Thread: The Ultimate Evil Town | |

Adventuring Hero
Devil Slayer
posted March 29, 2003 02:12 PM |
The Ultimate Evil Town
Heroe classes:
Might male: Emperor
Migh Female: Empress
Magic male: Mind Controller
Magic female:Mana Huntress
creatures and dwellings:
level---creature name-----building name-----creature cost
lvl 1---Minion------------Dark Village------40g
lvl 1---Cruel Hound-------Cages-------------50g
lvl 2---Night Shade-------Formless castle---60g
lvl 2---Dark Warrior------Malitia Fort------80g
lvl 3---Dark elem.--------Altar of Dark-----80g
lvl 3---Wearlock----------Sorcery Tower-----100g
lvl 4---Stormmare---------Dark Cloud--------140g
lvl 4---Efreetie----------Shrine of Fire----200g
lvl 5---Giant Bat---------Cave of Demons----300g
lvl 5---Dread Knight------Dread Fields------360g
lvl 6---Maham Dragon------Maham Temple------900g 4S 4M
lvl 6---Darkness Lord-----Lord's Palace-----1200g 8sulfur
lvl 1
distruption ray
fire bolt
lvl 2
Darkness Ward
Death Ward
Fire Ward
Dark Defender
lvl 3
Ice Bolt
Dark Bolt
lvl 4
Mass Darkness Ward
Darkness Shield
lvl 5
Death Rain - Drains 500 hit-point from all enemy creatures and heroes.
Subjects ARE the empire, never underestimate them.

Famous Hero
Watcher of All
posted March 29, 2003 06:42 PM |
I like the minion creature for an evil allignment, but the rest of the town is average at best. And I commented about this before, you should reconsider the cost of the creatures. Level 1's are still too expensive, level 6's too cheap.
Most of the spells already exist, but perhaps there should be a little more elaboration on their exact function. And for a spell like the Death Rain, the damage should not be 500 HP standard, but "based on level of caster".
Also, what does Darkness Shield and Dark Defender do?
Perception is everything.

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted March 29, 2003 08:35 PM |
How big is a giant bat supposed to be if it's better than an efreet?

Supreme Hero
posted March 29, 2003 08:39 PM |
And no Liches !?!?! Geeezz..... There is no ultimate Evil town, without Liches !


Hired Hero
posted March 29, 2003 09:47 PM |
My opinion is that evil and death town have to be different as in Heroes3.
The Evil could be called Inferno and have the following six units: Imp, Magog, Cerberus, Pit Lord, Demon, Devil
The Death one -Necropolis- should have these units: Skeleton, Ghost, Lich, Vampire, Dread Knight, Bone Dragon

Famous Hero
Watcher of All
posted March 29, 2003 10:42 PM |
At this point, we don't know anything yet, but I hope that they keep the system of choosing units. We know with some certainty that there will be 6 levels, so that would require a total of twelve creatures per town, 2 for each level.
Perception is everything.

Adventuring Hero
The really REALLY bad guy
posted March 29, 2003 10:48 PM |
I'm just glad they removed the 1 upgrade for each creature from heroes3. Less equalness between towns and factions the better.
Vad gagnar det en människa om han vinner hela världen men förlorar sin själ?

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted March 29, 2003 11:47 PM |
I agree on that.
Or they could adjust the "infinite" upgrade system from Disciples 2, with two completely different branches.

Adventuring Hero
Devil Slayer
posted March 30, 2003 10:53 AM |
The updated version of the ultimate evil town:
level---creature name-----building name-----creature cost
lvl 1---Minion------------Dark Village------10g
lvl 1---Cruel Hound-------Cages-------------20g
lvl 2---Night Shade-------Formless castle---50g
lvl 2---Dark Warrior------Malitia Fort------80g
lvl 3---Dark elem.--------Altar of Dark-----80g
lvl 3---Dark Demon--------Cave of Demons----100g
lvl 4---Lich--------------Death Hall--------140g
lvl 4---Stormmare---------Dark Cloud--------200g
lvl 5---Efreetie----------Shrine of Fire----300g
lvl 5---Dread Knight------Dread Fields------360g
lvl 6---Maham Dragon------Maham Temple------1500g 4S 4M
lvl 6---Darkness Lord-----Lord's Palace-----1900g 8sulfur
Subjects ARE the empire, never underestimate them.

Famous Hero
Watcher of All
posted March 30, 2003 08:00 PM |
It looks already more likely. But now, to make all levels fit in, you should make the levels 3, 4 and 5 a bit more expensive. The jump from level 5 to 6 has become too large at this point.
There should be no point at which the jump is too large, but neither should there be a point at which the cost for two different levels is equal or has too little difference. The difference between two level does grow when comparing higher levels, though. For example, the jump from 1 to 2 should be less than from 5 to 6. But the jump should still be less than it is now.
Perception is everything.

