Thread: What Are Heroes of Might and Magic Songs Based on? 2 | |

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted August 07, 2024 11:51 PM |
bonus applied by Galaad on 05 Mar 2025. |
What Are Heroes of Might and Magic Songs Based on? 2
I can't edit the old post, so here's an updated version. If you have any information that I am missing, please share!
Unless otherwise noted all city songs were composed by Paul Anthony Romero, all other songs were composed by Rob King and Steve Baca and all saxophone pieces were performed by Romero’s partner, Dr. Brock Summers
Sound Effects - Many are from Eastwest Scoring Tools by Lisa Bloom Cohen and Serge Colbert. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4FqugQ5HrA (iamoneabe)
Heroes I
Mountain town-Combination of Bach's Gavottes from English Suite No.6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m6sSiz1vgs (Tomas Bacchetta) (part 1) and English Suite No. 6 in D Minor, BWV 811: VII. Gavotte II (with da capo I)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM6zSQK2Tpk (Vittir) (Part 2)
Composed by Rob King?
Main Menu Theme -sounds very similar to "Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush"/"As I Sat on a Sunny Bank"/"I Saw Three Ships": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNHmKynktIU
But I'm just speculating
Plains town-inspired by a Solfeggio in C Minor by Carl Philip Emmanuel Bach: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZlPC4hMazk (Paul Anthony Romero in response to tobiasadolfsson9016) (He also says the piece is in D minor with similar physical structure for those curious)
However some parts could also be J.S. Bach: Prelude & Fugue in C minor, BWV 847 (Eugène Onéguine):
And some small parts of Prelude in D minor, BWV 926 (Eugène Onéguine) are identical:
But that could be a matter of Carl being influenced by his father.
Heroes II
There is a MIDI, the original, the gold, and Price of Loyalty order to the songs (Adil Ezzaam) so I’ll do my best to get them in the original order.
Vocalists/Opera Singer: - Karin Mushegain (Female singer): Knight (POL), Sorceress (both SW and POL), Barbarian (POL, with Reid Bruton) - Grant Youngblood: Barbarian (SW), Warlock (SW), Necromancer (SW) - Reid Bruton: Warlock (POL), Barbarian (POL, with Karin Mushegain)(s7upid)
Knights-Goldberg variation number 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8c8Bn0T4RFo
Lyrics are Based on Psalm 115:5 from the Bible:Sie haben Mäuler, und reden nicht; sie haben Augen, und sehen nicht; sie haben Ohren, und hören nicht; sie haben Nasen, und riechen nicht; Sie haben Hände, und greifen nicht; Füße haben sie, und gehen nicht; sie reden nicht durch ihren Hals. They have mouths, but they speak not ; they have eyes , and see not; They have ears , and hear not; they have noses , but they smell not ; They have hands , and do not interfere ; Feet they have , and do not go ; they do not speak through their throat. (Christos Vozikis)
Necromancer-lyrics are based on Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Deine wilden
wilden Hunde wollen in die Freiheit;
sie bellen vor Lust in ihrem Keller,
wenn dein Geist alle Gefängnisse zu lösen trachtet.
sie bellen vor Lust
Deine wilden
wilden Hunde wollen in die Freiheit; sie bellen vor Lust
vor Lust (Plateo_)
Your wild, wild dogs want out into freedom; they are barking in their cellar with passion, when your soul is striving to free all confinements. they are barking with passion. Your wild, wild dogs want out into freedom; they are barking with passion with passion. (Selene)
Warlock-Based on Rachmaninov Piano Concert No. 3 finale. You can hear it here at 39:00 (vitirr and Paul Anthony Romero.)
Lyrics are based on Thus Spoke Zarathustra:Willst du heute dein Feuer in die Täler tragen?
Fürchtest du nicht, fürchtest du nicht,
fürchtest du nicht des Brandstifters Strafen? (jecht6)
Will you now carry your fire into the valleys? Do you not fear, do you not fear, do you not fear the arsonist's punishment? (Arkangel630)
Sorceress-Lyrics are based on Psalm 14:1 from the Bible: "Die Toren sagen in ihrem Herzen: Es ist kein Gott, es ist kein Gott." "Die Toren sehen in ihrem Herzen: Es ist kein Gott, kein Gott." Which would mean in english: "The fools say in their hearts: There is no god, there is no god." The fools see in their hearts: There is no god, no god." (Griveis Otter)
Barbarian-lyrics are based on Thus Spoke Zarathustra: Oder gehst du jetzt selber
auf den Wegen
auf den Wegen
Oder gehst du jetzt auf den Wegen der Diebe, du Freund der Bösen?(Suralin0)
Or do you go now alone on the Path on the Path Or do you go now on the Path of Thieves, you Friend of Evildoers? (King Haggard)
Wizard-sounds like it might be based on a Goldberg variation
Heroes II Price of Loyalty
Sorceress-lyrics are based on Revelations 4:11:Herr, du bist würdig, zu nehmen Preis und Ehre und Kraft; denn du hast alle Dinge geschaffen, und durch deinen Willen haben sie das Wesen und sind geschaffen." ("You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they were created and have their being.") (EL MARIACHI)
This might be crazy but I think it could be based on O Holy Night: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyjm6VpNaNA
Barbarian-Lyrics are based on 1 Corinthians 15:55: Wo ist dein Sieg? Wo ist dein Stachel? Wo ist dein Sieg? Wo ist dein Sieg? Der Tod ist verschlungen in den Sieg. Tod, wo ist dein Stachel? Hölle, wo ist dein Sieg? Wo ist dein Sieg? Wo ist dein Stachel? Wo ist dein Sieg? Wo ist dein Sieg? Where is thy victory? Where is thy sting? Where is thy victory? Where is thy victory? Death is swallowed in victory. O death, where is thy sting? Hell, where is thy victory? Where is thy victory? Where is thy sting? Where is thy victory? Where is thy victory? (aazula and belgarathmth)
According to SunriseViewer Song is based on Brahms Requiem but I don’t know the song well enough to verify: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LEnLonY-zI
Knight-song is based on victory theme from base game
Warlock-lyrics are based on 1 Corinthians 15:52 The trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed" 1 Corinthians 15:52 "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed (Matthew Mattchoo)
