Thread: DEAR VESUVIUS | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 5 · «PREV / NEXT» |
posted September 12, 2006 10:01 PM |
Your a funny man Acu!!!
Supreme Hero
The last hero standing
posted September 12, 2006 10:44 PM |
Quote: I meant you dont really live out here & go through what I & others do.
Cry me a river.
ask some African
ask some South Americans
ask some in the Middle East
and stop being an self-rightuous ass.
Tavern Dweller
posted September 13, 2006 07:12 PM |
well i see nothing has changed really. aculias still cant spell and talks like a madman. ves is still not wearing a shirt and legolas hasn't laid off the righteous weed yet. im still here mofo's and u cant stop me. i miss this kinda stuff when we had a chat where all the insanity occured. i found a letter evitaaa sent me for christmas years back in which she requested sex and meeting in a very strange language one with a lot of the letter z. last i heard she had run off to some other country with another heroes 3 community member. ahhhh good times.i made so many friends on there and met nobody but people i would actually travel to meet one day. i miss a lot of u and the hilarious chat we would have. god i loved inciting riots in zone i miss bashing andi and motor and their love of death metal music. i miss accy gettin drunk on rye and screaming at that tramp kitten. i miss trying to convince ringkeepers gf to fly to canada for a weekend in calgary and letting ooo tel ooo convince me he was the coolest brit alive. irish brit sorry. i miss gandalfvbalrogs daughter telling me how her dad would kill her if he ever found out she was having sex already... while i was in an allied game with him. i miss kirk picards wise teaching of heroes 3 and the great games we used to have with feary and warhamr. so would be nice to see a strong community again and maybe play some heroes 3 for kicks. oh and im going to kill all of you.i swear
Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 13, 2006 07:52 PM |
This is just a small thang that got turned hugh.
This was not supposed to be a river crying topic Xarsucks
Of course people made it that way.
Yea I know what goes on in the other countries.
I can name quite a few times I could of told you to not cry a river Xarcik but I guess it goes to show why I can call you the XarOracle
Dreaming of a Better World
Supreme Hero
The last hero standing
posted September 14, 2006 10:36 PM |
Quote: Xarcik but I guess it goes to show why I can call you the XarOracle
Oracle was closed cause there were only about 4 active members. Not due to your comments. I dont really give you too much attention, cause someone who was in "Bed with It-wasnt-me-Kitten" cant be taken seriously anyway ...you deserve my compassion for that not my attention.
Tavern Dweller
posted September 16, 2006 02:09 AM |
yes but aculias learned his lesson. dont have sex with fat trailer park tramps that have sisters shaped like beach balls. smack.... wake up accy do slender trailer park tramps that have bisexual sisters. duh......xarfax i have no idea who u are really i see u post a lot but in the days of playing i dont beleive we ran into each other quite often... all i can say is xarfax is a dillhole hero therefore u must be as well leave manny alone hes suffered enough. he is mexican after all
posted September 16, 2006 02:33 AM |
I'm Thinkin' we should settle this the old fashioned way,in a heroes 3 game
Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 16, 2006 02:47 AM |
Hehe You want another game Dracos .
FOr reals Xarflux & I have a long history since I was new.
The respect was never there for the both of us.
Just because your a good heroes player, it dont make you a good person.
All I can say is, dont get me started Xarlucks about actual tearful replies on the Oracle .
Yea I learned my lesson & still Amanda likes to talk only about how shes got it made now.
All good.
Even till this day I have no idea why Xar came after me in the zone & tried to toss me for over a hour.I never even spoke to him in my life & you just came at me full swing with the swearing & all.
Plus backing out on fixed tournaments.
WHy join a tournament if you will not even play.
Go have your season 1-2 friends respect you Xar.
I can care less actually.
I am just tired of hearing you cry
Dreaming of a Better World
Famous Hero
posted September 20, 2006 07:22 AM |
Quote: Americans crack me up. complaining about mexican immigrants stealing jobs, lol, i'm dying over here. which jobs ya talkin about? ditch digging and fruit picking? maybe it's the wonderfull career choices like sweatshop labourer that angers you more. I know i'd be mad if somebody took my sweatshop job away illegal imigrants are not your problem, and they are not to blame for stupid laws made by Bush. It's human nature to take advantage of a situation that favours you, and if your familly is starving all the more incentive to take advantage. As for stealing jobs, most of the jobs are jobs none of us would do anyways, the problem here isn't that they've taken job, or are working at it illegally, the problem is that large corporations are employing them at grossly low wages. If you Americans truly wanted to stop the flow of illegal immigrants you'd get your government to enact laws that would creat a national minimum wage and put the needed resources into eforcing it. If company's could no longer use ilegals for cheap labour they would no longer be hiring them. if companies stopped hiring them the illegals would have no reason to cross the border. the only problem is you'll see stuff like fruit and veggies skyrocket in price in the stores as well as all textiles. anyplace illegals labour is used would see a huge jump in prices, this would affect your economy as well as corporate and personal bottom lines. so there's the cost of solving your problem, the question now is, is America willing to pay it? George doesn't think so
George Bush started a wrongful and immoral war that has led to the deaths of 100,000 people in which no WMD were found...mostly iraqis(yes their lives count too and most had no intention of harming americans or anyone else), increased the national debt 60% ..three times more than any other US president, doubled energy prices while his friends in big oil have seen their profit margins increase from 14% to 26%(haliburton and exxon mobil to name a few), has engaged in and advocated the use of torture in spite of the fact that it is a violation of American principles(the 7th amendment forbids cruel and unusual punishment) and Americas promise to the world to behave decently towards captured enemies(the geneva convention). Believe me..i could go on here..but if you dont get it by now i doubt anything anyone would say would change your mind.
