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Heroes Community > Heroes 5 - Modders Workshop > Thread: "Balanced names" mod
Thread: "Balanced names" mod

Known Hero
posted September 25, 2007 07:31 AM

"Balanced names" mod

I plan of making a small mod today - It will change the names of some of the spells and creatures, because they don't sound cool in Heroes 5 and some of them even suck (errr...Puppet master, wtf?)

So, here are the changes I will make:

Default name -> New Name:

Divine Strength -> Bless
Deflect Missile -> Deflection
Righteous Might -> Zeal
Magical Immunity -> Magic Ward
Teleportation -> Teleport
Weakness -> Curse
Vulnerability -> Throe
Blindness -> Blind
Frenzy -> Berserk
Curse of the Netherworld -> Shadow of Death
Puppet Master -> Dark Will
Fist of Wrath -> Magic Fist
Phantom Forces -> Phantom Image
Raise Dead -> Animate Dead
Summon Elementals -> Elemental
Conjure Phoenix -> Phoenix
Vessel of Shalassa -> Summon Ship
Summon Creatures -> Summon Troops
Instant Travel -> Dimension Door

Conscript -> Militia
Footman -> Squire
Squire -> Crusader
Priest -> Monk
Blade Dancer -> Elf
War Dancer -> War Elf
Horned Demon -> Demon
Horned Overseer -> Flame Demon
Hell Charger -> Hell Stallion
Deep Hydra -> Chaos Hydra
Shadow Dragon -> Red Dragon
Emerald Dragon -> Gold Dragon

*For the last two, I will use the already posted mods from the Heroes 5 Beta

So what do you think? Do you like it?

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Supreme Hero
Former Chessmaster
posted September 25, 2007 07:49 AM
Edited by yasmiel at 07:56, 25 Sep 2007.

Most of those spells were renamed just before the release by ubi (nival wanted to keep old names), and their animation could not be changed in time, so it fits old names.

So notice that animation fits the old (classic heroes) names.

Righteous Might --> Bloodlust
Vulnerability --> Disrupting Ray
Magical Imunity --> Anti-Magic
Puppet Master --> Hypnotise
Eldritch Arrow --> Magic Arrow

All others sound good in your list, except "shadow of death".
It is basically Death Ripple spell, but since it doesn't affect demons, could use a new name.

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Famous Hero
The Pathfinder
posted September 25, 2007 08:42 AM

The idea of creating new names is perhaps for the sake of variety between HOMM series. I'd rather agree with this approach than being consistent with the same names throughout the series. What you are suggesting, Radox, is mainly reverting back to the original names than inventing new ones. But it is the invention that drives the thrill and excitement in each new version.

From the language point of view, the names being used now is more accurate by consistently using noun for all. For example, blind (adj) becomes blindness, teleport (verb) becomes teleportation etc.

Btw, Blade Dancer -> Elf?? Isn't that Hunters also Elf?

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Known Hero
posted September 25, 2007 12:00 PM
Edited by Radox at 12:04, 25 Sep 2007.

Well, I see the point of both of you and I'll try to fix some things up. Yeah, I know that Hunters are also elf, but "Blade Dancer" sounds pretty dull, don't you agree. Elf is easier to pronounce

The main idea behind my mod is not reverting back to the HOMM3 names, it's creating more complex, short and easy to remember names, because I simply hate long and lame names such as PUPPET MASTER, CURSE OF THE NETHEWORLD and RIGHTEOUS MIGHT.

And in the end, I must admit that after all, yes, I'd like to bring some of the old H3 spirit back. I mean, why change things that fans have been used to for such a long time? The Bless spell has been a mainstay of HOMM games since H2, why now change it with the absolutely lame "Divine Strenght"...

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Supreme Hero
posted September 25, 2007 01:58 PM
Edited by Gnoll_Mage at 13:58, 25 Sep 2007.

I'm personally neither for or against using new names, although in HoMM5 it's no longer appropriate to call a unit an `elf` like it was in HoMM3, because they are a now a principle race. We wouldn't want a unit called `human`, would we?

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Known Hero
posted September 25, 2007 06:53 PM
Edited by sfidanza at 00:03, 28 Nov 2007.

The following changes are be included in the mod:

*Changed all the "funny" week description with the standard "No special effect".

*The perk "Mana Regeneration" is now called "Mysticism".

*Changed the name of the following Map objects:
Garden of the Wee Folk is now called Mystical Garden.
Spring of Eldritch Renewal is now called Magic Spring.
Eldritch Well is now called Magic Well.
Signpost is now called Sign.
Planetarium is now called Star Axis.

*Changed the name of the following creatures:
Conscript is now called Militia.
Priest is now called Monk.
Footman is now called Squire.
Squire is now called Crusader.
Blade Dancer is now called Dancer.
Horned Demon is now called Demon.
Horned Overseer is now called Burning Demon.
Hell Charger is now called Hell Stallion.
Deep Hydra is now called Chaos Hydra.

*Changed the name of the following spells:
Divine Strength is now called Bless.
Righteous Might is now called Zeal.
Deflect Missile is now called Deflection.
Magical Immunity is now called Magic Ward.
Teleportation is now called Teleport.
Weakness is now called Curse.
Vulnerability is now called Throe.
Frenzy is now called Berserk.
Blindness is now called Blind.
Curse of the Netherworld is now called Unholy Ripple.
Puppet Master is now called Dark Will.
Fist of Wrath is now called Magic Fist.
Raise Dead is now called Animate Dead.
Summon Elementals is now called Elemental.
Conjure Phoenix is now called Phoenix.
Eldritch Arrow is now called Magic Arrow.
Circle of Winter is now called Frost Ring.
Vessel of Shalassa is now called Summon Ship.
Summon Creatures is now called Summon Troops.
Instant Travel is now called Dimension Door.

*Fixed some minor typographical errors.

*Changed the skins of the following creatures:
Emerald Dragon is now Gold Dragon.
Shadow Dragon is now Red Dragon.
Treant has the H5Beta appearance.
---- All credits for the above 3 skins go to their respective makers ------ http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=22967 --------

Here is a link to the mod package. I hope you like it, as it doesn't disrupt the game balance at all, only changes some visuals.

Link: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HM03SZ0C

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