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Heroes Community > Bards Glade Pyre (RPG) > Thread: Let's have War
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Supreme Hero
posted June 21, 2005 09:09 PM

Time to Awaken


The Unholy wakes up after 5 years of rest, feeling nothing at all he takes a step and looks down, for some reason he is floating. A cold chill runs down his spine, slowly he turns around and sees something that will haunt him.

As he turns around, he sees chains on the wall, chaining a tattered black robe, enclosing a small frail skeleton, his skeleton. He looks at his hands, and sees he is nothing but the evil spirit he is, his physical form no longer capable of hosting his spirit. Suddenly he feels weaker. He don't feel any power, even though he's a spirit, he feels mortal. He needed a physical form, or his soul would deterioritate. He hoped he had not lost the ability to possess, perhaps he could muster just enough energy to possess something one more time.'

The spirit begin to hover, and then he zoomed fowards, SMACK! He couldnt move, he had hit something. He heard voices.

Voice 1: What was that?
Voice 2: Is it what i think it is?

The voices hushed and footsteps replaced them. Two elves entered the room. The Unholy one stopped attempting to leave and stayed very still.

Voice 1: I think the body has died. Is the spirit loose?

Voice 2: I know your there you..whatever you are. I know what you are, and all about you. Now its time we end your existance.

The second Elf pulls out a glowing orb.

Voice 2: You know what this is don't you? Yes i can feel your fear, for once you are experiencing what so many of your victims have felt before you ruthlessly slaughtered them! Now all i have to do is activate it, you are pulled into it, then i destroy it, and no more will you plague this world!

The Unholy one had to think fast, as the Elf began walking more into the room, he zoomed towards the Elf, quicker than he pressed the button, the Unholy One became the Elf. The Elf shuddered, and turned around. He looked towards the other elf, who was completly clueless

Elf 1: Well, did you get him?

The Unholy One: No...

Elf 1: Then what are you doing?

The Unholy One: This...

He took the sphere, and aimed at at the first elf. Before he could react, the orb began glowing, and the Elf's body dropped, lifeless. He grinned and threw the orb against the wall, shattering the orb and the soul, the fate that was meant for him. He would exact revenge on those who had done this to him.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Supreme Hero
The 5th Element & 6th Sense!
posted June 22, 2005 09:40 AM
Edited By: Leo_Lion on 1 Aug 2005

As the sun gently set over the tree-lined horizon, the sky gradually changed from light blue to dark red. Seeing this from his room at the top of the Fort of Order, a figure emerged onto the stone balcony to inspect the telltale sign of upcoming bloodshed.

Upon reaching the balcony’s railing, his short black hair bent against a chilling wind, coming from the North-eastern mountains. He wasn't cold however, since he wore a brown robe, sewn from thick native wool that not only matched his eyes' color, but also their connection to nature. Although he was small in stature and young in age, Lyon knew all too well that a crimson sky at nightfall foreshadowed violent events the next day. This made him ponder many things, as any leader of men would do when faced with an ominous warning such as this one.

"Order...What is it exactly? Am I creating order, as it truly exists, or am I simply imposing my temporary understanding of it upon the people of these lands?", Lyon whispered into the wind.

Having his conscience burdened with many deaths and difficult decisions, this 13-year-old boy had seen the most terrible and also the most admirable aspects of humanity in the past 3 years. Lyon, however, had also learned and accomplished more than his age alluded to. But now, as he stood gripping the cold railing with his small hands and stared out at the ever-present crimson-stained sky, he fought an ongoing battle to overcome his inner enemies and fears.

As usual, Lyon's first trial was to subdue the feelings of guilt that threatened to tear his very soul apart. Whether his troops or those of his opponents, Lyon’s orders had led to so many deaths that he failed to understand how he could ever repay such a debt. He often asked himself: "How could one person ever make amends for killing thousands of people, when he only has a single life to give?!" Through this question, however, Lyon knew that he possessed the answer to control his feelings of guilt. He reassured himself that by devoting his existence to improving the lives of others, he could repay any debt that he incurred...ten times over.

Feeling better at having put his guilt to rest, Lyon's psyche however, was immediately assailed by the numerous questions surrounding his origins. He knew that the former Supreme Magi, Artemus, had raised him; but he did not know who his parents were. Every time he inquired about them to his mentor, he received the same answer: "You already know, and in time you will remember. When your mind, body, and soul align themselves in perfect order, all will be revealed to you." And so, Lyon had always channelled his thoughts and energy into improving these 3 aspects of himself; despite the foreign sentiments that those familiar words stirred within him.

He exercised and trained extensively, in order to perfect his growing physique and sharpen his uncanny fighting abilities. He studied all aspects of warfare, complicated philosophies, and important political strategies; in order to mould and expand his hungry mind. Yet, for his soul, all he could manage to do was meditate and suppress the occasional and unexpected outbursts of emotion that he feared would one day make him mad...or worse, keep him from discovering who his parents were. Lyon knew, nevertheless, that everything would eventually work itself out, if given enough time.

This thought seemed to pull him through his inner ordeal, as he realized that time was of the essence; if he was to prevent the foreshadowed bloodshed from going unchecked. Bellowing to an attendant in his childlike voice, he summoned Artemus to his balcony.


"I assume that you wish to do something about the sky tonight, my Lord? I would gladly change its color for you, if I could, but I would rather see what you have in mind first.", joked Artemus.

