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7 Mar 2016: Romero launches a Piano Sonata Album Kickstarter! - read more
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Heroes Community > New Heroes - Olden Era > Thread: Olden Era - What is your features wishlist?
Thread: Olden Era - What is your features wishlist? This thread is 3 pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
posted August 25, 2024 06:58 PM
Edited by Stevie at 09:25, 26 Aug 2024.

Olden Era - What is your features wishlist?

Alright Heroes, brace yourselves for Olden Era!

This was all unexpected I have to say, but we are so back with Olden Era!... Right?
Again, the announcement trailer on Unfrozen's channel, the developers of the game, for those who haven't seen it yet:

Or link to Ubisoft's video if you want to read more comments, but limited to Full HD quality: Announcement Trailer.

Well, before some of us start throwing caution to the wind and lose themselves to hype (understandably so, because it looks great so far), lets ground ourselves a bit and take a moment to figure out the answer to this important question: just what exactly is it that you want the most from this game?

Is it a gripping campaign story?
Is it beautiful art and townscreens?
Maybe you just want compelling turn-based strategy and don't really care about much else.
Or maybe you want all of it?

As for me, it's already checking a lot of boxes, mainly because it seems to draw heavy inspiration from New World Computing's legacy Heroes of Might and Magic games, specifically the ones up to 3. But I also like the fact that they haven't stopped there and introduced new things to be excited about which we can already see in the trailer or have confirmed through other means.

But anyway, here's my wishlist right now, I'll keep it neat and tidy and also as brief as possible:

1. NWC-era Heroes graphics style, more of the sword & sorcery kind as opposed to high fantasy.
2. Rob & Paul's old soundtracks remastered, plus a few new ones as well, because that's honestly the only way.
3. Mythological creatures, and we can have some generic entries too like human with sword and human with bow, but steer clear of oddballs like the Strider from Heroes 7 (trust me, you don't want to look it up).
4. Enchanting visual effects, I want to see and feel the Magic part of the game, the more mystical fairy-tail-like it appears, the better. Winds of magic in the air, pixies flying around, small critters moving from one place to another, etc.
5. The least amount of color coding possible, I don't care about someone's misguided idea of "readability", this is not a sports game where everyone dons the same-colored jersey. Leave that stuff out of this franchise, we value individual uniqueness around here.

6. More than 8 factions. MORE! *insert Kylo Ren gif here*
7. One campaign per faction at the minimum, or a big campaign where each faction has its playable part, I guess that works too.
8. More than 7 creatures per faction. MORE! *insert Kylo Ren gif here again*
9. Some creatures with more than one upgrade. MORE! *I think by now we figured that content will always be an issue of "more"* *also insert Kylo Ren gif*
10. A decent amount of spells, like maybe 40, as a ballpark that number seems reasonable, but it depends on the magic system and I'm assuming it's similar to Heroes 3.
11. Around 10 heroes per faction, seems like a good number but more is always welcome.
12. Around 8 skill slots to pick from around 20 skills in total, hopefully all useful in some way, don't take after Heroes 3 here where half of them were fodder.
13. Skills have perks, otherwise it's a downgrade from one of Heroes 5's best features that definitely should feel core by now.
14. More varied combat maps, would be cool to see more than just a few layouts per theme, but not a big priority.

15. Competent AI with difficulty levels for everyone, at the top of this category because of its paramount importance to singleplayer users like me. I don't care if they have to leverage Ubisoft's unreleased self-learning AI technology or hire Quantomas to write it for them, but Unfrozen needs to hit the mark on this one.
16. Legacy hero progression like that of Heroes 3 and 5, no need to reinvent the wheel here. One specialization, level up gives some basic stats and a skill choice, maybe also a perk point if that's a system. It might depend on some factors, but it should all be very straightforward nonetheless.
17. Added Kingdom progression layer, not just a stats menu like in Heroes 3.
18. Added creature progression layer, for more customization and tactical choices. I would love to have levels for creatures, mini-artifacts to put on them, and upgrade them with new stats or abilities. Probably a big hurdle, but if WOG did it a decade ago, a gamedev nowadays should be able to do it too.
19. Artifact sets and maybe also artifact combinations, because they're way too cool. Let me assemble my Angelic Alliance and Titan's Thunder yo!
20. Adventure map spells, let's have that again, I quite liked them.
21. More strategy in town building, at least some non-linear prerequisites because it's going to get repetitive fast. Economy choices would be great as well.
22. No more town conversion, maybe a contentious point but I think it just reinforces doomstacking and that's not healthy for balance and gameplay in the long run. You should be able to play with towns from other factions just fine.
23. Underground and water exploration, I really hope I did not have to mention them, but I'd be extremely disappointed if Unfrozen were to pull a Lava Potion on us (Songs of Conquest reference).

