on the Bank button.

Option 794 "Open Map"
Removed z-variables intersections with other scripts (thanks to wessonsm)
Option 795 Nightly Scouting
Fixed crash at the beginning of the battle using Assassins that was appearing after game loading.
Now you can enable/disable the participation of the Assassins in the battle via Assassins button.
Option 882 "Skeletons with artifacts"
The base speed and growth rate of the Skeleton Guard are reduces.
Option 766 Leadership
The growth rate of troops is reduced from 3% to 2% per skill level (still is configured via ini-file)
Option 791 "Ambush bandits"
The ambush gang`s size is not depended on your hero`s army strenght anymore, it depends only on the game day, the hero`s level and game difficulty level.
Option 788 "Mortal Heroes", Option 725 "Bounty Hunting"
Fixed a bug in the procedure for rebirth of the hero, which caused changing of the commander`s race for reborn heroes.
Option 760 "Achievements"
Achievement rank "Inspector" is now given for every single captured unflagged/idle mine (in earlier versions it was given for 2 mines).
Achievement rank "Collector" is now given for every 5 piles of resources picked up (in earlier versions it was given for 10 resource piles).
Achievement rank "Treasure-hunter" is now given for every 3 treasure chests (in earlier versions it was given for 4 treasure chests).
Achievement rank "Scholar" is now given for every 3 objects visited on the map that increases a stat (in earlier versions it was given for 2).
Fixed Achievements button`s clicking visual effect (thanks to Sandris).
Option 725 "Bounty Hunting"
Extended field for the hero name in the recruitment/execution dialogue window. Now long hero names are not cut.
If the player has a maximum of active heroes, the recruitment of a bandit hero is no longer offered, only his execution for money.
Option 732 "Hero Limit"
The hero limit is now set only in the range from 1 to 8, because higher values could cause critical errors in the game.
The descriptions of the options "Siegecraft", "ReMagic", "Hero Limit" are supplemented.
Option 879 "Capture of Mills and Leprechaun Gardens"
Auto Resource Collection now starts after the placement of mithril and correctly collects it.
What`s new since several previous outdated versions:
Next options were modified and redesigned (script code and graphics), different bugs, typos were fixed as well:
Option 725 Bounty Hunting
If there are unrecruited heroes, gangs of renegade heroes may appear on the map, living without cities on some small territory and trading ill-gotten gains. Over time, the gangs of such "heroes" grow and they themselves get resources, experience and equipment and even create a new faction of their own.
To fight gangs, the Bounty Hunters Guild announces rewards for the heads of renegade heroes.
After defeating these "bandits", the player can either execute him and get the reward due or recruit him, but in this case, receive no reward.

Option 760 Achievements
When performing certain actions during the game, your heroes can gain 15 different bonus achievements.

Option 788 Mortal Heroes
A hero who lost a battle (not retreated or surrendered) will reborn as a resurrected one by highest forces with new parameters, skills and specialization.
Option 795 Nightly Scouting
During the night your patrol can meet up to 20 different wanderers (NPC) and you may be invited to take part in various events - hire Assassins, discover a hidden money cache, learn skills and get bonus experience from various masters, help in difficult situations…
Heroes with the Scouting skill and/or artifacts Speculum and Spyglass, during the night, can detect events in neighbouring areas.

Known Hero
posted June 16, 2020 11:33 PM |
Try to make screenshots of wog options without your custom interface, we would not want you to later deceive people

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 16, 2020 11:37 PM |
Guys, great work but please add a readme saying it can ruin maps loading .dat files, as your town portal is now level 5 so no longer shared by scholar, also will no longer appear in guild if customized.
I got many complaints about so I had to tell them to disable Era scripts.


Hired Hero
posted June 16, 2020 11:56 PM |
VMaiko said: Try to make screenshots of wog options without your custom interface, we would not want you to later deceive people 
Salamandre said: Guys, great work but please add a readme saying it can ruin maps loading .dat files, as your town portal is now level 5 so no longer shared by scholar, also will no longer appear in guild if customized.
I got many complaints about so I had to tell them to disable Era scripts.
Ok. Actually, a fixed version was planned in a week, so it would be nice to get the whole or at least major set of complaints in order to fix them soon.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted June 17, 2020 08:08 AM |
Just add a short note in the readme specifying that this mod will possibly prohibit from completion some custom wog or sod maps, because of the town portal modified spell. Because players see era scripts then think hey cool to have more custom things but then are surprised they don't get town portal as planned.


Hired Hero
posted June 17, 2020 03:37 PM |
Salamandre said: Just add a short note in the readme specifying that this mod will possibly prohibit from completion some custom wog or sod maps, because of the town portal modified spell. Because players see era scripts then think hey cool to have more custom things but then are surprised they don't get town portal as planned.
Re-Uploaded with description.txt, indicating the issue above.
Also fixed some Achievements/Assassins buttons issues.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 17, 2020 07:21 PM |
Tried to download the English version just now, and got this error from Mediafire.


Hired Hero
posted June 17, 2020 07:51 PM |
Alyx182008 said: Tried to download the English version just now, and got this error from Mediafire.
Reuploaded to another source.
Please, try again.

Adventuring Hero
posted June 18, 2020 09:15 AM |
asandris said:
Reuploaded to another source.
Please, try again.
Works fine now. Thanks!

Adventuring Hero
Satisfying no one since 1994
posted June 19, 2020 04:09 AM |
Thanks for uploading this Sandris. It's awesome seeing all of our work like this here. Can't wait to work on the new version. Hopefully the kids give me a break soon so I can do more translation work in general lol.
~Drake Lyon~


Hired Hero
posted June 20, 2020 12:03 PM |
Minor fix of opt725b.txt.
English version updated at the first page.