As a smile formed on his mouth, Lyon looked over at his mentor to determine why he had suddenly made a feeble attempt at humour. When he looked into the ancient man's hands, however, he immediately saw that the source of Artemus’ silliness was not his keen intellect, but a large goblet of wine. Allowing the man a moment to take another sip, Lyon stepped forward and stared up stonily at someone who was obviously taking advantage of his position of power in the Fort of Order. Lyon admitted to himself though, that he understood why someone like Artemus would indulge in earthly pleasures, despite having once been a Supreme Magi.

After all, this man had the burden of playing leader to the Fort of Order, while in truth, he was simply following Lyon's orders. He understood very well that although he could volunteer his wisdom and suggestions to the true leader of Order, he could never go against Lyon's wishes or commands. That was a promise that he had made to the boy’s parents, and it was a promise that he intended to keep!

"Tell me old man", Lyon said. "Have I missed the dinner banquet once again?"

"I believe word was sent to you 30 minutes ago, my Lord." replied Artemus. "But, when you did not join us right away, we decided to eat the food and drink the wine that had been placed on the table, before it spoiled or was eaten by rats."

"Ahhh, I see." acknowledge Lyon. "Well, then...I suppose that means that you have enough food & drink in your belly to dispatch my orders to our troops yourself then, correct?"

As Lyon finished saying those words, all traces of intoxication were shaken off by the former Supreme Magi. He now stood attentively; ready to memorize his Lord's commands and hastily deliver them to whomever they were intended for.

"This bloody sky foretells of violence against us, Artemus." said Lyon, as he pointed off to the darkening horizon. "For the next 24 hours, I want the scouts and patrols around this Fort and the nearest town doubled. If they so much as hear a twig break, I want to know about it!"

"What of the townsfolk and the army reserves, Sir?" questioned Artemus.

"Issue an order for our reserves to report here in the morning. I want to give them some time with their families before we call them in to face whatever it is that will happen tomorrow. As for the rest of the citizens; tell them to stay indoors until daybreak and to travel in groups until everything is settled. I don’t want to disrupt the peace that we have fought so hard and sacrificed so much for, but I won’t be foolish and risk the lives of innocent people."

As Artemus mentally recorded his leader’s orders and worked out, in his mind, the quickest way to disseminate them; he inquired: "What do your senses tell you about the source of the violence, my Lord?"  Hearing the man’s reference to his unexplainable ability to see the truth in all circumstances (whether a web of lives, smoke-screen of deception, fog of misinformation, or mist of uncertainty), Lyon could not help but to dive into a deep trance.

As he did, whenever he faced unknown variables, Lyon took all of the available information that he possessed and processed it through his unique internal filter. Through a mechanism that he didn’t quite understand himself, Lyon would look at a situation, and consider all of the information that he had about it. Then suddenly, the truth would become apparent to him! It was as if answers to unknown questions would stream into his mind from somewhere foreign within him. This obscure process not only served to tell Lyon when someone was lying, but it also gave him a vague sense of foresight. And in this current situation, his unique ability was telling him that the bloodshed was going to directly involve a factor that he had not anticipated.

"Artemus!" said Lyon, with a level of authority commonly seen in adult Kings. "After you give out my orders to our army Captains, clean yourself up, gather a small troop of escorts, and travel to the Chaos Fort. My senses showed me that we have ignored Mordikai for too long and we must now employ our best diplomacy if we wish to avoid the bloodshed foretold by this crimson sky."
*The end to no beginning...

*Take care, Leo

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted June 22, 2005 10:08 AM

*Hearing noises from afar I lifted my head to a redishish sky in the evening. Looking for the voices I saw nothing, but yet, the noises appeared to be coming from what I thought was a deserted Order Fort*

Gorman: Hmm, I wonder what may have taken up residency among these parts?

*Rising up from the log I dust myself off and tighten my endless bag of holding around my waist. It was never apparent what I had stolen from the Forts as I had little use for magics, they just all looked valuable and my thievery instincts said to take them. I slowly start to walk towards the old Order Fort to investigate the strange noises....*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
posted June 24, 2005 01:21 AM

The Unholy one, in his new body, leaves the dungeon with evil intentions.

This new form was odd, while similar to human form on the outside, the elven body was entirely different on the inside, for one the hard pumped blood at much faster rate than that of a human. He felt extremly balanced and coordinated, and light, even though he was wearing the Royal High Elven armor. Humans only used less than a quarter of their lungs, due partially to the fact the diaphraghm could not retract as far. The Elf used over half of their lung space. He felt much more powerful in this form, even without his magic powers. This body was a keeper.

He had things to do. First, he must feed. He had not eaten in so long, he forgot what food tasted like. His prey was soon near, a wild horse was grazing in the feilds. Plump, delicious, prey, beautiful...The Unholy One took a second and wondered why he had thought that. It didnt bother him, he unsheathed one of the elven swords, and aimed it at the horse. He threw it with all his might, striking it in the ribcage. It shrieked and fell to the ground. The Unholy One stalked unto it. He prepared to slice a large chunk of meat off, but something stopped him. The injured horse looked up at him, he began to feel an usual feeling, he could not describe it.

Sympathy? Sorrow?

Startled, the Unholy one looked around. He saw no one.

Dont worry, your not going crazy. Its my feeling, knowing that my own body is going to slay this precious animal for nothing more than a meal.

The Unholy One looks around frantically.

"Who's there? Where are you! Show yourself!"

He noticed the voice he spoke with sounded remarkably like the voice in his head..Wait, could it be?