(Replayability tools)
24. Random Map Generator, it's just a very convenient feature to just fire up a game.
25. Map Editor, for the creators that want to make their own maps.
26. Multiplayer lobbies, for those who have people to play with, and I do.
27. Duels, I really liked this from Heroes 5 and would be glad to see it again.

Alright, I guess that's it from me. I feel there's more I could add, but overall those are the main features I'd like to see from Olden Era. And I'm aware I could check mark some already, but this forum is as old as a dinosaur and doesn't have that feature.
But anyway, it's going to be interesting to see just how many more could be marked after the game releases in a few years and we'll come back to read this.

Where does this leave me? In a place of optimism honestly. I was prepared to say cautious optimism, but there's too much good going in what I've already seen that it just feels like this is it, the Heroes we've been waiting for in all these years. Or am I jumping the gun and it's too early to say? What do you guys think?
Guide to a Great Heroes Game
The Young Traveler

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted August 25, 2024 08:30 PM

Stevie said:

just what exactly is it that you want the most from this game?

Aside from the nuts and bolts of a strong strategy game (good balance, interesting factions, effective GUI, etc.), I'd like to see easy-to-use but deep mapmaking tools to support good player-made content.
I'm sick of following my dreams. I'm just going to ask them where they're goin', and hook up with them later. -Mitch Hedberg

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Supreme Hero
posted August 25, 2024 08:39 PM
Edited by gnollking at 20:40, 25 Aug 2024.

Corribus said:
Aside from the nuts and bolts of a strong strategy game (good balance, interesting factions, effective GUI, etc.), I'd like to see easy-to-use but deep mapmaking tools to support good player-made content.

This is my major wish as well. A robust built-in scripting system would be awesome, and open up so many possibilities compared to HoMM 3 mapmaking (excluding WoG/ERA of course).

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Supreme Hero
channeling capybara energy
posted August 25, 2024 09:40 PM

As long as it has great music, I'm game

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Known Hero
Veteran of the Succession Wars
posted August 26, 2024 05:03 AM

I like everything here but 18. Save that sort of thing for Age of Wonders in my opinion. Homm thrives on elegance and simplicity.
What are Homm Songs based on?

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Supreme Hero
posted August 26, 2024 09:01 PM

I would love to see a sorta “kings bounty” optional mode, where unit caps were implemented in a similar way as KB, and scaled with the hero.

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Known Hero
posted August 27, 2024 12:11 PM

Every single feature it might have will be for nothing if a game lacks a good AI to play with.

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Legendary Hero
posted August 29, 2024 05:06 AM
Edited by MattII at 06:31, 29 Aug 2024.

Another thing that would be nice to see back, but which I'm not holding out hope for is Heroes 1/2 style Ultimate Artefacts.

Alternatively, you have to pick from one of several grail structures that give different rewards, f.e.:
* Gives 5,000 gold, 10 wood/ore and 5 crystal/gems/sulfur/mercury per day.
* Doubles the growth of all town dwellings, and makes the creatures free to recruit.
* Heroes know all spells, and a defending hero has 10 times their level spell points, rather than 10 times their Knowledge skill.
* Grants visiting heroes 1000 XP for their first visit, and 500 XP per week for subsequent visits.

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Supreme Hero
Dragon of justice
posted August 29, 2024 08:35 AM

it has been confirmed there is a random map generator in the game

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Famous Hero
Voice in Gelu's Head
posted August 29, 2024 09:26 AM

Mod support would be great. I would probably like to try recreating the old campaigns and doing something similar to my "fix Ashan" book (which I am still making steady progress on) in actual in game campaigns. It could be hard to do that without modding in alternate creature lineups though.

