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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Let's have War
Thread: Let's have War This thread is 54 pages long: 1 10 ... 18 19 20 21 22 ... 30 40 50 54 · «PREV / NEXT»

Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted March 27, 2004 03:24 AM

*while attempting to listen to voices having long been gone, I fly off to the tavern and look around the inside of the door. There are a few stragglers who drink ale and gossip with their friends. The bartender takes one glance up from a mug he's washing and returns to his work as I shut the door behind me.*

Gorman: Hmmm, I wonder where everyone has gone... Perhaps to a party? Perhaps to their forts... Hmm....however, if there isn't anyone in either of the forts, there may be a handsome profit to be made!

*grinning to myself about the idea of pockets full of gold and the amusement while watching from afar as both parties return to their respected Forts*

Gorman: Ah, yes indeed. But which fort to go to first? Order? Or Chaos?

*looking down each path that leads to their respected fort, I finally choose to head towards the Order fort. As I slowly walk towards the fort, I notice that there isn't a living soul in sight. As I walk through the empty halls, there are no voices to be heard. Nothing makes a sound, except for the pulsing of blood through my veins.*

Gorman: Such specticles they keep lying about...it'd be a pitty if someone were to just walk in while theire away and rob them blind! *laughs at my own joke. Taking out a Bag of Holding that can hold numerous items while still maintaining its size and never gain a pound either*

Gorman: Now, which will be the most important to take? Hmmm.....Maps, scrolls, artifacts....anything such as plans....defensive measures.....

*walks over to a table where there are many chairs seated. Parchments lay scattered all over the desk. After reading a few I shrug and stuff every piece of parchment into my bag, figuring to find out what's going on later in case someone comes back. I shovel in all sorts of papers, documents, building plans, the whole works. Taking a glance back at Woock's throne before I leave, I walk over and leave a piece of Chaos Spam on the armchair*

Gorman: Now they will believe that the Chaos party ransacked them....I'm glad I took some of those can's of spam...u never know when they might be handy!

*walks out of the order fort very carefully and looks around for anybody in the vicinity. Seeing and hearing nobody, I take off and fly towards the south w/my bag of goods. With the intent of returning to raid the Chaos Fort as well before anyone knows what hit them*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted March 27, 2004 04:09 AM

Deimos heard yells. He ran to their source. He saw MM trapped and Dingo about to hypnotize him.
Deimos: Dingo, what the heck are you doing?!
RSF: He's about to sacrifice him.
Deimos: WHAAAAT?! There's a truce!
Dingo: Yes, there's a truce between the Chaos Party and the Order Party. But I'm part of neither.
Deimos: Die then!
He drew his claws.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted March 27, 2004 04:46 AM

The footsteps grew louder as they echoed through the halls. At first, Shadowcaster thought he was hearing things, perhaps another dream was about to haunt his mind. The shadow mage was dreadfully tired, and he couldn't stay awake much longer. At least he had survived; he was healing, growing stronger and stronger with each passing moment. He still could not stand, however.

These sounds were different, though, they were vivid, they were real. Someone was there, and they had been there for some time now. Not knowing nor caring who it was, Shadowcaster tried to muster up the strength to shout, "Help!" But it came out just slightly louder than a whisper and reached only as far as the door, far out of reach of the visitor's ear.

Shadowcaster convulsed in the bed, trying to shout, yet failing, frustrated and exhausted at the same time. Nothing had gone his way since he had been moved here, and nothing would go his way until he was nursed back to health. Only then would he be free to betray and deceive the others to fit his own whims. Only then could both parties play into his hands. Only then.

Then he fell to the floor. He was again unable to move and listened helplessly as the footsteps faded and the uninvited guest left the fort, again leaving Shadowcaster to himself. The shadow mage had used up his energy in a fit of rage, and now all he could do was to plan, to craft his strategy for the future, the strategy that would leave him on top. It would put him in his rightful place.

The shadow mage had grown very arrogant over time, spinning immaculate worlds and eloborate fantasies in his mind. Soon, to him, the line between fantasy and reality had begun to blur and Shadowcaster had become convinced of his superiority. He knew that he deserved to rule the world. Slowly and surely, he sunk lower and lower, further from everything he had once known and loved, deeper into himself. He still had not opened his eyes because the bitter reality had become too much for him to bear. These fantasies would do just fine.

The halls no longer echoed; the footsteps were gone. For now, the shadow mage lay helpless, stuck living a fantasy until reality crept back into his life to jolt him awake. But he would not respond, he would only attempt to carry his dreams over into the real. It was only a matter of time. So he waited.

