
Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted July 23, 2004 04:41 AM |
As we approached Dervol I could see the extent of the torture she had been through. Even when sleeping she held herself absolutely rigid, to stop the bed of nails impaling her like a pincushion.
Even so, I could see blood on the nails, some of it fresh. She was bound spread-eagled and her face was a mass of bruises, her eyes puffy from constant tears.
A lesser human would be dead by now, but Dervol was of the Royal Order and made of strong stuff. I felt a kind of pride in that even as I felt the revulsion for her treatment.
‘Quickly Deimos. Cut her free!’ I whispered.
Freeing her legs first with a swipe of his claws Deimos freed one arm and as we was about to cut the last bond free, his shadow fell on Dervol’s face, and her eyes snapped open. Taking one look at Deimos, a demon standing over her brandishing vicious claws she took a deep breath and prepared to scream.
‘No Dervol!’ I hissed, clapping a hand over her mouth. ‘We’ve come to rescue you, you have to be quiet. Do you understand?’
As she nodded Deimos slashed the last of her bonds and I gently lifted her off the gruesome bed, wincing as she moaned in pain at my touching her back.
‘Vadskye you lead ahead, I’ll follow. Deimos you take rear guard. We have what we came for, we need to leave befo-‘
A silvery laugh echoed through the chamber.
‘Before I come back?’ said a melodious voice behind me. Vadskye began to turn to look for this new distraction.
‘No Vadskye!’ I cried, pushing him away. ‘If you look at her she’ll have you under her spell!’
Again that laughter behind me and the voice said.
‘Silly male. I’ll have you anyway. Look at me!
‘No!’ I yelled, and heard Vadskye and Deimos do the same. But I felt…..something tugging at me.
Would it really be so bad to look behind? Just for a second. It might be nice. Don’t you want your mistress to be pleased?
My what?!!!!
I couldn’t fight it much longer, I was going to look. The pressure was just too much. Then a thought came to me.
There was something I could do, if I dared.
Drawing deep into the void, I felt the pressure from Illyria lessen as the magic took hold of me. I searched deep in memory for the…taste I needed. The feeling…the…dragon.
‘Vinataglia!!!!!!!! I yelled and pulled.
From my Vortex came a huge roar, followed by a massive head. Vintaglia, the dragon we had met in the cave. The one who almost didn’t believe me that the Forsaken Ones were free. She roared and I responded
Why have you called me from my children! she asked. Her massive head through, now her long neck and body followed.
So that your children may have a chance at life. I told you once that the Blighted Ones are back. One of them stands in this very room and we need your aid or the world dies, and your children among them!
Her green eyes fixed behind me, on Illyria. And her massive neck stiffened like a hound on point.
Then go dragon-speaker. I will hold her off while you escape, and will find you later. Now go!
Reaching behind me I grabbed Deimos and pulled him. Dervol was still slung over my shoulder.
‘Quickly! We must flee. The dragon will hold off Illyria’.
We ran, the three of us. Through darkened corridors, listening to the roars of the dragon and the angered screams of the Forsaken One as they battled. The walls of the place shuddered, and we heard rock crumbling behind us.
‘They’re tearing the place apart!’ yelled Vadskye, still in the lead. His long strides following the path out. ‘We have to get out here before this place falls down around us!!’
As we left crossed the drawbridge there was another massive rumble, and the ground shuddered beneath our feet. I risked a glance back, and saw that the old towers were crumbling, and the keep was riddled with holes and cracks. A jet of fire gushed from one of the holes, crumbling more stone and making the earth shudder again.
The three of us dashed into the forest, Dervol making small groan of pain as I jostled her as I ran. There would be time for apologies later.
Coming to a clearing we stopped, all of us out of breath and gasping for air.
‘I think this is far enough to be safe’ said Vadskye. Do we wait for the dragon or will she follow us?’
‘The dragon can find me wherever I am. Now that I’ve summoned her, we’re linked’ I replied, placing Dervol gently on the ground.
Quickly I cast the few healing spells I knew, washing away most of the bruises and cuts on her back. She had fallen unconscious again, but her face no longer looked a strained and her breathing seemed easier than it had before.
‘We wait here until Dervol wakes up. Right now she needs rest. If the dragon hasn’t found us by then we move on. We still have a lot to do before we meet up with MightyMage and Kaylianna again’.
‘And gorman’, said Deimos.
‘Yes. And the angel’, I said. Wondering if he’d betrayed them already…..