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Known Hero
posted August 30, 2024 11:17 AM

It might sound strange, but I really enjoyed those action camera moments during the battle (or however its called). When it zoomed in on the battlefield and focused on units/heroes in combat. Brought a bit more emersion and you could enjoy their animations and models a bit more.

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 14, 2024 04:16 PM

Base game like H3 Complete
Additional content like HOTA
Additional options like WOG
Editor where you can make not only maps and scenarios but also custom towns, heroes, creatures, spells, skills, stats, resources, objects, sounds, game modes, game mechanics,..

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Undefeatable Hero
Therefore I am
posted September 14, 2024 04:29 PM

H4 scripts, many possibilities in the editor.. The "explosion" of a mountain for example.. Yes Remove Object: Mountain in the editor.. Also you can give army growth every day and other Primary Skills bonus to computer AI.. If H4 scripts in the editor, it makes a great game.. Thanks
Fight MWMs - stand teach

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Tavern Dweller
posted September 14, 2024 06:07 PM

I suppose we already know a fair bit about the game, but if I were to wish for somthing in a new title it is more faction customization. While I appreciate having more factions, you can only play one at a time, and you typically have your favourites as well.

I think there lies good value in exploring how creature customization (H5, H4) would work in tandem with hero customization (H6).

In H6, some magic heroes suffered gravely from having few strong magic units, and choosing between alternative upgrades or alternative dwellings would not only mitigate this problem, but give actual choice in how to develop your build.

In a similar fashion, I don't believe that increasing lineup-size to 8 cretures is doing anybody any favours.

All in all, I just don't want "more of the same".

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Legendary Hero
posted September 14, 2024 08:56 PM

Increase the output of mines. Instead of daily outputs being 1000 gold, 2 wood/ore and 1 rare resources, make them 1000 gold, 10 wood/ore and 4-5 rare resources. That allows you to do more with the non-gold resources than you could before.

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Adventuring Hero
posted September 15, 2024 04:02 PM

Separate balancing for online, as they will invariably complain about something normal and game will get patched boring.

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Known Hero
posted September 15, 2024 06:52 PM

TrueMefista said:
Separate balancing for online, as they will invariably complain about something normal and game will get patched boring.

The mentioned something like that in the latest dev blog. They don't want to patch out all the dumb, broken strategies you can do in singleplayer.

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Adventuring Hero
posted September 15, 2024 10:00 PM

Oh, good.
I do not wanna get too spoiled, so I only look at pictures most of the time.

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Hired Hero
posted October 06, 2024 11:29 AM

Well, hello!

I will be honest and write this elsewhere. I was not convinced, I will write down some opinions, comments and requests.

I will state at the beginning that I will be quite hostile and strict, but I have no bad or hurtful intentions towards anyone.  However, I have two reasons for it.
1. Since the Might and Magic world is under the control of Buggysoft and the "strange" direction it all went, I'm not really happy.
2. I'm a bit tired of certain things (I'm not talking about the community here, don't worry, i like you guys), when a tongue-sticking, retarded emoji, a clown head or even a panel text is not the answer for me.
Therefore, I will write a little differently than usual. I won't waste time, let's get started.

1. I am happy to see that, unfortunately, it was not possible to get a separate model for the characters either. I'm sorry, but I can't accept many excuses for this, Heroes V was also able to do this the protagonist and main antagonist characters, today there is a lot of knowledge, technology and opportunities, so they can't do this right here? Sad to say the least.

2. I hope this game doesn't fall victim to the willful destruction that goes on with movies and video games these days. I don't buy "fan to fan" honey string. Many series and franchises have fallen into the trap of modern problems, propaganda and selfish interests, when, as I have seen, many people do not ask. There is absolutely nothing wrong if a story or a game wants to tell us about an existing problem or deep, real things (there was similars in the old parts too), but there is a line that must not be crossed. I really hope that won't happen here.