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted March 27, 2004 06:00 AM

*having found a well hidden spot in a dense forest, I land and store my stolen goods in a well hidden tree hole. Marking the spot on one of the many maps that was stolen from the Order Fort, I notice a map that shows the intricate designs of the inside of the fort, showing their defenses and rooms. As I study the map, I notice a room that I had not noticed while on my pillaging spree. I take a grim decision and decide to get back to the fort as fast as possible before anyone has returned. I fly back as fast as possible and land in a grove of trees close by. I look around and quickly run into the fort once again. I hide in the shadows as I make my way through the fort, in case anyone has returned and lay in wait for the robber in case he did decide to return to the spot. I take a quick look at the map and notice the door to be right across the hall from the King's throne room. I take a brief look and notice that my can of Spam is still on Woock's throne. Giving a brief sigh, I continue on my way. I reach the door and attempt to open the door. It opens easily, but very noisily. Making a loud CREEK! sound. I grimace and search quickly around the room. I notice a bed w/the sheets all messed up, drawing my sword in case of trouble, I enter and stay close to the shadows. Inspecting the room a little more carefully, I notice that there is a dark shape on the floor. I slowly walk forward and roll the figure over, it appears to be human, and doesn't seem to be of the Order party. I take a quick look around and grab a couple of things that appear to be the stranger's belongings. Suddenly, the stranger awakens in a gasp*

Stranger: Shiela! No! You are not Shiela! Who?
Gorman: Rest easy friend, restore your strength, I'm a friend...

*the stranger nods in understanding and falls back asleep. I take a look at him. Before anything else, I put all my belongings into my Bag of Holding and lift the stranger into my arms. He's surprisingly light and I flee the Fort as quickly as I had entered, taking my mysterious cargo along w/me. Back at the place where I horded my stash, I make him a comfortable resting spot on the ground near a crackling fire. I am rosting some rabbit which seems to bring him back to his senses*

Stranger: Food...water...please.... *he begs*

*I go and look in my Bag of Holding and find a Canteen full of crystal clear water and bring it to him. He drinks slowly and looks at me*

Stranger: I've never seen you before... Which side are you on?
Gorman: Niether, so u have nothing to fear from me, what is your preferance of food?
Stranger: I'm starving now so it does not really matter to me...
Gorman: Good, I've made rabbit, it's done, I was just waiting for you to wake...
Stranger: I seem to owe u my life....
Gorman: Think nothing of it. If you had been more alive I may have slayn you in your sleep. You were so horrible looking that I figured that I could bring you back here and nurse u back to health.
Stranger: I thank you greatly for it.
Gorman: Do not mention it...

*after eating and having his fill of water, the stranger went back to sleep. I kept watch all night long to be assured no wild animals would attack at night until the break of the next morn...*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted March 27, 2004 06:50 AM

Deimos charges at Dingo.  Dingo cannot let himself be captured.  He Slaps MightyMage.  Deimos is about to get Dingo but RSF kick him.  Deimos soars a great distance.  RSF kicked him hard.  Before Deimos can react Dingo is already planning an escape.  

Dingo:  MightyMage I need you to cast a giant hand to push me and RSF away.

MightyMage makes a huge hand appear.  The Hand is fast and grabs RSF and Dingo, it flies down the tunnel.  Deimos will not let Dingo get away.  Deimos freezes the air behind Dingo and RSF.  The Hand is carrying Dingo and RSF straight into the wall of ice.  Dingo punches the ice breaking it.  However the ice was so thick that Dingo's hand disintegrated.  The Hand carries them away down the cavern, randomly picking passages.

RSF:  Oh no!  Your Slapping hand is gone!

Dingo:  Yeah, I'm powerless for a while.  You need to hurry up and perform the ceremony.  My hand will be good as new soon but right now we need to be careful.

MightyMage wakes up from his hypnosis.  He looks around confused, not knowing what just happened.

Deimos:  How could you let them get away?

MightyMage:  What are you talking about?

Deimos and Mightymage keep arguing.

The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Undefeatable Hero
Daddy Cool with a $90 smile
posted March 27, 2004 11:47 AM

Deimos's and Mighty Mage's quarrel comes to a sudden stop as they notice a spam elemental crawl in. They look at it in astonishment as the spam elemental changes shape. After a few seconds it has morphed into a sign on the floor: "WAIT HERE". Knowing what this means, the magog and the wizard nod, after which the spam elemental shifts back to it's previous shape and flows swiftly back. After what seems like eternity to those waiting in silence, Woock runs in. "Mighty Mage! Your help is beyond pricing here. I need you to restore my ghostly abilities. If that's possible that is. I would also greatly apreciate it if you two could turn into ghosts as well... If Dragon Slayer's ghost was here, things'd be a lot easier...", Woock says very fast.
Yolk and God bless.
My buddy's doing a webcomic and would certainly appreciate it if you checked it out!