Hired Hero
posted June 30, 2020 06:26 PM |
ERA Scripts is updated to version 1.46f.
Check the download link at the first post.
What`s new in version 1.46f
Added option 724 "Leprechaun's Bank" (converted to the separate option from the single mod with the same name)
A bug fixed: when taking a Targeted loan for the 1st level Mage Guild construction, the building was not built.
The option disables only the WoG option "Bank".
WoG options "Resource Trading Center" and "Ability to transfer ALL resources" are now not disabled, and work (activate) only via right mouse button click on the Bank button.
Option 794 "Open Map"
Removed z-variables intersections with other scripts (thanks to wessonsm)
Option 795 Nightly Scouting
Fixed crash at the beginning of the battle using Assassins that was appearing after game loading.
Now you can enable/disable the participation of the Assassins in the battle via Assassins button.
Option 882 "Skeletons with artifacts"
The base speed and growth rate of the Skeleton Guard are reduces.
Option 766 Leadership
The growth rate of troops is reduced from 3% to 2% per skill level (still is configured via ini-file)
Option 791 "Ambush bandits"
The ambush gang`s size is not depended on your hero`s army strenght anymore, it depends only on the game day, the hero`s level and game difficulty level.
Option 788 "Mortal Heroes", Option 725 "Bounty Hunting"
Fixed a bug in the procedure for rebirth of the hero, which caused changing of the commander`s race for reborn heroes.
Option 760 "Achievements"
Achievement rank "Inspector" is now given for every single captured unflagged/idle mine (in earlier versions it was given for 2 mines).
Achievement rank "Collector" is now given for every 5 piles of resources picked up (in earlier versions it was given for 10 resource piles).
Achievement rank "Treasure-hunter" is now given for every 3 treasure chests (in earlier versions it was given for 4 treasure chests).
Achievement rank "Scholar" is now given for every 3 objects visited on the map that increases a stat (in earlier versions it was given for 2).
Fixed Achievements button clicking visual effect (thanks to Sandris).
Option 725 "Bounty Hunting"
Extended field for the hero name in the recruitment/execution dialogue window. Now long hero names are not cut.
If the player has a maximum of active heroes, the recruitment of a bandit hero is no longer offered, only his execution for money.
Option 732 "Hero Limit"
The hero limit is now set only in the range from 1 to 8, because higher values could cause critical errors in the game.
The descriptions of the options "Siegecraft", "ReMagic", "Hero Limit" are supplemented.
Option 879 "Capture of Mills and Leprechaun Gardens"
Auto Resource Collection now starts after the placement of mithril and correctly collects it.

Known Hero
posted July 01, 2020 09:41 AM |


Hired Hero
posted July 01, 2020 11:04 AM |
Liso1 said: Great!
I'm just wondering, what is Gold Upgrades? 
It`s a kind of my personal collection of graphics modifications (interface, map objects, creatures...), which currently is under continuous development.

Known Hero
posted July 01, 2020 04:32 PM |
asandris said:
Liso1 said: Great!
I'm just wondering, what is Gold Upgrades? 
It`s a kind of my personal collection of graphics modifications (interface, map objects, creatures...), which currently is under continuous development. 
When it is released it will be a 10 times better wonder than it was new interface mod, I know it


Hired Hero
posted July 02, 2020 02:27 PM |
VMaiko said: When it is released it will be a 10 times better wonder than it was new interface mod, I know it 
Well, everybody has its own taste... The same thing can't be equally good or bad for everyone.


Hired Hero
posted July 02, 2020 04:43 PM |
Edited by asandris at 19:12, 02 Jul 2020.
Fixed a bug with Assassins descriptions scripts lines.
Fixed/Restored Millitary Duty option in WoG-options menu.
English version was re-uploaded.

Known Hero
posted July 07, 2020 10:40 PM |
asandris said: Fixed a bug with Assassins descriptions scripts lines.
Fixed/Restored Millitary Duty option in WoG-options menu.
English version was re-uploaded.
When I tried installing this version, I ran into a situation in which , when using a random map, the game crashed every time at the end of the first round. I had initially installed it over the existing ERA scripts mod. Then I tried deleting and doing a clean install. Neither method worked. Am I doing something wrong?


Hired Hero
posted July 08, 2020 11:35 AM |
Edited by asandris at 11:36, 08 Jul 2020.
Undeadgamer62 said:
asandris said: Fixed a bug with Assassins descriptions scripts lines.
Fixed/Restored Millitary Duty option in WoG-options menu.
English version was re-uploaded.
When I tried installing this version, I ran into a situation in which , when using a random map, the game crashed every time at the end of the first round. I had initially installed it over the existing ERA scripts mod. Then I tried deleting and doing a clean install. Neither method worked. Am I doing something wrong?
Yes, it should be clean installed/copied in Mods folder.
It uses ERA version 2.9.14.
Try to launch it with HD ERA Build 1.31 - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lVJ9dv-ZttyRV2DTSjW0A3gxWCBjOK4u
That build already has ERA Scripts Mod.

Known Hero
posted July 08, 2020 12:51 PM |
Undeadgamer62 said:
When I tried installing this version, I ran into a situation in which , when using a random map, the game crashed every time at the end of the first round. I had initially installed it over the existing ERA scripts mod. Then I tried deleting and doing a clean install. Neither method worked. Am I doing something wrong?
What other modifications do you have installed?
Heroes 3 Wake of Gods Portal