Thread: New Age of Heroes feedback thread | |
Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted October 25, 2005 10:16 PM |
New Age of Heroes feedback thread
The new Age of Heroes is open:
Welcome to the new Age of Heroes
It's been seven months of work in secret, hope you enjoy the fruits of our labours.
This is the thread to say what you think about it, to report any errors, to suggest new features, etc.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.
Supreme Hero
posted October 27, 2005 06:13 AM |
Edited By: Khaelo on 27 Oct 2005
I can't get in!
The window displays: "MOVED TO: http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com" while my tab-title and loading bars spazz out. The title blinks between "Loading..." and "http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com," the loading bar alternates between full and empty, and the loading status can't decide whether it's "Connecting..." to the site, "Waiting for..." the site, or "Done."
This occurs on both Fire Fox and Internet Explorer. It doesn't matter whether I've followed a link or just typed the address into the browser. It's been doing this for the past two minutes and shows no signs of admitting me into the actual site.
The floating "HC Menu," incidentally, doesn't work on Fire Fox either. It will expand, but its links don't do anything at all.
Edit: The expanded menu does tell me that it needs a plug-in which Fire Fox lacks, but I suspect that is for the music, not the links. I'm afraid to give it any plug-ins for that reason. However, lack of plug-ins might affect the links as well. Both music and links work in IE. And now I'm knocking my head on the table trying to remember what town that music is from...! Castle in...H3? H2? Or is it Rampart? Argh!
Ah...and more news: Not only do the links work in IE, but they allow access to the "inner" pages of Age of Heroes (at least the H4 Card Game section). But the main page is still off limits.
And on the cards topic, would it be possible to label the card we're about to enlarge before we enlarge it? Since I don't have the actual cards (or any plans to obtain them), it's hard to identify a given thumbnail by eye. I'm looking at Nature heroes, and they all look the same when they're very tiny.
BTW, I like the genie banners.
*hands Val a bug squisher*
disguised as a responsible adult
Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted October 27, 2005 10:56 AM |
Whoops I fixed that silly redirect error. Thanks for mentioning it.
Try the HC Menu tomorrow for a different track
HC Menu uses javascript. It's unlikely I can get it to work on every browser. Everything works in IE however.
Good point about the card labels. I will keep it in mind, but obviously the first priority is to add the rest of the cards (about another 400 to go!)
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.
Supreme Hero
posted October 28, 2005 07:56 AM |
Edited By: Khaelo on 28 Oct 2005
Huh. Usually, FF is okay with Java. It's telling me I need Apple Quicktime.
The front page works now...Wow. That's a lot of news.
Good point about the cards.
Looking through the H4 section -- a few errata on the heroes:
*Paskovich, a Male Necromancer, is listed as being Zombie Death Knight from H3. He's not in the English version of H3; maybe he's from another language version?
*Christian, a good and upstanding Knight, has found his way into the Thieves section! He is listed as coming from H3, "Human Thief." Oops. Also, wasn't Sir Christian in the H2 expansion?
*Tacita, a Female Thief, is listed as coming from H3 "Human Thief." She's new.
* Proetho, a Life campaign hero, has decided to join the common folk in the Male Priest section. He belongs in the campaign area. I've never seen him in the normal pool.
*Sanya the Priest is listed as new. She's not -- she was the Castle's Eagle Eye specialist in H3 RoE (Human Cleric).
*Not an error: The screenshot for the Druids is hilarious.
*Labetha, Female Druid, is listed as new. She was introduced as a Human Elementalist in H3 AB.
*Rissa, Female Lord, is listed as new. She was a Human Alchemist in H3 RoE.
*Solymr has also been treated to a campaign blurb. He's part of the normal pool, though, so this is more consistant. His descriptor says he's from H3 RoE, but he also appeared (in human form) in H2's expansion.
Edit: Additions: The blurbs on the campaign heroes are obviously original to Age of Heroes (good) and written by someone with a shaky command of English (bad). It's comprehensible but doesn't make a great impression. You might want to look into editing that text. The English elsewhere looks quite solid, such as in The Hydra's strategies. Yes, this is a pet peeve of mine.
My version of H2 PoL doesn't include the 12th hero! This is obviously a deficiency in my software and not your site.
disguised as a responsible adult
Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted October 29, 2005 04:17 PM |
Edited By: Vlaad on 31 Oct 2005
Congratulations to everybody on a job well done!
I have all that info (and more ) on my hard disc, but it's nice to have it all at one place, just a click away.
