Thread: Map testers needed | |
Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted January 30, 2003 09:52 PM |
Map testers needed
I need a couple or more players willing to test the updated version of a map I made some months ago. It's a SoD XL with underground - approximate game time 10-15 months. Stylewise, it's similar to The Lord of War, The Empire of the World I & II, etc. Reading the storyline is a must, so if you're one of those players who just click through events then this map isn't for you. Nor is it if you get a headache hunting for secret paths I strongly suggest not playing under WoG, since the AI seems to become even more stupid (yes, it *is* possible )
Anyone willing to have a go (Andi?), please drop me a line (see e-mail address under profile) and I'll send you the map and the readme file (very important). Thanks in advance.
Famous Hero
The Dark Shadow
posted January 31, 2003 06:02 AM |
I wouldn't mind trying it. Could you send it too me at www.LByronAG@yahoo.ca when you can and I will tell you how it goes.
"I am both selfish and instictive. I value nature and the world around me as means to an end as well as an end in itself; at best I ... too long to display...
Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted January 31, 2003 10:11 AM |
Thank you for the offer. I just sent both files - let me know if they get through Cheers
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted January 31, 2003 10:41 AM |
Heya Commando...
Sent it to nebuka1@yahoo.com. I'll be happy to play it...
Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted February 02, 2003 01:26 PM |
Thanks to you as well, Nebs - I think you already played the old version, but a second go's always worthwhile
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted February 02, 2003 02:34 PM |
No problem.
Just beat blue. Dunno, but it seems harder now...
Am I imagine it?
Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted February 02, 2003 02:58 PM |
Only a little
Remember to save often, using different files - don't want an encore of last time's incident with the necromancers
Supreme Hero
posted February 02, 2003 03:01 PM |
Yeah,okay,send me one too.
Famous Hero
posted February 02, 2003 03:16 PM |
yeah sure, send it to angelslayer@gmx.de
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted February 02, 2003 06:50 PM |
It's going fine...released "future" Commando...
Just one question.
I've never playtest map for someone so don't know what to tell you about it. Hopefully you won't need any spell/grammar check from me as you're proly better. So, what kind of feedback do you expect?
Besides: "It's great!11!!OMG!"
Famous Hero
Chaotic Good
posted February 03, 2003 12:10 PM |
Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted February 03, 2003 12:44 PM |
Wow... a big THANK YOU to all you lads!
For Nebs (when's football starting again, by the way?): just a few general comments on the main battles (especially the ones against Lord Draxinusom and Andhera) - too easy, too hard, etc. -, the storyline and the trimmings will do. My main concern is the tactical challenge. It would also be great to know when - more or less - you enter each new territory: this will allow me to better plan the timed events providing resource and creature bonuses.
Thank you again, from the heart.
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted February 03, 2003 04:02 PM |
Well, I think I played this one like ****. Can't beat Neela...
Spent couple of hours today reloading and reloading but she's too much. Tried waiting for more troops but that doesn't help much. If only I had berserk or clone...
And with my playing I doubt you should rely on me for time...it's month 11 already!
Aack, will try more...
And football is just round the corner...one month I think...
Known Hero
Unleasher of the Bloodthirsty
posted February 03, 2003 04:14 PM |
Hehe, the trick there is to immediately get rid of Titans (no native terrain bonus on underground snow): absorb retaliation with Dragonflies (to be resurrected later and sacrificed, if necessary) then attack with Mighties and Ancients (use a second stack of Dragonflies to get rid of the ammo cart if it clogs up the Mighties' route to chaos). Frenzied Archies work wonders against armour specialists. Make sure you have a couple of stacks of Familiars (extra spell points + sacrifice fodder).
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted February 03, 2003 07:26 PM |
Scratch my above post. Beat her finally.
Second hero was easy to kill as hot knife easy goes thru butter...
I hate defense specialists when I don't have them!
Now I'm on that "crossing" where 3 rampart heroes might join...
Hope I'll have enough spell points..
Famous Hero
baking cookies from stardust
posted February 03, 2003 07:42 PM |
Sure, send away commando. My addy is ivocom@pi.be. Sounds like a great map!
Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted February 03, 2003 09:57 PM |
It is.
And it's tough! Damn you Draxi...Darxi...Damn you Thorgrim faced hero!!
Famous Hero
Soul Merchant
posted February 04, 2003 03:39 AM |
Yes I would like to give it a try....It'll go along with the other 2250 maps I have. Most of which are Large and XL. If you have WoG and would like some interesting scripts I could send them to you. If you also have scripts that you would like to have tested I would appreciate them too.