Congratulations! you figured it out! You thought by possessing me, you would kill off my soul? Well, i am guessing you never possessed an elf before, now have you? Anyways, i guess were stuck together now. I know what your thinking, you want to leave this body? Well you can't, unless you'd like to die. A fortunate thing about being an elf is, if you get possessed, you feel safe knowing that the creature can never possess another living being. I can see all your thoughts, i can know everything your thinking. I am a part of you now, i guess you can call me your consience, you needed one anyways

The Unholy One stared into space, unbelieving. What had he gotten himself in to?

Anyways, since i know all about you, i shall tell you my first name. Leon.

The unholy one speaks, slowly.

"And your last name, elven scum?"

Ah, fool, Us elves do not dishonor our family name by giving it out to our enemies.

The Unholy one remained silent. He was stuck with this scum for eternity. There had to be some way to rid of it.  He looked down to the horse, and realized it was gone.

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Supreme Hero
The 5th Element & 6th Sense!
posted June 25, 2005 08:10 AM
Edited By: Leo_Lion on 1 Aug 2005

After dispatching Lyon's orders to the various army Captains and Lieutenants, Artemus gathered a small contingent of his finest soldiers in the dark and musty stables. They now prepared themselves for a voyage that would take them to the lands of long-ago legends & nightmares, from which they could only hope to return. Although, regular patrols were conducted around the Chaos Fort, it had been years since anyone from the Fort of Order had actually gone inside and returned to report on what they saw.

As the veteran soldiers mounted their horses, which were intimidating and powerful beasts despite only being covered with a traditional leather saddle; Artemus chose to ride atop a beautiful black stallion. He reasoned that while the soldiers' horses would fare well in a battle, as they had most likely experienced warfare firsthand, his stallion would allow him a quick and discreet retreat. Lyon's instructions were very clear that Artemus must arrive at the Chaos Fort before the sun rises, and arrange a truce with their leader, Mordikai.

And so, with no further delay, Artemus called out: "Keep your eyes open as we ride gentlemen, but remember that you need not fear anything that we might encounter during this voyage, for we are Soldiers of Order! So hold your heads up high, not only to scan the horizon, but so that anyone who sees us coming may understand that we travel with a noble purpose."

Then, one by one, the soldiers galloped out of the stables and over the cobblestone road that led through the Fort of Order's massive steel gate. As Artemus led the way, he was pleased to see that the moon and many stars were shining brightly in the sky to illuminate their path. For the soldiers' benefit, he said: "The heavens will guide us tonight and assure our safety, gentlemen. It is written in the tapestry of the stars."

As minutes turned into miles and then into hours, the distance between the diplomatic party and the Fort of Order continued to grow. Along the way, they briefly exchanged observations about the vegetation growing in the surrounding area and pointed out possible hidden dangers to each other.  However, nothing worth noting had happened...yet.

As the group started ascending a long and steady hill, they slowly began to distinguish a humanoid shape on the horizon. Despite their concern, they continued towards the top of the elevation, certain that they would only encounter a common traveller or an intoxicated bard, who hadn't heard about the order to stay indoors or travel in groups. As they reached the crest of the hill, however, they were all amazed to see that the figure could not belong to any human, because it had wings at its side.

Seeing this, the escort party came to an immediate stop and took a defensive formation. However, noting the creature's nonchalant attitude towards his group's military connection, Artemus decided to approach it himself in order to remove any element of mystery from the situation. As the former Supreme Magi led his horse towards the winged creature, the soldiers were almost mesmerized by the incredible scene developing before them:

With the moon in full glow behind its silhouette, the creature gracefully spread out its wings in a sort of greeting gesture as it casually walked towards Artemus. It was an utterly magnificent sight to behold, but appearances can be deceiving.
*The end to no beginning...

*Take care, Leo

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted June 25, 2005 10:31 AM

As Wilder left Mordikai's chambers, the shadow mage let down his guard and stepped out onto his balcony, looking up to the heavens for some glimpse of a star winking. It was a sure sign that someone up there was watching him. He desperately needed to know he was not alone, for it would help him last until morning of this undeniably fretful night. Especially if Shiela was watching.

A frigid gale blew in from the east, from the direction of the Order Fort, an unfavorable wind as far as the shadow mage was concerned. They, the soldiers of passion, would meet the soldiers of virtue head-on, and, though Mordikai regretted making his decision, he knew it must be done. People were flocking to the Order in hopes of eternal reward and the promise of a greater purpose than they have been given here in this land, and if he did not act soon, all would be lost for his brethren who looked to him for hope. Chaos was better in theory, but the masses simply could not stomach the risks a life filled with unbridled passion would bring. This was a losing battle for Mordikai, but he did not seem to mind as he searched the skies that night. In the end, the shadow mage would have to live up to the fact that he was simply playing this role to feel needed, to distract himself until he could find the rogue mage, Dean.

However, this was different from his crusade against the time mage that now seemed so long ago, for Shadowcaster, the man that Mordikai once was, lacked one very important thing: the capacity to remain selfless. He had sworn that his vengeance against Rinaldo was all for his lost love, but this was not the case, for it was Shadowcaster that had killed her in the first place. His was a selfish crusade, brought on by a warped sense of justice that could never be satiated, for it relied on having someone to blame. Mordikai did not want to kill Dean, not anymore. The past three years had robbed him of that desire, partly because he was a changed man and partly because he could not find the slippery mage with all the scouts he could afford to send out. It was that same need for manpower that had driven the shadow mage to restore Chaos.

Whenever he found Dean, Mordikai intended simply to repay him the favor he had done the Council of Supreme Magi and rob him of the power to spread misery. In his eyes, this was justifiable in every way. But he needed patience, and the Order was a more immediate threat than was the hiding mage, and Artemus had to be dealt with before the shadow mage could concentrate on finding Dean once more. Once he had finished his mission, Mordikai would join Shiela and Alivia and at last be at rest.

