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Heroes Community > Tavern of the Rising Sun > Thread: Fantasies from our Hatred
Thread: Fantasies from our Hatred This thread is 2 pages long: 1 2 · «PREV

Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 15, 2011 07:27 PM

Yeah, there probably is no perfect workplace. I like to think that after suffering from this, the positive side is that I'll be able to appreciate future co-workers much more.

You won't.  There are always going to be people who have to work with that you can't stand, no matter where you're employed.  The important thing is to find a place with at least a few people that you CAN stand.  Otherwise, going to work will be a miserable experience.

Not necessarily, depends on the size of the workplace. I've worked in places where there's no one like that.
Start your own and you can only take in good guys.

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 15, 2011 10:01 PM


My mom had a nervous breakdown and ended up in the hospital after *sigh* another largea fight with the douche. After escorting her to the hospital I went to her home and beated the crap out of him, threatened him with jail, slaughtering and the devils then promised that I make sure that my stepbrother will be adopted by a gay couple(Alci, do want a 6 yo boy? Doesn't eat much.) and he will buried in a forest if I  ever see him near my mom's place again. Then my friends came by, punched me in the face and dragged me to a pub to "cool off".

It would be one beautful story if he just decided to disappear off the face of the earth afterwards. Take care man, I wish you the best.

I know what you are saying, sometimes it feels that certain people are an affront to what you stand for. They may have never done something to direcrly annoy you but their very existence can annoy you. There are plenty of people types that I consider scum, parasites, otherwise (mostly)useless or worse yet dangerous in their madness/stupidity. But you know.. It's really not worth fussing over, I find it hard to be annoyed unless we are talking extreme stupidity/disrespect/rudeness. If someone annoys me I simply ignore or get sarcastic and even if he makes me face him in his/her own way I'll make a few things clear. No need for foul language, anger or whatever. Just a few words that will put the other in his/her place.

This might make you feel better
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Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted June 16, 2011 08:46 PM
Edited by bLiZzArdbOY at 20:50, 16 Jun 2011.

Man she was on a roll today...

She was ranting about how she wanted to ultimately become a lawyer (you're in your mid 40s and wouldn't survive law school, you mentally stunted little tramp) and how she wishes Las Vegas would be shut down and wiped off the face of the Earth.  

Every stupid thing she says, which is almost everything, stabs into my neck. It's like I can physically feel hot bile building up. Why can't a stray and panicked rhinoceros crash through her bedroom at night and impale her in the uterus? That can happen, can't it? It's totally possible.
"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted June 16, 2011 09:01 PM

Why can't a stray and panicked rhinoceros crash through her bedroom at night and impale her in the uterus? That can happen, can't it? It's totally possible.

If you could convince her to go on a safari somewhere in Africa, then, yes, yes it is.  There are also lions and hippos and elephants and bone-nosed, spear-wielding natives that can be equally dangerous to vulnerably-positioned uteri.  Or so I've been led to believe.

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Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted June 16, 2011 09:06 PM
Edited by bLiZzArdbOY at 21:07, 16 Jun 2011.

Well on one hand, I could probably whip up some bull**** story about the mistreatment of the rhinoceros, and that would get her up into arms and (ironically) extremely violent, but the downside is that she's too hopelessly squeamish and pathetic to ever actually go to Africa.

I should just turn this into my venting thread. Every week I can give an update on my preferred method of her dying a horrible death.
"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."

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Undefeatable Hero
posted June 16, 2011 11:27 PM

we don't need rhinos here, we have cars.

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Hero of Order
The Abyss Staring Back at You
posted June 16, 2011 11:30 PM

we don't need rhinos here

What about badgers?

(kudos to whoever gets that insanely obscure pop culture reference)

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Undefeatable Hero
posted June 16, 2011 11:55 PM

Good gracious, is there something pettier than ranting in an internet forum about real people you hate and don't have the guts to tell what you think about them in real life?
I thought that was something for the suck-generation girlies.

Good Lord, Blizzard, become a man and start ranting about what YOU dislike, when she hears it, for God's sake.

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Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted June 17, 2011 12:19 AM

Well bliz is metrosexual, kinda makes sense
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Undefeatable Hero
Nerf Herder
posted June 17, 2011 12:40 AM
Edited by blizzardboy at 01:07, 17 Jun 2011.

