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Heroes Community > Turban Tribunal > Thread: No. of active members here today?
Thread: No. of active members here today?

Famous Hero
posted August 06, 2005 02:00 AM

No. of active members here today?

I am starting to think whether HC is still the HC I know, people offering advice to those who need it, playing word games or role playing ones. Contributing to HC, or just making people laugh. I wonder how many active members are here today. If you were to make a thread that is very controversial how many replies would you get compared to the past?

I notice that nowadays it is very difficult to get most of the members to generate their interest in one new and interesting thread(or are there none at all?) In the past some threads could easily hit the 1000 replies mark. Nowadays you do not see new threads coming up to replace the 'top ten replies' threads, do you?  So my question is, why is that so? Where have all the active HC members gone?

I guess this place is getting boring, and I don't think I'm lying when I say that. HoMM3 is old. I don't like HoMM4. We are all waiting for HoMM5. Hell, we've waited for HoMM5 for what seems like years. What am I saying, it has been many years. We've covered a lot of real life issues and stuff. Even if there is a lot of a active posting from new members, I wonder how many people are still actively involved with HC. Please, don't leave HC. We need you. It used to be a wonderful place(except that some people apparently don't like me but I don't know who) and will still continue to be a wonderful place, as long you post more meaningfully and constructively.

Let's hope that after years of waiting HoMM5 will finally come out, as a good game and with the release of the game, (not triple H) all the old and once active members will return to liven this place up.

Until then, we can only wait and hope. Wait and hope..


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Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted August 06, 2005 02:11 AM

well i can see what u are saying but being a new member i have only seen 2 real quality posters go (consis and leo_lion)

when i look over the past threads i see many names that have great posts but arent here anymore. its just life takes us all in different directions. some ppl must leave HC. but then again others come to HC. since i havent been here long, this HC is the only HC i have seen

just part of life i suppose

Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

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Supreme Hero
posted August 06, 2005 03:08 AM

I've been venturing a guess here, but I think reputation can be a factor in whether or not a thread becomes active and popular. Take my interview thread. I tried hard to make it fun, but the response was non-existent. Nobody left any feedback whatsoever. Maybe if a more popular member had created the thread instead of me, maybe the response would've been better.

I look at a lot of the old threads where a well-known member has posted something fun, and what I usually see is a lot of "cool idea" or "Let's have some more" compliments. Everyone likes to receive those replies at least sometimes, and I'm no different. I'm open to criticism, as well, as long as it's constructive and helpful. I'd really appreciate it if somebody said to me: "Guitarguy, I think you should make shorter posts. I have a hard time reading your long paragraphs." I'm always hoping to be accomodating, so I'd try my best to improve.

Overall, it doesn't bug me a whole lot when my threads don't get replied to. I mean, it's not like I'm posting to gain fame. It's usually when somebody whines (out of ignorance?) that noobs like me aren't doing squat to improve HC that I get annoyed. I usually put a lot of thought and effort into these threads of mine, so I cannot help but feel a little offended when I'm viewed as a slacker.


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Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted August 06, 2005 03:22 AM

One thing to consider is that if you feel that your threads aren't getting enough attention, is that you can ask for a mod's help. Lots of members have done it, and we always try to help out whenever we can.

I'm sorry that you feel the way you do though.
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

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Famous Hero
of Night Elves
posted August 06, 2005 04:34 AM

well, i'm just a new member here, nobody even knows me. i just tried to create some sort of community game, i was planning that for some time before i registered HC. i was nervous that people may just ignore it or something, and i think that's what exactly happened. still i appreciate that two members came along and joined the game. my point is that new members don't have the same reputation as former members, i think that's why HC is not same anymore, not that i know very well. new members don't get too much of replies or posts to their threads, no offence meant, or they do get replies i don't know.however, is it because of starting to dislike homm3 or getting bored of typing stuff? or maybe there is nothing left for former members to talk about, and when new members try to open a new thread, it may be something that already been discussed before by former members, so they don't pay much attention to them. even some replies might be same, heck, maybe what i'm writing right now is exactly a same post that could already be somewhere in HC, who knows? i would ask a moderator to close the thread that i opened for the game if nobody else replies within a few days, because it's just make me look kinda stupid, as a new member, too bad. oh well, still i'm trying to sent some replies to other threads. nevertheless i'm glad to be a HC..the heck i'll just type it... Heroes Community member.

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Supreme Hero
posted August 06, 2005 09:42 AM

Which is why you have to earn your own reputation k1ng. You can't just come to HC and expect to be well liked by everyone.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.

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Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted August 06, 2005 10:11 AM

Having created HC, I've been here before the first member registered and over these years I've noticed a funny thing. In 2002 some HC members were already saying that things are now much worse than "the good old times" On average twice per year someone makes that kind of comment. I'm not putting you down in any way for saying or thinking that, what I mean is that it's a tempting impression to have, but it's likely to be an illusion, because if it wasn't, you could say HC has been degrading progressively almost since the day it opened. So I am 99% positive that in a year's time someone will call today "the good old times"

Sometimes older members simply already talked about what you are writing. That doesn't mean your post is less worthy though. Not like each topic is only supposed to be discussed only once in the entire history of HC Of course, it's courteous to have a look through the few pages of the forum to see if similar thread exists, just to continue it rather than starting a separate one, but it can't be expected of anyone to read several hundred threads before making their own. Same topics are bound to be discussed again and again by newcomers. And if you're not sure if a particular kind of thread exists, ask a mod.

So just post what you believe will be interesting to at least a few people. It's hardly possible to make a topic that will interest everyone. And if people don't reply, it doesn't mean your topic was bad, maybe they just didn't have anything to add.

When you are posting spam, you know it, it's a more effective way to get attention, but it's a bad kind of attention. And when you contribute, what should count is not whether people reply, whether you recieve recognition, but the fact that you put good effort into a good cause - it's a good thought that you know about yourself.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.

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Famous Hero
posted August 07, 2005 04:48 PM

Believe me Val, I am right. I know perhapes you don't like to hear it, or believe it, but I can sense it. That is HC is no longer as active as before. You ask, how do I know? I see the same old members walk in, walk out. I know I'm not on HC 24/7, but I can feel it.

I know my feelings may not be right,so bare with me if I'm wrong. But why is it, I feel, I'm right?

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Supreme Hero
TheJester akaJeebs akaJebfoo
posted August 10, 2005 05:54 PM
Edited By: Jebus on 10 Aug 2005

I know I haven't been here that long but enough to notice that the seasons tend to affect productivity as well...  many members are off from school and either back home or on vacation or even just spending less time on their PCs (like me) and due to this fact, I've noticed that overall posting has been down lately...  I think of my good pal Terje who is away and I miss the origanal and discussion openning threads he'd create.

im sure that this fall, things will change.

(I know that once winter hits, and the HABS aren't playing, I'll most likely spend more time learning the vet ways of HC!)

as a newer member and as someone who is often online, i find it frustrating to see these constant complaints of how boring it is here...  not to be too harsh but if it is, complaining doesn't help...  Val may be the admin but what is he supose to do, create excitement???
If you (or anyone) finds it boring right now, you may simply be saturated by it.  I know right now, even "chatters" are having a tough time carrying a conversation but we're doing the best we can...  negativity isn't helping anyone (man who do I sound like?? )  
I've found that there has been less BS lately so Im not complainning...  

"You went over my helmet??"

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