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 23, 2004 05:02 PM |
The time mage awakens to see the huge undead dwarf once again. What a strange creature he thought. But it was this creature that saved his life. He decided that he must thank this creature.
Woockardo: "You awake? I thought that all those rats crawling on you earlier would have woke you up. They started chewing on you too. You were out cold."
RSF: "Huh? What? What rats?"
Woockardo: "Just kidding."
RSF: "Oh. I need to thank you for saving my life."
Woockardo: "Yeah whatever you want to think, just go for it. You thought you could just go ahead and die right in my forest. No. I don't think so."
Go Red Sox!

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted July 23, 2004 05:22 PM |
Oh no, not gonna die in this forest if I've got a say about it! Ah, the brew should be ready now...
'Drink this' Woockardo said, pushing the pot into RSF's hands.
'What is it?' RSF asks, a bit scared.
'S'herbal. Drink up.'
'Ats it, drink it ter de last drop... Good boy.
'Why did you save me anyway?' RSF asked.
'So's you'd understand yer wrongs, magic boy!' Woockardo snapped. 'Now think... What is it that you could have done that might upset a big grouchy beast like mean ole Woockardo?'
'So your name is Woockardo?'
'Don't you change the subject! Be a good boy and answer the question.'
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 23, 2004 05:33 PM |
The time mage is baffled. Why would he be upset at me dying in the forest?
RSF: "Because I was going to die in your forest?"
Woockardo: "Wait. What was that?"
RSF: "I was going to die in your forest."
Woockardo: "Once more time. I think I almost heard it."
RSF: "I was going to die?"
Woockardo: "I could care less about any fool dying. Hell I'm dead."
RSF: "Your forest?"
Woockardo: "Wait this is my forest?"
RSF: "Yeah."
Woockardo: "Oh yeah that's right! It is my forest. Funny that...
Woockardo: "Continue."
RSF: "I have no idea."
Woockardo: "What was that? Did you say you had done something in the past? I'm not sure I need you to speak up."
RSF: "Wait. I built that fort. What could a fort do to hurt your forest?"
RSF: "It could get in your way?"
Woockardo: "You mages really have no clue what kinds of side-effects you leave behind with your damn spells. DO YOU?"
Go Red Sox!

Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted July 24, 2004 04:12 AM |
Dervol awoke, palefaced.
Dervol: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Deimos: What's wrong?
Dervol: Stop those illusions! Pl-please!
Vadskye: What illusions?
Dervol: Y-you foul hags!
Dean: Wha?
Deimos: We rescued you. The least you could do is show some thanks.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.
By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.
Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 24, 2004 11:42 PM |
Motherdark approached the castle to find it collapsing and rumbling.
Motherdark: “What on earth is Illyria doing now?”
She levitates off the ground and speed off for the central tower. Hovering in midair she sees a large flare shoot out of the side of the tower.
Motherdark: “A dragon? Sounds like a good pet to me.”
Motherdark heads into the tower to find Illyria atop the dragons head. Trying to find a chance to give it a good jab to the eye. The dragon whips its head back and forth throwing Illyria out the window to the ground below. Motherdark knows that her daughter will be fine and approaches the dragon.
Motherdark: “Come get me Dragon.”
The dragon roars at Motherdark and shoots out it’s fire at Motherdark who is unaffected by the flames. She walks right up to the dragon.
Motherdark: “You’re fire will not harm me.”
The dragon opens it’s mouth and bites down on Motherdark swallowing her. The dragon flies away to find Asmodean and the others. However the dragon will suffer the same fate as the time mage. The dragon turns black and hideous right in midair. Motherdark has taken over her new body. What she did not know is that she was now connected to Dean who could feel her presense just as with the dragon before.

Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted July 25, 2004 03:31 PM |
Dean: I feel something... strange.
Dervol: HAGS! LEAVE!
Deimos: What's wrong?!
Dean: Well, it's something about Vinataglia.
Deimos: I don't care about that dragon. I just want it to eat Illyra.
Dervol: What?
Deimos: What do you mean by "what?"? You saw what happened, didn't you?
Vadskye: You really were saved.
Dervol: I... was?
Deimos: Yeah.
Dervol: This isn't an illusion?
Deimos: No.
Dervol: Oh. I thought you were Garthamel.
Deimos: Well, that's because he's my ancestor. I should have told you this earlier. I am the last surviving member of the Magog Royal family in the Inferno. Not only that, but my mother was the last surviving member of the Ice Demon Royal family. That means I'm descended from Garthamel from both sides.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.
By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.
Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

Tavern Dweller
posted July 25, 2004 09:47 PM |
Motherdark in her new dragon form flies down to check to see how Her daughter is doing. She hadn't flown since before She was trapped in the Master Emerald, so Her new set of wings were giving her a bit of trouble. But flying was something that once you learned it, you had it forever. Still a bit rusty she comes in for the landing next to her daughter a bit too fast and skids across the ground a bit to fast. Illyria bursts out laughing.
Illyria: "Enjoying your new set of wings?"
Fire comes flying out of her mouth as she spouts the words nearly engulfing her daughter in flames. But the fire was unlike most flames which are normally a red, orange, yellow, or sometimes even white. This fire was a deep purple.
Illyria: "She's nothing compared to us. What can her magic do anyway?
Motherdark: "Don't you realize that they are collecting the stones? She is yet another mage that can use the gems against us! Weak or not. Any competant mage holding one of those weapons is a threat. You should have killed her when you had the chance. That got us in trouble last time."
Illyria: "Last time was different. That mage was the best among them. He was the one who forged the master emerald. This woman had no talent. She can do nothing against us."
Motherdark: "We will not suffer the same fate again. I will make sure of it. Come outside and meet with the others. Things are going to be different this time."

Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted July 26, 2004 05:01 AM |
'Get out of the way Deimos, she's disoriented enough. The last thing we need is for her to start flinging stray spells about'.
Pushing the magog out of the way, ignoring his blathering I put my hands on Dervol's forehead and felt for her physical condition.
She was in better shape than she was last night, but my healing spells weren't powerful enough to do any more good.
'You're free Dervol' I told her gently.'We rescued you from Illyria, and we're taking you with us. Do you think you could sit up?'
She nodded, staring at my face.
'I know this must be real, because if it was a dream you would be Sir Justin Timberlake on a gleaming white horse. Not a thief a demon and a.... hey! I know you'.
I smiled. All the girls at the Academy had mooned over Sir Justin when we were younger, the knight with the Golden Harp.
'Well at least your memory is working fine' I said.
'This is Vadskye, and yes he's a thief. But he's on our side.
The best thing I can say about the demon is that he's house-trained.
I know the Order sent you to help us. Kaylianna is with Mighty Mage and anot-'
'You've spoken to Kaylianna?' she asked. 'Where is she?'
'Well, as I said. She's with Mighty Mage. And another of our allies. An untrustworthy angel, but I think they're safe. We've already killed him once'.
'The angel is Undead?' she asked in horror.
'No, no. It's a long story. I'll fill you in on the journey. We have in our posession two of the Guardian Gems. MM and Kaylianna have the one and are looking for the other, they may have already found it. I also have the Ice Mace. We're looking for the other weapons to go with the crystals'.
'I think we should get going Dean. We can't waste time here, and there may be more of those mylmores about' said Vadskye.
'Good point' I said.
Conjuring up a unicorn for Dervol to ride, I helped her mount it.
'We'll have to go back into the forest' I said. But Vadskye and I will scout the way, I want to talk to that undead dwarf again, see if he knows anything that could be of use. Deimos, stay close to Dervol and make sure nothing creeps up on you ok?
I'm not sure what's keeping Vintaglia, but I can still feel her out there. She'll catch up to us when she can'.
Vadskye activated his invisibility cloak, and I melded into my wolf form. I could hear the faint rustle of Vadkyes feet telling me he went to the right, so I took the left area of the forest.
As I slunk away through the undergrowth I could hear Deimos talking to Dervol
'Nothing can stand up to my freezing powers. And I am the king of burninating. Why if it wasn't for me these guys wouldn't stand a cha....