3. I really hope it doesn't make the mistakes of Heroes II and III and have a normal balance like in IV and V. If, like my favorite comment, "if you're not a mage, uninstall the game" then I clicking the uninstall button immediately. I really liked this in Heroes V (in the base game), the balance was great, it was user-friendly, it had an understandable system and you enjoyed the game.

4. One of the main problems of Heroes III was the game's constant crying about what kind of land this and that is, what it can and can't do (especially at the garrisons). Yes, in the world of Heroes, geography and soil conditions have always played an important role, but in the third part, this constant complaining about this and this ultimate special land was more annoying than helping strategies. This really shouldn't be in the Olden Era.

5. If possible, the writers of the story should not fall into "time traps" or leave large holes. Especially in connection with Heroes Chronicles, there were interesting "time problems" and already here you can see who was immortal and who was actually there then/a canon phenomenon. The story should be believable and easy to follow in timeline.

6. I didn't like the random hero, noname guys, in any of the Heroes, and we'll leave it up to you to approach the scenarios or the campaigns. For example, there is a map in the campaign or scenario. Who leads the army? "Hmm.. some random necromancer or death knight, an unknown hero or villain, it's up to everyone." Please, don't, be a specific person and, in terms of the story, actually, a character in the lore. Or then (as in certain scenarios or campaign characters) have a unique name and story, it's okay to be a minor character, but this random "someone unknown" is really not good.

7. Overused names. This is also like in the previous games. This is Solmyr? Oh no, it's another Solmyr with laser guns and a bug back. Is this Sandro? No, it's not that Sandro, he's another Sandro, only he has one less tooth.  Please, no more Solmyr, Sandro, Crag Hack, unless they are the actual Enroth/Axeoth characters. Coming up with unique names is now child's play.

8. I think many people will agree with me that without Paul Anthony Romero's magical and fantastic music, the game will not have a Might and Magic atmosphere. Don't get me wrong, other composers could create magic and fantastic music, I really love music myself and respect many composers, but I think it's quite difficult to approach Paul's level.

9. Another person wrote that he was afraid it would be "a mobile game." I understand the concern, since the graphics, the interface is very similar, I hope it will not be this. We don't ask for good-sounding, bogus, non-existent promises, we want to get what will be made, that's fair.

10. The random map editor and multi should not eat up the whole game, I don't even understand why this was so important, I mean, multi of course, but random map editor? Unnecessary when all Heroes had a level editor.

11. Heroes should be Heroes, but not the same. Show and give new, but not a completely recycled stuff with 100% of the same stuff. Be varied and interesting.  

Maybe I'm a bit too hostile and strict. I admit yes, but I have legitimate concerns and observations.. Nice words don't always work, here is the opportunity to learn from the advantages, mistakes and experiences of any part, if the game is not good, it will be a pity to say the least, because the range of possibilities, ideas and experiences is limitless.

One last thing.
I know very well that there is a difference between hearing and listening. I am quite skeptical and disillusioned with some of the game developers, I know they don't like to listen and I have no illusions here either. At the same time, maybe, just maybe, they will see the concerns and requests of not only me, but also others, and we will really get a Heroes that will be a worthy successor to its ancestors. I have no faith and trust, but I do have a very minimal hope.

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Adventuring Hero
posted December 23, 2024 05:33 PM
Edited by Syth1984 at 17:33, 23 Dec 2024.

A small Thing but I want animate dead rebranded as "Animate" that effects constructs+undead+elementals. Constructs should not be healed or resurrected by resurrection by the way. Iron golems, titans and even elementals should be animated rather than resurrected.

This way too spells could diverge more in usage and  more equal

Now comes a bit of a controversial part;

There should be always %10 loss in health when you cast it representing the unrecoverable percentage no matter your spell power. It would tune down zero loss combats with these spells.

So if you have lost 100 creatures and you have the spellforce to raise 100 creatures when cast 90 creatures will return to life.But if you are resurrecting a behemoth that you have lost previous round  with 300 hp obviously with 270 hp resurrected the latest one stack will keep coming back.

This will also make healing very crucial.Since you want lost hitpoints to be healed to the maximum such in the behemoth case.

With expertise level this loss in health could decrease from %20>%15>%10  There could be even a extra perk that pulls this to down to %5.

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