Thread: Ladies and Gentlemen, the father of Gender Theory | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT» |

Supreme Hero
posted April 23, 2021 07:46 PM |

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2021 10:20 PM |
Oh, wait. That reminds me...
Alright, found it. This is an absolutely delicious thread from back in 2016, you should definitely read it, Gandalf. It's not long either. Key takeaway is how one user, Mytical, a transgender person, has a change of heart with regards to his scientific views. All with the help of yours truly. It was a glorious moment.
And with regards to that pic, I'll just quote directly:
Stevie said: This reminds me, I read a scientific article from 2004 in the New England Journal of Medicine called Discordant Sexual Identity in Some Genetic Males with Cloacal Exstrophy Assigned to Female Sex at Birth. They put to the test the idea that social and cultural influences play the primary role in establishing sexual identity, which is as I understand how things were regarded after the 1950's in medical circles - sexuality a social construct. Basically psychologists used this as an argument in favor of sexual reassignment surgeries thinking they were helping when they were actually doing more harm than good.
This article from 2005 in the New York Times is also great and more on the language of the lay man - Declaring With Clarity, When Gender Is Ambiguous . Dr. Reiner has some very interesting and insightful things to say, he's one of the doctors that assisted with the experiment above. Here's what's probably the most relevant two quotes in the entire article:
Dr. Reiner said: Q. What conclusions can you draw about the eventual sexual identity of an intersex child?
A. That you can castrate a male at birth, create a female genital structure, raise the child as a girl, and in a majority of the cases, they'll still recognize themselves as male. Now many of the children I've seen are still young. I don't know what will happen as they get older.
The larger point is that it's been a monstrous failure, this idea that you can convert a child's sex by making over the child's genitals in the sex you've chosen. This began in the 1950's, when surgeons who felt helpless when they encountered intersex children thought they were helping them with sexual reassignment. The psychologists were saying, "You can make a boy or a girl or anything you want." It wasn't true. The children often knew it.
Dr. Reiner said: Q. Can children grow up mentally healthy if they have ambiguous genitalia?
A. I think that these sexual assignments often create more problems than they solve. The children grow up with unhealthy secrets. What the kids tell me is that while they didn't know they were males, they always knew something was wrong because they were "too different" from all the other girls.
In my psychiatric practice, I've had families where the parents asked me to be with them when they told their children, "You were actually born a boy." That turned out to be a critical moment because every child converted to being a boy within hours, except for two. With those two, they refused to ever discuss their sexual identity again. Still, none of them stayed female.
Those were the days man.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 23, 2021 10:47 PM |
It is amazing you can cherry-pick the same article with exactly the same dishonesty, when in that very thread that you brag about, you have been exposed for doing so:
artu said: He's talking about people "born with ambigious sexual structures" trying to be drawn into a gender they feel they don't belong to by parents or psychiatrists, what he talks about is not your "if you have a penis, you are boy and if you say you are not, that's a lie" approach, what he concludes in the end is actually exactly the opposite of that:
Q. What conclusions do you draw from your study?
A. That sexual identity is individual, unique and intuitive and that the only person who really knows what it is is the person themselves. If we as physicians or scientists want to know about a person's sexual identity, we have to ask them.
Stevie said:
If I didn't knew better I'd say that you're replying with veiled disagreement just for the sake of controversy. But I'm glad you're actually trying to agree with me again, although the trend is rather disturbing by now. Let me also put it more accurately a bit.
What he's talking about is males with genital malformations being assigned female sexuality surgically and socially from birth for the sake of an experiment, the results of which seem to indicate that a popular myth in the field of 50's psychology that sexuality is foremost a social construct is false. Or, what I quoted first from Dr. Reiner if you managed to miss it - "That you can castrate a male at birth, create a female genital structure, raise the child as a girl, and in a majority of the cases, they'll still recognize themselves as male.". He does not argue along the lines of "if you have a penis, you are boy and if you say you are not, that's a lie" and no one claimed he did, although incidentally that is a method he instructed the parents to use on their "girls" to reassure them of their femaleness whenever necessary.
artu said: The only thing in veil is the tiny little detail that you seem to skip, he doesn't use the words male and female the way you do. The thread is here, isn't it? I'm taking your quotes within its context. Your argument was along the lines of "somebody wants me to call him "she" but he's a boy, so that's a lie and I don't think I should." And when people, including a transgender person and anybody else who already read a little bit about the subject, objected by saying that it's not that simple, that sexuality (gender) is not just about which genital you have, there are many more hormonal and neurological factors, you replied "XY and XX is no false dilemma, lol." Now, essentially, both of your links support what we have told you in the first place and what you rejected. Yet, you still manage to quote the part where he practically says "boys will be boys" and present it like it's something supporting your argument, when in fact what he talks about is the gender identity that you strongly refused, not the genitals. So who quotes who out of context.
Once again, you try to take something that disagrees with you as a whole and in essence, then say "glad, they agree with me" when they are (including me as in the other thread) doing the exact opposite. It's not a magic trick, repeating those lines won't make it so. Unless, of course, you are linking these to show us you changed your mind. The parts you picked to quote and the parts you decided to leave out suggest that's unlikely though.
Those were the days, indeed.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2021 10:56 PM |
Edited by fred79 at 22:58, 23 Apr 2021.
lol, artu beat me to a reply, so my initial response turned out to be even MORE amusing. 
@ stevie: too bad you couldn't convince artu. 
also, upon reading through that thread, i see i was a lot less serious in those days. much has happened since then; i am now only a shadow of my former self. or am i just returned to my former former self???

