Thread: Famous Last Words | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted June 23, 2003 12:09 AM |
Famous Last Words
Here is a collection of famous last words:
I wonder where the mother bear is?
I wonder what happens when you touch these two wires tog-
Don't unplug it, it will only take a moment to fix.
What does this button do?
Hey, that's not a violin!
Hi, Tony!
I don't have to pay you!
What's that sound?
That was fun, let's do it again!
I know what I'm doing!
Don't worry, I've done this a hundred times before!
We're NOT lost!
We're saved!
Alright, alright, we'll do it YOUR way.
Saddam sucks!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted June 23, 2003 12:40 AM |
Saruman su... No! Wait! I'm sure we can talk things, over, just keep that thing away from me! WAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted June 23, 2003 01:08 AM |
Those were famouse last ideas and questions but I see more last words. They are are
1: OH ****!!
2: Hey, I never saw those colors before.. What are they?
3: Tell me you love me
4: The moneys in my black shoebox
I dunno, apart from screams and "good nights"..
All things are possible with God.
Nothing is possible without God.

Famous Hero
Watcher of All
posted June 23, 2003 01:23 AM |
This one comes from a short story that we had to read for English literature study:
"I don't want to hold hands with him. He reminds me of a pig."
Perception is everything.

Adventuring Hero
Water Unicorn Knight
posted June 24, 2003 05:00 PM |
¿Are the Red Dragons the good ones or the evil ones?
I wonder that the invisibility spell isn´t working
Wath are that strange sounds that come from the castle of the duqe ,i will go to see. No one will know never ¿wath can be wrong?
¿wath i have in my bag? JA, answer that!
I know that you are the DM, but in the rule book tells that i can do it.
Mi corage es mi espada.
Mi fe es mi escudo.

Legendary Hero
posted June 24, 2003 05:06 PM |
Uh huh. Right.
I will always like the infamous, "Hey, do you hear that? It sounds like a...ahhhhhhhhhhh..."
He he he he he he
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage. For he is all I could ever
want to be! - OhforfSake

Famous Hero
On academic leave
posted June 24, 2003 07:43 PM |
Look out!
Don't you care?
Why's that light blinking?
It's against my programming to do such a thing!
Why, oh WHY was I programmed to feel pain!?!?!?
Let me try!
Thank god I'm an atheist.

Supreme Hero
Please leave a message after..
posted June 24, 2003 07:44 PM |
I thought it was you, not your Mother!

Legendary Hero
The Ultimate Badass
posted June 24, 2003 08:13 PM |
"Well I'll be damned, would you look at that!" (roughly)
Said by Doc Holliday gunfighter and gambler, who always swore he'd die with his boots on. Looking down at his feet on his deathbead, dying in a hospital, he noticed his boots were very much off.
We're on an express elevator to Hell, goin' down!

Famous Hero
Ranger of the good
posted June 24, 2003 10:46 PM |
Don`t worry it`s just a thundersto...
- Former Elvish Scout

Don`t be simple, be complx-

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted June 24, 2003 10:47 PM |
Huh? Doc Holiday didn't say anything like that - or was it after you killed Horrigan? What version of Fallout 2 do you have?

Known Hero
the supreme heroe
posted June 24, 2003 10:57 PM |
who know`s that one
and that`s the end of that chapter

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted June 24, 2003 11:10 PM |

