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Heroes Community > MapHaven Guild > Thread: [WoG] Time of Prophecy
Thread: [WoG] Time of Prophecy This thread is 8 pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 · «PREV / NEXT»

Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 08, 2009 08:14 AM

Ok. I loaded the save where I just defeated Tamika and got my Green Slime God (5-1-1)

I have sent Valeska into the snow area (where Cyra waited) to visit the Emerald Tower frequently and buy Sorceresses to be able to pay for their improvement.

Morgane also visited the Emerald Tower near Malekith 2 times, and I have always chosen +damage.

I am in front of those legion of Ghost dragons again when I saved yesterday. Instead of 31 damage, my ladies have 57 damage now.

The difference was already seen during the fights in the cursed ground area where you sometimes fight a legion of power lichs due to event. In my earlier game, I was not able to kill the all the lichs without losses when they have been 7 stacks á 400, only those with stacks of 300. Now all the fights were a piece of cake.

I will see how "easy" the Ghost dragons will be killed tonight. my tactic may not work too well this time, coz I think my ladies will kill a whole stack this time instead of 80%. So I may have to think about a different strategy.

Will keep you informed....
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 08, 2009 09:07 AM

The best I found so far:

The strong stack top left, cast ressurect on dead stacks which will clone again next turn.
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Famous Hero
posted May 08, 2009 02:42 PM

I don't know if it's the same for everybody in this tile terrain but for me at least one of the stacks was slowed (by altar of bless) so no need to hurry for this stack. I big stack is overkill, I think at this stage I had at least 3 stacks of sorceress that could kill a ghost stack in 2 shots. The others where there for shield or crippling spells (don't remember what spells could affect them).  Anyway the slowed pack of Ghosts should be left for last of course so you can lure them out of reach of live sorceress . The God of magic is a good candidate to absorb blows here

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 08, 2009 10:22 PM
Edited by angelito at 22:22, 08 May 2009.

No problem with the fight vs those Ghost dragons. I used the same tactic as before, they just reduced the hitpoints of my Green Friend much faster. He had 800 hp left

Astral was easy too, so was Aislinn (good to know you can't blind his enchanters, but the summoned clones..)

Now I tried 2 times vs Merist, but failed badly. Have to think about another strategy tomorrow. Or maybe it is just too early to fight him. I have 2 other options now. The brown boarder guard, or the way through the rocks near Conflux town, which was opened after I picked up the catapult.

We'll see.

My ladies have 101 damage now, and time is 6-1-6.
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 13, 2009 08:29 AM

If I would have used my brain earlier, Merist would have been as easy as Tazar was. FORCEFIELD! (I just remembered I picked up that scroll few days ago.

I killed all those warriors in this area including Tazar and Jarbakas, but going to the underground and meeting Sandro is a no go in the moment. I tried several times, but I have no chance vs Sandro.

And I recognized he will follow me...and kill me. So I may have to load an earlier save.

Currently I am at the end of month 7, and my ladies have 8 slots of specialities (I took death blow as 8th) and deal damage of 368.
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Famous Hero
posted May 13, 2009 10:51 AM

I mixed Tazar and Crag Hack. Crag will be the most interesting fight before the 2 last fights . For Sandro I think you can beat him right now (you should have +- 3000 spell points no?). Don't know your speed. In my first try I anhihilated him because my sorceress had too much damage already. In second try when I restrained myself from using the towers I had only +- 200 damage when I killed him. Don't remember exactly but the problem was to save the God of magic,. Maybe a mix of double force fields during a moment...I'll have to look at my saves. With your damage it should be ok to kill the rogues in one hit. If resurrect rogues, the blind and double force field to prevent the magic elementals from entering...don't remember well.

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 13, 2009 12:05 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 18:38, 13 May 2009.

Is all about how many stacks you split in and what you can do after rogues attack.

