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Heroes Community > Tavern of the Rising Sun > Thread: Cannabis and JJ
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Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 27, 2022 11:17 AM

Cannabis and JJ


Ok I chose Tavern, because place for R18, right? Are you happy or what, JJ?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 27, 2022 11:51 AM

I'll be happy if and when that law finally comes. Until then I expect all kinds of stumbling blocks.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 27, 2022 03:04 PM

of course you'd be happy for a drug to be legalized that makes people even more dumb than they already are, and facilitate them not caring about anything. and on top of that, a gateway drug. puts a smile on my face, too. make sure not to question why your leaders don't give a snow about the masses' health, and just wants them complacent and controllable. until they get into the drugs that make them attack other citizens and rob them, and eventually end up behind bars.

don't question why something bad for you, that has been illegal for decades for a reason, is suddenly on the table to become legal; amidst everything else going on in this day and age. don't think, just be happy.

everybody wins. right?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 27, 2022 03:20 PM

Sounds like the ideal drug for you since the effect you described would totally fizzle out on you.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 27, 2022 11:21 PM
Edited by Galaad at 23:22, 27 Oct 2022.

Alcohol is a drug too. And a much nastier one.

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Supreme Hero
posted October 27, 2022 11:47 PM

fred has really leveled up with the troll posts, big respect

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 12:47 AM

JollyJoker said:
Sounds like the ideal drug for you since the effect you described would totally fizzle out on you.

borrow a brain cell from somebody and reread my post, then rub those two together and actually make an attempt to understand my point.

@ galaad: and why do you think it is, that they have aggressive advertisements for alcohol? or for fast food that is unhealthy as all get out? obesity IS an epidemic, if not the worst one health-wise, but do you care to guess WHY? i'll tell you: it's for the same reasons i mentioned in my initial post. an unfit and docile public isn't a public that is inclined to FIGHT BACK.

now add to that, all the super-aggressive "medication" and "vaccine" propaganda.

and add to that, the divisionist political propaganda; and you have the perfect recipe for a very, very weak populace. one not even inclined to THINK. just CONSUME. both with the mouth, and with the mind.

@ gk: i don't do drugs anymore. i wish i never had, outside of a couple experiences(not with marijuana, though).

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Famous Hero
of picnics
posted October 28, 2022 02:05 AM

Galaad said:
Alcohol is a drug too. And a much nastier one.

yogi - class: monk | status: healthy
"Lol we are HC'ers.. The same tribe.. Guy!" ~Ghost

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 08:54 AM

fred79 said:

borrow a brain cell from somebody and reread my post, then rub those two together and actually make an attempt to understand my point.

fred, your "points" are never difficult to understand, it's just that most are completely nonsensical or absurd.

Based on that I'm not surprised your experiences with drugs, whatever they are, were so you wished you never had tried any. Most drugs are not good for people who have issues with reality, are paranoid or obsessed with something, because many of them will deepen that, which isn't a good strategy. (Marihuana isn't one of those, though).

Drugs obviously have a dangerous side, but if you'd just take a moment and think about it, EVERYTHING has for SOMEONE. You yourself named obesity. Sugar and fast food could be called drugs as well, because SOME people will develop a habit or even an addiction, but that's not in the nature of the stuff, it's in the nature of the specific people, who become obese and can't help but guzzle a gallon of standard Coke a day, eat half a dozen burgers and add a Snickers or two after each Big Mac with fries. Or think even about relationships. There are enough people who are obsessed with other people, stalk them, can't get over breaks, do stupid and illegal things. Or those who watch 24/7 TV. The gamblers who lose everything they have and still want to lose more. The adrenalin junkies... Virtually EVERYTHING can be addictive in an unhealthy way.

People will do everything to get their kicks and fill the holes in their life, and they will keep to whatever does it. No matter what.
Criminalizing everything doesn't actually help - decriminalizing a few does, though. Especially when it's actually pretty harmless stuff in comparison.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 09:31 AM

jj, do you honestly believe that the people pushing all of that unhealthy snow have your best interests in mind? do you honestly believe they care about you, or your health and well-being?