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted June 24, 2003 11:38 PM |
0001-"Let's go in."
0002-"Let's not go in."
0003-"I follow them."
0004-"I stab the dragon and tell it to get off me."
0005-"I drink the bottle marked POISON on the off-chance that it's the extra-healing potion."
0006-"I kill it."
0007-"Let me handle this."
0008-"Whaddya mean, a pentagram only has FIVE sides?"
0009-"What a useless scroll. It just says, HASTUR HASTUR HASTUR over and over again..."
0010-"Click?? ...This doesn't come with ammo?"
0011-"Why is your torch flame turning blue?"
0013-"Trust me."
0014-"I never get lost."
0015-(A corridor ahead is full of brown mold) "I cast Fireball down the hall, then send my fire elemental to investigate."
0016-"Dammit, this thing won't die!"
0017-a)"I bet without Mjolnir you're a real wuss." b)"He looks like a wuss to me."
0018-"He hit me for HOW MUCH?????"
0019-"They're only kobolds!"
0020-"Hey, this chest just bit me!"
0021-"I try to move silently in plate armor..."
0022-"I didn't find any traps !!"
0023-"Wonder what this button does ?"
0024-"Don't worry, he is probably just first level."
0025-"This 250' wall has so many holes, it should be easy to climb."
0026-"I'll just close my eyes and walk up to the dracolisk holding up my mirror"
0027-"Can I eat this green slime?"
0028-"I'll just walk up to the dragon invisibly"
0029-"Why is this man speaking in sign language?"
0030-"This type of undead can't drain levels"
0031-"I'll open the door, sneak up on him from behind and backstab him!"
0032-"We are in luck! The dragon is sleeping"
0033-"That's only a statue"
0034-"There is no trap on the door, so let's open it"
0035-"Look, behind you!!!" Said by a gnome(pc) to an ogre as a disliked parttymember crept up. End of the other member.
0036-"I have this dungeon at home, I know where everything is!"
0037-"Don't worry, the DM won't hose me"
0038-"We'll untie the prisoners and lock them in the closet."
0039-"Why can't we take Clarissa (Disguised evil high priestess) with us?"
0040-"How much will you give me for this idol I found (cursed)?"
0041-"I'm not powerful enough, can't you just give me second level."
0042-"Don't I get the farie fire bonus on my parry."
0043-Star Wars:"Stormtroopers can't hit a Wampa at this dist..."
0044-Traveller:"Who took the battery out of my grav belt?"
0045-"They're wearing blue robes? They must be Druids. Roll for initiative, suckers." (At which point the polymorphed Bone Devils ate him.)
0046-"I see HOW MANY wights?!" (from the crypts of Ravenloft)
0047-"Don't worry, wyvern don't attack unless they're provoked."
0048-"You watch the door, I'll take out the Gas Spore (Beholder) that's guarding the treasure."
0049-"A Nightmare, huh? I'll attack for one round and prepare to run."
0050-"I'll take off my armor so I'm silent and slip past the dragon."
0051-"They need a twenty to hit me, I'm invincible"
0052-"Don't worry sir, we can handle it."
0053-"You jump down and distract him, and I'll shoot him."
0054-NPC: "Lets drop our weapons and talk." PC : "Okay!"
0055-"We killed all monsters on this level."
0056-"I've been here before. There are no traps in this section."
0057-"What do you mean 18 meter long crocodile--you just said crocodile."
0058-"Well ...., I'll touch it again"
0059-"I attempt to disbelive."
0060-"I cast a fireball" (into a 10'x10'x10' room)
0061-"I know if I draw a card I'll get the VOID."
0062-GM:"You're very lucky, you all don't know how lucky you are! Save or take 210 points of damage"
0063-GM:"You don't get your +5 for being a dwarf, because it's special bodak power"
0064-" It's OK, I trust her..." ... *BOOM!!!!!!*
0065-"Stand back you wimps. I'll kill it."
0067-"OK! I moon the Balrog!"
0068-"My first arrow MISSED the magic-user pointing at me?? OK, I shoot again!"
0069-"Where'd that thief go now?"
0070-"Trap? What trap?"
0071-"So what?"
0072-"Don't be silly. If this was really the ship's "Self-Destruct Button", do you think they'd leave it lying around where anyone could press it?"
0073-"Hmmm...the sign on the door says, "AIRLOCK". I wonder what's inside."
0074-"You're all a bunch of wimps!! I'll prove to you myself that an entire orc stronghold is no match for your average barbarian."
0075-"All right, we're in an unexplored dungeon in total darkness with no light sources or infravision...Hey, I know!! Let's yell and scream a lot so we can locate each other by sound!!"
0076-"I'm going to kill our captives anyway, and I don't give a damn whether the other goody-good PC's like it or not."
0077-"Y'know, since our druid's been so obnoxious, it would probably serve him right if we set his precious forest on fire."
0078-"A clever bluff, Agent N42, but not clever enough. You see, right away I recognized your `pistol' as a cleverly disguised cigarette lighter."
0079-"A creature with two BABOON heads on a scaly REPTILIAN body? With TENTACLES for arms? Hunh. Must be some stupid wizard's magical construct. Let's kill it."
0080-"Yes, it's true I humiliated the DM in front of the debating team Wednesday, but he's much too broad-minded to take it out on my character."
0081-"OK, O Mighty Odin, as long as you're not gonna answer my prayers, I'm gonna tell ya what I REALLY think of ya!"
0082-"I drop trough and expose myself to the arch-mage as a gesture of contempt."
0083-"Well, guys, I'm sorry my activities in the last town got us all tarred and feathered, but you're not going to hold that against me, are you?"
0084-"No, I'm sure there's some stipulation that says a disintegrate spell won't work if the spellcaster casts it on himself. Here, I'll prove it."
0085-"Oops, I spilled flaming oil on my beard. I'd better wash it off after we kill this fire lizard."
0086-"Well, we know he's LAWFUL evil, so he should keep his word when he promised not to betray us."
0087-"So I'm safely across the pit? Whew! For a minute there I was worried that you might remember my encumbrance penalties."
0088-"Well, as long as I've stumbled into Princess Savitra's bedroom, I might as well try to seduce her."
0089-"Thank God!! A hobgoblin camp up ahead! Maybe they can help heal our wounded!"
0090-"Don't worry! The chances of me blowing a climb walls roll twice, at my level, are infinitesimal."
0091-"All right, I jump...Now on the way down, I activate my ring of feather fall...no, wait, didn't I lend it to Jim?"
0092-"So you're Tiamat, huh? Are you evil? Yes? Would you like to convert?"
0093-"I cast a `gate' spell and gate in the Iraqi Air Force."
0094-"Well, *I* trust our party thief, and if he says this door isn't trapped, that's good enough for me."
0095-"Well, I didn't much like this character, anyway...Here goes nothing..."
0096-"I swing the Toxic Avenger's mop at the grenade so I can bat it across the room at the aliens...Wait! Isn't that grenade Contact Fused ???"
0097-"All right, I guess Toronaga's right. There can't possibly be anything on the other side of this airlock. Why not open the damned thing."
0098-"Whistling sounds? Naw, they can't have a grenade launcher!"
0099-"Okay, there's nothing guarding the bridge. I go through the door and find the helm."
0100-"They can't possibly outflank us. We have a multi-scanner!"

