
Known Hero
posted August 24, 2024 11:24 PM |
There is a whole game in there - so much unused potential.
Make the walls/gate/turrets/main different thickness. Currently all 2 for ALL factions, with +1 for wall sections on castle upgrade. The accepted range is 1-3 for all sections.
Fortress deserves 3(->4) thickness walls to go with their double moat.
With BTB's guide, you can custom each factions arrow tower damage - clearly fortress should shot a little weaker.
Also in BTB's guide is castle should have a water moat - only dealing damage to fire-resistant creatures, and the reverse for inferno's moat - two ideas I have adopted as it is brilliant.
Inferno can have only 1(-2)-thickness walls - to reflect the hellish theme - who would wan to break into there?
Since the animations for turrets all differ, every town can have a different damage (ref:BTB) but you would give up the growing of the damage with town building number in the original formula.
When I have learnt assembly, I shall give lich turrets AOE deathcloud effect that ONLY kills living units, even if they're unfriendly. So necropolis towns would be turret-less to a rival or purpose-built necro army. Can do the same for the gogs for inferno.
I have also adjusted the ballistics skill to a perfect balance where going throw the walls is guaranteed at expert (if the town is not 3(->4) ), requires about 3 turns at no skill(can control catapult), whereas the gate requires about 3 times that.
(ballist.txt) decimals are ~turns/ 3-turret/main and 2->3-wall
keep 2*tower gate 4*wall
( ) 30 40 50 100 shots 0dmg 1dmg
non 16.7 12.5 10.0 3.33 1 40 60
bas 10.0 7.5 6.0 2.00 0 100
adv 5.9 4.4 3.5 1.18 2 15 85
exp 3.3 2.5 2.0 0.67 3 0 100
Combined with earthquake set at 2/2/2/3 12/10/8/15
this should be a very fun game, which the original completely didn't bother with. The main thing is giving control at no skill (you can also make catapult buyable (for human)) (ref:BTB) because otherwise siege is a pointless animation which actually wastes time making you watch it operate automatically for some pointless randomness.
Since Tower has mines with a minimum that can be exceeded by the spell power multiplier of the spell with the defending mage, every faction's turrets should have the corresponding native shooter -with relevant stats- times the attack of any defending hero. A tavern can provide a minimum also. The moat's damage per turn can be a minimum exceeded by hero's defense, or subtract defense equal to a fraction of hero defense.
The main point is for cities to be hero multipliers, since hero are army multipliers, so a lone hero with relatively few troops but built up defenses could put up a fight at say 1-10 odds at relatively smaller army sizes. That way not everything is decide by army size, your defeated but experienced hero has more time to re-build an army so not all is lost.