
Tavern Dweller
posted September 03, 2005 09:17 PM |
Where am I?
Where am I? I haven't seen the sun for so long, it's so bright and blinding. I don't feel so well and there's blood on my forehead. What happened? I can't remember a thing. I think that my name is Bob and this place looks familiar but I don't remember what it is. Have I been here before? All I remember is darkness... for so long. Help...
*collapses on the ground*

Supreme Hero
Disciple of Herodotus
posted September 03, 2005 09:23 PM |
Bob, I'd recommend you to call someone and tell them how you feel. This could be the fire deptartment, the police, or just a random phone number. When you're feeling confused and heartbroken, it's always nice to have someone to talk to.
Also, I'd seek some medicinal help for those cuts if I were you.
But oh, silly me! Why call someone and waste their valuable time when you can talk to people here?
"Sometimes I think everyone's just pretending to be brave, and none of us really are. Maybe pretending to be brave is how you get brave, I don't know."
- Grenn, A Storm of Swords.


Hired Hero
thats me!!
posted September 03, 2005 11:31 PM |
hu da hell r u

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted September 04, 2005 12:10 AM |
H-hey Bob... there you are! Thats a nasty looking cut you have on your forehead.. let me help you with that
*wipes off Bob's forehead with a damp cloth*
Yeah... that's better. So ... Bob... how do you feel?
*looks around for help*
For those of you who are wondering who the heck BoB is - Here's some linkies to help you understand whats been going on 1) HC OFFLINE and 2)Current Thingies!@... What is this thread?
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted September 04, 2005 03:32 AM |
ahhhh, so bob has been released
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Tavern Dweller
posted September 04, 2005 08:47 AM |
Who are you?
You look somewhat familiar.
I can't remember...
All I remember is a lot of pain and darkness. For many, many years. A sense that someone is always watching. Someone terrible and powerful!
And then it feels like darkness... then something hit me on the head. Very painful.
Do you know who I am? Tell me what is going on! I beg you I must know!!!

Famous Hero
of power
posted September 04, 2005 10:17 AM |
Quote: A sense that someone is always watching. Someone terrible and powerful!
that was me, sorry about that... 
Quote: Do you know who I am? Tell me what is going on! I beg you I must know!!!
I AM YOUR FATHER!!! oh hang on... bob, i thought it was rob, my mistake.
a stich in time saves nine... what the hell does that mean?
If u enjoy telling ur friends of how uve never been beaten with ur own legs, u'd rethink making a comment

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted September 04, 2005 10:55 AM |
Quote: Who are you?
You look somewhat familiar.
I can't remember...
well i do remember you, i came to see you a few times when u were up in the mod HQ attic. we talked briefly several times
its good to see you out and about
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Supreme Hero
Disciple of Herodotus
posted September 04, 2005 04:19 PM |
Quote: A sense that someone is always watching. Someone terrible and powerful!
Without that "powerful" thing, this almost sounds like Marelt Ekiran, our dear "Watcher of All".
"Sometimes I think everyone's just pretending to be brave, and none of us really are. Maybe pretending to be brave is how you get brave, I don't know."
- Grenn, A Storm of Swords.