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted July 26, 2004 07:49 PM |
Deimos: -nce.
Dervol: Really? That is so interesting.
Deimos: Yeah. Sure, being an invisible theif can be useful, and summoning is pretty powerful, but if it came to a battle between me and them, I would win.
Dervol: Well, let's hope it never comes to that.
Dean and Vadskye came back.
Dean: I feel as though something is wrong.
Deimos: What could be wrong? That dragon probably ate Illyria, Ba'altinor is nowhere to be seen, and if anyone else shows up, I'll freeze them.
Dervol: What do you mean by that dragon?
Dean: Oh. You were knocked out.
They told her.
Dervol: Well, the Daughter of the Night wss toruturing me too. I wonder where she went.
Deimos: Daughter of the Night? Isn't she that vampire lady?
Vadskye: I think so. But aren't she and Illyria mortal enemies?
Deimos: Their love of torture is probably greater than their hate of each other... scumbags.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.
By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.
Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

Supreme Hero
Back again
posted July 28, 2004 12:37 AM |
Vadskye: "I heard that Deimos!"
Deimos: "Well it's true isn't it?"
Vadskye: "No it's NOT!"
Deimos: "Is too."
Vadskye: "Never mind... just never mind... Dervol, just ignore him."
Dervol: "You're not exactly a close-knit group, are you?"
Vadskye: "Well..."
Knowledge is power...

Tavern Dweller
posted August 02, 2004 01:28 PM |
Motherdark: "What are you waiting for Illyria? Get on my back."
Illyria hops on to her mother's back. She flaps her wings. Nothing happens.
Illyria: "Maybe try running."
Motherdark: "I don't need any help."
Illyria: "Okay."
Motherdark: "Hold on."
Motherdark flaps her wings and jumps off with her front feet so that she is upright standing on her hind legs. She floats up off the ground and takes off. As the two pass above the canopy, they fly for nearly a minute in total silence.
Illyria: "Where are we going?"
Motherdark: "To the Dark Spam Fortress."
Illyria: "The what?"
Motherdark: "It was made by the time mage who freed us and some God of Dark Spam. I think. It's a great fort. Should be around here somewhere. Ahh yes there's the clearing."
Motherdark slows down her pace and lowers down towards the canopy arriving at a small clearing only 30 or 40 yards in diameter. Carefully she lowers herself down to the ground for a nice soft landing.
Motherdark: "We walk from here. You can get off me now."

Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted August 02, 2004 03:15 PM |
'What do you mean, side-effects?' said RSF.
'Did you ever stop to think if what you were doing was completely safe?' said Woockardo, low on patience.
'Of course it was all safe!' RSF shouted.
'Safe to whom?' the Dwarf said as calmly as he could.
'Me and Dingo, obviously'
'Just you two?'
'Well, yeah. Who else-'
'What are you talking about?' said RSF, confused. 'I didn't create no-'
'What did you do with the "spam", as you call it, that was no longer of any use to you?'
'What do you mean, what we did with it? We dumped it.'
'Dumped it where?'
'In the...' RSF stopped talking when realization dawned.
'Now you stay here. Should you try and escape, you're dead meat. And we wouldn't want that. Plenty of dead meat around as it is. So you just stay here. If you come up with a way of helping this place for a change, bloody good. If not, then you'll have to join me.'
thump, thump, thump, thump... creeeak... thud! thump, thump, thump, thump...
I think I saw one of em black wossnames somewhere...
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

Tavern Dweller
posted August 02, 2004 09:28 PM |
Illyria: "Yes, Mother."
Illyria jumped off her mothers back and the two continued on their journey to the Dark Spam Fortress.
Illyria: "Who else is there?"
Motherdark: "I don't know yet. I sent for the others, no one had seen you recently, so I went to get you myself. There it is, the Dark Spam Fortress."
Illyria: "Oh. This doesn't look that GREAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa..."
Illyria slips down the long slope and crashes into the spikes below. Motherdark flies down to the entrance laughing at her daughter.
Illyria: "I'm okay."
Motherdark: "So what were you saying about this place again?"
Illyria: "Oh yeah... It's a great Fortress, not bad for a mortal time mage and a demi-God. Glad I'm immortal once again. Those spikes would have killed me for sure."
Motherdark: "Yeah that's exactly what you were saying."
Motherdark walks up to the entrance only to find her new body is too big to get through. She shapeshifts back to her human form and casually walks into the fort.