As for the layout, I liked the news section but thought the links should be on the left and on the right, not at the bottom of the page. The impressum on one side, the game related info on the other.
Oh, and the font is horrible, especially the numbers.
I am disappointed there is no WoG page. I know it is not an official add-on, but it kept Heroes 3 alive for many of us. I, for one, am not an online player and haven't played H3 vanilla for five years now... but I still enjoy WoG.
Some trivia pages would be nice, too.
I'd like to see a download section as well. There are many fan-made tools out there, useful for players and mapmakers alike.
I know most of the content by heart but one story was very interesting: the history of HC.
Aside from minor grammar mistakes (a vivid > a vivid imagination, ran > run, it's > its), I noticed these lines:
Quote: I was seriously that close to quitting in the beginning of 2005. No interest in HOMM, nor in my websites about it.
I hate to say it, but I could feel it... I came back from the army only to find the place dead. The forums hit rock bottom this summer, while other sites were growing.
Quote: On 25th of October 2005, the new Age of Heroes has began.
I love the sound of that line.
Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted October 31, 2005 07:16 PM |
Thanks for the feedback, keep it coming
At the moment I'm focusing on technical issues, but all the feedback on mistakes is valuable and will be addressed after the technicalities are sorted.
Yes, there's a large amount of illegal copies of POL that do not feature the one true hero It's almost a fault on behalf of the game manufacturer...
With regards to navigation on the side - the page is designed to work for people with 800x600 screen resolution - on that resolution it fills up the whole width as it is now. But there might be ways to display a different version of the page (with navigation on the side) for different resolutions, I will explore that later.
With regards to things not included - you make 300 pages of new info before opening the site and see how you feel about adding any more! Hehe What I mean is that it's the starting set we have there, I'd like to add more content.
Would you help us make those pages Vlaad? The level of HTML knowledge required is pretty similar to BB Code, that part will be a piece of cake.
I plan on polishing the Forge Town Project pages and integrating them with the rest of the site properly, so if you made the WOG info, that would go superbly together.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.
Supreme Hero
posted November 01, 2005 07:49 PM |
good job Val, sorry i couldnt do it originally, i just had some RL issues come up. But anyways good job once again
However, the main page layout was better before, it looks too bland now..i liked the background picture.
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted November 03, 2005 01:30 PM |
Quote: With regards to navigation on the side - the page is designed to work for people with 800x600 screen resolution - on that resolution it fills up the whole width as it is now. But there might be ways to display a different version of the page (with navigation on the side) for different resolutions, I will explore that later.
The new layout looks better. I'd still like to see the links on the side and not to scroll down.
Quote: With regards to things not included - you make 300 pages of new info before opening the site and see how you feel about adding any more! Hehe What I mean is that it's the starting set we have there, I'd like to add more content.
Would you help us make those pages Vlaad? The level of HTML knowledge required is pretty similar to BB Code, that part will be a piece of cake.
I plan on polishing the Forge Town Project pages and integrating them with the rest of the site properly, so if you made the WOG info, that would go superbly together.
I was hoping some members of the WoG team would help, but no one seems to be interested.
Perhaps the page could be based on the WoG manual, with some additional links to new projects (such as Sagamosa's stuff, Acid's patch, Forge, Bastion, Night Elves, BigJoker's creatures etc).
Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted September 02, 2006 12:01 PM |
Edited by Vlaad at 12:25, 02 Sep 2006.
a couple of ideas
Have you considered a map section at AoH?
I understand Dragonsister will not add any H5 maps to MapHaven. Due to her real life commitments, she has updated it once during the last two years anyway. There were also other issues...
I'm asking because you have decided to host mods (although the page needs to be updated). Why not maps as well?
Not just multiplayer like ToH, but also fan-made campaigns and single scenarios.
The submissions ought to meet minimum standards and have the appropriate "read me" text files.
An advanced search engine would be helpful, of course.
If you are not planning anything, I'd love to create a map index in our mapmaking subforum and keep it updated with links, descriptions, perhaps even reviews later on.
The other suggestion would be to organize a mapmaking contest.
I mean, ICTC (despite all the jokes and Nival's final decision) was a huge success for HC.
The 1.3 patch and the editor will probably be available by the time you get to read this, so the contest should be announced as soon as possible.
The details (such as the theme, size, type, etc) could be discussed and decided on later, but I believe two months would suffice. Add up to a month for the judges to reach the decision, and the winners would be known around Christmas.
