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Heroes Community > Turban Tribunal > Thread: Other Side of the Monitor
Thread: Other Side of the Monitor This thread is 4 pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV / NEXT»

Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted April 19, 2004 03:05 PM

Also, it might bring more balance to HC, which is pretty left-wing weighted, to have a more conservative mod in the mix.

We already have one -- RedSoxFan?  He's conservative and a mod.  Plus he has good sports taste.  Add another rightwinger and the mod population will not be representative of the community population.
Drive by posting.

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Legendary Hero
posted April 19, 2004 04:15 PM

[VETO] No privatehudson as moderator[/VETO]

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Supreme Hero
Peacemaker = double entendre
posted April 19, 2004 04:20 PM
Edited By: Peacemaker on 19 Apr 2004

We already have one -- RedSoxFan?  He's conservative and a mod.  Plus he has good sports taste.  Add another rightwinger and the mod population will not be representative of the community population.

bort -- and there are -- how many mods? My last observation is that there are about a dozen. So I disagree on that point.  Far be it for me to complain; my family views me as a flaming liberal.  But since we're talking about the Other Side of the Monitor here it may be very relevant.  Since the Other Side threads focus largely on political topics, IMHO diversity of viewpoints is the whole point.

Also, you ever wonder whether there's a relation between the political viewpoint of the authorities and that of the constituency?  In other words, having more conservative mods may draw a greater array of viewpoints into the fold over the long run here. So your observation about proportionate representation may really be  a chicken-and-egg phenomenon.  

(BTW, are you interested? I think you'd make a great mod; you're so aloof and all.  Combine that with your brains and you'd be excellent.  You're clearly one of the most prolific, informed and popular posters here.  How's your time treating you?)

EDIT POST:  Oh shut up Stiven!    LOL

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Legendary Hero
posted April 19, 2004 04:28 PM

I also think that many of you seems to pick from the "wrong" criterias.

Having a similiar assignment on another site..take it from me, being bright doesnt make you a good leader necessarily. Its off course good that your clever but as i tried and explain earlier with my sheep talk... you need to be able to get the sheep where you want aswell.

I have a first hand experience on what happens when you pick a leader because she is bright and not her leadership ability. Noone gets motivated to do anything and things had a huge potential just get let off and nothing happens.

Now i wouldnt mind giving my opinion on how many of the ppl u suggested would do as moderators. Problem is that many of them would problably take it personal (which is one big reason why they should be no mod in first place) and i would problably be balancing on the CoC when it comes to some members.

Though if anyone is interested i will comment it.

The one person ive commented so far is consis, but with him i saw no problem as he knows i value many of his qualities aswell.

If i were admin here though i would start a persuation campaign to get khaelo and bort as mods. Both are open minded. Both have authority. Both are achieving to get HC in the right direction. Both can take critism without turning it to personal vendettas. Both are clever and good with their words.

IMO its as simple as this, id rather have two good "part time" mods then 1 or 2 "fulltimers" that IMO would mess the place up.

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Supreme Hero
Discarded foreskin of morality
posted April 19, 2004 09:37 PM

I'm not saying Wolfman would necessarily make a bad mod.  I'm just saying that his conservatism doesn't work for him in the way you claim.  Given the liberal slant of the community as a whole it would be foolish to have him as the sole moderator of the real life forum.  I like the idea of Khaelo modding, maybe with Wolfman if you really feel the need for a right winger.  As for me?  Well, I'd do it, but not if I'm the only one.  I should warn, though, that my view is that the best moderator is a practically invisible one, so I might not be all that different from an absent Val.  I'd probably hand out a qp here and there and be quick with the delete button, but that's about it.  
Drive by posting.

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Supreme Hero
Peacemaker = double entendre
posted April 19, 2004 09:52 PM

I should warn, though, that my view is that the best moderator is a practically invisible one...

Yes, I couldn't agree more, particularly given the nature of the forum in question.  There have been some COC problems lately though, like for instance a porngraphic pic that stayed up a while.

The more I think about it the more I believe those of you are right who suggest there should be two mods for this forum, a "conservative" and a "liberal."  It may bring a greater degree of balance if they work together.

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Legendary Hero
posted April 19, 2004 10:19 PM


So make bort a moderator here and let him have the final say in who the 2nd mod will be. Afterall the most important thing for this forum is that it works as good as possible, and to do that we need the best possible teamwork.

Bort and khaleo sounds like a great team to me.

@bort, at forums like this i think the best moderator style is to keep the discussions quite open and as you say be the "invisible" mod. Its like a good football referee, the best ones you dont even notice they are there. They just do their job and have no desire at all to be in focus, i believe that is the best way to mod other side aswell.

Best of luck to you.

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Supreme Hero
statue-loving necrophiliac
posted April 20, 2004 02:43 AM

Yes, I couldn't agree more, particularly given the nature of the forum in question. There have been some COC problems lately though, like for instance a porngraphic pic that stayed up a while.

Ahem... I can't help but wonder which pornographic pic you mean by that. Are you suggesting anything, Peacemaker?
The meek shall inherit the earth, but NOT its mineral rights.

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Legendary Hero
posted April 20, 2004 11:52 AM

dont go dragging this off topic now you tossers, there are threads in other side part thats discussing that subject, take it there and not here.

Here we are discussin new mods.

Anyone seen val lately btw?