As for illegals the fact that Bush wants to give those who ignore the rules and let those who can run past the barbed wire and the dogs first chance at becoming American citizens rather than those who wait their turn in the immigration line shows what he really is. You might want Bush and illegals in your country Mithrilking but i dont want them in mine.
Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 20, 2006 07:32 AM |
DOnt worry about Mike here.
He is just under the weather sick with the flu.
That usually makes him grumpy & wantsto talk about How typical Canadians are
Dreaming of a Better World
posted September 21, 2006 01:16 PM |
The borders and pasports are the stupidity,the wrongness is that we still have time where some people rule other people by stereotips and fake things.But this will end as nothing is eternall in this world.
The character of USA adminstration is a stupidity itself,you cant push and imprison other people by different unfair ways, if you do this, this leads to a bad end, and it will proove that those who doing unfair things will recive nothing.
You need to care about nature it is a part of this world and most important part,you came from it.The ambitions that those politics has is the biggest mistake.They not understand that they dont own anything here and it is stupid to act like they do.But they doing it because they want to destroy everything good around.But the truth will be so, that all what they was doing will become like nothing and nothing will left from them at the end.
Most of the Latin America dont like Bush and what he is doing,i saw what Ugo Chaves the president of Venesuella said on UN Assembly in New York.He said that Bush is a mister Evil and by the table where he was talking is smells sulphur
Mexican people are great nation the descendants of the Indians who lived there long time ago and has great history.It is they land and the talking from Bush and his administration is a complete disrespectfull nonsence.
Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 21, 2006 01:36 PM |
Princess Legolas lol.
This is probally one of the most idiotic replies I ever heard.
Dreaming of a Better World
posted September 21, 2006 01:47 PM |
Quote: The issue with illegal aliens entering america has nothing to do with mexicans being good or bad people in general but whether individuals are breaking the law. And if they are breaking the law why should they be rewarded with the gift of citizenship? What does it tell people who wait in line and spend thousands of dollars to go through the process of becoming a citizen? BREAK THE LAW AND WIN!!!! As for Bush's guest worker program he doesnt care about these illegal aliens. He wants to exploit them as cheap labor. Sometimes a society can make bad laws, but I dont think guarding your borders against interlopers is being unfair to other cultures. Does any other nation allow people to just wander into their country? I don't think so.
Finally in the initial post by Aculias...i didn't see anything he misspelled actually.....
This what you said has nothing to do with a real things that happen.You doing mistake to talk with that tone about laws, what is the real laws and who know real laws?The Bible says about laws that God did gave to the people,who live this days by those laws?Does a Bush and his administration live by those laws?Those who has writing in they parlament ''In God we believe'',and those who who swear by God many times and appeal to the God.
You cant take part from an entire thing, all depens from all.So when you said that this nothing to do with mexicans being good or bad,you are mistaken, cause you need to look why they become bad and also look on other reasons too, you need to look with an objective view.
Isnt Bush and his administration not break laws by themselfs?For example the polution to the nature for wich they are responsible is affect on the entire thing like i said and people can change from that,become bad,mad....
The haracter how Bush and his administration act to other people has an egoistical and antihuman actions.
Why you dont ask to yourself if people trying to exploit system,then something wrong in the system?
Bush and many like he are cowards they are playing on the blood of other people and deserve a big punishment for that.He should try to live and work like those imigrants.
posted September 21, 2006 02:00 PM |
Quote: Princess Legolas lol.
This is probally one of the most idiotic replies I ever heard.
I am not that idiotic to talk with a pridness to people, like Bush and his adminstration doing.I am not pretend on anything,i dont want to produce weapons and support this.I am not an idiot to buy a crap geneticaly changed food that also produced because of this idiotic administration.I dont hate anyone,even Bush, i just dont like what he is doing.Like Ugo Chaves said the speeches of Bush can be a reason for Bush go to psychiatrist.
