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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: My Ultimate HOMM5 Dream...
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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted May 31, 2003 09:38 PM

My Ultimate HOMM5 Dream...

Okay, I have to admit, HOMM4 is not that bad. I also like WoG and HOMM2. I would like a sort of mix of these three.

I would like the graphics from HOMM2. If HOMM5 is 3D, I will never play it. I would also like the upgrading system from HOMM2, and the monsters from HOMM2, plus a few more. The WoG Map/Script/Campaign Editors are my favourites. ERM is a good idea, but it could be made simpler, i.e., a help file that tells you, in detail, WHAT exactly you must do to put codes in, and HOW to run the Script Editor. The Tutorials on the WoG web site SUCK. I would also like a Unit Editor like in Wacraft III, in which you can change ALL of the statistics of a monster, including Name and tinting values.

As for Towns, I feel they should be based on Race or Hero class, not Magic Type. I also think the should bring the 4 elemental schools of magic, plus Light and Dark Magic, like in M&M.

The army system from HOMM4 is logical, but there is room for improvement. WHY do you need a hero to capture Towns, mines, etc.?

Some ideas of my own:
This idea is about two years old, but I still think it's good.

Water Town
A town that must be placed on Water Terrain, and has all water associated creatures.

You should be able to break your alliance any time you want, recruit monsters from your ally's towns, and recieve a percentage of their income, determined by your ally.

When you vanquish someone, you should have a choice of whether to banish them or make them,a vassal. Vassals pay you weekly tribute, and must follow your every command. Vassals may rebel and attempt to return to the game (To do this, they must attack one of their Lord's towns and wi the fight. Vassals may be banished at any time, unless they are rebelling. If they are rebelling, the master must eliminate them by force. Unless a vassal is rebeling, they are considered vanquished. AI vassals only rebel if the difficulty is Hard or higher.

Back to ERM, now that I think about it, scripting should be managed by the Map Editor only, in the HOMM4 style, but with more versatility, i.e, you can modify all of the properties of an object (What it does, what the battlefield looks like, whether it is a dwelling or not, etc.), for the simple reason that HOMM4's scripting system is simple and easy to understand, while WoG is needlessly complicated.

The economy should function like in HOMM3, you have a relatively high amount of gold, and the prices are not absurd.

You should have to build the marketplace.

Adventure Objects
You should be able to build walls and garrisons on the map.

Mines should be exausted after a certain point (The amount of ressources in a mine should be edited via scripting)

I had another idea, but it's gone now... I'll remeber it later.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Famous Hero
from the Animated Peace
posted June 02, 2003 01:07 PM

i also have some ideas, and even some a bit crazy ones, but they are all interconnected (if you write about one, you must also write about another), so i really don't feel like writing 5 pages of more or less useless text.

but some of your ideas were really in the direction that i would like most.
what is the safest way to pass your time? heroes community -- your posts won't affect almost anything

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 03, 2003 05:51 AM


Mines should be exausted after a certain point (The amount of ressources in a mine should be edited via scripting).

I like your ideas, keep them coming.

On the subject of mines I would like to see the player given the ability to downgrade a mine to an ore deposit. In H4 the player can only upgrade a deposit to a mine. Why would a player want to do that you ask? The answer is "Scorched Earth Policy". The enemy would then have to pay their own gold to upgrade the deposit again.

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted June 06, 2003 10:48 PM

Maybe it's better if we bring back the "Haunt" Spell from heroes 2 when you would haunt a mine with a horde of ghosts.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted June 07, 2003 03:08 AM

More dragons, more levels, better sound quality, better movi quality, faster game play, better maps, campaigns that make sense or have a reason to be there, cooler interface, better monsters, less ram and memory usage, no realy ugly heroes, enhanced map editor, a set up like in H2 at the start of the game (Sort of a town with the options scattered around in it), new skills (Arms crafting, silent movement ect), 2 extra skill slots, better AI for the enemy players (Example: one time a enemy just mover back and forth for uncountable turns).
Bigger Ideas
The whole town hall, city hall, capital thing just doesn't work. Get rid of them and let the player build from the castle, that way when you upgrade the castle you gain better defenses and more gold per turn.

The events aren't managed bery well in the H4 map editor, I still don't understand it very well. I kile the old event managment from h3 better, that way you don't hve to go into an entirely diferent pop-up thing just to specify a silly event.

