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Heroes Community > Volcanic Wastelands > Thread: Ladies and Gentlemen, the father of Gender Theory
Thread: Ladies and Gentlemen, the father of Gender Theory This thread is 3 pages long: 1 2 3 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 24, 2021 02:01 PM

JollyJoker said:
Aren't these suggestions of how to put the noble Christian concept of neighborly love into practice heart-warming?
Ah, nothing like a good, god-fearing Christian preaching their credo with a little fire and brimstone - or keen blades, for that matter.

Well, no trolling thread of Gandalf (even he knows it, so they are all in the VW) would be complete without Baronus mumbling something about the one true infallible religion and how evil communists, gays, globalists, etc should be destroyed. He was the missing link in their royal union. Too bad Lizzy no longer comes around with his "homosexuality is a disease, no matter what you call it" spice. I guess,the powers weaving the web of gender theory(!) were back in play even as far as 1973. Facts are facts, after all.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted April 24, 2021 02:17 PM

Homosexuality is a disease, no matter what you call it.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 24, 2021 02:23 PM

Sal said:
You don't judge a religion by its less articulate and most confused elements. Christianity has been intricately associated with the history and formation of Western society, with all its specific achievements that are not so common elsewhere, yet still pursued by all others : material prosperity, freedom, and happiness.

Historically, there had been some positive effects of it besides the bad, of course but the achievements you speak of has a lot more to do with a unique combination of Greek philosophy, Roman Law, decentralized political powers due to geography, the discovery of the Americas and its new trade routes, among other things. Same religion exists in Africa or Latin America, with extremely different results. Especially, material prosperity has nothing to do with it since commerce is originally looked down upon by Christianity. And individual freedom certainly came after secularization, which is basically a disengagement from religion, not the opposite. You can say it had the potential to be secularized, which is an important trait indeed but most religions do have that. Budhism is much more compatible with the separation of "church and state" for instance, and it makes much more sense as some moral philosophy even when stripped off its mythological aspects. So you can hypothetically speculate that if it had been Budhism that Konstantin agreed to establish as religion of Rome in return of a bargain for military support, the European rise in 17th century would even be swifter.
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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted April 24, 2021 02:35 PM


artu said:
Well, no trolling thread of Gandalf (even he knows it, so they are all in the VW) would be complete without Baronus mumbling something about the one true infallible religion and how evil communists, gays, globalists, etc should be destroyed. He was the missing link in their royal union. Too bad Lizzy no longer comes around with his "homosexuality is a disease, no matter what you call it" spice. I guess,the powers weaving the web of gender theory(!) were back in play even as far as 1973. Facts are facts, after all.

To be fair though... globalists and communists are evil (or, at the very least, obscenely naive).

Also, "the powers weaving the web of gender theory" were actually in play in 1973. The "field" did not just spontaneously appear in the 90s.

You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 24, 2021 03:10 PM

There is not a single gender theory but gender studies spread out among many fields. The data I linked about genetic and hormonal differences regarding gender identity is positive, observable data and if you happen to think they are part of some grand conspiracy which also involves declassifying homosexuality from being a mental illness in the DSM almost 50 years ago, feel free to join the lunacy club. That is basically to say, psychiatry associations and their scientific boards take orders from some secret power trying to turn people gay. Good luck with that.  

Globalization is an irreversible process and looking into world affairs and international politics as if there is a villainous group of "globalists" orchestrating everything behind the shadows would be the naive thing, not the other way around. It's much more complicated than that. Politics is basically many interest groups siding with or opposing each other, according to mutual interest on a context to context basis. This is more global than it used to be, that's all. And I'm not a communist but I wouldn't call them "evil" because they were anti-church and certainly the reason communism failed wasn't because the right way is the way of the infallible church.  
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted April 24, 2021 03:20 PM


I fail to see how any of that is relevant to what I said.
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Supreme Hero
posted April 24, 2021 03:30 PM
Edited by Gandalf196 at 15:32, 24 Apr 2021.

artu said:

Well, no trolling thread of Gandalf (even he knows it, so they are all in the VW)

I'm no troll, I just believe in the enormous power of memes and comedy in general to convey messages. Heck, in a world where THIS IS HAPPENING:


how do you expect people to respond? "Ah, you know, I disagree with your statement that people can't decide their age or that it may not be wise to leave your family to pretend you are a little girl". It's past time to shout "the king is naked" and if you insist on admiring his invisible garment then I'm sorry for you.