The Bush and his administration awaits judjment for what they did,because excuses will not be accepted, to change situation you need to call for the answers was who is responsible for the bad things.And they know it and will try ofcourse not to lose they power.
And i say more that you dont need to act that serious like those politicans do.Be as a simple human that's all you need and speack with open mind by yourself.
Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 21, 2006 02:02 PM |
Now you see how much power some people can have.
Laws are created & have been used for so many years.
The bible has alot of contradictions I believe.
It was also written by man so the Bible also counts as a history book in actual times.
Jesus during the time of I believe Cladius rieghn when Pilot was a roman General.
I dont know about thier beliefs in those times.
Many people believed in the littlest thangs in those times.
I mean shoot the Ancient Egyptians believed a person lived in your eye named Ka for crying out loud.
People believed the sun meant somethang, the moon,shooting stars & all other sorts.
People had nightmares & they believe it to mean somethang bad.
Seeing stuff that seemed different then what they actually are.
Why is it that only in those times did god speak to them & they seen angels & all that stuff but no one in recent times ever seen or heard any of that.
Remember the bible was written by man so like any book written about events in our world counts as a history book.
Dreaming of a Better World
posted September 21, 2006 02:29 PM |
Quote: Now you see how much power some people can have.
Laws are created & have been used for so many years.
The bible has alot of contradictions I believe.
It was also written by man so the Bible also counts as a history book in actual times.
Jesus during the time of I believe Cladius rieghn when Pilot was a roman General.
I dont know about thier beliefs in those times.
Many people believed in the littlest thangs in those times.
I mean shoot the Ancient Egyptians believed a person lived in your eye named Ka for crying out loud.
People believed the sun meant somethang, the moon,shooting stars & all other sorts.
People had nightmares & they believe it to mean somethang bad.
Seeing stuff that seemed different then what they actually are.
Why is it that only in those times did god speak to them & they seen angels & all that stuff but no one in recent times ever seen or heard any of that.
Remember the bible was written by man so like any book written about events in our world counts as a history book.
According to the Bible,laws come from the God.Bible written by mans inspired by holy spirit.Those ''clowns'' from USA administration using Bible and giving oath on it,but they dont live by those laws that Bible says,they created they own laws by wich they broke the notify of God that those who will change anything from his words will be punished.
In our time people see evedences from God too,you just dont know about them.And we live in a time when people become away from God alot.But he will show himself, at the time of apocalypse will be second coming of Jesus.
Egyptians didnt bilieve in a person Ka who lived in your eye, it is to primitive version. They believed in Amon Ra(God of The Sun) thats why they was drawing sun alot in that period and the Eye symbolyze the eye of the Creator.And they didnt believe straight in the sun but to the light,because God is a light.Actualy as i know it was the time of real believe.After that they become a paganas throw themself away from a God and started to make cults of animals.
Yes bible is a true history of humanity but the most important it is holy book cause it says the pure truth and the prophecy of holy spirit.I know that many historians has no doubt in that cause they also believe in God.
Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 21, 2006 02:52 PM |
It just proved that people believed in stuff they dont really understand.
Who knows whats really out there.
Who knows what life is really about.
Who knows how many computers Vesuvius will have in the next 3 yrs in his mansion
Dreaming of a Better World
posted September 21, 2006 03:19 PM |
Quote: It just proved that people believed in stuff they dont really understand.
Who knows whats really out there.
Who knows what life is really about.
Who knows how many computers Vesuvius will have in the next 3 yrs in his mansion
I dont believe in a stuff that i not understand( and i believe there is no stuff that possibly you cant understand, as well as you can believe in existens of the things and have faith is different things).If you have understanding, God is understandable.And you dont need to know how many computers will have Vesuvius in the next 3 yrs,cause it is not that important.But your attitude to what happen is important and how will you act good or bad.
And those who believe in God cleary understand in what they believe,cause God is also understanding.But what first i just said, that Bush administration abusing Bible and The God by saying that In God They trust and by doing oath on the Bible and by appeal to the God.But in real they dont live by the laws that God gave.So they are just a clowns who playing a game with a people and telling them about laws that they made just to be profitable for they interests.And also they doing crimes and terrorizing people and protecting they crime and terror by laws they made.And that is not right and will end soon.
The war againts terror is a big joke made by Bush and his administration,first you need to look who is real terrorists and where the roots of terror come from.It is just a game for interests of idiotic ambitionized people.Have you seen what Bush spoken now?He now speacks that he fights not vs terror but againts tyranny,it is another joke that will not help him and his administration,because many people already no care about his and his administration wars vs ( terror,tyranny, what coming next?)He and his administration are a tyrants and terrorists themselfs.
Undefeatable Hero
Pretty Boy Angel Sacraficer
posted September 21, 2006 05:06 PM |
It's just so funny how you are so serious about writing that & replying about Ves Computer in his mansion at the same time.
Dreaming of a Better World
Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted September 21, 2006 08:03 PM |