Thread: Heroes 5 Map Editor Help and Tips... | This thread is pages long: 1 ... 8 9 10 11 12 ... 20 30 40 43 · «PREV / NEXT» |

Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted August 08, 2008 03:43 PM |
Maybe he's asking about low quality textures? Seriously I did not expect they can be THAT low 
Al in all, you could ask some PRECISE questions so we could understand what is your problem.

Known hero
posted August 08, 2008 04:05 PM |
i am using Windows vista, maybe theres problem
yes, i mean that textures, i dont like it, it look so simple, like painted in painter
Sorry for my English. I am young and i am not from country where i need to speak english

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted August 08, 2008 06:03 PM |
Edited by rdeford at 18:05, 08 Aug 2008.
I take it that you have tried to adjust the video options under the Options menu? I tried setting my options to the minimum and still could not get this low quality image. I think the problem is in your graphics card or the version of DirectX you are using. But you really should try changed the video settings under the Options menu.
As I recall, when I installed H5 on my wife's Vista machine, I had to install DirectX 9.n in order to get it to run the game correctly because DirectX 10 didn't work right. Again, I think DirectX 9.n came on the game disk. It didn't seem to hurt anything in Vista when I installed DirectX 9.n, but I am not an expert on Vista.
I haven't tried the H5 Editor on her machine. I will do that the next free moment I have and let you know what happens. I must add that we are running TotE, not the earlier versions of H5 on her machine.

Known hero
posted August 08, 2008 07:18 PM |
i feel in the wind: Hof is gonna be on this computer in this weekend. but im not sure
i have to try other versions
i watched to options/video settings, there was image quality: very high or what it is
Sorry for my English. I am young and i am not from country where i need to speak english

Tavern Dweller
posted August 12, 2008 12:08 PM |
Edited by Oekoman at 12:11, 12 Aug 2008.
Uh, question. I want to make a trigger that triggers when my hero flees from a battle (any battle). So that I can restore him just next to the place of the battle, as to make it look like he flew from the battle and is now situated near the site of the battle. Thats a lot of "battle"...
But what triggerfunction, or what it's called, triggers when a hero flees? I mean, on the scripting page, what should I write: Trigger( SOMETHINGSOMETHINGSOMETHING, (heroname), (function to trigger)). What something should it be?

Tavern Dweller
posted August 12, 2008 12:38 PM |
By the way, Misokiller, my big brother had the same problem with the texture, I think (I am quite sure) it was because of Vista, yes. But interestingly, it was only in Hammers of Fate he had the problem... So maybe if you install something, like ToE or HoF it will work. Because it worked for my brother in normal HOMM 5.

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted August 12, 2008 05:03 PM |
Quote: Uh, question. I want to make a trigger that triggers when my hero flees from a battle (any battle). So that I can restore him just next to the place of the battle, as to make it look like he flew from the battle and is now situated near the site of the battle. Thats a lot of "battle"...
But what triggerfunction, or what it's called, triggers when a hero flees? I mean, on the scripting page, what should I write: Trigger( SOMETHINGSOMETHINGSOMETHING, (heroname), (function to trigger)). What something should it be?
I have a hunch that it cannot be done. If it can be done, I doubt that there is an easy answer. You might try experimenting with the ToE functions:
* ["../GetSavedCombatResult"]
* ["../GetSavedCombatArmyPlayer"]
* ["../GetSavedCombatArmyHero"]
* ["../GetSavedCombatArmyCreaturesCount"]
* ["../GetSavedCombatArmyCreatureInfo"]
It will take a lot of experimenting I think. But it might be worth it. This is an interesting idea, very creative, and it would be fun to have in a map. Keep us posted if you come up with anything.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 12, 2008 05:37 PM |
Oh, thanks, I'm new with the scripting thing. Want it for a kind of guerilla-warfare map.

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted August 12, 2008 06:22 PM |
Quote: Oh, thanks, I'm new with the scripting thing. Want it for a kind of guerilla-warfare map.
Be sure to download and study the:
Quote: The Basics of Heroes V Scripting ver. 2.0 for H5, HOF, & ToTE
from the CH web site:
You won't be able to do much scripting without it. And, be sure to enable the developer's console, as detailed in the guide. (There is a small file name error in the instructions in the guide, but you can easily figure it out.) Ask here if you have problems.

