Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted December 27, 2024 02:32 AM |
[HoMM3] Primary Skills
Some many years ago I found and realized the Primary Skills.. Hero classes have own Primary Skill classes in the spirit of the game.. So you will win the game as a OP or an Earth in your maximum PS and SS.. Ok I show you, but a few hero classes and writing lengths, thus you research yourself in continuation..
How do you choose the Primary Skill of Knight? Always be Attack, Defense and Knowledge.. When weak ranged attack units.. You need to increase your Defense., and for attackers like two flying creature/unit also Crusaders and Champions, you need an Attack amount.. So you pick equable Attack and Defense, you keep balance your Attack and Defense.. When Leadership, and other Bless and Prayer, so it gives twice damage.. Castle doesn't belong to the highest Attack amount.. If you don't like, then Castle isn't for you.. The next Power or Knowledge, so think about Power means evil, and Knowledge is a good.. You realize that Knight can't pick Fire.. Because of good.. Knowledge means Clone.. Do you know about Clone Archangels to resurrect your armies.. That's why Castle uses the Knowledge purely..
Attack or Defense? Always both.. The same as Knight.. But Knowledge, not Power, thus their level 5 spells with Mysticism, they run around the map fast..
Attack or Defense? Always both, but PS runs the highest Attack, it after Defense, Power, and at least Knowledge.. So you keep in mind that 1. Attack 2. Defense 3. Power 4. Knowledge.. Don't pick Knowledge and Water.. Because Water hasn't a damage effect..
Attack or Defense? Always both, but always be Power..
Attack or Defense? Always be Attack, so you visit a Marletto Tower, etc you get a Defense free, and payable PS, you always pick a Attack.. When you've Offense.. What about Power and Knowledge? Always be both.. Water isn't a matter, but Stronghold's the future spells, when Barbarian built military and adventure skills.. It after Air, Earth or Fire.. It depends on towns.. But also neutral between evil due to Wisdom.. Remember that an old H3 Complete, when XL or large than XL, you don't need a Wisdom..
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