
Famous Hero
hero of order and life
posted August 21, 2003 08:53 PM |
Like I said
Like i said i was going to update my dream for Homm5 sence it was going to be awhile.
i could have done this in some other threads but i thought that would take to long so back off. i desided to make one thread of towns to rule all thread of towns and here it is.
Each town has a total of 14 thats right 14 creatures of choice that is of choice. so you can get a possible of getting 8 creatures 2 level ones coming prebuilt thus makeing the battles bigger and battle feild larger so i was thinking of saying put the game on a consule and play on T.V.! I know some of you would say that sucks but trust me it will be for the best.
Lets start with my favorate town of human life. The Castle.
human life i now must people say this sucks but come on it cant be that bad. The Griffins are coming back home where they belong yeah and with them come 2 none human creature the Lion and the all new Blue Dragon!
Level 1
Peasent and Squire
look whos back back again peasents back weak as hell!
Peasent Hp:5 Att:3 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:2 Speed:3
Specail: gives one gold per peasent each week
Squire Hp:10 Att:5 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:3 Speed:4
Specail: 10% to stun
Level 2
pikeman and marksman
Pikeman Hp:20 Att:7 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:7 Speed:5
Specail: long weapon
Marksman Hp:10 Att:6 Move:Ground Shots:24
Hex:1 Def:4 Speed:6
Specail: Shoots twice no distance penalty.
Level 3
Griffin and Lion
Griffin Hp:25 Att:8 Move:Flying
Hex:2 Def:10 Speed:8
specail: unlimited retaliations
Lion Hp:30 Att:8 Move:Ground
Hex:2 Def:8 Speed:7
specail:Adds 1Att,1Def,and 1speed to the Glateators.
must have more lion to glateators for this to work
Level 4
Glateator and Pegisus
Glateator Hp:45 Att:12 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:8 Speed:7
Specail: +2 Attack and +1 Defence when fighting other
level 4s or 5s.
Pegisus Hp:35 Att:10 Move:Flying
Hex:2 Def:8 Speed:11
Specail: All enemy spellcasters pay +2 mana to cast spells
All allied spells cost 2 less mana
Level 5
Monk and Crusader
Monk Hp:40 Att:12 Move:Flying Shots:24
Hex:1 Def:10 Speed:7
Specail: no hand to hand can cast level one-two spells
Crusader Hp:50 Att:15 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:12 Speed:6
Specail: the crusader get modifyed here instead of double attack it gets a 20% chance double attack and 20% chance of double damage!
Level 6
Paledin and Champion
Champion Hp:100 Att:17 Move:Ground
Hex:2 Def:17 Speed:10
specail:jousting bonus same as h3
Paledin to tell you the truth i havent though about this one so help me please.
Level 7
Angel Hp:250 Att:30 Move:flying
Hex:1 Def:30 Speed:18
specail:150% damage to devils and fallen angels Ressurect
spell can cast once per battle.
Blue Dragon Hp:300 Att:28 Move:Flying
Hex:2 Def:26 Speed:16
specail:immune from cold attacks, Can cast cold attack
spell called ice shower, 2 hex cold attack, 30%
chance to freeze enemy
thats my castle town next in about 20 minutes i'll start the necropolis. til then im taking a rest.
When we are young
Wandering the face of the Earth
Wondering what our dreams might be worth
Learning that we're only Mortal for a little while

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted August 21, 2003 09:07 PM |
You should say the growth, and the cost
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted August 22, 2003 12:46 PM |
Quote: Paledin to tell you the truth i havent though about this one so help me please.
Hp:95 Att:18 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:18 Speed:7
Special: Death Ward, 40% chance of x2 damage vs undead, casts "Prayer" and "Song of Peace".
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