Better hotkeys are needed, I hate the m=market thing, that should be more for move.
Spaek the Titan

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Famous Hero
a vampire of taste
posted June 07, 2003 03:25 AM

New resource: FOOD!!!
Anybody considered how much food a dragon would eat just to stay alive? Why build with gold and resources dwellings and then let them starve. I would implement farms, just like in warcraft.Well, not like in warcraft. They could be either build like a normal structure in the castle or simly taken over by force on the map, just like any mine.

Gems don't appease the hunger!

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Known Hero
posted June 07, 2003 03:26 PM

New resource: FOOD!!!
Anybody considered how much food a dragon would eat just to stay alive? Why build with gold and resources dwellings and then let them starve. I would implement farms, just like in warcraft.Well, not like in warcraft. They could be either build like a normal structure in the castle or simly taken over by force on the map, just like any mine.

Gems don't appease the hunger!

Maybe the dragons can eat peasants

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted June 07, 2003 03:35 PM

Yes, that's a good idea - turn opponents' corpses into food rations!
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Known Hero
posted June 07, 2003 07:47 PM

Yes, that's a good idea - turn opponents' corpses into food rations!

Who talked about opponents peasants?
and we all know dragons eat living food


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Famous Hero
Hit Dice: 76d12+608 HP
posted June 07, 2003 07:49 PM

No, that just seems, wierd.
(No offense)
Spaek the Titan

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted June 07, 2003 10:27 PM

I agree with LT. Food does not belong in HOMM.

Okay, here it is:

Water Town 1.0
Lvl 1
Pike (The fish of course), Aquatic Elf
Lvl 2
Electric Eel, Nautilus
Lvl 3
Mermaid, Triton
Lvl 4
Octopus, Shark
Lvl 5
Leviathon, Kraken
Might: Aquafer
Magic: Aquarist

Stats coming!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Famous Hero
a vampire of taste
posted June 11, 2003 01:17 AM

And why doesn't food "belong" to the heroes game?

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Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted June 11, 2003 09:44 AM

Food as a resource is weird... I mean the easiest way to win a map would just be to cut off the enermy's food supply and watch them starve to death... just my point of view
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

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Famous Hero
a vampire of taste
posted June 11, 2003 10:18 PM

Food compared to gems, crystals and ore could seems weird... but buying and maintaining lots of troops without food is weirder...
Thigs can be arranged so that you cannot rally cut off the food-supply of others (could you ever cut off the supply of wood of your enemies? - and if you could, mind that the wood cottage is usualy near the castle, that already means victory). So strategically, there's no flaw that I see with food as resource. i mentioned also that you can implement food simply as a building (upgrade-able) in the town.

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted June 12, 2003 02:10 AM


Food would be a bad resorce.  It would unbalance the game.  What if you have a town with big creatures like black dragons, minotars, manitores, hydras those all take lots of food.  And say you have a town with not so big creatures like peasant, archer, pikeman, those dont take so much food.  And what about the Necropolis?  They are DEAD they dont eat...

Food just would make the game too realistic.  Its a fantasy game.  
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted June 12, 2003 10:38 PM

I think the general idea is that the creatures either provide for themselves or get their food from inside towns or something. Food is really more a ressource for real-time games. I don't know, it just doesn't seem right for Heroes.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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Known Hero
the supreme heroe
posted June 13, 2003 12:16 AM

I would prefer 8-12 castles in HOMM5 and some creatures that couldn`t be builded in some dwelling.like he could only join ur army(azure dragon,some kind 3headed dragon,satan,god,sea monster,mantis).it could have weather in it and the map generator could be like in civ3 that u can select land mass and ever ything else too ,not like in homm3.
secondary skills are like in homm4 and climbing.spells could be more than 5levels.heroes could be might,magic and scout heroe(scout could have some extra skills and scouting skill could be petter than grand master and logistic or soem thing else too)the castles could have some extra building like some kind kristal ball that heroe will take it some where on the map and that will make there some land visible.and enemys can destroy it.battle ships could be in
some creatures cold be upgrated out side of town in hill fort or buy them a balista for balistic skill.can buy some creatures armor.6 or5 level could have expirience too.seasons could be in.
in homm4 if ur heroe died you had to take him in to the town and ressurect him but where was the temple .if u dont have the temple or the cravejard than the heroe will turn in to a zombie.and in the weak of plaque all the gravejard creaturs will rise and atack ur town or destroy some buildings but can`t take ur city and if u don`t have an army in the city than the peasants will fight and if the necromancers have some kind of leadership or what ever than all the zombies in the week of plaque will be on his side but leadership must be atleast master and if two players have master or grand master than no one gets them but if u have grand master necromacer than u will see all the wandering undead armys on the map and in the under ground some of the tunnels could colapse and the heroes could starw.fortress and dungeon or inferno and necromacer are not mixed.there could be some inferno creatures in necromacer but there has to be both of them.more neutral creatures.some banded towns what u cant select when starting the game.specal building could be more than one so the grails but they could be different.if starting the game than u must get to select heroes,towns,season and every thin else too.more resurces like primstone,diamonds,bones(for undead,that can colect on the battle field if having necromancer)every town could have some specal resurce

