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Heroes Community > Turban Tribunal > Thread: Mixed questions & observations
Thread: Mixed questions & observations

Legendary Hero
posted October 11, 2004 08:03 AM bonus applied.

Mixed questions & observations

1) Do you know what security options in my browser are needed to log in or post? In IE6 I set to medium security but don't know which specific options are needed. I prefer not to drop security that low. It's OK at HC, but I forget to change it back.

2) May be related to above. I have never been able to edit a post. I've read everything regarding case, etc. I always use lower case, but tried other combinations just in case. No luck. Will it make a difference if I was at the www address or not when I joined?

3) It doesn't matter anymore to me personnaly, but just to point out. I lurked here for at least six months before joining. When I joined, it sent me to the index page. That was the first time I ever saw it.

To explain. After doing a google homm search, I ended up at TOH because it's higher on the list. I linked to HC from the message button at TOH, not knowing it was a different site. I bookmarked TOH and always came in that way. But you don't see the index page nor even know it's there. That makes things much less user friendly when you don't know anything about the site. The "Heroes Community" text at the top is not something I would normally think to click unless I accidently ran the cursor over it and noticed the hand. Maybe I'm stupid, but this is really easy to do with TOH at the top of the search results.

4) Again just something to point out. If someone is new at HC and they are trying to be a good little noob and read all the noob stuff....and they happen to do a search something like "noob site:heroescommunity.com"......well they get a list of a bunch of noob stuff.

The majority of that stuff goes something like this: noob this, noob that, stupid noob, you're just a noob, what do you know. Scattered sparsely around in the google list is the stuff the noob was looking for.

I don't know the current mix since it constantly changes, but I checked again a few months ago and it still was like that. I realize people need to look past that stuff, but it's kind of like concentrated strength, please dilute with water. It's not your average sampling of HC material.

I know nothing can be done about it, but thought the veterans might not be aware of it since they don't do noob searches. Maybe it's not a problem since noobs don't do noob searches either  Just wanted to point it out though.

Please don't construe any of this as an insult, or even complaint. OK, maybe just a little I joined by choice because I like it here and the good far outweighs the bad.

Hey, look what I just discovered!  "B" is next to "N" on the keyboard. If you do a noob search and accidently hit......maybe I'd better proof-read this before posting......

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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted October 12, 2004 05:57 AM
Edited By: Consis on 12 Oct 2004


I once had the same problem. When a member is unable to edit their own posts then some of the reasons are:

The member is not logging in exactly as they registered under. For example Binabik, your user name is typed starting with the first letter as capital, and the rest as lower case. If you are logging in like this "binabik or BINABIK"(all lower/upper case letters) then you will only be allowed to make a post and not edit it.

On top of this, if you posted with the incorrect punctuation(your username has no punctuation) of your name then it gets worse.

(You may have noticed your username is shown incorrectly(binabik) in the small box, to the right of the thread title, showing who created this thread in the Turban Tribunal Heroes Community sub-forum) This is clear evidence how the internet host computer receives its input.

Let's say you now know to log in exactly as you are supposed to.(starting with a capital B and the rest(inabik) being lower case "Binabik"), the edit button will now appear for you to edit your posts.

Well, let's say you try to edit a post made under an incorrrect punctuation of your name. It will not allow you to complete the edit unless you change the spelling of the name at the bottom to the exact same as the way when you posted it. Here's an example:

I log in as "consis"(HC will alow this). My username is really "Consis"(capital "C").

Ok now I make a post under "consis". After posting, I get sent back to the top of the thread right? Now I want to see my post. so I click to correct page number that my post is on. I scroll down, look over the post, and want to make an edit. I notice the edit button isn't even there. Why? Because HC allowed me to log in incorrectly as "consis".

So now I need to log out. Next, I log back in using the correct punctuation( "Consis" ).

I go back to the post I wanted edit and now the edit button is available for me. I click it. I go in and change what I wanted to. When I'm done I click the submit button. But it won't allow me. HC tells me I am not the correct user. Why? Because it was posted under the incorrect user name( "consis" ). What I need to do now is go to the top of my web browser interface. I press the "Back" button. It takes me backward to the page I was formerly on. Everything is still edited the way I wanted it. At the bottom of this page you'll see a box with your username in it. Just below it you'll see a box with a bunch of asterisks where your password is located. You'll notice the "username" box contains your correct username. ( "Consis" ) I need to change the capital "C" to a lowercase "c". Now simply hit the submit button and it will be accepted. Your post will be edited.

Also you should know that the best way to enter Heroes Community is to click on or type in the internet address: http://heroescommunity.com

I hope this helps
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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Legendary Hero
posted October 13, 2004 12:42 AM
Edited By: Binabik on 12 Oct 2004

Thanks Consis.

I'll try to edit this. I logged in with "B" not "b".

Edit. So far so good. It's the first time I've seen the edit button.


Cool, it worked

Thanks a lot Consis. Your explanation should be in the FAQs or somewhere.

Your post confused me at first. You twice mentioned something about me being logged in incorrectly as "binabik". To me I was logged in correctly. Apparently HC not only allows you to log in with lower case, but it also allows you to *register* that way. I can't guarentee that's how I registered, but it's the way I ALWAYS do it. It seems that during registration, the first letter cap is implied and stored in the data base that way regardless of what you actually typed. A lot of software does it that way with names.

The other explanations I've read only mentioned that your login must match the case when you registered in order for the edit to show up. They didn't mention that the first letter MUST be upper case. Nor that there is a second redundant ID check to match current login with login at the time of the original post. So it's really two ID checks with a different set of rules.

I also noticed that about half the people listed in "Who's Online" were all lower case. I tried it both ways and the "Who's Online" does indeed reflect the case during login, as opposed to how it's stored in the data base.

Again, thanks a lot Consis. I might feel like an idiot now, but at least I'm a happy idiot Cool!

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Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted October 17, 2004 10:21 PM
Edited By: Consis on 17 Oct 2004

Future Reference

Many people will notice that when they make a post, the name above their avatar pic to the left inside the threads will always show correctly. The problem is that this is misleading and you may not be logged in correctly, as you may find out when trying to edit your posts. Disregard that name as your true login identity. Instead, if you are the thread creator, simply check outside the thread where the creator name exists. Your true login identity will reveal itself here. If it shows your login name to be different from when you signed up for membership then you must log out and log back in the way you originally signed up under. Only then will you be able to edit posts.

1. Simply go to the Wastelands section and create a thread of any title and composition.

2. You will find yourself in the thread you created. After you click 'ok' to create the thread, slide your pointer up to where it says "Volcanic Wastelands" and click on it.

3. Now you'll find yourself in the Heroes Community subforum(Wastelands), where you created your thread, and look in the box slightly to the right of where your thread is located. In this box is the name of the member who created the thread. It will read exactly how you've actually been logged in as.

Why choose the Wastelands to create a self-check thread? Because that's its purpose. It's important not to spam or clog other forums where people are having meaningful conversations. As soon as you're able to edit your posts once again, you can easily delete the thread you created to check your own log in name.
Roses Are RedAnd So Am I

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