About the choice of forum, I really prefer censorship free boards. That is all.

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Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted April 24, 2021 03:32 PM

Why a mental illness? Religion! But the Bible never said mental illness, the book said the sin. Now we know! We have a drug, if you want be super straight, we don't force you take a drug. Ok what about deaf? The same religion and the Bible you shouldn't think deaf is retarded. Because the Bible isn't true. We wait for years. Ok if the Bible isn't existence, your belief never dead, because people have belief. But the Bible don't give a evolutio in life. Those are computer, HoMM, internet, etc also negative drug, cochlear implant, etc We don't need drug, cochlear implant, etc why you force us? Take yourself, if you need. So 18yo or in the US 21yo can think about drug, cochlear implant. So shemale is the same thing.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted April 24, 2021 03:42 PM

The Bible's using lots of metaphors and riddles to tell more complex things. Your average peasant wouldn't know about physics, nor aliens, etc. But this is off-topic and irrelevant here.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 24, 2021 03:58 PM

Lith-Maethor said:
I fail to see how any of that is relevant to what I said.

There is no "powers weaving the web of gender theory" or "evil globalists" etc. The relevance is as simple as that. "To be fair," these are interpretations that are superficial and ignorant to the point of absurd. The world isnt a Marvel issue.


If you are even incapable of seeing why you end up posting in the VW, and why your content and style can only exist there, I cant make you grasp that.

About the news you link, so what, you take some extraordinary, grotesque example (that's why it's news in the first place) and then drive what conclusion, that gender studies are orchestrated to create such people? The same guy could have snapped by saying he hears God's voice and he's his next messenger. What then? Being transgender itself has nothing to do with having a severly distorted perception of reality, if your hormones and genes make you feel like a woman, that is your physiological reality no matter what your chromosomes are. It's as simple as that, no matter how many memes you flood here with, how many scientists you misquote or how many bigots pat each other on the back.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted April 24, 2021 04:10 PM


artu said:
There is no "powers weaving the web of gender theory" or "evil globalists" etc. The relevance is as simple as that. "To be fair," these are interpretations that are superficial and ignorant to the point of absurd.

I was directly quoting you, hence the quote marks. However you want to interpret them, there are "powers weaving the web of gender theory". At the very least, it's researchers that came to the relevant conclusions and wish to share with the world.

Also, there are both evil people and those that wish to promote globalism for their own benefit. Are you telling me there is no overlap ever? That said, I was referring to supporters of both globalism and communism.

artu said:
The world isnt a Marvel issue.

Sadly it is. Except, it's not like the good ol' Marvel of ages past, it's far closer to the recent crap they've been putting out.
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Supreme Hero
posted April 24, 2021 04:16 PM


Just so I know what notes to play. What is your background? Myself, I am an engineer, so I do not have the patience to indulge people into believe sweet illusions. Reality is out there, face it or it will devour you. Thankfully, our ancestors worked really hard so we could live in peace and comfort today. So I see this transgender mania for what it really is: the brainchild of perverse and useless "thinkers" who, hating the West, capitalism, Christianity and, ultimately, themselves, decided to ruin families by sowing dissent first at the college level and, now, at schools.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 24, 2021 04:41 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 16:44, 24 Apr 2021.

Well, I think a distinction must first be made between the genuine struggle this people may go through, then the activist side - often pushed by other people with an agenda, which is basically pissing off a lot of people. I am reading this book right now and it cuts rather well through (I alternate one chapter with one Bach fugue, when both reunited it kills my insomnia)

More recently and on individual level, there is a published letter from a father towards the institution he decided to retire his daughter from. Many valid points, in my opinion.

People start to have enough of the propaganda and the coercion associated with the so-called desire for equity. They do not deny the validity of the goal, but the tools used to achieve it.  

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 24, 2021 04:47 PM

This whole thread has taken on an absurd quality that could make it a real gem.

So please, y'all, keep it coming.

Good job, artu.