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted March 27, 2004 06:54 PM
Edited By: RedSoxFan3 on 27 Mar 2004

RSF: "We need to setup the sacrifice. This hand is pretty quiet, since it just kinda floats along, so I don't think anyone can hear us moving. We should keep moving though."

A couple minutes pass without running into anyone.

RSF: "I think I know where we are. How do you direct this hand? Hand go there. Good!"

After a few minutes, they end up back in the large cavern.

RSF: "Are you ready Dingo? Okay, so where was I? Ahhh yes, We use the pendant to protect us from the power of the fire mage and the diamond to absorb it and channel it into Dingo. But this is just a dead body. We need to call the spirit back into the body before we can get anything useful from this sacrifice."

RSF reads some more.

RSF: "Okay. In order to call the fire mage back into the body we need a spell and a object that the fire mage valued greatly in his life. But this spell will only last for a minute or two, so we'll need to do this quick."

RSF begins the preparations again. He uses the pendant to cast a protection spell around Dingo and himself.

RSF: "Okay help me tie this body down, cause when the fire mage reenters his body he'll be animated temporarily. Okay, remember what you want to gain for powers. You'll need to describe them when I begin burning the body."

RSF casts the spell to bring back the fire mage. After a few seconds the body begins to move. It struggles to get up but it's tied down. The fire mage lets out a scream and then begins casting an fireball spell. He shoots it at RSF but the protection of the pendant keeps him safe. RSF says the incantation for the spell and places the diamond on top of the fire mage, who casts another fireball this time at Dingo. It has no effect. The pendant is working.

RSF: "Okay this is the scary part. We now need to start the burning. When he's completely on fire, you need to say you're desired powers and then I'll say the final incantation to burn the spirit and there will be a huge explosion. This is when I need you to walk up and hold your hand on the diamond. Oh and make sure you don't make your powers too strong. Sacrificing the fire mage will only give so much power. If you over-do your powers, the sacrifice spell will turn to other energies for give you the power. In other words, it could take my powers, or maybe it could kill one of us even you."

RSF lights the mage on fire. It begins burning.
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted March 27, 2004 07:32 PM

RSF completed the last of the sacrifice spell. The fire mage let out one last scream and a giant explosion filled the cave with fire.  The Fire Mages body was competely in flames.

RSF: Touch the Diamond quick!

Dingo grabbed the Diamond.  This was it.

Dingo:  Make me the God of Dark SPAM!

The Fire Mages body was so incinerated that it wasn't a body.  His ashes glowed bright orange.  As Dingo said those words, the ashes flew at Dingo.  They traveled right though him.  Dingo was now the God of Dark SPAM.

Dingo:  Woah, cool.

RSF:  It worked?

Dingo:  Yeah, this is great.  Time to give the powers a test.

Dingo summons a Dark Spamling.  He commands it to go though the tunnels and harm anyone who gets in its way.  The Dark Spamling climbs on the ceiling of the cavern and is on its way.

RSF: We should retreat into the Order Fort

Dingo:  Good Idea, I have some stuff I need to get from there.  Including Woocks Throne.

OOC:  Please, tell me if you think I am overpowered.  I believe balance is important.

I can hypnotize anyone if I Slap them.  The hypnosis can be removed if my Hand is removed, after a few hours the hypnosis wears off automatically.  

I can teleport a short distance.

I can summon Dark Spamlings.  These are small creatures, that are simular to Ghouls.  They are about the size of a large dog.  The Dark Spamlings can crawl up anything, they have poisonous claws, and, they regenerate in anything Dark(like a shadow or at night).

The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted March 27, 2004 08:46 PM

Deimos smelled Mvass appear, then die. He felt rage that he didn't kill the fire elemental himself.
Suddenly, the Dark Spamling jumped down on them. Woock summoned a spam elemental, which broke the Dark Spamling.
Woock: Oh, no! Dingo is now the God of Dark Spam.
MM: What can we do?
Deimos: Right, we haven't lost yet. We need to assemble all members who are willing, like the ghosts of Dragon Slayer and Wolfman, Silver, Shadowcaster, Romana, and RSF if he repented. MM, you can get them.
MM: Okay.
He disappeared.
Deimos: Right, Woock, what do we do now? You're not the God of Spam anymore.
Woock: That's not true. I'm not the God of all Spam anymore, but Light Spam still obeys me. Hey... that reminds me. In the middle of the war, a prophet came to me and told me of a new God of Spam, all Spam.
Deimos: I wonder about that.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Legendary Hero
posted March 27, 2004 09:09 PM

Mighty Mage:  Hey, where are you guys going?  What just happened.  GUYS!

