Thread: H3 How to make AI buy troops from Creature Generators | |
Known Hero
posted September 13, 2021 02:54 AM |
H3 How to make AI buy troops from Creature Generators
Hi everyone, I'm working with HOTA to try and make a few maps. A problem I keep running into is with the AI not picking up units from his nearby creature dwellings, even if he has the money.
Salamander gave me some good advice, they seem to pick up more often if there is a resource generator near the dwellings, or a seer-hut to return each day one close to them.
But I would like to know if there is an easier way where I don't have to clutter my map with these objects?
Also I'm looking for any advice to change objects like a tree to instead be a quest guard with the HOTA map editor? I can do this easy in Unleashed editor, and then transfer map to HOTA once I'm done making these counterfeit objects. But sadly I have many maps already close to done in HOTA. Does anyone know of a way, perhaps a good guide on hex editing objects like trees?
Cheers guys thank you
Supreme Hero
posted September 13, 2021 01:12 PM |
Titanfall2020 said: Also I'm looking for any advice to change objects like a tree to instead be a quest guard with the HOTA map editor? I can do this easy in Unleashed editor, and then transfer map to HOTA once I'm done making these counterfeit objects. But sadly I have many maps already close to done in HOTA. Does anyone know of a way, perhaps a good guide on hex editing objects like trees?
There is a good chance you can open both editors at once and make your object, then just copy and paste it from one to the other. That worked a long time ago for me to quickly edit objects in WoG editor to paste into SoD maps, and I can't see why it shouldn't work for your situation. (Now that I think about it, the only problem with this method is probably that the objects will be unplaceable on highlands and wasteland.)
If that doesn't work you can look into editing the EdObjts.txt file to make your custom objects, that's how I've been doing it recently. It's pretty fast with a custom text file you know and can quickly index and modify.
Tavern Dweller
posted September 13, 2021 01:35 PM |
Edited by linly at 13:38, 13 Sep 2021.
Game for kids
At first, diligently baking delicious cookies. You can then purchase tools that help you automate production
Known Hero
posted September 14, 2021 03:32 AM |
gnollking said:
Titanfall2020 said: Also I'm looking for any advice to change objects like a tree to instead be a quest guard with the HOTA map editor? I can do this easy in Unleashed editor, and then transfer map to HOTA once I'm done making these counterfeit objects. But sadly I have many maps already close to done in HOTA. Does anyone know of a way, perhaps a good guide on hex editing objects like trees?
There is a good chance you can open both editors at once and make your object, then just copy and paste it from one to the other. That worked a long time ago for me to quickly edit objects in WoG editor to paste into SoD maps, and I can't see why it shouldn't work for your situation. (Now that I think about it, the only problem with this method is probably that the objects will be unplaceable on highlands and wasteland.)
If that doesn't work you can look into editing the EdObjts.txt file to make your custom objects, that's how I've been doing it recently. It's pretty fast with a custom text file you know and can quickly index and modify.
It works!! Thank you so much!
I have to be careful which objects to copy/paste. But man this is going to save me so much time. I'd been considering remaking like 10 maps from scratch to have this feature lol. Now my ai will buy units like good little bots. Cheers man!
Supreme Hero
posted September 14, 2021 08:53 AM |