Thread: Heroes fans...Unite! | |

Famous Hero
Chief Consul to Queen Mutare
posted September 14, 2003 07:07 AM |
Heroes fans...Unite!
New World Computing is the developer that gave me the Heroes series that I know and love. No matter how carefully and meticulously they worked, Ubisoft alone could not make Heros of Might and Magic V as it was meant to be. Though Ubisoft may do great things for the Heroes franchise, none of it will be the same without New World, and especially Jon Van Caneghem.
I plan to send a letter to Ubisoft within the next few days, congratulating them on their purchase of the Heroes asset group, and strongly urging them to hire back members of New World--at the very least, JVC--to work on Heroes V. I encourage everyone else who reads this to do likewise--the more correspondence Ubisoft recieves, the more likely they are to consider and hopefully go through with hiring old NWC members to work on Heroes V.
Note Bene: When I ask you to write letters to Ubisoft, I mean sensible, courteous, polite letters; not a repeat of the Forge fiasco. The former will bring about a vastly more favorable response than the latter, I assure you.
<Dragons rule, Titans drool!>

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted September 14, 2003 07:10 AM |
Jon Van Caneghem isn't working on H5??!!??
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Supreme Hero
Jebus maker
posted September 14, 2003 11:45 AM |
.. I dont think anyone is working on h5..

Known Hero
Destroyer of Liver
posted September 19, 2003 09:15 AM |
where's the letter? i wanna sign it too...

Famous Hero
Chief Consul to Queen Mutare
posted September 22, 2003 04:52 AM |
You misunderstand me (sorry that sounds so blunt)--I am encouraging everyone to write their own letters to Ubisoft, not all sign one. A hundred individual, well written letters will make a greater impression than one letter with a hundred signatures.
Well, I sent my letter to Ubisoft on Saturday--will any of the 89 people who have viewed this thread as I write this join me?
<Dragons rule, Titans drool!>

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted September 30, 2003 05:41 AM |
I guess I could, whats the addresss?
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Famous Hero
Chief Consul to Queen Mutare
posted October 04, 2003 12:53 AM |
Ubisoft has many offices around the world, so I would say your best bet is to go to their website (www.ubisoft.com), go to the corporate section, and find the address nearest to you (that's what I did).
<Dragons rule, Titans drool!>

Supreme Hero
posted October 11, 2003 06:50 PM |
It was my impression (from Celestial Heavens?) that Jon Van Caneghem has moved on to other interests, namely race car driving. If the man is tired of computer games and doesn't want to work on them anymore, there is no use in pleading to bring him back.
If there are original HoMM people who want to come back, great. But most have likely moved on in their careers. UbiSoft would likely do better by making the first questions on their HoMM V development team application things like, "How many hours have you spent playing Heroes of Might and Magic? Describe your favorite strategies..." etc.
disguised as a responsible adult


Hired Hero
Nightmare Beyond Comprehension
posted October 11, 2003 07:25 PM |

Moderator's note:This topic has been closed, as it refers to an older version of the game. To discuss Heroes 3, please go to [url=http://heroescommunity.com/forumdisplay.php3?FID=6]Library Of Enlightenment[/url], to discuss Heroes 4, please go to [url=http://heroescommunity.com/forumdisplay.php3?FID=17]War Room Of Axeoth[/url], to discuss Heroes 5, go to [url=http://heroescommunity.com/forumdisplay.php3?FID=1]Temple Of Ashan[/url].