Just then, a star in the sky blinked down at Mordikai, and he smiled and waved, turning away to get some rest only after it had winked again. His war was far from over.

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Supreme Hero
posted June 25, 2005 11:09 AM

The Unholy One stops and sits under a tree. He speaks out loud

"Im beginning to wonder if death would be worth it, putting up with you for eternity, or death. Death sounds very promising right about now."

Yes, kill yourself. Please, you think you got it bad? Im trapped in my own body, which is controlled by a ten thousand year old..thing!

"There has to be some way to block you out, mute you, tune you out!"

A rabbit hops by and sniffs The Unholy One's foot. He grabs it, snatches it up, and eats it whole, not even chewing it.

That was unneccessary, what did it do to you?

"It wandered across my path. Now, enough of this foolish jabber. Time to find the fools who defeated me."

Standing up, the Unholy one feels sickened, yet glad in this bright field. Light shining through the tree's, flowers blossoming, small mammals hopping around, going about their business. Birds chirped up in the trees, it was as if animals were attracted to the elf. He had the urge to slay them, but not to. Was it possible the elf was controlling his feelings? The environment is repulsive, yet relaxing.

For a minute the unholy one began to question his mind. Was it possible for him to become human? Was it possible to develop emotions? Could he leave his evil life behind, and form some sort of symbiotic relationship with the elf in his head? No, such thoughts are weaknesses, and must be eliminated. He shook his head and continued walking.

He had to get out of this feild, he wanted to incinerate it, but had no means of doing so. He had to find someplace darker, more desolate. The forest would do for now. He left the path, and went into the dark forest. Almost immediatly quietness ensued, and nothing could be seen but the dark shadows of the trees. He felt somewhat more relaxed here.

I bet you feel right at home here, dont you?

He ignored the voice, figured if he did so, it would shut up. After walking a long time, he felt something he hadnt felt in over ninety five thousand years..Fatigue. A feeling he'd rather have forgotten. He suddenly longed for the state of undeath. He knew while his will was solid, the mortal body needed rest.

Ah, congratulations, yes i need to sleep.

Again he ignored the voice. He tried to fall asleep, but could not. He had forgotten how to.

Forget how to sleep! How could you forget how to sleep?!


The Unholy One, very angry, picked up the largest rock he could find. He held it back, and knocked himself in the head with the rock. It didn't feel too good, but he slept.

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 09, 2005 12:40 AM

For weeks Rinaldo spent his days in meditation and in prayer to Sha'Rah asking for enlightment, strength and guidance. Each day he returned not exhausted, but revitalized. The few wrinkles that the time mage had acquired over his years had disappeared bit by bit each day as if the years had blown away in the wind. His grasp over time and space returned. But with it this time came a new talent with which he had been practicing among his beloved elven people for all the years he had spent here seeking out his inner peace. This talent was that of the powers of nature and of life, something he never felt he could truly call forth, something he could never master. The time mage had received many gifts from Sha'Rah, ones he had never requested, yet given to him anyway. He had asked no less than a thousand times for the nature of his quest.

Rinaldo sat with his wife on an early morning in meditation hoping that the enlightenment he seeked would be granted.

"Beloved Sha'Rah!" Rinaldo thought in deep passion, "Of all the gifts you have given me these past few weeks, I could not be more grateful, except for two things, one of my unborn son, and two the nature of my quest. You have shown me the troubles that will plague the lands. You have shown me, Mordikai and the struggles he now faces. You have even shown me the refugees who venture far from the west, yet never have I learned the 'what,' the 'why,' whe 'who,' or any specifics, only vague images that tell me little of anything." The time mage sat and patiently waited for an answer which he hoped would be 'the answer.' And after a mere minute, a short time The Goddess gave him his blessings and spoke to him in his thoughts.

"You my child must find out these things on your own. I have told you the troubles of these lands only so you know where to look. This time a true threat grows and will eventually visit the the rest of my children if not stopped. You are to do what you must to protect your people. You will find a way because you are of who you are. Time is of the essence even for one such as yourself. You have my blessings child."
Go Red Sox!

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted July 12, 2005 08:59 AM

The night began peacefully, but soon Mordikai was awakened by yet another nightmare. He awoke in the middle of what seemed an endless field, with two armies on either side waiting in the wings for the word to attack. The shadow mage looked toward both armies in hopes that he could signal his side to attack before the enemy had a chance to respond, but he could not tell which side was which. As the armies grew more and more restless, the shadow mage became more and more impatient with his indecisive stupor and eventually turned and gave the signal to the army on his left. They charged, and the other troops stood still as they were massacred, never moving until the end. Amidst the chaos, a whisper pierced the air, clear as day through the mists of turmoil.

What have you done?

What could it have meant? Mordikai knew that he would never betray his men; they were his life now. Yet, something about the dream still haunted him. The shadow mage's dreams had always meant something, and the few times that he had dreamt, they served as a glimpse into the future. He did not know why this happened, but it always did. This, too, signified something, but what?

Mordikai called his personal guard to come into his chambers.

"How are the scouts faring in their search for Order tactical information? Have we found what Artemus plans to do?"

The guard looked awkwardly into Mordikai's eyes, and he seemed puzzled as he responded: "Sir, who is Artemus?"

"The leader of the Order armies..." He trailed off, continuing after a while. Something was wrong. "Haven't you heard the news from our spies?"

"They have not yet returned, and no one has heard from them either. I hate to say it, but we fear the worst."

