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Heroes Community > Other Side of the Monitor > Thread: One week of simple life...
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Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted November 08, 2004 09:44 PM

One week of simple life...

Imagine the following szenario:

You are going into the forest for one week, to live on your own, without any technological help or tools.
The only exception: You are allowed to bring 5 things with you. What would you chose and why?

My choices would be:

1. A Pocketknife. This thing comes in very handy. Knife, Saw and so on
2. Books, to be precise, books about fruits, berrys, mushrooms, etc. So I know what I may eat and what not.
3. A blanket. Can get cold or wet..
4. My Guitar and some notes(right word?), I can hardly imagine life without music...
5. A bucket. To store water, e.g.

Would you have chosen different things? Why? Do you think that I chose something that is not necessary? If, what and why?

Well, I think, I would start by searching for a little river, or another water-place. (just let this be "given", you only have to find it), to erect my base there. I would make me a little living-place, maybe a whole (like a rabbit^^) and I would cut some branches that I could put around to have a cover put over the whole thing.. (I hope, you can get, what I want to say) So it's a little bit like a house^^.
I would feed on berrys and Mushrooms and stuff like that - I never had any problems with vegetables, fruits and so on . With my bucket I would store water for washing, drinking,... Music to let time pass away, music is for me an elementary part of an enjoyable life.
At night I would creep into my living-place and cover myself with the blanket, I think, I would have made a pillow out of leaves and grass/moss to rest my head on.
I would spend my free-time (when I don't collect food or build up/repair the base) with singing, playing the guitar, or exploring the area. I think, this would be something fun, espeacially if done by two people, so you have somebody to talk to and help/get help from .

Did I leave out something important? How would you live?

I hope that you'll enjoy this little mind-play


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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted November 09, 2004 05:24 AM

1. Food
2. RV
3. Gas
4. Keg
5. A Fine Woman

The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted November 09, 2004 05:25 PM

One question?
Are you digging the hole with your pocket knife?
If that's the case I'd give up the blanket in favor of a tent

Though my choices wouldn't be that different from yours.

1. I'd bring a ten - to sleep in.
2. I'd bring my guitar bag - it has my guitar, some picks and a noyebook and pen for writing down new lyrics and chord sequences.
3. I'd bring a pot instead of a bucket - then I could cook in it.
4. A pocketknife - cos it's handy
5. Some kind of (humane) animal trap, because who wants to live on berries and mushrooms?

P.S. - if it was Irish woods, I'd know which berries and mushrooms to eat - I *embarassed* was a boy scout for 6 years.

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

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Famous Hero
Bringer Of Light
posted November 09, 2004 06:20 PM

1. Tent
2. Portable cd-player + some music
3. Food
4. Beer
5. Company
After all, marriage and murder are not too different - one ends your life and the other is a crime

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Famous Hero
Abu Hur Ibn Rashka
posted November 09, 2004 06:25 PM

if i had a choice i wouldn't go to the woods alone
here are my choices

1. a gun (for hunting)
2. a tent (for sleeping)
3. a knife/pocketknife (this is the most important thing)
4. a cell phone (to call 911 in case of emergency )
5. a cd player with lots of batteries (not to get bored you know)

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Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted November 09, 2004 07:57 PM

Well, ok, the tent is a point
Maybe ur right - I am sure that would be better lol
@hunting: Well, no I just couldn't take to kill an animal. Maybe if it was to save my life, but it's "only" one week, I think I would be able to live on berrys and fruits I just couldn't kill an animal without a reason as, let's say good, as e.g. saving my life, cuz I would starve If i dont or it attacks me and I cant get out of the situation anyhow else...

Whats so emberrasing of having been a boy-scout? I think that's sth I would've liked to do back then


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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted November 10, 2004 03:24 PM

1. Pocketknife (popular choice!)
2. GPS (where the @#$% am I?)
3. Cell phone (see if you can figure this out.  And no it's not to tell time )
4. Sleeping bag/blanket (keep me warm)
5. Private helicopter at my beck and call
Knowledge is power...

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Supreme Hero
Disciple of Herodotus
posted November 10, 2004 03:32 PM

1. Tent (obvious reasons. Keep the cold and the wet out, and the heat in.)
2. Sleeping bag (gotta stay warm; Norway can get pretty cold, even in summer)
3. A detailed map of the area (so I could find water, shelter, etc.)
4. A compass (to know which way to hold the map Much good it would do me without a compass )
5. Matches (for making a fire. Food is best served warm, my mom always tell me )
Btw, screw the compass, I could find out which way is which on the basis of landmarks. I'd take a kettle instead.

So, to what I'd do.
First, I'd find a nice, soft and sheltered spot to put up my tent. Then, I'd find some water, boil it, and then find something to put in the water. Mushroom, roots, leaves, dead aimals, whatever. When I'd eaten, I'd take a hike to see the area, then go to sleep in my warm tent and sleeping bag.
Repeat the above for as many days as needed
"Sometimes I think everyone's just pretending to be brave, and none of us really are. Maybe pretending to be brave is how you get brave, I don't know."
- Grenn, A Storm of Swords.