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2021 11:16 PM |
I hope you're not turning, fred. 
And artu? Yea man, he needs to fix that massive Dunning-Kruger effect more than anything. Never with a question, always with the answer. He also needs to stop begging for my attention all the time. Hear that artu? I am not here to entertain you, okay? You are irrelevant now as you were when you posted back then. Sheesh...
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 23, 2021 11:27 PM |
Edited by artu at 23:28, 23 Apr 2021.
Oh, you can be sure that you are not entertaining even a little bit. Ok, you talking about Dunning Kruger Effect is a little bit entertaining to be fair, especially to fred, the guy you were suggesting to bugger off to 4chan. So let me leave you with the conclusion of your scientist again, to clear the desperate ad hominem fog you pull, trying to cover up your dishonesty. (I wonder why is it always the ones who preach religion that are always the biggest hypocrites.)
Sexual identity is individual, unique and intuitive and that the only person who really knows what it is is the person themselves. If we as physicians or scientists want to know about a person's sexual identity, we have to ask them.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2021 11:42 PM |
Stevie said: I hope you're not turning, fred. 
turning? i've upgraded to a skeleton warrior, if that means anything. nothing big, really. how about yourself? do you see any significant change?

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2021 11:46 PM |
Things are going really well here, can't lie. The pandemic sucks, but a lot of things compensate. I hope you're doing well. I thought you were dying at some point (because of that thread), but I'm glad to see you still posting.
Aaaaanyway... Back to ignoring artu. Read the damn thread, Gandalf.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 23, 2021 11:52 PM |
well, my life was directly on the line, and life since then has been ashes, and everything here sucks save for a few decent souls, and the future is bleak, but somehow i'm able to be in a somewhat good mood sporadically. best i can ask for.
yeah, gandhy, read that thread. let's try and trace back the origins of the transgender phenomenon.

Supreme Hero
posted April 23, 2021 11:58 PM |
Stevie said:
Aaaaanyway... Back to ignoring artu. Read the damn thread, Gandalf. 
Just read the damn whole thing.
First and foremost, oh boy, how low have we sunken from 2016; then, this topic was frowned upon and duly attacked, as it should be, because, well, you know, gender theory is nothing more than an absurdity that the powers that be decided to swallow so that special snowflakes would feeling so sad 
Jesus, Generation Z is going to suck hard and what's next? Really, where the hell do you draw the line? When will this madness stop (the real question: will it stop before the human centipede?)
Congratulations to Stevie, AlHazin, LW and Fred. Good points there!

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 24, 2021 12:11 AM |
You beautiful and fantastic, absolute madlad. You have my respect.
I'm not sure it's stopping anytime soon, in fact, I'm only seeing it getting worse. Recently there's been changes at work with regards to this. We were forced to sit through mandatory "training" and listen to this kind of bull**** for hours. Pure, one-sided indoctrination. It was such a disgrace, I was internally screaming.
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 24, 2021 12:26 AM |
Got that kind or of email too, inviting to a training session about LGBT then sexual harassment - sent to only males. Emailed them back that I identify as a shy little girl and I feel no safe with so many potential aggressors around. Never heard from them again.
Era II mods and utilities

Undefeatable Hero
Elvin's Darkside
posted April 24, 2021 07:41 AM |
Salamandre said: Got that kind or of email too, inviting to a training session about LGBT then sexual harassment - sent to only males. Emailed them back that I identify as a shy little girl and I feel no safe with so many potential aggressors around. Never heard from them again.
Well played.
"Kip is the Gavin McInnes of HC" - Salamandre
"Ashan to the Trashcan", "I got PTSD from H7. " - LizardWarrior

Legendary Hero
posted April 24, 2021 08:50 AM |
and took his own life by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun .
And this the final gender theory. Always when you are oposite to Gods creation. God law.
All gender ,scientific' psychopats schould be punished by guilotine.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 24, 2021 09:12 AM |
Aren't these suggestions of how to put the noble Christian concept of neighborly love into practice heart-warming?
Ah, nothing like a good, god-fearing Christian preaching their credo with a little fire and brimstone - or keen blades, for that matter.

Legendary Hero
posted April 24, 2021 10:47 AM |
You think that we should not penalized psychpats and other pedophile? Let him do his perversions its 'love' for you?!
Love for monsters. We dont love demons! Christianity is not a love for evil.

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted April 24, 2021 11:09 AM |
Baronus said: Christianity is not a love for evil.
It does believe in redemption though.

Undefeatable Hero
posted April 24, 2021 11:16 AM |
In my experience the more fundamental Christianity (but not only them) is first and foremost a love for punishment.
Maybe a little less focussing on punishment and a little more on love would do the trick.

Legendary Hero
posted April 24, 2021 01:45 PM |
Salvation if sinner is crushed and regrets not if is a real beast and want do more bestiality.
No justice no punishment is a hippie ideology not a christianity.
We are JUSTLY picking up a punishment - says positive thug. They are crucified!
Punishment is a penance.
We tell about cruel sadists destroing people gender! Real monsters. Not small thieves liers ant other usually sins.
But something like nazi monster Mengele.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 24, 2021 01:54 PM |
You don't judge a religion by its less articulate and most confused elements. Christianity has been intricately associated with the history and formation of Western society, with all its specific achievements that are not so common elsewhere, yet still pursued by all others : material prosperity, freedom, and happiness.
The path to that wasn't likely and free from errors and dead ends, nonetheless it ended with the certitude that almost everyone around the world wants a share from. Even if some are incredibly ungrateful and spend their time spitting on, they still can't live without.
I am not religious but neither blind.