Thread: "New Upgrades" patch | This thread is pages long: 1 2 · NEXT» |

Famous Hero
of destruction
posted September 02, 2005 09:17 PM |
"New Upgrades" patch
What do you think about this patch? Good or not? Please write here about it. I mean no spam abount patch in topic "new building" .

Supreme Hero
Forgotten but not Forsaken
posted September 05, 2005 08:56 PM |
Acid...Can I put your new creatures to my Yahoo! group?

Famous Hero
who lost his body somehow...
posted September 06, 2005 10:10 PM |
I don't see a reason for that, but I don't see why not. Just add a note, a link or whatever that they are a part of the patch and can be downloaded/installed/whatever....

Famous Hero
Soul Merchant
posted September 07, 2005 05:32 AM |
I've added Acid Dragons Link to WoG Archive II also.

Adventuring Hero
A beer drinking madman
posted September 10, 2005 07:10 PM |
The installation doesnīt work I get a message saying that the wog couldnīt be found.

Famous Hero
who lost his body somehow...
posted September 10, 2005 09:28 PM |
well - it means that someone or something (a virus?) has deleted/changed the WoG registry entries in your system (you might as well have just moved your wog directory somewhere).
Try to put the file new_upg.wog in your DATA directory and run H3wUpd.exe.

Adventuring Hero
A beer drinking madman
posted September 10, 2005 09:49 PM |
I get a WinRar error message... strange.

Famous Hero
who lost his body somehow...
posted September 11, 2005 04:11 PM |
Oh, well in THAT case your file didn't just download correctly. Try to download again. And I would appreciate if you say what error message did EXACTLY show up. I bet it wasn't a message about WoG itself, but about a WoG FILE (.wog file probably).

Adventuring Hero
A beer drinking madman
posted September 12, 2005 08:31 AM |
I get a Winrar message saying Wogfiles couldnīt be found. iīll try it again sorry for the inconvienience. I bet i misspelled that one..

Famous Hero
Passed away
posted September 13, 2005 08:08 PM |
Quote: well - it means that someone or something (a virus?) has deleted/changed the WoG registry entries in your system (you might as well have just moved your wog directory somewhere).
Try to put the file new_upg.wog in your DATA directory and run H3wUpd.exe.
Hmm, I think the .wog file shoud be placed in .\Update folder or H3wUpd.exe won't find it.
The ultimate WoG tester

Famous Hero
who lost his body somehow...
posted September 14, 2005 04:49 PM |
of course Sorry.
PS. I'm afraid, the 'New Upgrades' patch will not be available any more this month. It has used up over 8 gb of transfer in two weeks time and there is no technical possibility of using up more.
If anyone has some extra bandwidth and web space to help out and host these files, please contact me.

Tavern Dweller
posted September 16, 2005 03:03 PM |
Quote: What do you think about this patch? Good or not? Please write here about it. I mean no spam abount patch in topic "new building" .
I don't think it good.
Some ERM can deal with it too.
Some conflict occured when i use it play the maps of 3.58f.

Famous Hero
Passed away
posted September 16, 2005 07:58 PM |
Edited By: Ste on 16 Sep 2005
Quote: I don't think it good.
Some ERM can deal with it too.
Some conflict occured when i use it play the maps of 3.58f.
Could you post some more details so that the author can try to fix his patch?
The ultimate WoG tester

Famous Hero
who lost his body somehow...
posted September 18, 2005 10:02 PM |
This just in 
Thanks to Chortos-2 (and his server ) the New Upgrades files are again available for download. Enjoy .


Hired Hero
posted September 27, 2005 09:34 AM |
Well I think this script it's good but I don't like that
some towns benefit more then the others. It's very nice to have those 8 level monster in every town and the look of the new efreets and minotaurs.

