
Mage of the Land
Naughty, Naughty Valeriy
posted March 01, 2006 11:37 AM |
Our New Sponsors
It is a dilemma for many webmasters whether to go on without financial support, paying bills out of their own pocket, or to place ads on their website that pay the bills, perhaps even make a little income, and... annoy the visitors. I am no exception to strongly disliking pop-ups or banners that flash vigorously at me. At best, most ads tend to be uninteresting.
I've decided that it doesn't have to be like this on AOH and HC and started our own Advertising Network. The rules are simple: only one ad per page, no pop-ups, no flashing or annoying banners, and most importantly, only selected quality advertisements about games. And we are making a good start. The latest advertisement launched today offers a free trial on one of the best space MMORPGs in the world, which has graphics that must be seen to be believed.
Part of the funds generated by the network is being set aside for prizes in our future contests, and of course for rewards to the site's biggest contributors. Your support is essential to get this going: as you browse AOH and HC, view the banners on top of the page and click the ones that interest you.
You can wait for others to do it, but if they don't know how, you'll wait forever.
Be an example of what you want to see on HC and in the world.