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Famous Hero
posted August 25, 2007 07:47 PM |
Edited by Elvin at 23:33, 10 May 2009.
The New Meeting Players Thread
Since bobbyohms has not been seen for some time now i feel we need a new list that will be updated whenever new players join.
Meeting Players
MSN Messenger/Windows Live Messenger has been a great way for many players to meet to find games. I have compiled a list of those who have done so to make it easier for everyone.
For ease to add everyone in 1 click simply download this file:
http://www.mediafire.com/?ynnmyzrgjx4 UPDATED 11/05/09
And inside msn choose import contacts and choose the file.
Also these players are not include in the file above :
*4 file updates
Each time this list will reach 6 players i will upload a new contacts file , Meanwhile be sure to add people above as well. -got no time now so i will upload new one soon.
Still Lost?
Look for answers here :

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted August 26, 2007 12:55 AM |
Do you have the list of players still playing homm4?

Legendary Hero
posted August 26, 2007 10:17 AM |
ok sticked and un-sticked!@

Famous Hero
posted August 26, 2007 05:50 PM |
Quote: Do you have the list of players still playing homm4?
I'm sorry as far as i know they don't use msn and homm4 players now are VERY few , Look in gamespy for homm4 players (if any still there )

Famous Hero
The quickest H4 player
posted September 05, 2007 08:58 PM |
Quote: Do you have the list of players still playing homm4?
I'm sorry as far as i know they don't use msn and homm4 players now are VERY few , Look in gamespy for homm4 players (if any still there )
Look on the Archangelcastle League; They have about a 40 active players and most of them using msn.
But I asked about others; especially non-french...
However thx on answer.

Tavern Dweller
posted September 05, 2007 09:54 PM |
Add me too, cabreva@hotmail.com.

Adventuring Hero
posted September 10, 2007 07:04 PM |
That usar list become really long When I sing in my MSN (once per 3-4 days) I have 3-4 new players for add Go Go Heroes V


Tavern Dweller
posted September 10, 2007 11:12 PM |
It this list of the first post "safe"? Or is there many players that dont play anymore?

Supreme Hero
Ultimate N00bidity
posted September 11, 2007 06:09 PM |
many dont play anymore
yet many may come again playing by tomorrow

Legendary Hero
posted September 11, 2007 06:23 PM |
I'll be back soon playing. I need to increase my wins amount
For heroes 4 I know that the celestial heavens heroes I-IV forum has some people who still play online games. You could check that out.

Famous Hero
posted September 26, 2007 05:57 PM |
New guy wanted me to post for him ?
Toh nick name:Camelot

Omnipresent Hero
Endless Revival
posted September 26, 2007 10:10 PM |
Was he shy? Btw I have one question. If I imported this file would it overwrite the ones it already has or create doubles?
H5 is still alive and kicking, join us in the Duel Map discord server!
Map also hosted on Moddb

Famous Hero
posted September 27, 2007 09:12 AM |
Quote: Was he shy? Btw I have one question. If I imported this file would it overwrite the ones it already has or create doubles?
I don't believe doubles are allowed in MSN , But you are wellcome to try it and tell us

Famous Hero
servant of urgash
posted October 09, 2007 07:35 PM |
msn? live? here is my live account: heroes5TotE@hotmail.com
A Nightmare from below.A hero from Within

Adventuring Hero
posted October 24, 2007 02:57 PM |
Finally am back! 
I got MSN, Hamachi, Heores 3 and Heroes 5...
Need to be updated?

Tavern Dweller
posted October 24, 2007 09:35 PM |
I would like to be removed from the list, please:
<contact type="1">sub_zero_soccerstar@hotmail.com</contact>
Thank you

Famous Hero
posted October 25, 2007 04:27 PM |
Quote: I would like to be removed from the list, please:
<contact type="1">sub_zero_soccerstar@hotmail.com</contact>
Thank you 

Famous Hero
Weak ranger - lost viking
posted October 26, 2007 07:30 PM |
Remove me from the list aswell please: tallenvor@hotmail.com
Norwegian viking
ranger of the north

Famous Hero
posted October 27, 2007 10:07 AM |
Loooong time no see, Arangar...and you are leaving again, eh
We would cherish having another strong opponent to rumble with 
And whats that about "weak and lost viking"?

Adventuring Hero
posted November 01, 2007 12:56 PM |
Add me too!
Nemira - liwandii@yahoo.com
And please if is possible to edit the initial post to add nicknames to msn adresses? So we know who is who? I don't want to end up spamming all of you with: Heya! Are you Elvin? 