*RSF and the newly powerd up Dingo retreat to the cave entrance where they will head for the Order camp.  Whatever spell was just cast must have been strong for the ashes of the fire mage still glow with an eeire aura of power.  Having been left to die in the god-forsaken death trap of a cave, Mighty Mage decides that now is the time to act.  Remembering his vows when he joined the elite group of magic users known only as the Royal Order of Supreme Magi, he gathers up the ashes and places them in a crystal container, instanly turning the it warm.*

Mighty Mage:  They'll pay for this.  That I promise.  

*With rage swelling up inside him, Mighty Mage begins to glow all around and suddenly blasts a large ball of ice at the cave wall freezing it instantainiously.*

Mighty Mage:  ROOARRRR!

*Next he gives the wall a large smack with his staff shattering it into hundreds of pieces of frozen rock.*

Mighty Mage:  Lousy good for nothing....AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A MAGE!  Could have fooled me.

*Walking into another tunnel, Mighty Mage sends a full powerd Fire Blast which rips through burning everything in it's path.  The scream of a spamling being hit sounds.*

Mighty Mage:  They're close.  

*Now running at a full pace, he reaches the entrance only to discover them long gone.  RSF must have sped them up with a haste or somthing.  

Mighty Mage:  DAMMIT, I knew I should have studied time magic more througholy.
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted March 27, 2004 09:13 PM

A new day

*After the faint rays of the new day shine through the trees in the early morning, my strange companion stirs from his rest. I watch him with amusement as he struggles to get propped up onto his elbows. He finally manages to get up onto one elbow and ends up laying partially on his side lowing into the crackling embers of the dying fire*

Stranger: May I have more water please?
Gorman: Yes, just give me a second...

*I go off into the forest to appear to be looking for water. When I'm off a distance where the stranger can not hear me, I take out my bag of holding and search for a sleeping drought. After a couple of minutes I finally become successful and pour a little of the drought into the canteen of water that the stranger used. Having done what was needed, I filled the canteen back up and popped the top back on before bringing it back to my thirsty companion*

Stranger: Ah! Thank you ever so much!

*takes a long, slow drink. When he's done his face has a smiling expression on and his head falls backwards and he falls asleep almost instantly. I chuckle softly to myself and knowing that he's safely asleep and not going to pop awake and find my hidden cache, I empty many of the other monetary valuable things into hidding places, in the holes of trees if small enough but not the overly large items. After insuring that the stranger was still sound asleep, I fly back towards the crossroads and the Tavern. After landing, I look around for any signs of anyone. All that is heard is the laughter coming from the bar. I turn and run towards the Chaos fort, sticking to the trees in order to keep myself hidden better. Soon, as though from out of nowhere, the fort is seen looming above the trees. I can hear the sounds of a couple of gaurds from on top of the walls and workers running about, trying to fix burned and heavily damaged walls*

Gorman: Well, at least there are signs of life here. But, how to get in w/out to many questions asked...

*Gorman then remembers of one being called Deimos, who hated the god of Spam on the Order side. Thinking of something purely evil, I head up towards a group of workers nearest to me*

Worker 1: Hey now! Watch out! We're under attack again!
Gorman: Hail! I was sent by your Lord Deimos to collect some supplies for him. He has asked me to since he is in battle against the forces of order even as we speak! If I am helled for too long, he may perish! Pray my friends, let me through!
Worker 1: What'd that ArchAngel say?
Worker 2 *shrugging* Something about Deimos...needing supplies was it?
Gorman: Yes, he is in need of them very urgently! I see you are busy, he has given me directions to were your stores are so that I may retrieve these items for him!
Worker 1: He seems to be tellin the truth...
Worker 2: Aye, Ok sir! Go ahead and get those items for Lord Deimos!
Gorman: Thank you friends!

*gorman than rushes past them and opens the closest door available, rushes in and shuts it behind me*

Gorman: Shwew! That was easy enough!

*takes a look around the small room I'm in. There are beds all over and a priest attending to men wounded from a fight from long ago. I stay close to the wall and sneak across the room, avoiding the priest as much as possible. While my back is to the wall and going across it, my hand bumps into a door knob, opening it slowly I sneak into the next room w/out the priest ever noticing my presence.*

Gorman: Ah ha! Now THIS is more like it!