"But they must have reported in! I heard from your man Wilder that the scouting operations were a complete success. He told me all about Artemus and how he runs his Order like a twisted cult that promises more than it can deliver. Are you saying that he was lying?"

"It seems that way, sir. I think that we should find this Wilder fellow and find out what's going on."

"Yes, check the lists and find out where he is staying so that I can pay him a little visit." The guard obeyed, and left to check the barracks listings.

Mordikai's mind was racing. Perhaps Order had sent their own spies to gather information on him, but why? Order had not mobilized as far as he knew, and they did not seem hostile to the Chaos region so long as they were left alone. There had to be some motive, but the shadow mage found himself hoping it was merely a communication error amongst the troops, even though such mistakes were hardly tolerable.

The guard returned and reported. "Sir...Mordikai!" he said frantically. "We don't have anyone by the name of Wilder in our ranks, not anywhere. He must be a spy!"

"But how could a spy get all the way to me without being noticed unless he had secretly joined our ranks and secured the passcodes to this sector?"

A voice interrupted from behind the pair, "It was simple really," said a lanky man as he stepped from a nearby alcove. "I just refused to be caught."

The shadow mage then knew who he was talking to: "Wilder!"

"Just call me Edwin."

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Legendary Hero
Fan of Red Sox
posted July 12, 2005 09:40 AM

Edwin threw back his cape behind his back revealing himself in full shape.

"Well I was wondering when you were going to figure it out." said Edwin with a chuckle. He held out his hand to show his good intentions. Mordikai returned no warm welcome to the intruder and remained motionless. His veins boiled with anger at the devastation this man had nearly done, yet somehow he admired him for the incredible feat this man had accomplished. Penetrating some of the most intricate and deadly defenses ever created.

"Do you realize what could have happened?" said Mordikai.

"It wasn't going to happen no matter what you think. I'm more certain of it than I am than I am that I'm standing here right now talking to you. You are Mordikai, you would have figured it out. And regardless of all of that in less than an hour you are going to be signing a peace treaty with the Order party. You'd have done so regardless of you figuring out I wasn't one of your men.

"The fact of the matter is that you are now going to have a strong ally among your ranks. Artemus is on his way here to parley with you as we speak, he wishes peace. And regardless of that, you now have another ally who can show you every weakness in your fort and every weakness in your soldiers."

Edwin stroked his hands through his hair and took a deep breath to give a moment of silence to Mordikai allowing him to absorb everything he had just said. Edwin watched Mordikai's face ever so slightly change expressions as the thoughts in his head battled against one another until finally his face steadied with a look of decision.

"What say you, Mordikai? Will you be friend or foe?"
Go Red Sox!

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted July 12, 2005 10:08 AM

*The rogue wizard intrigued me. One of his stature being seen with armed companions. I couldn't blame him, after Dean's little rampage with the Order....I'd be cautious too if I were him. However, I approached proudly, wings and arms outstretched to show that I meant no harm. Not taking my eyes off the eyes of the wizard I smiled warmly*

Gorman: I see I am no longer the only one who goes into other's building's without invitation. Might I ask whom you are and what might your purpose be here?
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
posted July 12, 2005 11:25 AM

The Unholy one awakened, with a throbbing pain in his forehead.

Smart move, knocking yourself out.


Yelling like this will make people think you are insane. Now you don't want to attract too much attention, do you?

The Unholy One grumbles, as he conteplates suicide. He rules it out, until after he gets revenge on the main four who had helped and caused in his defeat (Asmodean's character, RedSoxFan3's character Gorman's character, and MightyMage's character)

He would stalk each of them individually, and cause much pain and suffering. But he would not allow their spirit to rest in peace. No, they didn't deserve that. Not at all

I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Known Hero
LHW Paladin
posted July 14, 2005 12:53 AM

Dean and Deimos went back to the Nomads' camp. Dean sat down on a piece of rubble. Deimos remained standing.
Dean: What are we going to do, Deimos?
Deimos: About what?
Dean: About Gorm.
Deimos: Leave him alone. Surely we have enough power without him.
Dean: STUPID! We need as much help as we can get. It's no secret about what I did to the Supreme Magi, and I don't think that Mighty or any of them would trust me. We need a spy.
Deimos: Spy, at your service.
Dean laughed.
Dean: Don't be ridiculous. You're too stupid to be a spy.
Deimos's scales suddenly became much more red. He drew his claws.
He raised his hands, and a pillar of fire enevloped Dean. When it cleared, Dean sat there as if nothing happened.
Dean: Now, did you really think that would work?
Deimos roared, and jumped at Dean, slashing at him with his claws. Dean jumped out of the way.
Deimos: DIEEEEEE!!
He raised his hands again, and a pillar of ice appeared in the air, and started falling down on Dean. Dean moved out of the way.
Dean: Demon!
The demon in Hans's body appeared.
Dean: Crush him!
Hans-demon jumped at Deimos. Deimos slashed out with his claws. They struck, and drew blood.
Deimos: Got you!
Hans raised his fist, and struck Deimos in the head as hard as he could. Deimos flew into the air, and landed on his back.
Deimos: Your only soldier is now poisoned, Dean. He's going to die.
Dean: He's undead, remember?
Deimos: Well, my poison is an acid that burns through organs and skin. Your minion will have several holes in him. Goodbye.
He ran off into the forest.

Somar the paladin was wandering through the forest. He was remembering why he was there.
In the Order of Holy Warriors
Leader: Somar, you must go and convert the heretics of the troubled land.
Somar: But I am lowly, and a paladin! A paladin's mission-
Leader: Is to make people's lives better by destroying unholy things and sacrifying things. This is your mission. Now go!

