Thread: Bill Gates opinion poll | |

Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted April 19, 2003 05:49 AM |
Poll Question: Bill Gates opinion poll
If you had received a letter from Bill Gates inviting you to visit him in person at Microsoft HQ, what will you bring to him when you visit as a gift for his invitation?
Vote now!
No one knows my true nature here...
Poll Results:
4 votes (24%)
A box of chocolates
6 votes (35%)
A pen set
4 votes (24%)
A vicious dog
1 votes (6%)
A parcel filled with anthrax powder
2 votes (12%)
A bomb (so that it explodes when he touches it)

Supreme Hero
Lee's wifey
posted April 19, 2003 09:53 AM |
I picked the pen set so he can sign me a nice BIG ol check LOL
Never wear anything that panics
the cat.

Famous Hero
Chaotic Good
posted April 19, 2003 05:50 PM |
A box of chocolate, cause he has certainly done well!
Like 2D RPGs? Download Everestia! everestiagame.com

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted April 19, 2003 06:57 PM |
I'd bring him a Linux CD lol.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Famous Hero
Banned from opening threads
posted April 20, 2003 10:52 AM |
I would go simply to rescue the beautiful Alice Hargreeves locked up in his tower, and take a vicious dog with me to deal with his champions of the sword.
Retaliation is for the foolish. Silence is wisdom

Supreme Hero
posted April 20, 2003 03:19 PM |
I'd take him a vicious dog so he could let the dog loose around his house,so when ppl want to bring Bill a bomb or anthrax,they would have to deal with the dog first!

Famous Hero
Also known as Nobris Agni
posted April 21, 2003 11:56 AM |
Well, so far all positive.
That's a good show, because I had a strong feeling that some of you will really want to destroy Bill Gates because he is a monopolising *******. But then again, I am wrong. Bill Gates not only created the popular Microsoft, but I also agree that his assets and business also contributed much to the American and global economies. Nice show.
Gangrail and Woock, I'm sorry but I had only 5 slots, and I had to have a mix of options, both positive and negative.
No one knows my true nature here...

Legendary Hero
-ing yummy foods
posted April 21, 2003 02:11 PM |
How many times do I have to tell you all?
Whether man or woman, human or beast, no alien can resist the power of cheese.
That is your ticket to his heart.
This space for rent.

Supreme Hero
posted April 21, 2003 05:32 PM |
Yeah RMS,I'd give him cheese too!Then he doesn't have to buy extra food for his new dawgie.

Famous Hero
Wood cleaner
posted April 22, 2003 01:34 AM |
where's the amiga option then?
Tagged officially as Noobegian two years ago. This typographic material is strictly copyrighted. All situations containing abuse will be brought to court.

Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted April 22, 2003 04:09 PM |
Figures I'm the one with the WORST negative! lol Oh well
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted May 15, 2003 02:02 AM |
Nothing that you did to him would be able to kill him because... Bill Gates is SATAN!!!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Famous Hero
posted May 15, 2003 02:40 PM |
I chose the pen set
I just have to give credit where credit is due. The man is a success story, and he even donates a ton of money to charity. His company may appear as an evil empire, but the guy is one smart individual and businessman. I can't hate on him.
"You must gather your party before venturing forth."

Legendary Hero
paid in Coin and Cleavage
posted May 15, 2003 05:29 PM |
Quote: I just have to give credit where credit is due.
...then why don't you? 
Quote: The man is a success story, and he even donates a ton of money to charity.
...can you say, "public relations"?
Quote: His company may appear as an evil empire, but the guy is one smart individual and businessman. I can't hate on him. 
...which brings us, to the "give credit where credit is due" part 
...no, Micro$oft is not an evil empire and William Gates is not Satan ...of course that doesn't set things straight ...for years and years, M$ pillages good ideas from both the Mac world and the opensource community
...so, if you want to give credit to someone, give it to the thousands of nameless programmers that lost any rights to their own work, one way or the other, to the hundreds of M$ hounds who tracked these programmers down and to BG himself, for destroying some of the best ideas out there
sidenote: all non-WinDO$ users can compare MacOSX, Gnome or KDE (and quite a few other Desktop Environments) with the latest version of Redmond-OS...
You are suffering from delusions of adequacy.