Needless to say, it would be nice to get Ubisoft provide the prize(s) (the upcoming expansion pack comes to mind). Looking back at your good cooperation in the past (with the beta testing and H5 manual), I believe Fabrice would gladly support such a competition.
Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted September 18, 2006 04:50 AM |
Hi Vlaad,
After giving this some thought, here's what we can do.
Let's start with a map thread/s on HC that you will admin. I will provide you with FTP space to host the maps and related images properly, and the e-mail account at which you can officially accept submissions.
Once the thread is ready and looking good, we can also integrate it into the AOH menu structure and give you access to post news on AOH about the new maps, contests, etc.
Later on if all of this goes well, we can create a proper searchable database on AOH.
You are also welcome to recruit contributors and helpers
With regards to contest prizes, we can definitey come up with something
How does that all sound?
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.
Legendary Hero
ghost of the past
posted September 19, 2006 04:53 PM |
I think it's not a good idea. I understand I'd have to contact the authors via public announcements, e-mail or even private messages on four active English forums and ask them to submit maps. In addition, their work would be available in a thread for the time being (not a searchable data base like on other sites). Finally, I'm afraid we might end up getting scenarios last that way. I would be just an unnecessary go-between.
I prefer a simple map index where I don't have to worry about mapmakers' permission... until you find the time to design the feature on AoH, of course.
Speaking of which, I really liked the option to upload maps to MapHaven myself. Needless to say, the admin or a mod would have to check if the submissions meet the standards and approve them for public download. It wouldn't be much different than monitoring a section here. Anyone from the current AoH team would do the job just fine.
Think about that mapmaking competition, too.
Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted September 23, 2006 11:14 PM |
Ok, mapindex for the time being it is then.
We'll see what we can do in terms of uploading.
We'd do a competition if someone was willing to run and judge it.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.
Famous Hero
Galiv :D
posted June 24, 2008 03:04 PM |
Sorry if it's not the right topic, but I found not "the right one" -if there's one.
I just wanted to make a simple suggestion, so I entered the community feedback main thread, hoping to find some title releated to my humble proposal. But I failed to find one. I searched for "technical issues" and found only this topic that might match. I didn't want to start a new thread, because I'm sure something like this exists -maybe a bit too well disguised.
Suggestion: There could be a link to Age of Heroes somewhere on the main page. (Or is there one, but I did not notice?)
also, if there is not sg. like "technical issues" in the feedback, one may be handy -might even stickied. (I mean a thread where problems and/or suggestions can be posted not about HoMM or the content of these fan-pages, but the actual working, "on-going" of AoH and/or HC.)
Thank you for your patience.
Incidence? I think it's cummulative!
Undefeatable Hero
Unimpressed by your logic
posted June 24, 2008 03:14 PM |
Edited by Lexxan at 15:15, 24 Jun 2008.
I noticed something missing on AoH.
In any normal case, a visitor of AoH would see which members got QPq lately, but I noticed yesterday that ChaosDragon would have recieved the latest Qp, but I know that at least 3 members have gotten Qps between now and ChaosDragon's
It may be something small, but it's an error nontheless.
(I hope this is the right thread to post it)
Coincidence? I think not!!!!
Famous Hero
Galiv :D
posted June 24, 2008 03:18 PM |
An other thing: I would like to download the HoMM5 demo, but many of the links are not working (AoH\HoMM5\Additional rescources\demo).
By the way, hello Lexxan! If more of us come here, I think we will have a better chance
Undefeatable Hero
What if Elvin was female?
posted June 24, 2008 05:55 PM |
Quote: Suggestion: There could be a link to Age of Heroes somewhere on the main page. (Or is there one, but I did not notice?)
There is. Under the big Heroes Community logo in the upper-left corner it says "Age of Heroes Headlines". That's the link to the main page. Also, under it there's a whole line of different Heroes with links in brackets. Any "info" link wil send you to the appropriate AoH page.
Famous Hero
Galiv :D
posted June 25, 2008 12:04 PM |
Thank you. ((but I think it's a bit well-hiden...))
Incidence? I think it's cummulative!
Famous Hero
Galiv :D
posted August 16, 2008 09:36 AM |
Well, I have some technical problems with the forum:
Windows was reinstalled on our PC (and so was Mozilla) and now it sometimes fails to display pictures like smileies, the links on top of the page [Heroes1(...,...) etc.] or even the Post Reply button (the latter is displayed as normal link). What can be the problem? It is often but not consequent.
Thank you.