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 10:34 AM

Look, fred, LIFE is fundamentally UNHEALTHY, not only because eventually you'll die, but also because you'll suffer along the way. Others will die, for example, people who mean something to you. Or suffer as well. And there happen a lot of unhealthy things, like wars and desasters and plagues and accidents. People themselves are flawed with genetic malfunctions and diseases, and on top of everything the whole deal isn't fair, because not everyone reacts the same to stuff. Keith Richards is unbreakable, while other croak with 25 from an aneuyrism, having not even smoked a cigarette in their life.

The thing is to find the middle ground, not overdo anything and hope to be lucky or at least not unlucky.

No one is FORCED to do anything. No one is forced to eat themselves to obesity, no one is forced to drink alcohol, no one is forced to smoke dope. No one is forced either to make silly things - say, steal cars and crash them to enjoy the airbag, ride on the roof of subway trains and so on and so forth.
But forbidding stuff won't stop people from doing "unhealthy things". Isn't that obvious for everyone who got the story of Adam and Eve told? God had their best interest in mind - supposedly, mind you -, but they wouldn't listen.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 28, 2022 11:16 AM
Edited by Galaad at 11:19, 28 Oct 2022.

"People" keep "pushing unhealthy ****" yet life expectancy keeps on getting longer...
Drinking a glass of wine a day is not dangerous, drinking 3 bottles is. But you are responsible for your own actions.

Edit: JJ now quoting the bible

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 11:32 AM

that wasn't what i was asking, jj.

if you are unable or unwilling to give a straight answer to a question like an adult, just say so; i don't need a run-around. your response was like trying to ask a 5-year-old if they thought stealing and eating cookies before dinner was the right thing to do; i'm getting the same misdirecting bs that i would from a misbehaving child attempting to avoid punishment.

here are the questions again:

do you honestly believe that the people pushing all of that unhealthy snow have your best interests in mind? do you honestly believe they care about you, or your health and well-being?

a straight answer to those questions, as an adult, would suffice. you're not facing punishment here.

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 28, 2022 11:34 AM

Hey I did answer that, how you conveniently ignored it...

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 12:38 PM
Edited by JollyJoker at 12:39, 28 Oct 2022.

fred, your questions are silly.

How can ANYBODY even say they do something with MY best interest in mind? How would anyone KNOW what MY best interest is? To claim that would be presumptious and dishonest.
Parents often claim they do (or forbid) something because it's in their kids`best interest, but the fact is that they may believe that, but whether it's true or not is the question.

Secondly, who cares about ANYONE at all? Parents are supposed to care for their kids, but how many actually do so? How many are treated indifferently, are abused, sold, killed, raped, have to work hard...? There are only a few people, if anyone, who will really care for you or me, and that's not politicians who make laws.

Third, having said that, YES, I think in this case they do something that is in my best interest, but of course they don't do it because of that. They do it because it makes more sense to legalize it than to criminalize it.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 02:19 PM

Galaad said:
Hey I did answer that, how you conveniently ignored it...

obviously, i didn't see your post before i replied(and i was responding to jj regardless, and obviously so), because i have to wait a dog's age in between posts; and i wait with the post typed up, until i can post again(thanks to you and cor). but sure, you can respond immediately to something that didn't address you, and make me wait another dog's age to respond, further exacerbating my frustration at people who don't grasp simple concepts; and in this case, questions. why not.

Galaad said:
"People" keep "pushing unhealthy ****" yet life expectancy keeps on getting longer...
Drinking a glass of wine a day is not dangerous, drinking 3 bottles is. But you are responsible for your own actions.

like i told jj, this doesn't answer the questions i posed. but supposing for a second, in your mind, that it does...

so, responding to that assumption and giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't pulling the exact same snow jj is:

because people have longer life expectancies, that means the people pushing unhealthy snow have your best interests in mind?

is that what you're saying? if so, do you understand just HOW those two don't correlate?

JollyJoker said:
fred, your questions are silly.

no, they're absolutely not. there is a point to why i'm asking these questions. i'm trying to find where your beliefs lie; where the divide between us lies. where it STARTS, to be more specific.

JollyJoker said:
How can ANYBODY even say they do something with MY best interest in mind? How would anyone KNOW what MY best interest is? To claim that would be presumptious and dishonest.

we're discussing the impact marijuana has on the populace, and why it's ultimately being legalized. we are discussing whether the people legalizing it, are doing it with your HEALTH and WELL BEING in mind. we're not talking about parents, who only have a diminishing impact on their own children. we're talking about people pushing laws and unhealthy things on the masses.