Known hero
posted August 13, 2008 07:36 AM |
oekoman, now i have only Normal Heroes V and Vista. if that low textures had your brother, i should install any better version like HoF/ToE
Sorry for slow reply, but i wasnt here for 2 days, becouse i was ill
Sorry for my English. I am young and i am not from country where i need to speak english

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted August 13, 2008 04:43 PM |
Quote: oekoman, now i have only Normal Heroes V and Vista. if that low textures had your brother, i should install any better version like HoF/ToE
Sorry for slow reply, but i wasnt here for 2 days, becouse i was ill
My wife is using Vista for H5 on her computer. She has good textures. However, when I installed H5 on her machine, I also installed DirectX 9.0 on her machine. It was a long time ago, but I think the H5 game disk has DirectX 9.0 on it and it is an easy install that does not affect Vista in any way that I can see. I believe that you need DirectX 9.0 in order to run H5 correctly on Vista.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 16, 2008 03:37 PM |
I downloaded the map editor-file for the third mission of the dwarfs campaign in HoF, because i knew there were such brigdes there. I examined one of the brigdes, and I found that they have not lowered the floor. Its more like they made it invisible or something. I dont think its a specific skin for the ground (like invisible skin - which would be cool), because it says, in the bar under the screen showinh x/y-coordinates and whatnot, that it is "dwarven floor". And I tried re-skinning it, and it changed to "floor_lava", but there was no visible change. The only thing that made it change appearance, was making a river in it; the water/lava/bog was clearly visible.
The bridge itself doesn't float, which is impossible in the editor; it lies fast on the invisible floor.
You can study it yourself, the map editor-file is available from http://www.heroesofmightandmagic.com/heroes5/original_maps.shtml.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 16, 2008 03:52 PM |
Hmm, Imight have got a clue to the bridge-thing. They use an object called "walldown" for the sides of the "hole" that you use for such a bridge. This object hides the ground that it sorrounds so it looks like a hole.
I can't find the object in the editor though! 
Neither the bridge, for the sake of that matter...
Maybe its kinda developers only-objects! 
Hmm, maybe you can copy the objects in the campaign map, then open your own map and paste them.

Known hero
posted August 17, 2008 06:44 PM |
i found that bridge, i think its bridge from TotE campaign that after prologue second map. The Grim Crusader. ^-^
Sorry for my English. I am young and i am not from country where i need to speak english

Tavern Dweller
posted August 17, 2008 07:17 PM |
Wassap pepole? i'm not sure if thats a right topic but i got a little problem and i need help with it, i can't place markal on the map in TOE map editor i can't set him as garrison hero or just drop him on the map, all other heroes seems to be there but markal. i see him on the heroes list in map properties and if i set him as active i can choose him when i start the match, but there is no way to preset him on the map is there any way i can fix this?

Tavern Dweller
posted August 19, 2008 09:23 AM |
It's just a wierd way they designed that, what with the bridge thing...
Hmm, can't find out either, Jerico.

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted August 19, 2008 03:48 PM |
Edited by rdeford at 15:48, 19 Aug 2008.
Quote: First of all, thanks for the info! I didn't knew it was possible to use the original map pack.
The copy-and-paste method works well. the only problem is that you have to copy and paste each wall individually to get them into another map. Also, the normal bridge tiles used in the standard object set dont work, you have to use the ones form the original Ubisoft maps. I'm using the multiplayer map "a survival war" from the TotE map set to copy the objects.
Edit: If you know where Markal is already preset, you could copy & paste him. I woudn't know any other methods, if there are any.
I don't know about Markal, but the underground bridge objects and the underground walls for the down areas can be added to the editor. Franzy has kindly provided the necessary files for downloading the "FullEditor mod here: http://rapidshare.com/files/122099913/FullEditor.zip.html

Tavern Dweller
posted August 19, 2008 04:13 PM |
Full editor mod... And that does so you can use all the resources of the developers. Neat.

Tavern Dweller
posted August 19, 2008 05:44 PM |
well full editor mod don't have markal and i don't know any map that does, at least not in TOE so i still can't use him, but thanks for help anyway. buy the way if anyone knoes a TOE map that does please let me know also is it possible to download campaign maps from original heroes for TOE map editor?

Known Hero
Wyld Mapper
posted August 19, 2008 05:53 PM |
Quote: well full editor mod don't have markal and i don't know any map that does, at least not in TOE so i still can't use him, but thanks for help anyway. buy the way if anyone knoes a TOE map that does please let me know also is it possible to download campaign maps from original heroes for TOE map editor?
Get any campaign map for editing from here: