Adventuring Hero
posted January 17, 2007 05:09 PM |
Edited by VokialBG at 10:47, 14 Sep 2009.
Want to Trade + HIV CCTG Check List
Hi there,
it's done!
I have finished buying any cards for the Heroes IV CCTG. Ending up with now 67 Boosters in total it's now time to do the trades!!!
I'm presenting two new Excel Sheets:
The first one is the sheet where I've inventoried my cards. This is the one where you should look first if you're interested in trading with me. Here you can find every card I have and a list of cards that I want and that I'm willing to give.
HIV CCTG Checklist - Loco Blutaxt
The second Download is the same Excel Sheet but empty for your own use. It's v1.4 a brand new over-worked Version. V1.3 had some calculating bugs.
HIV CCTG Checklist v1.4
If you are interested in trading cards with me please send me all information that you think is important. For me: as detailed as possible. You can use the HC Messaging System but I prefer getting an email to my adress shown in the Credits-Tab of the Excel Sheet.
I have NO Storm Wind Expansion Cards - so be warned...
I'm looking forward reading from and trading with you!
Loco Blutaxt
The Links I added don't work. The Forum-System adds "http://heroescommunity.com/" to the Links - I don't know why - a bug or a fault by me... I added the links as text below the links I made first.
Moderators note: Thread closed, please visit the official card trading thread for more info. Thanks.