Thread: Project for the new HC century! Suggestions and recommendations for VW Hegemony | |

Supreme Hero
Jebus maker
posted December 12, 2006 12:39 PM |
Project for the new HC century! Suggestions and recommendations for VW Hegemony
Since the fall of the lesser supercommunities, HC has reached a pivotal point in human history: For the first time one single superpower community has the opportunity to create the first global HC empire, or if it fails to do so, whither away in decadence. This report is a grand strategy to make the most of this historic HC hegemony and prolong it as long as possible.
1st. To establish a tosser presence in all the countries of the world.
Key point: Tossers taverns
It is well known that to control the posting, spamming, and quality points of the boards of the world, you must have a strong tossing presence, reinforced by tossers taverns in strategic locations in eurasia! Throughout human history, whosoever controls the tosser taverns of eurasia, which carries 75% of all natural resources, controls the world!
HC must continue to establish these tossers taverns, possibly through a series of theatre flamewars, directed towards establishing the tosser presence in these parts of the world. After the flamewar, the board friendrelations can be rebuilt in our very own tossers taverns, which must then be maintained and defended.
2nd. The war on spam
One of the gravest challanges awaiting us in this new HC century is the threat of global spam. This spam must be held under control, partly by training our own spammers in the Volcanic Wastelands, and partly by the official moderators to work against spam, prevent it, and take out key spammers when needed.
3rd. Space and IRL
HCs dominance has traditionally been that of cyberspace, but in this new era of technology, it is also necessary to extend this hegemony to space and also "the real world", where many people go to escape the reality of the internet life. HC space research must be continued, and the very first moderator/spam sattelite should be launched by 2025. In the real world, people should be allowed to order custommade avatar costumes, so that people in real life can know who they're talking to, rather than the thretening anonymity of nicknameless existance in the offline world. This is of course so that any possibly spam threat can be avoided and if it still happends, followed up and we can put the spammers on silence mode.
These are of course only reccomendadions, and it is of course up to the HC leadership to decide if the HC empire will follow them as needed, or take the road less travelled.
Yay! hc! yay! Yay!
I am the hope of the universe... I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace... I am protector of the innocent... I am the light in the darkness... I am truth.

Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted December 12, 2006 12:50 PM |
I like the word hegemony. If I was a word, it would be "hegemony"

Legendary Hero
Of Ruby
posted December 12, 2006 05:00 PM |
Edited by Consis at 17:02, 12 Dec 2006.
Eh . . .
Quote: In the real world people should be allowed to order custom-made avatar costumes so that people in real life can know who they're talking to rather than the threatening anonymity of nicknameless existence in the offline world.
L o L
Step 1: Extend a tightening grip over those pesky Heroes Community subordinates (Mwahaha)
Step2: Spank my butterscotch gnome
Step3: Get rich
Step4: World domination
Roses Are Red And So Am I

Legendary Hero
able to speed up time
posted December 12, 2006 10:04 PM |
speaking of new descriptions for rating threads, how about "open season". 

Legendary Hero
posted December 13, 2006 03:30 PM |
I have to ask you:
What do you do here?
I just have fun.
And also most of us...
Please, don't do a terror here.
(I have enough terror in my country )
You can ask quality.
But what you say is just too much.
If it will be, I won't come here anymore.
And I sure a lot of people will do like me.
We are here to have fun, not to be "perfect forum".
What we are now it definitely fine!

Supreme Hero
Jebus maker
posted December 13, 2006 10:15 PM |
omg I love it when ppl take me seriously, loool  
I am the hope of the universe... I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace... I am protector of the innocent... I am the light in the darkness... I am truth.

Legendary Hero
posted December 14, 2006 08:29 AM |
Quote: In the real world, people should be allowed to order custommade avatar costumes
I'm curious if you've ever heard about real life costumes doing something called "shrinking"? I don't claim to understand this stuff very well, but I've heard shrinking is the real life equivalent of data loss. If HC is to truly have dominance over the real world, I propose we develop some sort of error correction algorithm to prevent this "shrinking". Otherwise our real world avatars would degrade to the point where nobody would know who we are.