Supreme Hero
Former Chessmaster
posted October 05, 2005 08:32 AM |
THE patch
A short review:
1. (THE PATCH) Its clearly stated that main purpose of patch was introducing of new building mechanic that allows 2nd upgrade to some units (That part was done wery well and i havent encountered any bugs or problems with it yet).
2. (NEW UNITS) 6 new units introduced are by far better than 6 that were replaced (elementals look very good, efreet and medusa as well, though i kinda dislike the size of blood minotaurs and looks of new basilisk.. also medusa shoold stick to arrows instead of firebolts).
3. (UPGRADES) Though upgrades with 6 new units look cool, and even some old ones (boars, mummies and ghosts fit in perfectly), many others were just so ridiculous that they made me uninstal the patch (Silver pegasus-->sorceres). (I realise that they were mostly put there just as placeholders for future,we hope better fitting units, and to check if the main patch mechanic is working, but im under impresion that they should have been left out, because that would made this patch extremely valuable (in patch terms)) 4 average wog players.
4. (LVL8 Units) I still think that LVL 8 monsters r way too overpowered and with this patch they practicaly become even more usable/powerfull (imho, this patch should lower HP bonus compared to Upg.LV7 units to +50% instead of +100%, and reduce cost to compensate),.. they just make low level units look like cannon fodder (H4 syndrome)
-RECAP: Overall, the patch served the purpose, has very good upgrading mechanic, but its clear that it was meant to be sort of beta-test 4 the mechanic and NOTHING MORE, which reminds me of Linux in a way ... develop for developers,... but then consumers (players) have little use of it..
Final Rating 8/10

Tavern Dweller
posted October 05, 2005 03:17 PM |
Quote: A short review:
1. (THE PATCH) Its clearly stated that main purpose of patch was introducing of new building mechanic that allows 2nd upgrade to some units (That part was done wery well and i havent encountered any bugs or problems with it yet).
2. (NEW UNITS) 6 new units introduced are by far better than 6 that were replaced (elementals look very good, efreet and medusa as well, though i kinda dislike the size of blood minotaurs and looks of new basilisk.. also medusa shoold stick to arrows instead of firebolts).
3. (UPGRADES) Though upgrades with 6 new units look cool, and even some old ones (boars, mummies and ghosts fit in perfectly), many others were just so ridiculous that they made me uninstal the patch (Silver pegasus-->sorceres). (I realise that they were mostly put there just as placeholders for future,we hope better fitting units, and to check if the main patch mechanic is working, but im under impresion that they should have been left out, because that would made this patch extremely valuable (in patch terms)) 4 average wog players.
4. (LVL8 Units) I still think that LVL 8 monsters r way too overpowered and with this patch they practicaly become even more usable/powerfull (imho, this patch should lower HP bonus compared to Upg.LV7 units to +50% instead of +100%, and reduce cost to compensate),.. they just make low level units look like cannon fodder (H4 syndrome)
-RECAP: Overall, the patch served the purpose, has very good upgrading mechanic, but its clear that it was meant to be sort of beta-test 4 the mechanic and NOTHING MORE, which reminds me of Linux in a way ... develop for developers,... but then consumers (players) have little use of it..
Final Rating 8/10
sounds interesting 
but can any1 tell me where I can get this from ?
OK sorry, I am new here and have been following the posts you all made here for about 2 months (now and then)

Supreme Hero
Former Chessmaster
posted October 06, 2005 03:53 PM |
Site where you can download it is http://www.acid.iconrate.net/wog/upgrades_eng.php?sec=6

Famous Hero
who lost his body somehow...
posted October 07, 2005 12:04 AM |
well yasmiel, thank you very much for the review and although you may not like this - you are a bit mistaken at one point. The not-so-great ( ) upgrades were there not just to show the possibility of upgrading, but rather for maxing out the upgrading possibilities for all towns, as well as balance issues (3 upgrades for EVERY town). I only saw one thing that could be done instead at the time, and that's just to give every town only 2 upgrades. But then I thought that the fun factor would be greater nonetheless if a third upgrade possibility would be also introduced, although not all of them would fit in (f.e. you could finally have a second shooter at rampart and get to know the sorceresses' magic abilities better (as they change with their increasing number in a stack)) .
As I can see - I was mistaken as you said that those upgrades made you uninstall the patch.
Anyway, I can see that a second script version with the usage of some commanders' sprites (as second upgrades) may be usefull for some players afterall.

Famous Hero
of Night Elves
posted October 07, 2005 03:55 AM |
AcidDragon I have a question for you,
Say the Night Elf town is completed and someone installed it. If that person already had your patch, I suppose that he would get a Santa Gremlin for Coutle's third level and Gold Golem for Rhyno's third level, yes?
How can that be solved?