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted September 04, 2005 06:28 PM |
*Kneels down next to Bob*
Try to keep calm Bob, everything will be okay soon.
What on earth am I to do about this? If I bring him back to the attic now, I'd be a monster... he clearly does not want get away from us... in fact there is no trace of the usual panic in his eyes...Just confusion, and a little bit of fear. I guess fear is understandable, I hit him pretty hard with that bottle.. and waking up the Wastelands is never fun. I guess I really do need to do something about that stupid Jebus up in the attic though, but... damnit, I can't bring myself to take Bob back now.... what the hell is it about his eyes?!
Okay Bob, I have an idea, we'll take you somewhere else, lots of people there and V.. er, and nobody should be poking their nose around looking for you there.
This is going to feel a bit awkward for just a minute while I transport us... but you'll be okay... you can trust me 
*sigh* something is very very wrong here... we're going to have to find out what it is
~~teleported to Tavern~~
*pats Bob's hand lightly as she notices how startled he was by the teleport*
It's okay Bob, you're safe here... guys, could you look out for him for me? I won't be too too long, there are just a few things I need to do. Try to keep him calm, maybe someone could run out and get him some food? No donuts tho please...
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted September 05, 2005 01:12 AM |
hey Bob, look what i got
*pulls out a tv from behind a small bush*
here, simpsons is about to start. u do remember the simpson right? we have talked about them before and i promised you that one day we would watch togther.
today is that day
so watch Bob, i will be back in a minutes will some food
*puts the tv infront of Bob and heads out to get some food*
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Tavern Dweller
posted September 05, 2005 02:07 AM |
Who is this blue woman?
God, I don't remember anything!
I have a sense that I must tell her something.. That I must tell everyone something very important!!! But what is it? 
Thank you Mr. Dwarf, you know, that character named Mr. Burns.. He strongly reminds me of someone. Someone I feel I know well, too well for his comfort. But I can't remember.. I only have a bunch of these feelings. Am I insane? What is this place! Wait, don't go, you have to explain this to me! What is this place? Who are these people?!!? What am I doing here?!?!?! *breaks down*

Famous Hero
Groin-Grabingly Clever
posted September 05, 2005 06:08 AM |
*after several minutes, Bob is alright*
Bob are you alright. the blue woman is Pan. she is sorting some things out but she will be back soon.
Bob, here is some hot food. i remember u said that u like fish and chips so i got you some
*hands Bob fish and chips*
about this RL mr burns character, i am sure in time u will remember who he is and what you need to tell us. but for now just enjoy your food and the simpsons
*sits down next to Bob and starts watching the simpsons, but also looking for Pan*
Two goldfish were in their tank. One turns to the other and says, 'You man the guns, I'll drive.'

Supreme Hero
posted September 05, 2005 11:15 AM |
Bob.... Get back to your headquarters or I will slap you again !

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted September 06, 2005 09:19 PM |
"Lich, please be nice to poor Bob, he's having some trouble remembering things lately... we're just trying to help him out" I said, looking over at Bob who was now watching me intently.
I went over to Bob and sat down next to him, patting his hand comfortingly.
"How are you Bob, Lord_Pc has been treating you well?" I asked. Bob smiled weakly and nodded yes " I am sure Bob, that you have a lot of questions, and I'm afraid that right now I don't have any answers." Bob's face fell at these words, I imagine he'd been hoping for more from me.
Lord_PC walked over and brought me some tea, which I accepted greatfully, I could not stop feeling so very cold, maybe tea would ease this chill.
For now at least, Bob doesn't seem to recall anything about the attic I think to myself that's a good thing, I seem to have his trust. Heh, trust... that's a funny word isn't it? I trusted everyone, and now where has that gotten me? Damn, I wish I could just talk to Valeriy That always made eveything better before... but now I don't think I can even trust him. I mean, why didn't he ever tell us the whole story about Bob? He could have told me anything... but now we're left with a mystery, broken trust, and fear for what lies ahead...Why would he take away my teleport ability if he wasn't out to hurt me? I mean... he knows how much moving around I have to do.. this is clearly a way to punish me, but why?!
I sighed, and stood up slowly. "Thank you for the tea, and for taking such good care of Bob Lord_PC. I will try to be back again soon, once I have found out a few things about what is going on here... but first I have to walk to HQ and get my robe, I can't be out here all night with this chill in the air!"
Lord_PC and Bob looked at each other quizzically, and I noticed that both were lightly dressed and Bob appeared quite hot. Hmm, just me then I guess... what else is new?
As I turn around i nearly walk right into Jebus "Hmm, following me now are you?" I asked suspiciously "Well I'm on my way now to get a Robe, would you like to follow me while I do that too?"
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."

Legendary Hero
The Chosen One
posted September 06, 2005 11:41 PM |
We've decided to merge the whole Bob mystery into one thread so that it will be easier for everyone to follow, and for others to join in if they choose 
Please use the new thread from now on The continuing saga of Bob....
"In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."