*the room appears to be a meeting place, a round table and chairs adorn it while one desk is filled to capacity w/papers, documents, and of course, plans for the Fort. I take out my bag of Holding and was just about to stuff the whole desk inside when a knock sounds at the door. Jumping I turn around and quickly look for a place to hide. Cursing my foul luck but thanking the god's that I was at least able to get some information, I grab my bag and tie it back to my pouch before answering the door that was knocked*

Gorman: Yes?
Worker 1: We've got the constucion on the west wall halfway complete bo....hey! You're not the one they hired for rebuilding the walls! You're that ArchAngel that was lookin for those items for Lord Deimos!
Gorman: Yes, that would be me...
Worker 1: Well what in the bloody ell are you doin in there?!
Gorman: Deimos said he needed a map so he can figure out where he is...
Worker 1: Oh, did ya find it?
Gorman: Yes yes, I have, I really must hurry back to Deimos. I'm sure he'll be needing my aid...
Worker 1: Oh, all right then.

*the worker heads past me into the chamber, I immediatly take flight and fly off back towards my encampment as fast as I can. Soon I hear the shouts of: We've been robbed! and The Files ave been taken! from behind me at the fort. Smiling inwardly I fly off until I reach the camp. I land and notice that the stranger is still sleeping. Good, I think, this will give me time to check out some of those papers quick. As I flip through them they are all mainly about the Chaos fort and the defenses, maps of the land and one particulary interesting paper on a fire elemental known as Mvass who was destroyed for reasons unknown to me. I turn back and notice the stranger stirring. I quckly hide my new belongings and rush over to sit back where I had been before I left*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted March 28, 2004 04:05 AM

OOC: Looks ok to me Dingo, but I'm not in charge.

BIC: Vadskye had decided after a while that gold was not edible, so he sadly left the stockpile behing.  Having wandered randomly through the caves for a long time, Vadskye found himself on the surface.  He quickly took his bearing and found himself quite near the Order Fort.  Being quite hungry, he set out to the fort.  When he got there, he realized that the fort had been ransacked.  He quickly dashed to RSF's room for Shadowcaster.  He was gone!  Vadskye knew that most of the people were in the caves, so that left only Silver and Gorman, both Chaos members.  Horrified that his magical artifacts should fall into enemy hands, he released the spell that he hoped he would never have to use: the spell that desentegrated all his magical artifacts and scrolls.  He had cast this spell a long time ago, when he was still more of a thief than a mage, merely dabbling in the magical arts.  Realizing that just as he had stolen the Book, someone else could steal it from him.  Then he had readied the spell.  Now that the spell was released, Vadskye felt a sudden influx of power.  He had forgotten that holding a spell took energy; he now had a great deal more.  Vadskye had commited the Book to heart and he no longer needed it, but he still felt somewhat empty.  He had worked very hard to gather the potions he had.  Still, he could always do it again.  Vadskye sighed, and decided to wait at the Order Fort until everyone else got back.  Until then, he would work on a new Book.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted March 28, 2004 04:27 AM
Edited By: Dingo on 27 Mar 2004

The New God Of SPAM.

Dingo and RSF finally made it out of the cavern.  As they made it out they hear voices behind them.  Dingo’s Hand had grown back.

RSF:  I’ll stay back and get them distracted.

Dingo:  Ok, I’ll be at the Order Fort.

Dingo thought he saw a ghost fly by.  Now he had to find the way to the Order Fort.  He was having a lucky day because as soon as he got out of the forest he found the road leading to the Order Fort.  As he reached the Order Fort their was a SPAM elemental standing guard.  Dingo summoned a Dark Spamling and it quickly made work of the SPAM elemental.  As Dingo entered the throne room there sat Woock.

Woock:  You are not going to take this away from me.

Dingo:  Bring it on big boy, your going down.  Get off of my throne!

Woock wasn’t going to give up his throne.  He summoned 10 SPAM elementals.  Dingo wasn’t as powerful as Woock yet.  Dingo summoned 3 Dark Spamlings.  Dingo grabbed a chair and threw it at the Light.  Then Dingo teleported next to a fire lamp.  He picked up the lamp and threw it at a SPAM elemental.  The SPAM elemental was burning fast, it freaked out and grabbed another SPAM elemental burning it to.  Then Dingo kicked another light out.  The throne room was now dark enough for the Dark Spamlings to regenerate.  Dingo teleported next to Woock to Slap him, but Woock dematerialized, then he materialized and punched Dingo.  Woock started to cover the floor with SPAM.  The SPAM was sticky.  The Dark Spamlings were resourceful and they climbed up on the walls.  The SPAM almost reached Dingo but Dingo jumped up on throne.  Woock jumped back up to the throne, but Dingo kicked him down.  Woock was covered in his own SPAM.  Three Dark Spamlings jumped on Woock.  Slashing away at his armor and face.  The SPAM elementals grabbed the Dark Spamlings and threw them off of Woock.  Woock dematerialized, but Dingo was nowhere in sight.  Woock assisted the elementals in killing the Spamlings.  Woock went back to his throne.