Once they attack, I move the top stack then move the big stack behind a force field

The rogues will naturally come to kill the big stack of clones, I kill them and cast asap a second force field on their dead corpses so the rogues can't be ressurected

And from there there is a slaughter. Every turn I cast a force field and he can't reach me. Later I cast slow on rust and lure them with clones while I ressurect the 3x3 dead ladies. There are many possibilities for this fight, even with one force field can work. And Sandro spell points will run out fast if you force him to cast clone every turn. Once he is over, the rust with speed 10 will never quit the right side.
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Famous Hero
posted May 13, 2009 12:34 PM

Yes the fight is easy like that, the only problem is to save the God of magic (but since you didn't use it ). He has only 20 speed if I remember well. There is no mine near to put him? I remember having saved him in this fight but lost him later. Double force field is the way in both fights anyway...

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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 13, 2009 06:44 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 18:55, 13 May 2009.

Initially Sandro was predestined  to  be a real nightmare. You can still see the prisons in the closed area.

He had to follow you while you were at 0 mana, so you had to require assistance from 3 brave fellows which will hurt him a bit before final fight.

But is finished in a full bugs, as Sandro refused to follow Morgane if later than month 7 and the three fellows were slaughtered by Sandro in no time. There were even events in Sandro's path with 50000 zombies each, just to weak him. It turned out that Sandro could lose to 50k zombies as well as he could kill them all without any loses. So I had to renounce at this plan. AI is still unpredictable, whatever you script.

The hardest fight in the game is still Ufretin vs Ignissa, specially for those who don't read bios.
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 13, 2009 09:00 PM
Edited by angelito at 21:02, 13 May 2009.

The problem is, I don't have time to cast forcefield, because he either casts mass slow in first round, or mass haste. On my turn, I have 1 stack of ladies left...

But I will try tomorrow...

P.S.: I can't leave God of magic on the map, because a message says "God will be very angry" and it will stay in my army.
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 13, 2009 09:05 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 21:27, 13 May 2009.

My ladies had base speed=27 when fighting Sandro. (43 in battle)
Of course, I bought immunity to all spells. They are prayer and haste enchanted. So it is your speed which is the problem. You need 31 battle speed (15 base if enchanted with both prayer and haste)) to beat Sandro. (Phoenix has 30 with haste)And 33 to beat Crag Hack+full immunities, as he has armor of the damned.

The god will not survive Sandro, and anyway you don't need him anymore.
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 13, 2009 09:42 PM
Edited by angelito at 21:43, 13 May 2009.


First I "heard" I should use the Towers to raise my damage, and I am doing that, and now it says your speed is too low.

This is what I meant earlier: I fail to proceed only because I make a wrong decision 4 months earlier.

My ladies have a base speed of 12, 16 including arties. In battle, they have 23.

I have immunity to all damage spells level 1-5, and have prayer as enchanted spell.

To bring my ladies to stats and skills you mentioned, I would have to load a save 3 months ago.....
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 13, 2009 09:47 PM
Edited by Salamandre at 22:06, 13 May 2009.

Not necessary. Depends what heros you kept and where. If you have 2-3 heros near towers, then give next week speed (one visit will be sufficient). 2 visits to sorcery school will give haste and prayer (you already have one in Cyra area). Only because a gate quest says "send orrin here and sacrifice him for a pathetic +2 attack" you are not forced to do so. You are allowed to keep them for a long term strategy, as visiting more towers, if resources available (unlikely)

In the way it is done, any error can be corrected in few time. But if you don't have any hero left then could be impossible to change.

You only need 15 base speed. From your last post it shows you need one visit to emerald and one visit to sorcery school. (+5 from haste and +3 from emerald, I dont remember how much speed it proposes you after buying it already once)

From the first day we have a clue about what needs to be improved and what not. Giving health to ladies would be a wrong move as the SK will have it too, so it will be impossible to kill. Then the damage and speed are the only interesting options, and about speed, it is not so different from SOD: a phoenix has speed 20, so you can assume the AI will cast haste+prayer (and maybe will have some arties too), and you need to bypass those bonuses with battle speed to allow other interesting spells to work, as force field, bless, blind.

Just smoke a cigar for a few days and relax
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 13, 2009 10:21 PM

Just smoke a cigar for a few days and relax
Me is a non-smoker and non-alcohol drinker
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 14, 2009 12:29 AM


I reloaded a save some days earlier. I haven't found the speciality "immun to all level 1-5 spells" in the sorcery school you were talking about Salamandre (just immunity to DAMAGE spells), so I decided to only take HASTE and replace death blow.