Necromancer-song is probably also based on Bach's Prelude & Fugue in C minor, BWV 847 or similar:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGVL5j6BEKs Basically, when in doubt, it was probably based on Bach.
Grassland Theme - I think this might be J.S. Bach: Prelude in C Minor "pour le luth" BWV 999 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnpaMm_2QYc
Observation Tower - Visiting the structure sound effect stems from "Dvorak: Symphony No. 9" https://youtu.be/uOmaQSqnPfw?t=77 (sirironfist) (Note I am aware sound effects in homm3 also do this, if you know which ones specifically let me know. HOTA even has the file name of what they used for the sound effect for at least one that I've seen, but I forget at this point)
Heroes III
Main menu theme-based on Pop Goes the Weasel and you can’t tell me otherwise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5En7VJhAMg (probably actually based on Pachelbel's Canon in D)
Good Theme-based on Pachelbel's Canon in D : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NlprozGcs80
Necropolis-based on Dies Irae: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlr90NLDp-0
Stronghold- According to Romero 1st 7 notes inspired by Piano Practicing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHn2cYBsLXw and the climax is inspired by the Theme from the Valley of the Dolls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUO8UC1gSBg personally I don’t see it, but I do see the influence from Bach: Prelude & Fugue in C minor, BWV 847 once more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGVL5j6BEKs
Tower-based on Piano Concerto No.2 In B-flat major, Op.83 IV. Allegretto grazioso By Johannes Brahms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BszBccYHuAk go to 41:13 (Nicholas Tidemann, serdarboysal1930)
Cove-no idea what it’s based on if anything, but I’ve always thought it sounds like Death Wheel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBB28CXHLmA
Heroes IV
Most HommIV songs are based on (read "almost entirely identical to") the "Complete Celt Collection" from Advanced Media Group: Playlist
This is supposedly because HommIV had an impossible deadline which Romero couldn't hope to meet so he just remixed these songs. If someone can find a source on that I'd be appreciative.
I'll try to name the specific song from the Collection where I can.
Dirt theme- Based on Fear a Bhàta: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHe2H2WOQXs a large amount of games use the song including The Witcher 3; The Fields of Ard Skellig: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NknjE2SBPxw
Celtic Collection song is "Across the Sea" suggesting that the Sampler was alluding to Fear a Bhàta (The Boatman) intentionally: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKr-Azwv808
Sea Theme- Based on Celtic Collection "Bayside Waltz": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhtHMIllw6Q (DarkAtom)
Castle (life)-singer is Dean Elzinga Lyrics are based on Carl Orff’s ‘In Trutina’ (Vik Rots) from the cantata Carmina Burana: Sed eligo...Quod video...Collum iugo...Transeo… Praebeo… Lascivus… Amor (Wayna Garcia) But I choose what I see, I yield my neck to the yoke, I submit to lascivious love (best I can figure based on the original poem because they don’t use it word for word)
Asylum (chaos)-Soloist is Karin Mushegain. Choir is Bulgarian women’s choir. (mariutunio)
Academy (order)-definitely a callback to heroes 2 sorceress theme
Preserve (Nature)- Dean Elzinga and Karin Mushegain sing this one. Bulgarian women’s choir is back too.
Lyrics are taken from the? Ancient Roman Catholic Requiem mass: Tuam caritas vindice omnias | Sum subita moria | | Suam subitas servitas veritas | -Nem vindice cantate subitas | | - Filia!, deus sumus omnia | -Caritas solos mora moria omnia | | -Tuam caritas vindice omnias | -Sum subita moria | | -Suam subitas servitas veritas | -Nem vindice cantate subitas | | -Sum meri subitas | -pro caritas omnia | | -Subita dies su das | - Mora deus mane (Unknown Music Notes)
Your love protects us; My sudden death; His unexpected servant of true; The end protector suddenly sings; Child!, we are all god; Love only delays our death; Your love protects us; My sudden death; His unexpected servant of true; The end protector suddenly sings; My sudden sunset; In return for your love; I give you my short time; Awaiting for god´s sunrise (While Unknown Music Notes’s translation is technically correct there is a few ways to interpret the words. For example unexpected servant of true would probably be better translated as his unexpected true servant or truest servant, And he has translated caritas ((Charity)) as ‘love’ but I think ‘grace’ might work better)
Heroes V
Main theme-based on Dies Irae: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlr90NLDp-0
Haven—Based on Totentanz(osteass): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nVmFlSV1ok which in turn is based on Dies Irae: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlr90NLDp-0
Sung by Karin Mushegain
Lacrimosa dies, dies illa,
qua resurget ex favilla
judicandus homo reus.
(Ah! that day of tears and mourning,
From the dust of earth returning
Man for judgement must prepare him,
Spare, O God, in mercy spare him.)
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Per sepulchra regionum,
Coget omnes ante thronum
Tuba mirum spargens sonum.
(The trumpet, casting a wondrous sound
In tombs,
Summons all before the throne.)
O tu, Deus majestatis.
(O God of majesty.)
Necropolis—Based on Totentanz(osteass): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nVmFlSV1ok which in turn is based on Dies Irae: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dlr90NLDp-0
Possibly a bit of Mars, Bringer of War by Gustav Holst in there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0bcRCCg01I
Kind of cool that it is a twisted version of Haven
Academy-possibly based on Dance of the Knights (Magda Spoustova): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBsKplb2E6Q
Heroes VI
Never touched the game.
Heroes VII
Heroes of Might and Magic VII - 18.Piano Concerto For a Hero No 1 in Ahab's Minor (Credits Theme)—Based on Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No. 1 but I don't know which part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6EX3t2Mdnw (Ahab Bellamy and Paul Anthony Romero)