Somar thought, "Well, this is certanly "sacrifying". I've lost count on how many times nomads tried to "sacrify" me by running their swords through me! Nevertheless, I'm sure the High Priest was acting for the best. I'm just a lowly paladin. It is not my concern." A magog suddenlly ran by him.
Somar: Halt, unholy being!
The magog stopped.
Magog: What do you want, tin can? I'm in a hurry.
Somar: Silence, unholy scum! I will run you through with my holy sword!
Magog: Nice to meet you too. Name's Deimos. Now, if you'll excuse me-
Somar: I most certainly will not, Magog.
Deimos: I'll burn and freeze you!
He raised his hands. Somar's armor suddenly became freezingly cold. Somar chanted something, and a yellow spark flew from his sword and into Deimos.
Deimos: What are you doing?!
Nothing happened.
Deimos: Okay. Now-
Deimos began to become transparent.
Somar: I'm sending you back where you belong, to the Inferno!
Deimos: Thanks, I wanted to go there anyway.
"Now I can finally claim my kindgom," he thought as he finally disappeared.
Somar kept on walking, and soon he left the forest and found a fort. He walked up to a guard.
Somar: What is this place?
Guard: This is the Chaos fort.
Somar: Is this a temple to some Chaos god?
Guard: No. This is a military base of the Chaos army.
Somar: May I come in?
Guard: I can tell you're not from the order army. I'll talk with Lord Mordikai about it.
Let's Have War=Best thread on HC.

By the way, my name is Deimos, not Diemos.

Some people don't have a life. Others spend it on HC- Lord Woock.

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Supreme Hero
Shaded Scribe
posted July 14, 2005 01:45 AM

What the rogue said made sense, but Mordikai knew that if he was to keep control of his vast armies without a strict sense of order, all would-be usurpers would have to be kept at a distance. Everyone was under suspicion at first, and the shadow mage made sure the rogue knew up front that it was not easy to earn his trust. Mordikai would not, however, pass up the chance to earn such a valuable ally, and it was obvious he meant no harm. If the rogue had wanted to kill him, he would have already done so.

"Just know, Wilder-"

"Call me Edwin."

"Edwin," the rogue was too arrogant for his own good, Mordikai thought, "I'm sure you understand that I cannot trust you right now, and I would wager you don't trust me either, but this alliance would benefit us mutually."

Edwin nodded and ventured to respond, but a knock at the door beat him to it.

"Come in!" shouted the shadow mage. A guard stepped into the room.

"Sir, we have received reports from the guards up above that there is someone at the gate who wishes to come in...a paladin."

"What? Did he say why?"

"No, sir, but he did not seem to be hostile."

"They never do. Paladins are fanatics for religions and structure, what would possess him to come here to the realm of Chaos."

Edwin cut in, "A peace emissary, perhaps."

"Yes, that may be," Mordikai seemed to be concocting a plan in his mind. "Tell you what, Edwin. If you go out and find what this paladin wants and let me know his intentions, then I will trust you enough to fight alongside you. I personally can't stand those religious types, so this is ideal for both of us."

He extended his hand. "What do you say?"

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Supreme Hero
The 5th Element & 6th Sense!
posted July 20, 2005 01:03 AM
Edited By: Leo_Lion on 1 Aug 2005

Artemus had to remind himself to remain calm, yet regal, while approaching this impressive creature. He understood all too well that his diplomatic party was getting very near to the edge of Order-occupied lands and ever closer to the Chaos Fort. Although he could not distinguish whether this was some kind of a trap or if it really was a blessing-in-disguise, Artemus knew that his master, Lyon, would not want him to simply continue travelling past this intriguing being. He reminded himself that Lyon believed in there being a purpose for everything that occurred in life; from the most trivial circumstances, to the most complex situations. During one of their recent discussions in the Fort of Order, Lyon had exclaimed: "There is always a meaning or reason for everything that takes place around us. We have only to look and not be afraid of what we see. Only through this process might we actually glimpse the true nature of our destiny."

Replaying these words through his mind, Artemus was reminded of the vast amount of wisdom that his pupil possessed. Not only did this thought satisfy the old man, but it also convinced him that there was a specific reason why this creature was at this place, at this very moment. He could only hope that it was divine intervention that had brought them together and not some unholy coincidence.

“I see that I am no longer the only one who goes into other's building's without invitation. Might I ask whom you are and what might your purpose be here?” asked the winged creature.

“My name is Artemus and I am the leader of the Fort of Order. My party and I are travelling to the Chaos Fort to develop a new relationship with its leader, Mordikai.” Sensing no immediate hostile intentions on the creature’s behalf, Artemus chose to question him on his first statement, in order to understand if this being had come prepared for this very encounter. “I’m sorry, but I do not understand what you mean by mentioning uninvited guests. Please elaborate, uhmmm…Sorry but you didn’t mention your name.”
*The end to no beginning...

