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Heroes Community > Heroes 8+ Altar of Wishes > Thread: Have more than one kind of hero
Thread: Have more than one kind of hero

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted June 12, 2003 09:42 PM

Have more than one kind of hero

There can be battle heroes, which we have normally. But why not add some other types of heroes like scout heroes. These heroes travel with creatures for protection, but are much better suited for collecting resources and flagging mines. These heroes will only become faster as they get better. Instead of getting experience from battles like battle heroes get, they get more experience from gathering minerals, uncovering fog of war, scouting undiscovered territory. They should also allow treasure chests to be brought to battle heroes, so scout heroes don't get all the experience from those.

As another thought, there should be different types of battle heroes. There should be some heroes that are for melee combat. There should be some heroes for ranged attacking that increase range and so forth in battle. Then there should be mage heroes that cast spells. These heroes can cast magic spells in combat and are very quick on the battlefield, so they can run around, but are not very good fighters.

As a last thought. The battle maps should be very big. Like the size of a small adventure map. It will have terrain with a line of sight. I can imagine a 3D viewpoint that can rotate and look up and down when on the battle map. Certain troops can see farther or shorter. This can be where scout heroes are most useful. They will be also very quick on the battlefield and can see the farthest.

The terrain for the battle maps can be made just like world map are made now, with the map editors. There can be hills, and trees, and lava, and fog especially in the swamps. Creatures native to a certain terrain will have a great advantage with movement, and line of sight.

I'm going off on a tangent, but there should be a tactician hero, which determines troop morale, organization, and planning previous to the battle. Now relating this to the last paragraph, with planning the battle you can hide troops in the woods or hide in bogs, and other types of terrain. Obviously there should be abilities from the creatures or the scouts to be able to detect hiding troops on certain types of terrain.

These are some radical changes, but I think that with these extra features of battle tactics, it would be really cool to have completely new styles of battles, because after a while it gets kind of old counting hexes every battle. This is a great battle tactics game, but I think it lacks one of the hardest tactics of war, deception.

In order to have all these features available for game play, there should be good preparation.

For example, let's say you have dwarves. You want them to have the ability to hide really well in tall grass. First you must reasearch the ability for a price. Another important piece. All of you dwarves shouldn't automatically be able to hide tall grass, they should be trained first. Training troops should be trained in towns for a cost of gold and a certain amount of movement points. Or they can be trained by a Training hero between turns for no gold, but it requires a lot more movement points like maybe 50 movement points depending on the skill of the hero. Really good heroes could probably do it for maybe 6 or 7 movement points.
Go Red Sox!

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Known Hero
the supreme heroe
posted June 13, 2003 12:11 AM

might(like in homm1-4)
magic(like in homm1-4)
scout(can learn better scouting,logistic,diplomasy,pathfinding,navigation and other)
leader(better leadership,tacticks,diplomacy,nobility,mining, and that stuff)


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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted June 13, 2003 01:13 AM

might(like in homm1-4)
magic(like in homm1-4)
scout(can learn better scouting,logistic,diplomasy,pathfinding,navigation and other)
leader(better leadership,tacticks,diplomacy,nobility,mining, and that stuff)

I guess that's a good summary.
Go Red Sox!

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Adventuring Hero
posted June 13, 2003 04:56 AM

RedSoxFan I think your ideas for hero specialisation and the battlefield map are fantastic. Quite often I have a powerful hero with GM archery and loads of magic but the vast majority of the battles can be won with just the ranged attack and I do not get the opportunity to use the devastating spells.
The battlefield that you describe would be great fun but would also be a huge programming effort.

The training of troops idea does not appeal to me as much as your other ideas because it introduces another level of micro-management which is not to everyones liking.

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Famous Hero
of the seven seas
posted June 16, 2003 04:49 AM

I believe that Heroes V will return to the Hero in the corner of the battlescreen system. I'm pretty sure it's in the interview somewhere.
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"Peter, those are Cheerios."-Family Guy

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Adventuring Hero
Devil Slayer
posted June 30, 2003 01:11 PM
Edited by alcibiades at 11:44, 29 Jun 2009.

I have my own idea about heroes.

I've thought about a system where there are 3 types of heroe instead of 2: magic heroe, combat heroe, & adventure heroe.
The magic heroe has magic skills on base, and can learn them more easily.
The combat heroe has skills that help in battle(combat, tactics, etc.)and is more likely to learn combat and adventure skills with him.
The adventure heroe has skills that help out in the adventure map, towns, and so(nobilty, scouting, etc.) and is more likely to learn them with him, these heroes don't have to go very far to learn anything.

I will use Academy and Havan heroes for example:

=Havan heroe types=

Basic Life Magic
-Basic healing

Basic Tactics
-Basic Offance

Basic Tactics
-Basic Leadership

=Academy heroe types=

Basic Chemistry
-Basic Potioning

Basic Nobilty
-Basic Mining

Basic Order Magic
-Basic Charm

I hope i'm clear enough.

Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to Library Of Enlightenment, to discuss Heroes 4, please go to War Room Of Axeoth, to discuss Heroes 5, go to Temple Of Ashan.
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