Adventuring Hero
posted August 08, 2024 12:37 PM |

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted August 08, 2024 05:36 PM |
DarkAtom said: Heroes IV Sea theme - based on Bayside Waltz https://youtu.be/rsL4Y2qXDl4
Now this is interesting. Homm IV was published 2002, and this song came out 2007. So either it was based on Homm IV or they are both based on something. Probably both based on the "Complete Celt Collection" from Advanced Media Group which a huge amount of songs are based on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhtHMIllw6Q
Edit: Changed link to reflect that you were right and the song is indeed called Bayside Waltz, but it was not the The Wimshurst's Machine who composed it originally. (I mean, maybe it is the same dude deciding to reupload after his sampler fell out of popularity or something, but he should mention that somewhere.)
Thank you for your help!
Edit Edit: Regarding Wimshurst's Machine, just found their soundcloud and they say "Traditional, rearranged by A. Chiarle" so not the same guy probably, but does acknowledge it's a remake.

Known Hero
King of the ogres
posted August 11, 2024 07:20 PM |
Heroes 2 observation tower sound effect stems from "Dvorak: Symphony No. 9".
Listen to it here at about 1:19:

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted August 14, 2024 05:29 PM |
sirironfist said: Heroes 2 observation tower sound effect stems from "Dvorak: Symphony No. 9".
Listen to it here at about 1:19:
Wow, nice catch!
What are Homm Songs based on?

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted January 25, 2025 08:09 PM |
Added vitirr's Warlock Homm2 tip and fixed some broken text.

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted February 16, 2025 01:07 AM |

Known Hero
posted March 05, 2025 02:23 PM |
LordCameron can you please add also this as a reference for the H1 Warlock theme? English Suite No. 6 in D Minor, BWV 811: VII. Gavotte II. The slower tempo part of the theme in H1 is actually resembling this one. Basically the whole theme is the combination of the two Gavottes (I and II).

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted March 05, 2025 06:22 PM |
Updated. Loving all the help you've been giving.

Hero of Order
Li mort as morz, li vif as vis
posted March 05, 2025 09:03 PM |
I was sure I had +QP this post... Now is done.

Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted March 06, 2025 03:47 AM |
Galaad said: I was sure I had +QP this post... Now is done. 
Danke Schoen