Thread: Lexiav's new skill tier list | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 02, 2025 10:57 AM |
Lexiav's new skill tier list
Hi guys
So recently Lexiav uploaded a new skill tier list on YouTube.
Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2l6Pbsj5NBo
Personally I would move Estates, First Aid and Eagle Eye up and Scouting down. But like always, I guess it depends.
I was also a bit surprised he put Water Magic this high. In his last video he put Water Magic only at C-tier and seemed to hate the skill, but apparently not anymore. Also his rating of Tactics is surprisingly low this time.
But what do you think about the skills, in newest version of HotA?

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted February 02, 2025 12:18 PM |
Clown! My mistake!
Ok EE is always snowing strategy, even if EE becomes terrorist strategy in easiest variation: Your splitted creatures, why not Efreets? Armageddon! And you give spells to your Scholar.. Why you need spells? When you don't know how to use spells.. Only TP.. But you get your town, scroll, artifacts, etc I don't know why a awesome! Hell a clown.. I'm waiting for new spells.. Must be only EE and Scholar.. What I played Fear from my friend.. Maybe Fear in new spells.. I'm waiting for new HotA version..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted February 02, 2025 04:45 PM |
Lexiav and his consequences have been a disaster for homm3.

More seriously he plays very short maps with very unnatural layouts. He seems like a nice guy but he is not playing Homm3, so his opinion on the changes is based around an incredibly narrow window of gameplay which (in my view) perverts the original spirit of the game.
I've been playing a bunch of the campaigns and original maps recently, and it is amazing how "balanced" the game is without the need for any of Hota's changes.
The developers aren't afraid to disable taverns or T7 buildings, or give all the sawmills to one faction and all the alchemy labs to another.
Suddenly "broken" strategies are no longer possible and singular paths are made unavailable. Even skills like first aid have their(extremely limited) place.
All that said, HOTA does manage to keep the wider view in mind for the most part. But I worry people like Lexiav influence them a bit too much, and also the Olden Era guys.
Lexiav is playing a game without wonder and discovery, more of a cool combos and numbers go up dopamine machine than Homm3.
What are Homm Songs based on?

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 02, 2025 04:54 PM |
Yeah, I kinda agree, he seems to be playing mostly short 1 hero maps these days, so you NEED Scouting there, to be able to figure out where to go, when you can't have actual scouts.
But we all have our preferred way(s) of playing the game, right?
So I hope HotA listens to a bunch of people and trust their own instincts and not only listen to Lexiav.

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted February 02, 2025 06:13 PM |
I think what they need to do is take 5-10 inarguably great maps, and then make sure their changes make all of them feel better, not worse.
So playtest before and after A Viking We Shall Go, Pandora's Box, and A Peaceful End (Small maps, big maps, water maps, mix, etc.) and if the abilities feel right and better for them you are on the right track. You can even throw in a Jebus Cross if you must.
What are Homm Songs based on?

Known Hero
posted February 02, 2025 08:48 PM |
LordCameron said: Lexiav is playing a game without wonder and discovery, more of a cool combos and numbers go up dopamine machine than Homm3.
Lexiav the "butcher"

Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted February 03, 2025 03:23 AM |
I enjoy Lexiav's content but I tend to agree with you guys. In fairness, he does acknowledge that he's ranking them based on his recent experence playing 1 hero duel maps.
I think HOTA's changes have all been welcome though. First Aid as it existed before was a poorly designed skill that was never going to be desireable unless you were doing a challenge run where your whole army was 1 archangel or something. Eagle Eye similarly would only have been usable on maps where it was the only way you were allowed to learn spells, and the only time I ever found Mysticism useful was in the final mission of the Dragon Slayer campaign where there were no mage guilds or wells and you had a limited number of turns. Learning was also just terribly balanced to the point of being unusable.
Honestly though, my favorite balancing change HOTA has made is how much more impactful specializations are now, as opposed to in vanilla where the only impactful specials were the ones that boosted skills that were already near-mandatory.

Famous Hero
posted February 03, 2025 02:46 PM |
I don't agree with the S-classification of Learning. I consider S-tier skills to be universally (independent from map/game type/size/length, number of heroes etc.) useful which I don't think Learning is.
On the other hand I'd move Mysticism, Intelligence up to low A, Scholar to B and Leadership one tier down.
Maybe Scouting and Wisdom down. In short games for instance you often don't need Wisdom.

Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted February 04, 2025 02:54 AM |
IMO learning is only good on small maps where the few extra levels is the difference between getting a complete skill tree or not, or on really long maps with heroes whose specialty benefits a lot from leveling up.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 04, 2025 05:45 AM |
Nope, you won't get extra levels from Learning on small maps.

Tavern Dweller
posted February 04, 2025 01:46 PM |
I personally would differ between skills for the main and skills for the secondary heroes. Estates is a skill I love to have on my secondaries. So I would rank it higher too. Scouting also is something I love to have on minor heroes.
Also I would differ between skills which are only useful for the final fight. In that category I see Eagle Eye and Interference. I don't value them as high as Lexiav.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 04, 2025 03:43 PM |
I think he made a "main hero tier list", but since he only plays with 1 hero, that hero has to fill all roles.
But I agree skills like Scouting, Estates and Scholar are mostly for secondary heroes, not main heroes.
It's really nice with a Witch Hut, with Estates, near your starting town, then you just send all secondary heroes there and get rich.

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted February 04, 2025 03:47 PM |
+1 or +2
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Known Hero
posted February 04, 2025 05:13 PM |

Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted February 04, 2025 05:51 PM |
Salamandre said: Nope, you won't get extra levels from Learning on small maps.
You get 3 immediate levelups from learning now, and with expert you're getting almost double experience, so with the lower xp requirements to level up you will get extra levels early on.

Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted February 04, 2025 06:42 PM |
My bad sorry, I had SoD in mind.

Legendary Hero
posted February 04, 2025 06:56 PM |
I still don't buy a S tier for Learning cause of extra levels and experience but maybe it's cause I only play the largest maps I can find.

Legendary Hero
Heroes is love, Heroes is life
posted February 04, 2025 08:43 PM |
bloodsucker said: I still don't buy a S tier for Learning cause of extra levels and experience but maybe it's cause I only play the largest maps I can find.
What if you could have 10-12 skills per hero?

Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted February 04, 2025 10:21 PM |
Edited by Ghost at 00:44, 05 Feb 2025.
phoenix4ever said: Also his rating of Tactics is surprisingly low this time.
Tactics needs AIR and/or WATER..
Fight MWMs - stand teach

Supreme Hero
posted February 05, 2025 03:35 PM |
I think Lexi has a kind of impulsive way of making the lists, and here he kinda went on and decided to mix one hero format and normal heroes 3 maps together. So therefore we end up having Estates as the worst hero in game, Tactics losing to many skills it really shouldn't, Scouting as a god skills etc... It's not very good list to be honest. The old list, there are like only few things I would nitpick about, but this new one feels like it's really missing it's target audience.