castle-diamonds(u can upgrate the thiefs guild for better information
rampart-some wead or healing leafs(the tent is stronger,healing spell is more efective and+tent is better)
tower-energy(be colected if building lightning rod)not some kind of high tech(more energy spells
Dungeon-oil(some kind of a whole in the city)better armor and can build caravans
Inferno-brimstone(in the wolkanos)have 50% more efective fire or caos magic
Necropolis- corpse(gather in the battle field)two gravejards
Fortress-berrys(on the map)(upgrated tavern to 50%units per week
stronhold-stone(on the cliffs)can upgrate castle to fotress)
prehistoric-paber(some building where u can do it from the wood)(can teach spells to other units that don`t have scholar and magicbook is not that expensive)

to colect specal ressurce u must have some specal skill

every terrain must have a specalty too
grass-horse is 20%faster
lava-no winter
subterain-can colapse
swamp-the ponds in winter can froze and u can walk over them
snow-no other season
sea-storms(freezes in winter
(stronghold land i dont know whats the name of it)-(if there is more than one square of river than it can dry out and turns in to swamp in early spring
forests-no wind
hill-more wind
might(like in homm1-4)
magic(like in homm1-4)
scout(can learn better scouting,logistic,diplomasy,pathfinding,navigation and other)
leader(better leadership,tacticks,diplomacy,nobility,mining, and that stuff)
heroes should have specalites like in homm3 but these levels too like archmage and that stuff.creatures could have skills too like regular,veteran,elite,master but only one of all creatures can be masters

inferno could have some more creatures like:nightmare(not in other town)hades
some nature castle:bee,fly,bear,but not gold dragon

hey I have a good IDEE


(hive)dragon fly-specaltiesispell
snake nest)snake-specaltiesoison,imune to mind spells
green dragon-specalties:imune to 1-2level spells
red dragon-specalties:imune to 1-2level spells
gold dragon-specalties:imune to 1-3level spells,spell caster;blind
black dragon.specalties;imune to 1-3level spell,reduce enemy moral
hydra-specalties:no retall,atacks ever yone around him
cristal dragon-specalties:+1cristal every day mechanical
fairy dragon-specalties:spell caster;lightning,fire ball,magic arrow
azure dragon-specalties:imune to all magic,terror
(that 3headed dragon in WOG)-specalties:no enemy retall atacks ever yone around him

why is there undergroun but there isn`t heaven
I`m not religious

why is there all way`s good side better than bad side.like in the real world the bad side is always stronger.

inferno creatures could be:
hell hound
pit lord

necromancer town could have these creatures too:bone (or ghost)hydra,diseas,fantom,murder and mutant


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Adventuring Hero
Devil Slayer
posted June 17, 2003 07:01 PM

new resource: IRON!

new resource: COAL!
Subjects ARE the empire, never underestimate them.

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Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted June 21, 2003 11:44 AM

I really think the 7 types of resources from the previous Homm is enough. By adding more resources, there would be just be more confusion.

and anyway...

food: That would unbalance the game, ie. Big creatures = Big appetite, and the Undead doesn't eat at all.

iron: Doesn't that count as Ore?

coal: Not sure what it could be used for...

BTW, everything above is just my personal opinion.
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

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Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted June 25, 2003 10:23 PM

Iron is derived from ores, so that rules it out.

Coal would be taking HOMM into the industrial age, and I don't thing that's a very good idea.

I think we should keep the Mithril idea from WoG, but it shouldn't be used in the same way. It should be used to upgrade/buy certain monsters/heroes, or buy special artifacts.
Thank god I'm an atheist.

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