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Legendary Hero
DoR Modder
posted April 24, 2021 04:52 PM

The quality is absurd in this soy infested world, some people are finally making themselves heard. Artu can continue posting stuff to be debunked.
Enshackling time itself, heralds of the Ancients among their heat-depleted land.... Who could they be, who could rally the beings of the East and the North and control the mortals' fate?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted April 24, 2021 05:00 PM

It's so absurd it gets surreal.

Take this letter Salamander linked to. Of course you can debate what he says (but you can't debate about the fact that he pays $54.000 and has the right to stop paying and pay another school) - but absurdly enough his name is GUTMANN, which means Goodman in German...

Or take the idea that artu has been or would be debunked in this thread. Hilariously absurd. As absurd as this election fraud yarn the trumpster and his cronies spun...

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Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted April 24, 2021 05:03 PM


That letter was good.

But not nearly enough. Every parent should stop and think hard about what kind of education their kids are getting. That one did, whether you agree with his conclusion or not.

As for me? I want to buy that man a drink (even if he has a lot more money than I do).

You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted April 24, 2021 05:06 PM

Your arguments about that letter are absurd too. The same logic as if I say "your surname is joker, why I debate with a supervillain"
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Undefeatable Hero
My BS sensor is tingling again
posted April 24, 2021 05:19 PM


You were quoting me being sarcastic about this: "gender theory is nothing more than an absurdity that the powers that be decided to ..."

Evil people? If you're using it as a figure of speech, yeah. People with anti-social personality disorder, "sociopaths" or people who are brainwashed by things like neo-nazism or holy jihad can be shortly called "evil" in everyday language. Political actors on a global scale hardly overlap enough to qualify categorically, to say something like "evil globalists" though. So no, they are not Doctor Doom or Loki.


I strongly suggest sticking to engineering then. Because saying things like "the brainchild of perverse and useless "thinkers" who, hating the West, capitalism, Christianity and, ultimately, themselves, decided to ruin families by sowing dissent first at the college level and, now, at schools" indicates certain traits of a person, that Gnootch summarized pretty precisely but I wouldn't want to get a penalty like him. Just let me say this, I am not a bit surprised you turned out religious.

(Not that it matters but I'm a writer. I studied Archeology for a while, then quit, graduated from Comparative Literature, also taking Sociology and History of Philosophy courses on the side. I consider my real education being born into a very good library and spending my early twenties in the streets among with bohemian outcasts though.)

@Fire Paladin
Debunk what exactly, you can debunk anything if you ignore every credible source as part of some grand conspiracy. And assuming LGTB people are not the ones who are "finally" heard but the ones making such a fuss about it, is reading things backwards in such a self centered way, it doubles the irony relating your snowflake/soy rhetoric.

You know, we have gay and trans members here too, they read all this stuff while you call them diseased, mentally ill, etc. And they dont whine one tenth of you guys with your endless conspiracies and your constant moaning about how Christianity is under attack or how the real victims are white straight men and all that crap...


Just look at the quality of the opposition, the audacity of their ignorance. For every overzealous trans activist out there, you have a hundred of these guys. I havent got the time for it now but I'll read the letter later tomorrow.
Are you pretty? This is my occasion. - Ghost

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Supreme Hero
posted April 24, 2021 05:35 PM

artu said:


I strongly suggest sticking to engineering then. Because saying things like "the brainchild of perverse and useless "thinkers" who, hating the West, capitalism, Christianity and, ultimately, themselves, decided to ruin families by sowing dissent first at the college level and, now, at schools" indicates certain traits of a person, that Gnootch summarized pretty precisely but I wouldn't want to get a penalty like him. Just let me say this, I am not a bit surprised you turned out religious.

I'm not religious at all. I like to have a good time all the time, which means that should a girl ask me to fix her computer late at night I won't say "only after marriage"; I'll certainly go there a make her cooler spin like crazy That does not mean, though, that I think Christianity is merely a cult, or a supertitious frivolity. Au contraire, Our civilization owes Christianity so much that it's impossible to even conceive of such a list. I'm no atheist either, my convictions about the Deity vary: there are times when I feel like teism holds the answer and days in which Deism seems more natural. Never atheism though, as I'm no longer a teenager.
About you pigeonholing me into groups, well, we're better than that, right? You are here defending incommensurable absurdities and I'm calling you out for that "that's lunacy, that's not true, etc." and that's how discussions should be handled.

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