*Take care, Leo

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted July 20, 2005 06:14 AM

*It was amusing how they seemed to fear me while I spoke. My very words made the weaker men tremble in fear while the battle hardened warriors regarded me sternly. This Artemus asked his questions and I pondered on wether to enlighten him by answering or not*

Gorman: My name? You seem rather demanding suddenly. What does my name mean to you? Can I not tell when you're adressing me? As to what I meant by "uninvited guests", I ask for a reason. Both forts have long been deserted. Suddenly strangers from out of no where claim they've owned it for some time now. Years ago I was but a petty theif to a god when I stole ancient texts and other novelties from both the forts. Many years have past when both forts stood empty and deserted, their previous owners going off to fight in the Forsaken War. Perhaps that little bit of information will tell you who I am. I am well reknowned afterall. Now, let me ask you something, to what purpose do you serve searching Mordikai? What are you hoping to accomplish here?
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Legendary Hero
posted July 25, 2005 07:05 PM

It had been weeks since the hunter once known as Mighty Mage set off although to his weary mind it felt longer.  Nothing would stop him though.  Not this time.  As his horse patted on through the snowy hills of Avalonia, Lance could tell he would soon be traveling on foot.  Bolt was slowing with age and was no longer the mighty steed he had once been.  The constant falling snow did nothing to make him better either.  Suddenly and without notice Bolt stopped, still as stone.  Looking straight ahead, Lance could see what had halted their movment so abruptly.  Just ahead of them was a pack of ice demons.  Their long pointy fingers resembled iceicles of sorts yet somhow looked more deadly with their ghastly glow.  For years they had been hunted in these parts and still a number of them remained.  Their rituals were terrible in practice for they held nothing dear.  Not even their own kin.  Without a second thought they would grab a child like a bag and toss it over their shoulders to be carried away for sacrifice.  It was once said that they do this to fall back into the graces of their former dark lord who threw them from his kingdom eons ago.
Just the look on their newly bloodied faces was enough to tell Lance they would never mean peace.  With speed only seen among true swordsmen, Lance drew his blade.  It's inlaid crystal glowed fiercely in his grip.  He moved forward leaving Bolt behind with bags in tow.  The demons knew he was coming for their hunger told them.  It was always this hunger that drove them, this time however, to their death.
Like a crash of lightning, Lance swung down taking out the first charging monster with ease.  With another mighty swing two more were sent to their grave.  In a daring attempt to counter the hunter, two of the demons latched like leeches to his legs while another jumped upon his back.  Lance flew forward all the while swinging at his back to detach the beast.  With luck he was able to hit the demon square on the icy head sending it to the snowy floor below.  In fear, the two 'leeches' let go and ran in the oppisite direction.  Lance had one other trick up his sleeve.  In his other hand he now held a crossbow with bolt neatly in place.  A click of the trigger sent the miniture arrow flying in the direction of one demon who flew forward with just enough force to take out his brother.  With all the ruthlessness these beasts once had, Lance swung down be-heading them where they lay.  By now he others had scattered leaving an open path for Lance to travel.  And so he did.  Climbing once again upon his horce, Lance set off towards the unknown.  The coldness he felt when slaughtering the beasts remained with him.  Not because of trauma but because he liked it.  At this thought he smiled.

Though I must still bow
in awe for the awesomeness that is
MightyMage.  For he is all I could ever
want to be!
- OhforfSake

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Supreme Hero
The 5th Element & 6th Sense!
posted July 26, 2005 05:04 AM
Edited By: Leo_Lion on 1 Aug 2005

Artemus could sense that, based on his arrogant demeanour and historical insights into the Forts of Order & Chaos, there was much more to this creature than met the eye. Artemus knew that the important thing now, was to avoid wasting time by arguing about semantics or demanding that he be addressed properly by this strange being. There would be plenty of opportunity to utilize the diplomatic skills that he had perfected while training Lyon, when he would come face to face with Mordikai.  Therefore, he decided to deflect many of the questions that were flung at him, by getting to the heart of the matter.

Adopting a smooth and hypnotic tone of voice, which Artemus had recently begun teaching Lyon, he looked squarely into the winged-creature's eyes as he spoke a series words that possessed an underlying ability to calm anyone hearing them. "I will now speak the truth, as it is the universal form of communication that can be understood by anyone.” Noting how the strange being’s wings sagged ever so slightly and how his mouth was held tightly shut, Artemus knew that his approach was having its desired effect. And so, he continued. “If you wish to have your questions answered, friend, I suggest that you accompany us on our voyage to the Chaos Fort. Over the ensuing hours, I will gladly tell you about our business with Mordikai and the recent developments at the Fort of Order. In exchange, I’m sure that you’ll be more than willing to clarify what you already know about the forces of Chaos, and more importantly, about us.”

Seeking to win over the creature’s approval, without pushing his mild hypnosis too far, and wishing to carry on his journey; Artemus switched over to a more jovial tone of voice and temperament. “What do you say friend? Shall you fly next to me and regale us with some of your interesting tales? Will you join us?”
*The end to no beginning...

*Take care, Leo

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Legendary Hero
Been around since before 2003
posted July 26, 2005 09:14 AM
Edited By: gorman on 26 Jul 2005

*The man definatly had a way with words. Weather if his words were purely diplomatic or enchanted with spell, I figured that accompanying them wouldn't be a bad idea in the long run*

Gorman: Very well mortal. I shall accompany you to this Mordikai that you speak of. Perhaps the first act of trust is by making the first act eh? Lead on, I shall take my leiserly time.

*As the wizard turned his horse I leapt into the air and followed, keeping myself close to the wizard in case he had anything important to discuss. I was curious as to what they'd planned on a confrontation with this Mordikai and what their goals were. Perhaps after finding out I could assist them, or even better, they could assist me....*
When all else fails... Take notes.... ALL the time... ESPECIALLY when playing D&D.... or Pokemon in my case

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Supreme Hero
The 5th Element & 6th Sense!
posted July 27, 2005 01:17 AM
Edited By: Leo_Lion on 1 Aug 2005

As a cold chill blew open the shutters to his bedroom window, Lyon remained perfectly still. He had been taught from a very young age that it was always best to wait at least a full minute after awakening, before making any movements or sounds. Falling into a rhythm that had become second nature to him, he maintained his breathing at its regular pace, while he listened for any hint of the window’s sudden opening. Finally, after 45 seconds of tranquility, Lyon heard a faint sweeping noise coming from a dark corner of his room.