Woock:  I thought Dingo would have put up more a fight than that.

One Dark Spamling was still in the room.  It was on the ceiling, it jumped onto Woock.   Dingo ran in the Throne room carrying a torch.  He threw the torch into the SPAM.  It ignited.  The entire throne room was in flames.  Woock threw the Spamling into the blaze.  Then Woock magically had all the flaming SPAM collect into one big ball.  This was a big ball of fire.  The ball of fire flew at Dingo.  Dingo teleported out of the way, and the ball hit the wall behind him.  The wall was on fire.  Dingo summoned 4 Dark Spamlings, and was thinking up an attack plan.  As Dingo was about to strike, Woock appeared behind him grabbed his head.  The Dark Spamlings were all over Woock.  Woock was forced to loosen his grip.  The Dark Spamlings were causing some major damage.  Woock dematerialized.  Dingo and the Spamlings went into the throne room.  Dingo sat in the throne, while the Spamlings healed.    Woock was floating in front of Dingo, staring.

Dingo:  That’s right, this throne is mine.  I can tell your getting weaker.  When I’m finished with you I will be the God of SPAM.

Woock’s eyes filled with rage.  Woocks only SPAM Golem walked in.  The four Dark Spamlings attacked it.  Woock flew off.  Dingo sat in the throne watching the Spamlings fight the Golem.  The Golem was putting up a very good fight.  Dingo found a plate of SPAM next to the throne.  Dingo molded it into a knife.  Dingo then turned it into Dark SPAM.  The Spam was now much thicker and stronger.  He threw the knife at the Golem. It pierced the Golem.  This Golem was tough.  Dingo didn’t want to get up from the throne though.  The Golem killed 2 Spamlings but eventually the Spamlings killed the Golem.  Dingo then had both the Spamlings guard the throne; one Spamling was to his left, and one to his right.  Woock then walked in.  He was carrying a sword.   Behind him were 5 SPAM elementals.  Dingo could see in Woocks eyes, that he was weaker.

Dingo:  Woock how can you be so weak?  

Woock:  The Throne is taking power away from me, and is giving it to you.  I cannot allow you to take my power and kingdom.

The Spamlings attacked the Elementals.  Woock then took out a crossbow and aimed it at Dingo.  Woock pulled the trigger and Dingo teleported out of the way.  He barely missed the arrow.  The Elementals defeated the Spamlings, so Dingo summoned three more.  Dingo commanded one Spamling to go to the Armory and get a sword.  Meanwhile Dingo was dodging Woocks every attack. The Spamling returned with a sword.

Woock:  You think you can take me out with that sword?  This sword that I possess is the Great Sword of SPAM.

Dingo:  Well, it’s not the sword that determines the winner.  It’s the skill.

The Elementals killed two Spamlings, and the Spamlings killed all the elementals.  One Spamlings was left and Woock sliced it in half.  Regular and Dark SPAM were all over the floor.  Dingo and Woock began their sword fight, avoiding the SPAM.  If somebody stepped in SPAM they would get stuck and if somebody stepped in Dark SPAM they would slip.  Woock was a very skilled swordsman.  Dingo would not win the sword fight.  Dingo wasn’t very skilled in using a sword.   He could only block attacks or avoid them.  Woock was placing SPAM all over the floor.  Dingo was waving his sword around like a madman, and he accidentally hit over a lamp.  The Lamp fell on the SPAM and caused another Fire.  The Fire was spreading Dingo teleported away.  Woock had accidentally stepped in SPAM and he was stuck.  The SPAM was on fire and he was burning up.  Dingo threw his sword at Woock, the sword hit Woock’s SPAM armor breaking it.  The impact threw Woock out of and away from the SPAM.  Dingo summoned two Dark Spamlings.  The Spamlings climbed on the walls to Woock.  As they neared Woock, he killed them with his mighty sword.  Dingo teleported to Woock, who was lying on the ground, exhausted.