Supreme Hero
Heroine at the weekend.
posted August 03, 2004 01:03 AM |
It was while I was filling in Dervol on our situation and how we'd gotten to this point that I felt the pain.
It spread from my stomach and flowed out to my very fingertips. I don't know if I screamed, but I passed out. I came to with Dervol Vadskye and Deimos standng over me.
'Are you okay Dean?' asked Vadskye. 'You gave us all a bit of a scare there'.
'More than a scare' said Dervol. 'What happened? You just screamed and fell down like a stone'.
I tried to remember what had happened. The only thought that came to my mind was that something could have happened to Vintaglia. I could feel her to the south somewhere, which was strange. She couldn't have flown past us accidentally. The link worked both ways and she would have felt me getting nearer.
I told the others what I thought.
'Bah!' said Deimos. 'She's probably hungry, and looking for a sheep or a goat. Dumb dragon'.
I shook my head.
'I don't think so. I can feel her out there, still alive. But it's strange. On one hand I can feel her so full of life she should be bursting with it, and on the other I can feel a dying flame of vitality. It's messing me up in the head trying to decide which it is'.
I realised I wasn't making much sense.........

To err is human, to arr is pirate.

Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted August 03, 2004 01:03 AM |
A mother and son unite...
Follow the darkness.
And for nearly a week, that's all the assassin queen did. For days she followed the shadow's thickening presence to where she knew her son awaited her, where her future lie. Though Alivia had no heart, even she, a Forsaken One, felt a tinge of love deep within herself toward her long lost son. At first, she had tried to deny it, but no matter how hard she resisted, the fact that she had once been mortal kept ensnaring her soul on those emotions that bound her to humanity. The others would have called it weakness, but in all actuality, it would prove her greatest strength.
Soon, Alivia found herself at the end of a long plain and gasped at what she saw waiting for her. High into the sky rose the city of old, the place where the final stand against the Forsaken Ones had been made those thousands of years ago. The place where she and her comrades rested for ages as the world passed along, undisturbed by the great darkness that lay in wait for the emerald's magic to be undone. It was where she had faced those magi and that magog and it was where her son now stood in anguish.
At the gate of the city, a lone figure stood waiting, so stooped in darkness that even the assassin queen herself could not see clearly, a haunting scream echoing seemingly staight into Alivia's ears. She heard it so keenly that all the emotions she had been struggling with surfaced again, causing her to reel away from the scene.
"I cannot do this alone. I need my son." But whatever she was planning remained a secret for now.
With a new resolve, the assassin queen began moving slowly toward her son, wading deeper into the darkness to join the son she never knew. As she drew closer, the shadow mage remained unaware of her presence. She was the best stealth assassin in the world, after all.
Now that she could see him more closely, Alivia noticed something about her son that suprised her. He was completely black, a silhouette, a shadow. Pure darkness so concentrated that it had consumed him. In his anger, the young shadow mage had surpassed even his mother in his mastery of shadow magic. She soon realized why.
At the phantom's side was a familiar shape, a blade that Alivia had long presumed lost. She now knew that this was her descendant, and her love for him transformed into respect for being able to weild the weapon. But the boy could still be manipulated easily, and he was therefore much weaker than his mother. Alivia stood and called out to her son.
The shadow tensed and looked toward the voice, already knowing who its owner was. He was so overwhelmed that his mother had found him that he drpped his sword to the ground in shock. As soon as his grip lossened on the hilt, the shadow dissolved and the mother saw her son as he really was for the first time. The pair simply stared for the longest time, but all was not well. The son was staring at his mother, but she was staring elsewhere: at the ground near the shadow mage's feet, where the sword lay dormant.

