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Supreme Hero
posted March 29, 2004 09:43 PM |
bonus applied. |
Upload Center
Heroes Community now has some webspace for people to upload pics. The main page, with further description, is http://ee.1asphost.com/heroescommunity/index.html. This space will allow non-techie members to post pictures without signing up for an entire webpage. It should also reduce the strain on the Guardian's Grove upload service. Access is restricted to established members because there is a degree of trust involved in handing out the password. However, I don't anticipate this becoming a serious problem.
This is an experiment and a community resource. Feedback and participation is welcome!
First questions:
1) Did I miss anything critical in the FAQ? Any errors?
2) Is the wording/tone of the FAQ okay?
3) Can anyone make the words "Upload Center" (or other title for this thing) in the same colorful font as the Heroes Community title? 
Edit: boing.
Edit: boing again.
Edit: boing (4:12 pm, Sept 24th: Newest Issue: Bandwidth )
disguised as a responsible adult

Supreme Hero
posted March 30, 2004 09:43 AM |
excelent work khaelo, you are one of the most responsable members here on HC. Keep it up

Supreme Hero
[ Peacekeeper of Equilibris ]
posted March 30, 2004 07:13 PM |
How to understand? I open the link, but it gives errors. Maybe you know why?

Supreme Hero
posted March 30, 2004 09:13 PM |
Edited By: Khaelo on 1 Apr 2004
Quote: How to understand? I open the link, but it gives errors. Maybe you know why?
Argh. Try it again later; with any luck, the problem was temporary and you just hit it at a bad time. (The 1ASP people are doing construction right now.) It seems to be working for me at the moment. Moody thing...
Edit: BUMP
People are still having problems accessing the site? Are you having trouble seeing pages or logging in or what? What is the error message that appears? I don't work for 1ASP, so I obviously don't have any inside knowledge as to when the construction ends or any technical knowledge. My guess is as good as yours.
For logging in, you do have to go to http://www.1asphost.com/, not ee.1asphost.com.
Here's a new version of the Index pages: http://ee.1asphost.com/heroescommunity/Heroes_Community_Upload_Center.html
Does that one work?
disguised as a responsible adult

Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted April 02, 2004 04:50 AM |
Khaleo i go to www.1asphost.com, type in my username and password and it says the site cannot be found. Are they still upgrading or should i create a new account?

Supreme Hero
posted April 02, 2004 06:57 AM |
Huh. That's really weird. I don't know what's going on.
I've been having no problems logging in to either my site or the HC one. One person has already e-mailed me a pic to upload for them, and I'd be happy to do the same for others as long as this problem persists (it doesn't do much good if the pic subsequently doesn't show up, but that one did).
The construction notice is still on the host's homepage; when they're finished upgrading, they will probably say so. And all will rejoice.
disguised as a responsible adult

Supreme Hero
statue-loving necrophiliac
posted April 02, 2004 02:53 PM |
Quote: Network Upgrade 3/23/2004
We are currently performing a network upgrade as a result some sites might be inaccessible. We are moving our servers to a different data center connected to multiple OC48 backbones. This would make our network significantly faster, because we will be connected directly to the backbone of the Internet. We appreciate your patience during this network upgrade.
That's why Khaelo can, and DS, I and others can't.
The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT its mineral rights.

Famous Hero
Yeah, right
posted April 10, 2004 03:26 PM |
Nice thingie, Khaelo 
Now the GG won't be the main place to upload stuff
Guardians Grove forum

Supreme Hero
Save me Jebus!
posted May 14, 2004 06:19 PM |

Famous Hero
The Crispinator
posted August 06, 2004 07:17 AM |
I use http://www.photobucket.com for images, and you get 100 MB of space...
Holden means a great deal to Australia...

Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted September 27, 2004 02:02 AM |
4 Concis

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

Supreme Hero
posted October 25, 2004 03:02 AM |
It's broken right now...most annoying...

Supreme Hero
Back again
posted October 26, 2004 10:01 PM |
no longer broken... bump
Knowledge is power...

Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2004 09:20 PM |
the upload site is telling me that i've exceeded my bandwith... know my GoP insignia and other pics don't work.
What can I do to fix this problem?
Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service.... us. - Star Trek TNG

Supreme Hero
of the Horadrim
posted November 23, 2004 09:30 PM |

Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2004 09:44 PM |
Edited By: Khaelo on 23 Nov 2004
1ASP no longer allows unlimited bandwidth without an application, for which HC does not qualify. The limit is 1000 MBs per account. After that, it stops showing all pictures for 12 hours.
So, some courtesy requests:
1) If you're going to put an image in your signature, therefore displaying it all over the forum for lots of people to download, please set up and use your own account, at 1ASP, Photobucket, or elsewhere.
2) If you're part of the Pixel Artists' Guild and/or have plans to post a good number of images, please set up your own account.
The community account is for the most casual users who want to post, say, one or two pics total. We used to be able to accomodate more intense users, but that's not going to work any more. For everyone's sake, if you're going to be using a lot of bandwidth, please obtain your own space. Thanks.
Edit: Just FYI, Photobucket currently has very limited hours for registering for free accounts (I showed up half an hour late ). They accept free account registations between 11-1 pm and 11-1 am US Mountain Standard Time. Four hours a day. Grrr, the lengths one has to go to just to avoid paying real money for services...
disguised as a responsible adult

Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2004 10:28 PM |
thanks, I didn't know all that.
Do you know if the same conditions apply to photobucket free account?
Your life as it has been is over. From this time forward, you will service.... us. - Star Trek TNG

Supreme Hero
posted November 23, 2004 11:46 PM |
Photobucket says it allows 25 MBs of material. 1ASP allows 100 MB.* Photobucket allows 1500 MB of bandwidth a month, while 1ASP offers 1000 MB/month which is measured out as 17 MB per twelve hour increments. Bandwidth shouldn't be a problem if you're not sharing the account. The largest image you can put up on Photobucket is 250 KB. 1ASP does not put a limit on file size.
Looking over the current situation at the Upload Center, the only potential problem I see for members considering Photobucket is the file size limit. Some people have hefty images. These seem to be either BMPs or very large photos. I think this can be averted by a) changing images to a more efficient format, and b) either shrinking photos or just using 1ASP for those particular cases. Someone who actually uses Photobucket would be able to give more info on that service -- how often it goes down, and so on.
*For comparison, the 16 people on the Upload Center have filled a grand total of 20 MB. Approximately half of that belongs to a single member (Daystar) who is fond of massive BMPs.
disguised as a responsible adult

Supreme Hero
posted November 24, 2004 12:06 AM |
I have a lot uploaded in there. I can use another account on there from now on, to lessen the load.

Supreme Hero
Supreme Noobolator
posted November 26, 2004 01:59 PM |
hey khaelo
i've recently promissed in a thread that i will explain some tactics of attacking a cript and that i would bring screenshoots as exemplication.i was wondering if you could help me with that as i'm a computer illiterate.The problem is that a single pic in jpg has 1.5MB and i have about 20. Could you tell me a way to reduce format or suggest a way to get those pics uploaded?