Dingo:  I think it’s time that you give me that Crown of yours.
Dingo picked up a brick that broke off the wall and he threw it at Woock.  It hit Woock’s hand knocking the Sword out of his hand.  Dingo walked over and took the Crown.  Dingo put it on his head.

Dingo:  Long Live The King.

Dingo walked over to the sword.  He picked it up and examined it.  The Sword was fit for a King, so Dingo claimed it as his.  As he was about to execute Woock, he noticed that Woock was gone.  Dingo looked all around for Woock, but he couldn’t find him.  Dingo went to the rear exit and saw a horse carrying someone in the Distance.  Woock’s horse was gone.

Dingo:  He’s as good as dead anyways.  No one can survive that desert.

Dingo went inside and collected the pieces of SPAM Armor onto a plate.  Dingo then sat in the Throne.  He felt powerful.  RSF then entered.

RSF:  Where is Woock?

Dingo:  He is dead, I killed him.

Dingo held up the plate with the pieces of SPAM armor as evidence of Woocks Death.  Dingo was smiling.  Dingo and RSF leave the Fort to spread word of Woocks Death.

OOC:  Everybody thinks that Woock is Dead.  Nobody will find Woock.  I only had Woock be alive in case he wants to return to the thread.  Nobody (that includes you Deimos) will find Woock.

EDIT: Also I wrote this post before I saw Vadskye's post so all of this happens before he walks in.

The Above Post/Thread/Idea Is CopyRighted by, The Dingo Corp.

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted March 28, 2004 05:36 AM

*while I wait after my return from the Chaos fort for my companion to awaken, I sense the feeling of powerful magic being used. A voice in my head tells me something concerning the god of Spam is not quite right. A feeling of despair befalls me when I look into my Bag of Holding and find quite a few items suddenly gone*

Gorman: Damn!
Stranger: *snort!* uh? Wha?
Gorman: Ah, I see you are awake now... Care for a bite to eat or some more water?
Stranger: Your hospitality is too kind Archangel.
Gorman: Please, call me Gorm. I feel the name Gorm is more....fitting... Having me as an enemy is like having a storm coming down on you... Death would be more than probable...
Stranger: You definatly know how to make a man uneasy to be around... My name is Shadowcaster...
Gorman: Nice to finally get to know your name Shadowcaster...now here's a tough quesion for you.... How would you like your eggs?
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted March 28, 2004 05:59 AM

The shadow mage's head was still clouded, and he was confused in spite of his rapidly building strength as to why this archangel would save him. As he pretended to awake, the shadow mage grunted out of frustration, for now he owed this archangel his life. Some job he was doing at cutting his ties. Oh well, an alliance was not a friendship, and this alliance was only temporary anyways.

Shadowcaster knew what he had to do. He would convince this archangel that he was his friend, his most loyal of companions that was eternally indebted to him, until his deed had been repaid. It was not out of gratitude that the shadow mage did this, he simply favored balance over all else. Such was a part of his own personality, one unaffected by those of others' friendships. Once he had repaid Gorm and seen his skills as a fighter, the shadow mage would them decide whether or not to ally with this archangel for good.

Shadowcaster replied to Gorm's last question: "I like my eggs however you like yours. I should be serving you."

Gorm shot him a strange look, then began to prepare the eggs despite the shadow mage's insight. The archangel was not stupid, he would figure out that this was a ruse sooner or later. But then, again, Shadowcaster knew this. He planned to have finished his play before that time.

The shadow mage would begin slowly, not manipulating Gorm until his strength, speed, and most importantly, nightfall had returned again. Until then, all he would do was pretend. Keeping up pretenses wouldn't be that hard. Hopefully he hadn't underestimated his new acquaintance.

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted March 28, 2004 06:13 AM

*After finishing the eggs and starting to fry some bacon, I hand Shadowcastor his plate of eggs. Looking him straight in the eye I say in my most undistinguisable voice*

Gorman: Your offer to be the cook is indeed amusing. For one, you are far too weak to be doing much of anything right now, and for two, I would rather eat dirt than trust someone else with my food. *grins a little in reminder of how I came to die in the first place*
I had a little, accident, while I was still fully alive. I had rescued some travelers who were ambushed by orcs and goblins. They offered me a free meal in thanks and I had gladly accepted, not knowing they were comin murderors. They poisoned my food and left me for dead, taking all of my equipment that I spent my life for. All I ever did while fully alive was protect the innocent... Now, in this...half mortal, half immortal state, my memory does me well to learn from past mistakes. No offense to you, my friend, I simply decline your offer. *Shadowcaster sits there with his first bite of eggs in his mouth, simply staring at me*
Gorman: Oh yes, and by having one's god helping one of his chosen constantly, can be quite a good thing. *turns the bacon over to slowly cook the other side* Knowing what is going on in this world w/out actually being there can greatly benefit someone. Such beings, can turn the tide of war. The god informs his servent that the army is prepared to ambush him through a pass, so the servent goes around a longer route in order to evade the ambush.
Shadowcastor: You are a very well spoken story teller. I'll give you credit for that.
Gorman: *in amusement* Oh AM I now? Here's your bacon. *hands over some bacon to Shadowcastor's plate*
And a some water in case you are thirsty. *hands over a freshly filled canteen of spring water*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
posted March 29, 2004 12:16 AM

