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Heroes Community > Tournament of Honor > Thread: Open maps, closed maps, random maps
Thread: Open maps, closed maps, random maps This thread is 3 pages long: 1 2 3 · NEXT»

Famous Hero
posted April 10, 2001 05:38 PM

Open maps, closed maps, random maps

Well I know this is the topic of a few other threads but I want to give a detailed description of how and why I play TOH, and that includes what maps i choose to play.
To those who know me, I allmost always play open maps, never random, and rarely closed.
The reason I play like that is because I view HoMM3 kinda like chess, just with a big luck factor involved. I love that there are strategies involved, and the fact that u can counter the other guys strategy. And here comes why I dont like closed maps that much. With no interaction its hard to counter ur opponents strategies, u cant send up a scout with some troops and ruin the other guys chaining ability etc. Instead it comes down to who has the best initial strategy, and its hard to counter what he intends to do, as that small pack of blacks are guardig ur way.
This is also the reason why I dont particular enjoy to play random maps. I cant have any strategy on that map, as i for good reasons dont know it (Hehee), and a big part of the game for me is to test my strategy against good players, and see if im able to counter his strategy etc. This may sound boring to a great deal of folks, and I completely respect that, then we prolly wont have a good game against one another. As to playing a new map I dont know, im always game, just give me 5 min to check map ed. Why u might ask, well certainly not to edit in a few relics to myself. I just like to have a general feel of a map before i play it, wheres the quest, and is there plenty of ressources etc.
          This is just a few thoughts ive done as to why i love playing in TOH, and also why some people might find me boring, but i guess my main point is, that it is dangerous to put a person into a box, because he likes to play specific maps, or specific types of maps.
The reason why I dont play random is not that im afraid i might get a loss, but simply because i dont enjoy myself. And fun is my prime motivator, and I hope thats common for most folks playing in this tournament. The great thing about all this is, that TOH is so big now, that there are people who like the same maps as u, so u can always get a game.
And in regards to the ranking system, when I first started i wanted to move up the ladder and become a general, if not a field marschal (lol). It took me about a fortnight before i realised why there is a ranking system. It makes it so much easier to see if u are compatibel. My meaning with that is if u and ur opponent are equaly skilled in the game, and most times 2 players who are the same in skill, will have a much more fun game than a plebe and a colonel playing.
So why bother if its a newbiekiller who tops the ranking system, he wont do that for long, unless he plays 10 games aday. The point system is so ingeniously put together that for all parties involved it will always be better to play against a person who has the same ranking as u.
I guess this might be abit boring to most folks, but I just wanted to get it off my chest, and I know there arent any smillies, but for some reason i cant seem to get them in there, pretty embarrasing eh.
(Who loves open maps, plays closed, and never touches random)


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Hired Hero
posted April 10, 2001 05:54 PM

those words were taking out of my mouth I totally agree!!!!!

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Hired Hero
Master of the Obvious
posted April 10, 2001 09:35 PM

Oh my gosh I hate saying this... Ugh... How do you play a random map?! Ack! I have no idea how to get the random map thingie to work! I don't know anything!!! AHHHHHHH!!!

Excuse me... I just really hate being a newbie! If someone could help me out... I'd really be grateful! Thanx!

BTW, I like closed more than open, but really its like 6 stars for closed and 4 for open(out of ten).
And I'm spent!

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Known Hero
posted April 10, 2001 09:47 PM


Maps in TOH are varied in layout, but most have the same general theme.  You can almost always count on getting tons of gold and building lvl 7 week one, with a Capitol by week 2 and then building everything up in you main towns (s) by week 3, 4 max!  

I enjoy a game like this as much as the next person, but it seems like every TOH map i played has the same general feel, with the exception of a few (cant remember map names). i tried to only play a given map 4 times max, most only once. So, after my initial attempt at playing TOH maps, maybe around 40 or so games.  I will now only play random maps.