Someone or something was there!

Following the lessons that had been instilled into him from birth, Lyon prepared his body for action. He imagined himself coiling like a spring ready to bounce, or like a cobra ready to strike. All the while, he maintained a looseness that would allow him to flow away from an attack, as water would slip between open fingers. After another 45 seconds, he heard the same noise once more, however, this time it was closer.

Lyon determined that based on the proximity of the last sound compared to the first sweeping noise he had heard and the location of the window, if whatever it was that had entered his bedchamber held true to its movement pattern, it would be right next to him in less than a minute. It suddenly dawned on him that the blood red sky that he had seen earlier that evening might not have been predicting a bloody battle between his forces and those of Mordikai or some large-scale conflict involving the people of his land, but that maybe it was foretelling something from his own immediate future. As this realization came to him, Lyon continued to count 40…41…42…

As he finally opened his eyes in order to see what or who had snuck into his room, he saw a large sphere hovering above his bed. It was approximately the same size as his own lean body, yet it did not reflect any of the ambient moonlight. Instead, it had shade patterns shifting across its surface, which seemed to absorb anything that was around it; whether it be light, air, or people. As Lyon reached the count of 45, the sphere immediately dropped towards him on the bed, but he countered by rolling away and bounding to his feet.

Without hesitation, he started running for his chamber door and only took a split-second to look over his shoulder. To his astonishment, Lyon saw the sphere move through his sheets and mattress, and head straight for him. Although he had trouble understanding how this unknown element was able to fly through objects without consuming or obliterating them, he realised that it would easily overtake him before he made it out of his room or that it would simply go through the door, even if he did manage to reach the exit.

Lyon decided that his only chance of getting away from the object, was to dodge it until help arrived. In a flurry of motion, he turned around, dove under the sphere, and jumped back onto his bed. Unfortunately, as soon as he did this, he felt his feet sinking into his sheets and then into the mattress; which had been quite firm as he slept on them mere minutes before. Luckily for him, the sphere was slow coming about, after it had flown by the spot where he had just been. Noticing that his predicament was dire, Lyon called out to his guards. “Come quickly, I need help!”

Before anyone entered the bedchamber, however, the sphere was already moving towards him once again. As he tried to step out of the slime that used to be his mattress and sheets, Lyon realised that he would not be able to depend on his legs to help him avoid the dark mass. Just as it approached to within a few feet of him, he reached up, grabbed the bed frame with his hands, and pulled himself out of the slime and up over the bar. At the very same moment, the sphere careened through whatever was left of the mattress and the space where Lyon’s body had just been.

As a burly guard burst through the wooden door, with a sword in one hand and light-crystal in the other, he called out in order to understand why Lyon had beckoned him. “What is the problem, young Master?” As he finished saying those words, though, he already saw the source of his charge’s distress. The shady sphere was at the opposite end of the room and it was already moving towards the top of the bed frame. Like a whip snapping through the air, Lyon swung from one bar to another until he finally released himself into a series of somersaults, landing right next to his armed guard. As for the sphere, it was able to change course mid-flight and was now heading towards both men at an incredible speed.

Lyon prepared himself to jump away, but was suddenly pulled back by the strong hands of another guard, who had just entered the room seconds ago. In that same instance, the burly guard tossed his light-crystal aside and slashed at the approaching intruder with all of his might. To all of their horror, the guard’s sword simply passed through it and came out as a mass of metallic slime. Before he could do anything to get out of the way, the sphere consequently surrounded the burly man, as it had temporarily chosen a new target.

Lyon and the other guard watched on as the man’s figure began distorting and shifting along with the ball’s erratic surface patterns. Despite his efforts to claw through its edges, the guard could not break free. Oddly enough, it seemed to be taking much longer for the sphere to convert a person’s living tissue into slime, than it did to do the same thing with inanimate objects. Noting this delay, the other guard stepped forward and tried to liberate his companion by thrusting his own sword into the sphere. But he and Lyon were surprised, and disheartened, to see it simply ricochet off of the surface.

Not knowing what else to do, the guard kept hacking his sword against the sphere’s translucent surface, while he shouted to the other man. “Keep fighting it! Don’t let this infernal thing beat you! Stay alive, man…do you hear me? Stay alive!” Unfortunately, his efforts were wasted as a pile of slime dropped from the darkening mass and splashed all over the wooden floor. It wasn’t more than a second before the ball-of-death moved on and consumed the other guard, as if he were just another obstacle along his path of destruction.

In the meantime, questions began processing through Lyon’s mind, making full use of his unexplainable ability to see the truth in all matters. “Where did this thing come from? What is it? Who sent it? How does it function? Why does it take longer to convert living tissue? Is it magical?” Lyon soon realized that even though he did not have enough information to reach definitive answers to most of his questions, his obscure ability had shown him the one way to assuredly stop this persistent intruder.

He presumed that since he was the intended target, the dark mass would not prevent him from entering it. So, without delaying another second, Lyon successfully reached inside the sphere and grabbed the guard by the wrist. Although his clothes had already turned to slime and slid from his body, Lyon was able to pull the man out before his skin had started mutating. Content with having saved one of his guards from this alien object, Lyon gracefully stepped inside of it, as he knew it was the only thing that would put an end to its tireless pursuit.
*The end to no beginning...

*Take care, Leo

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