Good gracious, is there something pettier than ranting in an internet forum about real people you hate and don't have the guts to tell what you think about them in real life?
I thought that was something for the suck-generation girlies.

Good Lord, Blizzard, become a man and start ranting about what YOU dislike, when she hears it, for God's sake.

Hey, I am a suck-generation girly.

And no, I'm not telling her what I think. I want to leave there with a good impression.
"Folks, I don't trust children. They're here to replace us."

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Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted June 17, 2011 12:43 AM
Edited by Lexxan at 00:53, 17 Jun 2011.

I don't have any feelings that overwhelmingly negative towards anyone irl. I always try my best to like everyone as much as possible. (although I wouldn't qualify as a "Social Butterfly" or smth).

I do have encountered people that I utterly despised however. There were some bullies that I -for obvious reasons- loathe, but I haven't seen them in years. Idk how I would react should I walk into one of them. Probably übersarcastic and acrimonious, full with passive-aggressive jabs, which I how I nearly always talk to people I dislike. idk. Maybe a good kick in the groin would be a nice start.

Aside from them though, there has been one particular person I disliked: My French/Spanish teacher, whom I've heard has recently given up her full-time job of terrorizing language students in exchange for a fancy pension paycheck (as far as it is possible to get one in Belgium anywayz)

I initially wanted to comment in this thread by saying that Blizz's colleague didn't sound too bad... only that I realized his colleague shares a staggering amount of loathesworthy traits with the French Hag: Two-faced, Artificial (ranging from a faux-friendly demeanor to bleached hair and thick layers of fondant make-up), passive-aggressive to the core, nasty and vile. I think it would be hard to describe how nasty she actually was, mainly because she was SO GOOD at hiding her vileness (which actually made me hate her even more). Oh and to add three other nice things she did:

1) Push for an all-round ban on caps, knowing full-well that I nearly always wore them. (In fact I think I was the only person to wear hats, caps or hoods during the school breaks on a near-daily basis, so my suspicions that it was a personal attack against me aren't exactly far-fetched or just made up out of thin air)

2) Never, and I do mean, EVER did she pay attention to the other students when they were actually working. She was known for actually STARING OUT OF THE WINDOW AND IGNORING EVERYBODY while students did their oral French examinations.

3) Make passive-aggressive jabs at a number of students she liked pecking on (me included). and I do mean MANY of these. I mean, she clearly despised those students (and me), and she vented it by treating us poorly and making snide remarks here and there. It is really annoying because you cannot actually retort to these. Oh, and how unprofessional is it if you -as a TEACHER- cannot hide your personal antibiases towards certain students? Those kids, no matter how terrible, need to be educated. STOP DEMOTIVATING THEM BY BEING SUCH A VILE, HOLIER-THAN-THOU HAG. Dammit.

Eh, enough about this wench. Haven't seen her in three years and as far as I'm concerned it stays that way forever.

But these are like the only occassions where I actually truly, and I do mean TRULY despised someone irl. But these were also the only people that did treat me terribly, as if I were a lesser being, and therefore are the only people who are truly deserving of my scorn.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm either indifferent (unlike because I'm rather opinionated irl) or have positive feelings towards everybody else I've met. Those 3-4 people aren't simply worth the trouble. ^__^

And now on a different not, but still on-topic:

As you hopefully know by now, I watch a lot of Television, and I have to admit... my feelings towards T.V. personalities in general are much different to me... I tend to hate quite a lot of them, despite never meeting on irl. (And I do believe everyone has a politician, a singer or any other media figure they utterly despise. So this is not uncommon ground for most of you, is it not?) Well, I've noticed it is a lot easier to do so when there's a screen between hater and hatee. In real life it is always harder to fully hate a person, and I guess this is because you get to know them more intensely than T.V. personality, even if they very often appear on TV or in reality soaps (*barf* @ the latter).

Come to think of it, I do believe it is interesting to see whom we hate and why. Whenever I look as my bottom 5 Survivors of all time (yep, it's that time again), I actually notice it is a group of very different, yet in my eyes utterly despicable people. If anyone's interested I can elaborate on what kind of people they are and what I exactly  hate them for. I guess it'll be sort-of-an-similar-experience-to-Blizzzz-and-his-vile-hagress-of-a-colleague-kind-of-thing. (I'm not assuming anyone'd be interested though, but w/e)
Coincidence? I think not!!!!

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