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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: my 5 best heroesgames(?)
Thread: my 5 best heroesgames(?)

Hired Hero
posted June 26, 2001 06:49 PM

my 5 best heroesgames(?)

Ahh... Time for a little reflections, a lot of words, and a try on boring you all to death.-) Think there was a thread about best games, but couldnīt find it, so started a new one... Hard to pick from all the games oneīve played, but here we go.

Nr 5: On the monitor is beltway, the original in heroes 2. On the other end of the line is Prometheus, so of course itīll be a good game.-) Weīre playing random, me bottom left, he bottom right. The setup is nice enough, with a startingadvantage for me, being warlock against his wizard - early on, my green dragons will be preferrable to his giants. Our first encounter, near the liths, goes well for me. Possibly he won the first battle, donīt remember, but in that case I was able to bring up a second one to beat him.

I really do hate that the whiners were able to bring about lithbattles. That really detracts from the game - before that, the liths (and underground gateways) were really an important strategic factor in the game that could be controlled to quite a large factor by the players and the mapmakers - placed well, they were always an intense scene in the game, where it mattered not only to block, but also to get "heavy" scouts through to annoy your opponent, and some of the battles this brought about on beltway and other maps were among the best in the game.

Wellwell, to continue I brought on an attack in week two, hoping that my greenies would do the trick. What a battle it was! In the end, I chose to surrender with one green dragon remaining. I might actually have been able to win the battle, and possibly the game there, it was that close... But the risk of losing my main hero was too great.

So, I was still one green dragon ahead of him, but he was already winning the north. I was up there as well, but not in main force... Maybe I shouldīve been, hard to tell (especially so long after, lol.-) ), but I chose to simply go after two of the obelisks, and did find out that the UA was close to my startingcastle. Mmmmmm! It took over a week of digging with three heroes, but then it was mine, the crown.-) And I hadnīt been all idle in my own territory, building up my mainie, but not wanting to bring it too far out of my holdings, but at least bringing a few scouts out further...

I took his startingcastle, but it wasnīt enough. He had, as I recall, apart from gaining ddoor from a pyramid, also boots of speed and logistics, as well as stats near mine from more exp and some nice arts. Still, I might have been able to outmanouver him, except that in h2, I believe noone was as good at getting his heroes where he wanted and needed to have them as Prometheus. At least I never met anyone!

Aye, canīt say I felt great after that game, after all I lost. But the game was splendid, played on a splendid map and against a splendid opponent. Wish more games were like that.

Really looking forward to playing some of these new chinese players...

Nr 4: Again Beltway, though this time in h3. In the same room is Tommi (aka Endor), and at the same time as playing weīre drinking good danish beer - maybe that has a part in the ending, besides my not having played in about three months. For that matter, he was out of shape as well.-)

I started north, being rampart, he southeast, being dungeon. Think we chose races. Ah, as near every game on beltway vs a skilled opponent, it was like no other game.
I managed to steal the gold in the pandoras box from him, and got the gold on the sea, though he got the chests etc. It was a quick and intense game, and again the ua (or grail, this time) was at my part of the map. And again, to no avail... Noticing my digging, he went for the big attack week three, through his homelith. It was really his only option at the time, since the dungeon comp had managed to kick him out of the southwest week two as well...

Well, I chose to fight him outside my castlewalls. He had (insert name of dungeon guy who starts with meteor shower) as mainie, and Iīd gotten Solmyr (though Iīd chosen ranger with pathfinding as mainie) and a couple of nice magicboosting arties... Could reach him with both him and my ranger, thought to lessen his forces with Solmyr before taking the ranger (with shackles as well.-) ) up... Only, I chose the wrong target to cl. I killed the creature whose turn it was, thinking the turn would go to the next one with the same speed in my lines. But of course it went to his creature with the same speed, and he could kill Solmyr and get my arts.-) And then my poor ranger stood no chance...