Known Hero
Creeping Death
posted March 30, 2003 11:16 PM |
Quote: My opinion is that evil and death town have to be different as in Heroes3.
The Evil could be called Inferno and have the following six units: Imp, Magog, Cerberus, Pit Lord, Demon, Devil
The Death one -Necropolis- should have these units: Skeleton, Ghost, Lich, Vampire, Dread Knight, Bone Dragon
Yeah, Inferno should not be mixed with Necropolis again. Skeletons and Devils do not belong to the same town.
Ars Moriendi

Famous Hero
Watcher of All
posted March 31, 2003 12:53 AM |
In the storyline that I wrote earlier, I made a part where all demonic creatures get slaughtered by the undead and are resurrected as undead themselves. This creates a strange kind of undead and brings some variety (since according to the new system, you need at least 12 creatures per town). For example, the Dead devils were resurrected as Grim Reapers.
Perception is everything.

Adventuring Hero
Devil Slayer
posted March 31, 2003 10:38 AM |
The updated updated version:
level---creature name-----building name-----creature cost
lvl 1---Minion------------Dark Village------10g
lvl 1---Cruel Hound-------Cages-------------20g
lvl 2---Night Shade-------Formless castle---50g
lvl 2---Dark Warrior------Malitia Fort------80g
lvl 3---Dark elem.--------Altar of Dark-----130g
lvl 3---Dark Demon--------Cave of Demons----170g
lvl 4---Lich--------------Death Hall--------350g
lvl 4---Stormmare---------Dark Cloud--------400g
lvl 5---Efreetie----------Shrine of Fire----490g
lvl 5---Dread Knight------Dread Fields------540g
lvl 6---Maham Dragon------Maham Temple------1500g 4S 4M
lvl 6---Darkness Lord-----Lord's Palace-----1900g 8sulfur
Subjects ARE the empire, never underestimate them.

Famous Hero
Watcher of All
posted April 01, 2003 02:15 AM |
Sure, that looks about right. Now that we have correct prizes, you should go on with the next step. Give the creatures strengths and abilities that fit with the prizes.
Perception is everything.

Adventuring Hero
Devil Slayer
posted April 01, 2003 05:42 PM |
Anyway the town should have skills:
main skill:
Darkness - +attak and magic power for heroe.
Enslaviance - + damage & + defance to all creatures from certain town or alligment.
Fire Minig - a special mining for Sulfur and Mercury.
Empirialism - + morale & + attak every siege on an enemy town.
magic skills:
Dark Magic - gives you the ability to learn the spells, and increases you're... a.... something.
Dark Art - increases the effect of spells.
Yang - increases the effect of counterspells against Life and Order spells.
Shieldbraking - increases the effect of Shield-braker spells. (In Grandmaster the heroe casts a lvl 1 Shieldbraker spell on all enemy creatures and heroes at the begining of each round)
Subjects ARE the empire, never underestimate them.

Famous Hero
of the seven seas
posted June 23, 2003 10:59 PM |
It's actually hard to come up with twelve units that fit into a daemonic themed army.

Supreme Hero
Zapper of Toads
posted July 10, 2003 10:23 PM |
Quote: It's actually hard to come up with twelve units that fit into a daemonic themed army.
It's not that difficult. How about this list of 12 demonic-related creatures:
1: Imp, Mephit
2: Gog, Hellhound
3: Succubus, Gargoyle
4: Demon, Slaad
5: Pit Fiend, Rakshasa
6: Devil, Balor
Possible replacements:
-Fallen Paladin
-Cave Spider
"A brilliant light can either illuminate or blind. How will you know which until you open your eyes?"

Known Hero
Destroyer of Liver
posted July 15, 2003 02:16 PM |
please excuse my ignorance in occult matters...
...but WTF are mephit, slaad, rakshasa and balor?

Adventuring Hero
The really REALLY bad guy
posted July 16, 2003 12:49 AM |
Most of these creatures makes an appereance in Blackisles Neverwinter nights. All but the rakshasa which is an illusionary catlike creature from another one of their masterpieces: Baldurs gate II.
Vad gagnar det en människa om han vinner hela världen men förlorar sin själ?

Adventuring Hero
posted July 16, 2003 04:02 AM |
Quote: And no Liches !?!?! Geeezz..... There is no ultimate Evil town, without Liches !
level---creature name
lvl 1---Lich with a spell
lvl 1---Fighting Lich
lvl 2---Flying Lich
lvl 2---Lich that shoots
lvl 3---Big tough defensive Lich
lvl 3---Fast moving Lich that packs a punch
lvl 4---Huge nasty Lich that nobody messes with
lvl 4---Lethally offensive Lich with immunity to most spells
Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth, to discuss Heroes 5, go to Temple Of Ashan.