I get so tired of trying to get a game with someone that wants to try a `new map' only to have them say 'hold on about 5 minutes, let me view the map in the editor so i can familiarize myself with the map'.  Usually at that point i know i am not going to play that person. What is the use of playing a new map if you check the editor?  Correct me if i am wrong, but i do believe the game was designed and setup to be played with both players not knowing the map.  This way, not know the map, is so much more enjoyable and ads so much more strategy and excitement to the game. Not knowing the map is what makes this game fun for me. Not knowing if you move your scout 4 hexes north, if you will be attacked by your opponent or find a pack of lvl 5 troops guarding a gold mine.

Well i am just ranting now, just wanted to give my 2 cents worth.

See me in the zone, i will play you a Random map, or if your brave enough, a blind map.


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Famous Hero
posted April 10, 2001 10:50 PM

LOL, well i guess u didnt get my point, we wont be playing in the zone, and it got nuttin to do about courage or how HoMM3 is supposed to be played. Im jus stating how I (And me alone) likes to play it. U have a different opinion, I accept that, but recent the notion that it has anything to do with courage or whatever.

(Who still like to know a map before I play it, not much, just a tiny bit)

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Known Hero
posted April 11, 2001 01:26 AM


Wwell i did not mean for my post to offend you or imply you have no courage Defreni.  It's just a matter of opinion, and it seems that most players have to know the map before they play. not me.\


PS. and yes... i doubt we'll ever play.

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Famous Hero
posted April 13, 2001 04:32 PM

Well I didnt take offence

Just wanted to make clear that TOH is a diverse society, and im tired of people always assuming that the way they play HoMM3 is the correct way, and the way its supposed to be played. Aint no such thing, find opponents who like to play the game as u do, and stop thrashing people for not playing it ur way. That way everybody is happy.
Btw I aint including cheaters in my definition of TOH society
(Who still cant get them yellow face down on my manuscript, lol)

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Hired Hero
posted April 13, 2001 07:02 PM

accept the challenge

My 2 pence))
I prefer to play with high or much high players. But I do not like people who refuse to play with plebe ( it is "rank syndrome" - afraid to loose points). I remember time when I was plebe and I wait 7 hours on zone until one good person ( he was lieutenant) agree to play with me. He did not know I was newbe but a "black horse" )
I agree to play with plebe any maps(give me 5 minutes) they want on any conditions they suggest. For me that a chance to get new experience on unknown map. And that is a good challenge. Yep if u win u get 1 point)) if u loose u loose 50)) So the fun is still present. And as I know if u play 1-2 times in a month with plebe u will not get THE cherry. However, if I win, I usually offer them after the game a choice report or not report.

The rule is You should not find and kill plebes, but should always accept the challenge from plebe.


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Known Hero
posted April 14, 2001 03:14 AM


well please correct me if i am wrong, but doesnt it say in the TOH rules Plebes are supposed to play Plebes?  I may be wrong.  I have been asked on more than one occasion by a plebe to play and have never played them. I know that many plebes are not necessarily new to Heroes, but i do think plebes should play plebes

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Famous Hero
posted April 14, 2001 04:48 AM

Well, At the time I was a plebe it was still petition days, remember those , but after that i continued to play plebes after I became a lieut. But then I had 2-3 games vs plebes, where I played 2 cheaters, put em both on HOS, and one who called me a big fat liar and told me that it was pure luck. Well after that I havent played any plebes and never lost to any ranked below 1200 points, and only one ranked under 1300 point who wasnt veteran or in division who had starting arties, soooooooooo, well just my point one more time.
Btw Ive played many a plebe for fun just to show them my strategies, not lost one off them either

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Known Hero
posted April 14, 2001 04:55 AM

newbie killer!

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Famous Hero
posted April 14, 2001 04:58 AM

wow, I got smilies this yime

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Legendary Hero
posted April 14, 2001 05:19 AM

New Styles needed.....

Yes as was stated on up the thread there the theme is the same for almost everyTOH map.  But if you notice 95% of TOH wants it that way.  They all want to play desertwar hourglass maps day in and day out.