I took +3 haste from the tower start of next week and with this skills, my ladies had speed 31.

But it really seems unpredictable what Sandro is casting first round. At least for me....

First I entered with 1 big stack of ladies spot 6, god of magic spot 7, and 5x3 ladies in the other spots. He casted mass haste.

Next try I reduced the small stacks by 1 (4x3) and he casted counterstrike ().

Next try, I just changed the lineup (big stack on spot 5) and he casted mass slow.

For the matter of fact I wanted to keep God of magic alive, I had to think about a better lineup again.
God has to be on slot 7, so my big stack of ladies could just walk down right at his top (first aid tent present) and then cast force field.
The next tries always brought me either a summoned enchanter right at the spot the ladies had to move upon, or a clone appeared there.

So I reduced my line up to 5 in summary: 3 ladies, 3 ladies, 3 ladies, 5870 ladies, God of magic.

And what can I say?
I won the battle with only 3 ladies lost. God of air survived
I could resurrect 2 dead stacks because his last stack (crystals, walkers ) have been slowed and needed 2 turns to reach one of them (obstacles and forcefield).

I will proceed tomorrow...
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 14, 2009 01:08 AM

Good to hear. You will need another speed bonus for Crag Hack, but will be last. He has 32 speed.

Immunity to damage spells include slow. So the ladies should be immune to slow by now. The emerald tower sells also full immunity for a high price if I remember well.

The cave of angelic alliance will randomly give a part of the combo, or nothing. If you have enough damage, it works on quick combat. The angelic alliance is not really needed, as we already have prayer, but it is nice to have.
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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 14, 2009 01:21 PM

Good to hear. You will need another speed bonus for Crag Hack, but will be last. He has 32 speed.
Good to know, will do that next week.

Immunity to damage spells include slow. So the ladies should be immune to slow by now.
Nope. Sandro slowed my ladies in this fight several times and I had to haste them again to not lose first move next round when force field disappeared.

The emerald tower sells also full immunity for a high price if I remember well.
I can only see 3 choices in the menu of immunities. First one is not very clear for me (immunity to all dispel affected spells or similar...it is translated in german and maybe the original text would make it more clear even though I'm german )

The cave of angelic alliance will randomly give a part of the combo, or nothing. If you have enough damage, it works on quick combat. The angelic alliance is not really needed, as we already have prayer, but it is nice to have.
I have yet to find that place....
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Hired Hero
posted May 14, 2009 03:42 PM


The emerald tower sells also full immunity for a high price if I remember well.
I can only see 3 choices in the menu of immunities. First one is not very clear for me (immunity to all dispel affected spells or similar...it is translated in german and maybe the original text would make it more clear even though I'm german )

The full immunity is called "Immunity 5" Immun to Level 1,2,3,4 and 5 spells (excluding beneficial spells) in the slots of the sorcs.

If you buy it in Sorcery School you have to choose: "Immunität gegen alle Schadenszauber" (100 Mithrils), the highest price.
In the original text it reads: "Immunity to all harm spells" (100 mirthrils)
The two other choices are:
Immunität gegen Dispel betreffende Zauber
original: Immunity to Dispel beneficial spells
Direkt (Immunität gegen alle direkten Schadenszauber)
original: Direct (Immune to all Direct Damage Spells) (75 mirthrils) (yes, with that typo error )

Sorry, if I translated it not exactly enough, so it can be misunderstood: I didn't know it better )  

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Undefeatable Hero
proud father of a princess
posted May 14, 2009 05:03 PM

I have bought exactly this for 100 milthrils. But it only prevents from damage spells. It is shown in its description (immunity against the following direct damage spells: magic arrow, lightning bolt...etc.....). Nothing about slow haste or else....
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Omnipresent Hero
Wog refugee
posted May 14, 2009 09:34 PM

I think you bought by error the one at 75 mithrils. That explains why your ladies can be slowed . The one at 100 mithrils look like this:


Immunity to all spells (except beneficial).
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