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted August 03, 2004 03:42 AM |
Motherdark walks through the long hallways knowing exactly where to step. She had been examining the fort for days now. She had claimed it her home, and knew it like the back of her hand. Illyria continues to slip on the dark spam. Motherdark grows impatient at her daughter.
Motherdark: "I told you to stay right behind me."
Illyria: "Yes, Mother."
Motherdark: "We are almost there anyway."
Illyria: "That's good."
The two arrive in the large hall greeted by a piercing screech.
Illyria remains quiet ready to defend herself, her blood boiling. There is no greater hatred in existance more than the rivalry between these two sisters. She knows not to attack her sister at this time. Motherdark will have her far worse than anything that could even be attempted by Daughter of the Night. Oddly enough, Motherdark rarely ever shows her powers. After hundreds of thousands of years in existance, Illyria is still surprised by the things Motherdark does. It is more the fear of not knowing what Motherdark would do than the fear of the horrible things she has done.
One would think that it is absolutely incredible that humans were able to defeat Motherdark, and then contain her for thousands of years inside a crystal. However the race of humanity doubt their abilities. Their bodies may be mortal, however the spirit, their immortality, has the ability to grow and learn just as much as any God or Goddess. The difference is that the Gods and Goddesses have been at it for a much longer period of time.
Motherdark: "Stand down, Vlandria."
The name Vlandria is the closest word to describe what Motherdark actually said. The true words of what Motherdark said was in an ancient language used by the Gods back in the beginnings of time. Mortals who even hear this language uttered pass out cold. Upon awakening they either have an extreme case of amnesia, not remembering a thing from their entire life, or waking up completely mad. Even these immortal creatures, her children, wince in great pain at the sound of Motherdark's words. Daughter of the Night collapses to the floor in a cold sweat. She screams out as if in great agony, but she is only remembering the last time Motherdark called her by her true name. Motherdark returns to the language of the mortals.
Motherdark: "Now that we have gotten over our past and have decided to work together, I think we have a few things to talk about."
Motherdark sits down at the head of the table and stares at both Vlandria and Illyria. They quickly take their seats.
Motherdark: "Okay good. Let's get started."
Go Red Sox!

Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted August 03, 2004 04:48 AM |
Motherdark: "Wait. Where is Alivia?"
The Unholy One smirks.
Motherdark: "Wuggy. You seem to know where she is."
Unholy One: "I last saw her in my mausoleum. I think she took off after her... her last living descendant."
Motherdark: "She has run off after some human?"
Unholy One: "Well I think this... descendant is quite a powerful one, much like Alivia when we converted her. This is no slouch. He is one of the strongest shadow mage's I've ever seen, almost as strong as Alivia. By the looks of him, he was bearing her old sword as well."
Motherdark: "Well it looks like she is probably the only one who isn't slouching around doing nothing, while those human magi are running around collecting the rest of the gems. Have you pillaged any towns? What exactly have any of you done? Illyria did something good, but then messed it up. She let that female mage get away."
Motherdark: "So things are going to change. Illyria, who did you see when you lost one of our hostages?"
Illyria: "Oh. Um. I saw one mage summon this huge dragon."
Motherdark: "I know that. Who else?"
Illyria: "I saw a magog and a thief."
Motherdark: "So a magog... a thief... and a summoner... were too much for you to handle?"
Illyria: "They would have been and easy kill. But the dragon was too much for me to handle to not let them escape."
Motherdark: "So what do you think would have prevented them from escaping?"
The questions by Motherdark were very demeaning, by Illyria could do nothing about it. Each question she grew more and more bitter, but she knew that Motherdark was right. Motherdark already knew the answer to these questions, but she asked them to really drive the point home.
Illyria: I was fighting alone.?
Motherdark: You were fighting alone. I see. So maybe if you had been working together, you would have been able to kill all of them as well as the dragon without effort.?
Everyone remains quiet and very uncomfortable.
Motherdark: Okay. Now Feraleena, Grathemel, you two are expert summoners, so you will go with Illyria to counter any more dragons that this mage decides to summon. Plus they are traveling with a magog, so we should have another magog fighting for us when you find them.?
Motherdark: Unholy One, horsemen, you will go pillage. I want to see humanity burnt to the ground.?
Motherdark: Ba'alithnor, Daughter of the Night, Tytan? I want you to find the others. According to Wuggy, there were 3 magi, an angel, a magog, and a thief, not just 1 mage, a magog, and a thief. I am going to look for Alivia and her son. We leave now.?
OOC: Woock - RSF and Woockardo should arrive just as the Forsaken Ones leave.
Asmodean - When Motherdark utters the words in the ancient language of the Gods, I was thinking you could be affected by it.
Go Red Sox!

Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted August 03, 2004 11:37 AM |
Edited By: Dingo on 3 Aug 2004
I'm Back!
Party after party after party; this was the life of the Gods. Sure the Gods had work to do, but Dingo didn’t. Dingo just went to every party that was going on. Now Dingo was on his way to a great feast. He saw the God of Greetings, Hallmark.
Hallmark: Hey Dingo. How’s it going?
Dingo: It’s going great, I’m starving. This feast should be great.
Hallmark: Did you get any work done today?
Dingo: Haha, what do you think?
They both chuckled, and then Dingo was seated. The golden table was covered in food. There were Apples, Grapes, Bread, Turkey, and so much more. Then the Goddess of Love walked in, her beauty brightened up the room and seemed to slow everything to a halt. She instead of winking at Dingo, like usual; seemed scared. Her worried face puzzled Dingo. Then her husband walked in, The God of Strength. This guy was the biggest of all Gods. He got up and started speaking in his Austrian accent.
God of Strength: Someone has been sleeping with MY wife!
Dingo’s face went pale and he realized that he should probably be somewhere else right now. The God of Diplomacy stood up.
God of Diplomacy: Arnold, calm down. How do you know, this has happened?
Arnold was looking at The God of Diplomacy, his back to Dingo. Before he could say a word, Dingo had already teleported into another room. The party was over. Dingo took a deep breath and awoke on his throne. Choking on the air; he had forgotten what it’s like to breath. After catching his breath, he realized that he was covered in frost. His breath was visible, and his skin had a layer of frost on it. He opened the door, and was greeted by warm air. He started traveling throughout his hallway, talking could be heard. The voices were talking about a Magog, which must be Deimos.
Dingo: Damnit, Deimos is still alive.
The voices wanted Deimos dead, which was a plus. Dingo peeked around the corner, trying to see who was talking. The room was filled with The Forsaken Ones.
Dingo: How Dare they enter my fort.
The big one sat down in a chair and broke it. Now Dingo had a reason to hurt the Forsaken Ones. They broke one of his chairs and stayed in the Fort.
Motherdark: Tytan, try not to break things. We might use this fort again.
Dingo was getting angry and was ready to attack. The Forsaken Ones then left to find the others. When they finally left, Dingo observed the broken chair. It was in pieces.
The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

Supreme Hero
toss toss toss
posted August 03, 2004 12:54 PM |
I have returned...
Cool breeze blowing in his face, sun shining overhead. It was a good day, perfect to begin searching. As Isildur walked through the lush open plains, thoughts of his departed uncle, dragon Slayer, kept creeping into his mind. How did he die, why, who did it? So many questions, so few answers. Isildur came from a far away town called Del. He had just received news of his uncle’s death, forcing him to travel here to find the cause. Isildur had been walking for days and was relieved to finally reach the place he was looking for. The order fort stood before him, tall and proud. The closer Isildur walked to the fort, the stranger it seemed. Parts of the fort wall are covered in moss; other parts are covered in dirt. Isildur finally reaches the forts massive wooden doors after what seemed like an eternity of walking. The wooden doors had rotted slightly. There were no guards at the front, odd for such a large fort. Isildur went to knock on the door but as his fist struck the wood, the door creaked open.
Isildur: Wow, that’s odd. Helloooooo! Is anybody here?
After receiving no reply, Isildur made his way around the fort. Dust had rested on almost every surface and eventually found its way into his nose, causing a short sneezing fit. Isildur spent much time searching every room repeatedly, trying to find some evidence of where the old residence may have gone. Before his uncle left the land of Del, he told of the order fort and that it was where he was going. The people who lived here must of known what happened to Dragon Slayer.
Isildur went back outside and looked up at the sky. He was back where he started. He was still searching for answers, still searching for clues. The visit to the order for was useless. He walked all that way and found nothing. He knew as much about the death of his uncle now as he did when he left. Maybe his uncle didn’t even come here, maybe it was all a waste of time. Isildur walked out onto the lush grass and lay down. He looked up into the clouds and tried to think about what to do next.
Isildur: Eh, maybe I should just go home. There’s nothing here for me. *yawn*
Isildurs eyes were wiery from the long journey and lack of sleep. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.
When Isildur finally stirred the beautiful blue sky and cool breeze had disappeared. It was almost dark now and the wind was icy cold. A storm was coming. He could take shelter in the fort but it just made him grieve, as there was nothing to help him there after his journey. He had noticed a Tavern when he was on his way to the fort and decided to run back up to it. Isildur ran swiftly, but the rain was swifter. Soon the rain fell in bucket loads and Isildur was caught in it. After running hard Isildur burst through the Tavern doors. The tavern was quite full and nobody seemed to notice his entrance. Isildur walked up to the bar to order a drink…