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Legendary Hero
God of Dark SPAM
posted April 20, 2004 03:18 PM

I believe I saw Val on HC about a week ago, maybe 2 weeks.
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Supreme Hero
Peacemaker = double entendre
posted April 20, 2004 05:02 PM

LOL No, Svarog... I was referring to a pic that I will IM you about.  In case it's still there I don't want to draw any more attention to it by describing it or whatnot.  It's probably been removed.  

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Supreme Hero
posted April 20, 2004 07:47 PM

Just a few notes:

IMO, political ideology shouldn't be a factor in modship.  A good mod can separate political opinions from Code of Conduct violations.  The only problem I see stemming from this is the definition of "porn" and possibly "racism," but that's going to be an issue regardless of who's modding.  Hopefully, that [stuff] won't hit the fan for a good while yet, if ever.    Part of the reason I feel comfortable supporting Wolfman as mod is because I trust that he won't censor highly liberal opinions, even if he disagrees with them, as long as they don't violate the CoC.

I agree with the points about invisible mods.    Perhaps a more accurate description would be an invisible modship.  The mods can still be active participants in debates, IMO.

Finally, a part-time modship is within my capabilities.  My first priority is graduating college (same as with Valeriy, based on past comments of his re: uni) and whatever work comes up during the summer, but most of the time I can manage this as well, if part of a team.
disguised as a responsible adult

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Supreme Hero
posted April 20, 2004 10:41 PM

I feel comfortable supporting Wolfman as mod is because I trust that he won't censor highly liberal opinions, even if he disagrees with them, as long as they don't violate the CoC.

Thank you, and you are correct.  Just because I disagree doesn't mean I'll throw my weight around.

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Legendary Hero
posted April 21, 2004 11:49 AM

so both bort and khaelo are ok with part time modship...

someone wake up valery and let him know we got 2 great candidates for other side forum mods

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Supreme Hero
posted April 21, 2004 04:06 PM

Don't forget Wolfman and Peacemaker.

I think all interested parties need to submit e-mail applications.  That is something I have not done, because I'm not on this particular ball right now (unless, of course, Valeriy is willing to accept a survey of ancient comments on Saturnus as a valid reason why I can be a mod  ).  The others may be more on top of things.
disguised as a responsible adult

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Supreme Hero
Peacemaker = double entendre
posted April 21, 2004 05:31 PM
Edited By: Peacemaker on 21 Apr 2004

(Copied from my post in "A New Mod" Thread)

Now as Khaelo has pointed out, this discussion, if taken seriously, tends to circumvent the traditional process of contacting the mod squad oneself to notify them of one's interest in becoming a mod. However, IMHO legitimacy in the eyes of the community is important when it comes to being a moderator. I take this discussion as being informational for all of us, and an indication to the mod squad of who the community finds most reliable and legitimate. So while they of course have the final say, they now have this input from the community to consider.

That being said, I still think a team effort would be best in Other Side for reasons already stated.*** Khaelo is clearly the most legitimate in the eyes of the voting populace here, with Wolf running a strong second.

So, after additional side conversations with both Khaelo and Wolf, they both agree they would be willing to work together, so I'm thowing my support behind them as a team.

Since the voting machine will not let me change my vote, let this post stand for a slight amendment in my voting fiasco as indicated above (see "A New Mod" Thread"). That would mean that people should interpret the above count (ditto)as one less for me and one more each for Khaelo and Wolfman.

To Khaelo and Wolf: I suggest you get together and e-mail Val with your interest in working together on this.

*** EDIT POST:  I know several of you have stated that personal politics should not be a consideration in choosing a mod.  However, due to the political nature of Other Side, I respectfully take a different position.  While I agree that a good mod should be able to sort out COC violations from personal politics, COC is one of many concerns mods address.  For example, I have seen many more conservative posts which were excellent fall by the wayside without recognition.  

I think at some level it is nearly impossible to eliminate one's bias and be completely objective when making such judgment calls.  With individuals working from both sides of the spectrum, each may be able to point out posts deserving of qp's that the other might not have recognized as such. This has been my main concern in Other Side for some time, and it is an example of how a greater degree of balance may be achieved through a team effort.

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Supreme Hero
Back again
posted April 21, 2004 05:48 PM

That makes sense to me.
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Supreme Hero
posted April 21, 2004 11:40 PM

I emailed Val about a month ago, and he said he would think about it when he didn't have real life things to sort out.  I haven't heard anything since.

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Legendary Hero
posted April 22, 2004 01:03 AM

PM: that poll didnt have bort as an candidate.

Kinda hard for him to win the poll then huh?

IMO bort&khaelo would still make the best team, wolfman hasnt made the same strong impression on me.

He hasnt the same authority IMO.

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Supreme Hero
Peacemaker = double entendre
posted April 22, 2004 01:19 AM
Edited By: Peacemaker on 21 Apr 2004

With all due respect to bort and Khaelo both, based on my reasoning that sort-of destroys the whole purpose of having a team.  They both incline toward the liberal side of the spectrum.

And yes, I still maintain that bort is a good candidate.  However, that said, I still maintain that there should be a team with representation from both ends of the political spectrum, for reasons I have stated several times.

Therefore, it should be Wolf (or some other more conservative willing individual) and then someone who is more liberal.  My impression of both Wolf and Khaelo is that they would make a good team because they both appear to be team players.

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