*It's nearly dawn now and Mighty Mage has began to tire out.  It has been about two or three hours now since he left the cavern in search of that blasted RSF.  Dingo may still be able to be convinced to help him but the Time Wizard is unmovable.  The thing that worries Mighty Mage the most is the fact that RSF can use his powers for most anything.  Not only does he have to worry about those damned thieves still after him but now he has a crazed time mage trying to take over the world.  What next?  A giant flying purple hippo?*

Mighty Mage:  I need to rest.  I didn't realize how far away the cave was from...civilization.  Jeez.  There's nothing around here but...nothing.  How did I get myself stuck in this mess.  If I would have just stayed home instead of worrying about every little thing.  It hasn't even been a week and I've already been nearly killed.

*As Mighty Mage stops to rest his feet a figure lurks in the shadows preparing to make a move.  Unknown to Mighty Mage, it is far more than a few thieves after him but a dark guild known to a few lands west of here as GHOST.  Ghost has been after Mighty Mage for a month now after their first group of grunts messed up and left him behind.  Now Mighty Mage has everything to fear.  With a limited supply of mana and gold he will be in danger every moment.*
Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted March 29, 2004 02:59 AM

RSF: "Dingo. I was thinking that your Spamlings would be better if we occupied the Chaos Fort. Wait. I think I here someone coming. Hide."

RSF goes to find out who it is and returns.

RSF: "As much as you'd like to have this throne, Dingo. I think it's best that we leave here and build a new fort. A fort well-designed for your Dark Spam powers. We have too many enemies that will find us. There are too many people after us. As strong as your Spamlings are, they cannot defeat both Order and Chaos. I am sure that these two parties will team up to defeat us. All those that have tried to conquer the world in the past have become greedy and impatient. We are not ready to take on everyone. We need to design a fortress with your dark spam powers in mind."
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted March 29, 2004 04:51 AM
Edited By: Vadskye91 on 29 Mar 2004

Vadskye heard voices, or thought he did.  They seemed to be coming from RSF's room.

???: "We need to build a fortress with your Dark Spam powers in mind."

Then the intruders left.  Vadskye took a moment to digest what had just been said, then realized with horror that the sacrifice had succeded.  At least they were gone, Dingo and whoever else was there.  Probably RSF.  Vadskye began to wander the fort, trying to decide what to do.  He stumbled across the throne room.  It was a mess, with SPAM all over the place.  Some of it seemed to be stained.  Vadskye realized it was Dark SPAM; Dingo and Woock had fought here.  Vadskye the throne empty; Woock had gone.  Vadskye realized that Dingo must have won.  Woock's body was no longer here; he must have gone away.  Maybe after he had recovered, he would come back.  Or maybe he was dead for good.  Either way, this was really, really bad.
Knowledge is power...

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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted March 29, 2004 08:52 PM

The Tavern Of Sorts

Silver walked and strutted over the cobblestone road. The little gnome found it to be very nice to have a stroll in the late day. The sun was setting and there was a slight breeze blowing through his furry beard. "Another day gone and another night coming", he thought to himself.

He hurried along till he came upon the local tavern up the the road a bit. It was an old and run down place two stories tall, but it's walls seem to hold the elements at bay while its customers danced away the night. Glowing lights eminated from within, out of the rusty storm shudders and the crevaces of the main door.

As he opened the door it creeked loudly and a smell of all sorts of aged beverages hit him like a vineyard. He inhaled deeply and a small grin came over his face. He took a few steps in and stopped to scan the place for livelihood. As he stood there he thought to himself, "Hmm, this place seems a bit musty. What to do. What to do." A bit of self consorting and he found himself a quiet little corner to sit in and watch the goings-on of the place. He gathered himself comfortably and decided to wait to see if anyone from either side of the war would make an appearance. He had some business with a few he had seen in battle and thought this to be the best place to meet up with them should they decide to hit the road anytime soon.
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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