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Supreme Hero
statue-loving necrophiliac
posted November 11, 2004 01:25 AM

Obviously few of you have ever spent a night in a forest under open sky. I havent either for an entire week, but one night and two days - yes. There was a river nearby, where we had a nice refreshment during the hot day.
What you need is:
-sleeping bag
-a bag of biscuits (the hell with your mushrooms; when you find more than a handful of them, call me)
-guitar (or other entertainment; not that it would be boring, but it makes nights next to campfire more fun)
-matches (if u want a cool fire at night; not necessary though)
-fishing net (if u r next to river)

What you dont need:
-cell phones (!no! no! no!)
-pots, cans, appliances; anything which reminds of civilization (u'll be amazed how it can work well without those)
-spare clothes (i know it sounds dirty, but its so much more fun without them)
-gun, knife (freakin paranoid city-boys! )
-compass (provided u know how you got to the place, u wont need this. plus, there are millions of other ways to find north and south)
The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT its mineral rights.

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Legendary Hero
posted November 11, 2004 01:29 AM

* hot girl
* sleeping bag
* protection so the sleeping bag wont need space for 3 in 9 months time
* matches
* cell phone with nr to free delivery pizza here in town.

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Supreme Hero
statue-loving necrophiliac
posted November 11, 2004 01:51 AM
Edited By: Svarog on 10 Nov 2004

seeing hot girl and protection on stiven's list, he forgot to add one more thing he'd need - a real man to take advantage of those two.
*hides in preperation for stiven's canonade of desperate countertosses*
The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT its mineral rights.

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Supreme Hero
posted November 11, 2004 03:33 AM


I *embarassed* was a boy scout for 6 years.

Only six years?  Slacker.  
At camp this summer we had a troop from Ireland come, they were very different from my troop.  There were girls in it for one.  Where there when you were in it?


Whats so emberrasing of having been a boy-scout? I think that's sth I would've liked to do back then  

Smart man.

1) Hatchet (forget the knife)
2) My chain mail making stuff (need something to do)
3) Ummm…yeah I’m done
4) …
5)  …


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Adventuring Hero
Gaea Mother Earth
posted November 11, 2004 04:09 AM

My 5 Essentials:

1.) Sensible Clothing - It's alot easier to take off then to not have to put on.
2.) Knife - Skinning small animals, cleaning fish, helping cut the boughs for shelter.
3.) Drinking Water - Never know when you may find yourself in a dry spot.
4.) Fire Starter Kit - Food can be cooked over open fire on a spit.
5.) First Aid Kit - Speaks for itself

Sleeping bag and tent are kind of a mute point when you can easily make a make-shift shelter out of tree boughs.

The majority of plants and roots can be eaten. The rest can be caught and cooked on a spit.

Girlscout many, many moons ago

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Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted November 11, 2004 06:23 PM

Well, I do see the point with the matches^^
Nice that some peeps answered here seriously
@Svarog: Yeah, I can imagoine it being fun


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Legendary Hero
posted November 12, 2004 01:42 AM
Edited By: Sir_Stiven on 11 Nov 2004

seeing hot girl and protection on stiven's list, he forgot to add one more thing he'd need - a real man to take advantage of those two.

im not the one who has proof here of being lost between a girls legs

Dont judge others based on your own shortcomings

*hides in preperation for stiven's canonade of desperate countertosses*

bang bang bang, make sure to pay alot of interest because im sure this is the only action you will see for atleast the rest of the year

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Supreme Hero
statue-loving necrophiliac
posted November 12, 2004 04:31 AM
Edited By: Svarog on 12 Nov 2004

Hey Stiven,

EDIT:  Now Svarog, you know I can't allow that.  No matter how much he had it coming.
- Wolfman

hay, wolfie. mr bush had a message, not me. a joke. it was just a suitable occasion to post that killer pic, not that i meant anything serious. i bet stiven knows it.
The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT its mineral rights.

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Supreme Hero
Foobum* of Justice!
posted November 13, 2004 01:29 AM

Labtop, with access to internet
Coca cola
Buckets og xtra batteries for my laptop

.. ^_^
*We all know the that Foobum is the class of all that is Cake.

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Famous Hero
{0_o} heh...
posted November 13, 2004 01:37 AM

1. food
2. water
3. bed
4. girlfriend
5. contraceptives

1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d

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Supreme Hero
and why not.
posted November 13, 2004 12:10 PM

Labtop, with access to internet
Coca cola
Buckets og xtra batteries for my laptop

.. ^_^
how do u want to get I net in a forest??


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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted November 13, 2004 12:22 PM

There's wireless connections too you know.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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