Legendary Hero
The Ultimate Badass
posted June 25, 2003 12:56 AM |
(sounds of constant firing and alien screams in the background throughout this)
Mother-******! Come on! Come on! Come and get it baby! DIE! DIE! COME ON! COME ON! COME ON YOU ********! COME ON YOU TOO! OH YOU WANT SOME OF THIS? YEAAAAAAAAH! ARGGGGGGH! **** YOU! HICKS!!!!! HICKS!!!! (HUDSON!) ARGGHHGGHHHH!
Hudson's last words before the aliens take him on LV426
You always were an ****-hole gorman - Vasquez's last words on LV426
Maybe they don't show up on infrared at all! - Dietrich's last word's on LV426
Say again? All after incinerators? ARGH!!! - Apone's last words on LV426
Where man I don't see ****! - Frost's Last words on LV426
Spunkmeyer, what the hell? - Ferro's last words on LV426
****! - Drake's (man of few words) last words on LV426
We're on an express elevator to Hell, goin' down!

Legendary Hero
The Ultimate Badass
posted June 25, 2003 03:22 AM |
Quote: Huh? Doc Holiday didn't say anything like that - or was it after you killed Horrigan? What version of Fallout 2 do you have?
Duh Doc Holiday was a gunfighter in the Wild West, he fought alongside The Earp brothers at the OK Coral in the 1880s or somewhere around then.
Damn Fallout fans
We're on an express elevator to Hell, goin' down!

Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted June 25, 2003 08:57 AM |
Quote: Damn Fallout fans
Sounds like Private Hudson's last words...

Supreme Hero
Lee's wifey
posted June 25, 2003 10:05 AM |
the worst final line ever......
Oh My ......Captian James T Kirk
Never wear anything that panics
the cat.

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted June 25, 2003 12:45 PM |
Quote: Duh Doc Holiday was a gunfighter in the Wild West, he fought alongside The Earp brothers at the OK Coral in the 1880s or somewhere around then.
Huh? Doc Holiday is a doctor in Redding. Painless Doc Holiday he calls himself. Because he never feels pain when operating .
Quote: Damn Fallout fans 
*Private Hudson gets thrown into the chasm*
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Legendary Hero
The Ultimate Badass
posted June 25, 2003 01:31 PM |
Oh god, whatever will I do now thrown into a chasm apparently? How amazingly grown up of you
We're on an express elevator to Hell, goin' down!