But I felt great anyway, thanks to beer and good company.-) And since then Iīve played no more mp-games... I somewhat fear how itīll go the first months when I come back, if Iīd forgotten as much then already.-)))

H2 and h3, next comes h4... My greatest wish for that game is that itīll have the attraction to bring back as many of the people Iīve gotten to know as possible. And I do believe it will, maybe because I want to. What I hate to believe, but do nonetheless, is that neither Lone C nor Slugtard will come back.-( But Iīm trusting on you, Pan.-)

Nr 3: My only tie ever. This alone would make it a game to remember. But it was a great game as well, played against the venerable opponent Frank. Canīt recall the maps name, but it was one that came with the cd of h3, and it was played a lot in the beginning (componly underground, south player starting with fortress to the right, north with tower).

This was also a game where my opponent expanded more then me (hmmmm...), but I built one monsterhero, and Iīve always liked starting with a stronghold - well, almost always, and when I thundered in vs his inferno week... four, I think, he couldnīt do much right there and then. However, we both had implosion, ddoor, town portal and both air and earth magic, and heīd gotten 100 gold golems from an event (which I knew nothing about before the game.:-) ), and a good grip on the underground. Maybe, if one of us had ever made a crucial mistake in our defenses while going for the victory the other couldīve won... But we settled for a draw.-)

Total change of topic. Chess, I think, is so far more advanced then heroes, because of the more limited options, strange enough as it sounds. Maybe because of that go is also more advanced again, but I never yet played it, so canīt say. However, when making maps for heroes, maybe one should not concentrate so much on making the details exactly even and the map perfect, but instead loosen up the reins. Maybe thatīs the way to make new beltways... Iīm making a map now (which I by no means claim will be a new beltway, or even good.-) ) by that concept. Four sides, halfclosed, all with different bonuses that most people will surely think ludicrously unbalanced. Yet, if I succeed it might appeal to a few...

Nr 2: Another loss... Donīt I ever win??? Well, sometimes of course, yet the losses are often more memorable if not, perhaps, more enjoyable.

This one was my second game vs Troppo. Iīd won our first meeting, but I canīt even remember which map it was on.-) I do remember that Ves ICQīd me right after cause heīd been so impressed that someone beat Troppo, that he wanted a game right away.-) That was played on a map called chaos something, my only game ever on it. LOL, I was SO close on winning that, what a night itīd have been, beating both Troppo and Ves!!! But right on the verge of victory, going to take his last castle (asap, instead of waiting another week.-( ) he blinded my last stack on and on til Iīd lost my mainie, and the game. That was about 8 am I think, and I was just about falling asleep.-)

But to move on to the game in question, it was for the daemon cave (racemastertourney). Iīd had the honor of holding the fortress from the start, and had gotten a nice revenge on Ves, taking the stronghold from him. Now, I wanted the dungeon as well! Map and positions were set from the start (divided loyalties, he south aboveground, me north, cartographer removed). This was before anyone (Sal, I think - at least he was the one who told me about it) came up with the strategy to rehire heroes and storm opponent week one, so it was a game developing over all the map.

Basically, each game can be said to be a race, with a lot of subraces within. Well, all castles were set to dungeon, I took my underground well before him, was first to capitol with over a week, we got dragons same week, so in these subraces he werenīt beating me. Yet, in the game... Iīve never been so outplayed EVER, not near it, unless you count my first h2-games... Of course thereīs been other games where I havenīt been near victory, but thatīs been because of specific mapflaws, or issues of luck, or my own mistakes. Never like this, because my opponent simply was a great deal better then me.

Humbling, it was.

Getting towards the end of a very long post now. Maybe there are still some people reading.-)

And now for a victory.-)

Nr 1: H2 again, map Spellbound, a quite a bit altered Spell (Wars? Darn my memory.-) ), altered by Prometheus. Iīd come up with a new strategy for this map, specifically aimed at the warlock playing the sorceress. This strategy earned me the reputation of being the best rusher in the world, a reputation I didnīt like, not really liking to rush... But that was kindá small of me, not only was it a great compliment, but also one needs to learn to recognise ones strenghts and use them properly.