Famous Hero
hero of order and life
posted August 22, 2003 04:36 PM |
ok good but i got rid of the wards
Ill make all the other stuff later i have a list to that too.
Now the necropolis
This was probably the hards town for me to do with the placeing of creature by level but ive got it.
Level 1
Skeleton and zombie
Skeleton Hp:6 Att:6 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:4 Speed:4
Specail: shot resistance
Zombie Hp:10 Att:4 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:6 Speed:3
Specail isease same as h3
Level 2
Ghoul and Death Archer
Ghoul Hp:15 Att:5 Move:Flying
Hex:1 Def:4 Speed:6
Specail:Eat corpes of enemys it Kills to
restore its health
Death Archer Hp:10 Att:5 Move:Ground Shots:24
Hex:1 Def:4 Speed:5
Specail:10% chance to poision enemy with
Level 3
Wraith and Mummy
Wraith Hp:20 Att:9 Move:Flying
Hex:1 Def:7 Speed:7
Specail:Regenerates, drains 2 spellpoints
from enemy spellcasters
Mummy Hp:40 Att:10 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:8 Speed:4
Specail:Bind enemys are held in place by mummys wraps intil mummys move or are killed.
Level 4
Vampire and Shade
Vampire Hp:40 Att:10 Move:Flying
Hex:1 Def:10 Speed:8
Specail:Same as h3
Shade I have no clue i just added it because it was mentioned somewhere before do something
Level 5
Oblivan Knight and Lich
Oblivan Knight Hp:55 Att:15 Move:Ground
Hex:1 Def:13 Speed:6
Specail:same as my Crusader
Lich Hp:40 Att:12 Move:Ground Shots:12
Hex:1 Def:10 Speed:7
Specail eath Cloud, can cast death spells
Level 6
Dread Knight and Fallen Angel
Dread Knight Hp:120 Att:18 Move:Ground
Hex:2 Def:16 Speed:9
Specail:same as h3
Fallen Angel Hp:150 Att:20 Move:Flying
Hex:1 Def:20 Speed:14
Specail: does 150% damage to angels and
devils, no enemy retaliation
Level 7
Bone Dragon and Grim Reaper
Bone Dragon Hp:300 Att:27 Move:Flying
Hex:2 Def:27 Speed:14
Specail: Shot resistant and same as h3 and
no enemy retaliation
Grim Reaper Hp:250 Att:28 Move:Teleport
Hex:1 Def:22 Speed:16
Specail: No Enemy Retailiation, Teleport, Attacks all adject hexas, Regeneration,
10% Death Stare, 10% Ages Enemies.
10% fear ability.
Ill be back tommorow with tommorows town.
When we are young
Wandering the face of the Earth
Wondering what our dreams might be worth
Learning that we're only Mortal for a little while

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted August 22, 2003 06:37 PM |
I like the Grim Reaper idea!
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted August 22, 2003 11:50 PM |
I think Dread Knight and FAllen Angel has too much HPs for their level.
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted August 23, 2003 02:35 PM |
I think that the two lv 7 creatures are not even enough. You should give the bone dragon somemore special abilities otherwise the grim reaper (good idea) will be to strong.

Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted August 24, 2003 05:42 AM |
Yeah, Grim Reapers is too powerful compared to the boners. Maybe you should lower their HP to around 250.
And the bone drags should gain no retaliation ability.
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

Famous Hero
hero of order and life
posted August 24, 2003 09:55 PM |
that could work ill make the change but about the lv 6 hps no i think not the dread knight has the same hp he had in h3 and the fallen angel gets a lower lv7 hp it like they fell out of favor and so there stats were lowerd but they still had power.
When we are young
Wandering the face of the Earth
Wondering what our dreams might be worth
Learning that we're only Mortal for a little while

Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted August 25, 2003 01:23 PM |
Then maybe the HPs of the Champion and Paladin should be raised to 115 and 110 respectively, just so that all lvl 6 creatures have around the same HPs.
1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

Famous Hero
DooM prophet
posted September 10, 2003 10:11 AM |
Wards and 150% agains certain creatures - sucks. I don't like units specifically designed to ruin certain alignments. They are shallow and make game too simple. If you can take creature with ward or without ward, you obviously prefer the one with ward because it's overpowered. So NO CHOICE is going to be made. (remember Crusaders vs Vampires in H4 ? Try the same with ogre mages, units of roughly same strenght)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5um8QWWRvo RSA Animate - Smile or die

Legendary Hero
From earth
posted September 10, 2003 10:42 AM |
However many creatures of choice.. It's kind of stupid to halt the ability to develop all 15.
Thing clearly
Why, dose building medusa ground halt building minotour? (whtvr)
Because, 3d0, makes ppl think its ok cuz we dont want 15 creatures with only 7 slots. Make 15 slots.
If only so much can go to 7 dwellings, than enable dynasties to control the amount of growth between medus and minotour.. Build 1, 100%, build both, 150%.. Divde.. 125% medusas & 25% minotours?? Or the default 75% / 75%??
When you build the second *same level dwelling*
(example, you already have medusa lair)
When you purchase the mazes.. the auto option "Set creature growth at what level altering medusas growth"" You can even make it zero
Whatever.. I'm not sproing out awsome ideas so I can re-evaluate and fix numbers.. If no one sees the limitlessness of possibilities and dosnt want to figure out or change my idea ..(whtvr) Then I guess I'll hold this 1 with the other potentials
Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth, to discuss Heroes 5, go to Temple Of Ashan.