JollyJoker said:
There are only a few people, if anyone, who will really care for you or me, and that's not politicians who make laws.

finally, some clarification. so, if politicians who make laws don't really care for you and me, then WHY would you trust them to pass laws that are in YOUR best interest? WHY would you trust them at ALL? on ANYTHING? when they legalize marijuana, THEY control the product being sold. which means, if they WANT anything at all put INTO it, they CAN. and if they CAN, they WILL, because you and i both agree, rightfully, that politicians who make laws don't give a rat's ass about the public's health and welfare. that's NOT conspiratorial thinking, that's just taking what we both understand about politicians, and EXTRAPOLATING from there. the same way you would, if you knew a type of venomous snake, that could BITE you, and would have no problem DOING IT. in order to understand something, you have to understand it's NATURE. what it DOES, typically; and what it's fully CAPABLE OF.

JollyJoker said:
Third, having said that, YES, I think in this case they do something that is in my best interest, but of course they don't do it because of that. They do it because it makes more sense to legalize it than to criminalize it.

it makes more sense to legalize marijuana than it does to leave it illegal? looking back at your own response, for WHOM, exactly? for WHOM does it make sense to legalize marijuana? WHO benefits from that drug being legal? the people not smoking it, who push the laws, or the people who already, and are going to, smoke it? because even if it IS legal, as a government employee, you're not allowed to ingest those drugs they are legalizing.

so, in short, that drug they are making legal for the public, isn't something they're even allowed to consume. the public gets to "reap the benefits" of that drug ALL BY THEMSELVES. presented by the people you and i both know NOT TO TRUST.

are you getting it yet?

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Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted October 28, 2022 02:33 PM

fred79 said:
Galaad said:
nd i wait with the post typed up, until i can post again(thanks to you and cor).

Right I forgot the floodprotect thing. However, repeatedly breaking the CoC is on yourself.

fred79 said:
WHO benefits from that drug being legal?

I can tell you who doesn't benefit from it being legal, the drug dealers.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 02:38 PM

Do you really expect me to answer to that drivel?
when they legalize marijuana, THEY control the product being sold. which means, if they WANT anything at all put INTO it, they CAN. and if they CAN, they WILL
Following that logic, everything legal comes with something in it THEY want you to consume, because they control it, whoever they are. Except they don't, since you are allowed to grow your own plants.

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Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted October 28, 2022 03:03 PM

Galaad said:

fred79 said:
WHO benefits from that drug being legal?

I can tell you who doesn't benefit from it being legal, the drug dealers.

Too good an answer, because Galaad has read link.

Why? My experience found, my 1990's Cannabis ERA, I asked Marihuana? Isn't. Hashish?, Flower? Isn't, we have heroin. No thank you. But dealer lied. Later on dealer asked why you don't like as other? An idiot? Yeah snow heroin, only Cannabis.. Got it.. But dealer tried again and again said isn't. Stop! Found another Cannabis dealer. But I stopped 2000. I was Cannabis user in 1996 between 2000. And snow dealer died to heroin.

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Undefeatable Hero
posted October 28, 2022 04:39 PM

JollyJoker said:
Do you really expect me to answer to that drivel?
when they legalize marijuana, THEY control the product being sold. which means, if they WANT anything at all put INTO it, they CAN. and if they CAN, they WILL
Following that logic, everything legal comes with something in it THEY want you to consume, because they control it, whoever they are. Except they don't, since you are allowed to grow your own plants.

i love how you insult what you yourself don't understand. like that's some substitute for being intelligent, or even an acceptable form of communication from a supposedly educated adult or something. lol.

i'll try to simplify what i said. you've admitted(and rightfully so) that politicians don't care about people, right? so, by that understanding, we can rightfully assume ANYTHING they're attempting to do, has NO benefit to the public, period. correct?

it is PLAIN to see, there is overwhelming evidence that politicians don't act in favor of their countrymen. so WHAT reason would you have to believe ANYTHING they did(legalizing marijuana, in this case), was for society's BEST interest?

you understand the NATURE of politicians, right? so you should know they AREN'T looking out for the public's interest, when they pass ANY legislation. PERIOD.

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