Well, thereīs not so much to say about the game - the strategy worked, though it was by no means a 100%-sure one. A funny accident was that heīd chosen a barbarian for main hero, and forgotten to buy a spellbook. I cast antimagic twice on my lovely, vulnerable sprites - which was somewhat wasted spellpoints.-)

Ah, but the feeling after this game! I was jumping around in my apartment with joy:-)) I had finally beaten one of the Big, one of the Legends from before Iīd started to play, and on his own map besides.-) I fell asleep very satisfied that night.

It is funny really, how I still look at these players a little different. Not as legends for sure, having gotten to know them a little, but... Veterans, perhaps you could say. Prometheus, Frank, Moc, Ves, to mention the ones that Iīve had most contact with... Still, still, Iīm not ashamed to say that Sal, Tommi and me, who started to play at about the same time, also became very great players, as, of course, have others after us.

Iīd wish Iīd have more time to play. Truth to tell though, Iīll have less then before I left. At least if I behave.-) But there should be enough to have some more great games with some of great people out there in the h-community.


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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted June 27, 2001 06:13 PM


Is this the same Taman that i harassed for weeks to write me a story? nahhhh can't be  

Great post Taman, this is the stuff that makes it fun to read what's up here on this board!
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 27, 2001 06:45 PM

My brilliant game

Here is a gam description I'm mostly proud of. I played Air on Battlemania with random settings. I got Tower and he Dungeon . He choosed Jeddite as his main, he had Orb of Vulnerabity as one of the relics that are on that map, so he could ressurect those damn blackies. On 1st day of 3rd week he was on my terrain. I attacked him with full army I could buy (also Titans) and attacked him. He stood with only black dragon and because he had a faster unit it was him who had the first move, so he could cast spell and buy his hero for less money. Thats what he did. Also 2 days later, when the situation repaeted. My army was already 4 titans weaker... My only hope was to get somewhere an faster unit. I noticed that there was necklace of switness in the artifact merchants. I already had cape of velocity. So if I only would get an angel from the dwelling and attack Air's hero I would have the first move and could cast  spell first... That's what I done. I saw him approaching for the 3rd. I attacked him. My hero - Thorgrimm - had low spell power parameter so I wouldn't kill his blackie with an offensive spell. I casted haste and that was enough to become titans faster then his black dragon... It took a while till Air recognized the situation and finally gave up. Never heard anything from him since then lol

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Hired Hero
posted July 01, 2001 03:57 PM

Is this the same Taman that i harassed for weeks to write me a story? nahhhh can't be  

Hehe... Maybe I liked you harassing me, eh?

Great post Taman, this is the stuff that makes it fun to read what's up here on this board!

Glad to hear you liked it.


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Known Hero
posted July 03, 2001 01:18 PM


I am glad to see you around man

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Tavern Dweller
posted July 03, 2001 01:54 PM

great post!!

Hi Taman,
Great post! Time restrictions severely cut into my ability to play online games the last year or so, but I still play the AI whenever I get a chance.
 I also miss Slugtard and other fun players like QueenofBlades and Re-Animator. Maybe the arrival of Heroes IV and other unforeseen factors will help to bring some of these Heroes of the past back to the forefront of the game.
 If anyone talks to Melissa in coming weeks would you mind asking her to include my picture in the Heroes gallery again?

See you guys around.


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Hired Hero
posted July 16, 2001 11:54 AM

You'll be seeing more of me soon Deth8, be sure.-) Probably you'll miss the time I was away then.-)
I'll have a couple of new pics as well for the photosec when I get back, there was quite a nice one I bought in Pamplona when a bull is heading straight for my back... Luckily it changed direction.-)
Would be nice to get a game, in h4 if not h3, with you again maud - if there's time...


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