I made a couple of maps that are posted on TOH and they ahve a different style, but even though I have found several who welcome the new style of map, most tear the maps down and complain about them because one is to long they actually have to play longer than week 3.  Others complain casue they cant do a cheesy rush!!  Basically everything that was made differnet from the standard TOH maps theme people didnt like...  I dont claim to be an expert map maker but atleast I put some time and effort to making smoe maps with differnt approches to them. Most of my maps have both open and closed atmosphere to them you can still have scout battles but the design makes it very hard to rush your oppontn like most open map styles allow.  Anyways..if you are tired of the same old theme there are a few maps on TOH that are differetn and new please people try new things add some spice back to the maps in TOH. I would love a map that you may not get lvl 7 creatures till week 3    would make you rethink your strategy.  hehe  just an example
Also would be cool to have  amap that had so much to do that you had to pick and choose your path and which direction you went and you had to decide what things to do with your 3-4 weeks of time before your oppoennt was expected to attack.  I am tired of these maps you just clear entire map then fight. For example do you go deep into the swamp to the hydra dwelling to recruit extra hydras or do you go outta your way to break open a passage to go sailing in hopes of lotta treasures in the water..or do you build up a massive heavy scout and break open and runinto the desert to search for loose resources and artifacts and hope to win the scout wars to bring home the fortune.  That would add alot of strategy to how you play your game..  instead of same old story each game.  Hope I explained that wel enough you can see my idea.


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Famous Hero
posted April 14, 2001 05:26 AM

Hehee Jinxer

U know exactly that i like them maps, and everytime ive played one off ur maps uve beaten me even with my 5 min on map ed. But every time Ive enjoyed every minute off the game, so yeah, I dont get the folks that complain about ur maps, but hey, where are all different. I look forward to playing I nsanity and ur new version of BFP2 eventhough ive just looked briefly on the map ed on both off the

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Known Hero
posted April 14, 2001 06:12 AM


Plebes can play anyone they can get a game with.

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Famous Hero
posted April 15, 2001 09:39 AM

I agree 100% with you Defreni and have stated a similar analogy on another thread. All map types are cool but I PERSONALLY like open maps because you really cannot make errors. Scout battles are fun and there a million different kind of troop arrangements you may consider on day1 with a scout that does put the game in a chess like state.

Crimson or Battle for Honor have the same basic ideas. You use your scouts(pawns) and main(queen) and beefed up scouts(knights,rook,bishop) to control the middle. You may trade a pawn to get better position for another move you want to make with a more powerful peace and he who owns the middle of the board wins.

I would not want a pack of Arc Angels sitting in the middle of my chess board saying "Hold on now..you can't bother that player. He's building up and taking his dragon utopia. Let's see if he gets better artifacts before we attack." but I don't think that players playing closed maps are better or worse than I am.

It doesn't take courage to play a game no matter how we play it. To each their own.


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Famous Hero
posted October 25, 2001 05:57 PM

Hehee, just wanted to see a thread I started at the top of the list
Guess Ive lost to plenty of ppl under 1200 since I started this thread. But hell its been awhile since ppl discussed maps. And Titan couldnt believe why Troels and me got so upset when he put our division up for a random campaign, lol.
Well guess this thread is ur answer.
Btw some rather good points I had about TOH, if I myself may say so. Just to once again commemorate Ves on what a grand tournie he has gotten going here
Cheers all.


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Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted October 25, 2001 10:52 PM

you want my opinion

closed maps:  I call it 'playing with yourself'.  As mocara stated there.  We all can play the computer then.  
open maps: Interaction amongst scouts, and the constant presence of your opponent is far more interactive and fun (to me).

But my post really is to define the plebe thing.  Now we call them recruits, and there is no such rule that recruits only play recruits.  Anyone can play anyone.  The cherry is to restrict the abuse of recruit and lower ranked player kills by a higher ranked player.  And as you can see, they are very hard to attain: only one player has them.

I think people use the cherry excuse to avoid playing recruits/plebes.

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Hero of Order
Honor Above all Else
posted October 25, 2001 10:53 PM

oh yes

and to be honest, im too busy to track every player and who they play recruitwise.   Its usually when you see heavy abuse that then it catches my eye, and the cherry pops up

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Famous Hero
I am a mean person shame on me
posted October 26, 2001 12:25 AM


go chun go reminds me of pietaccj

he got 2 cherries aswell

Closed maps yes u are "playing with yourself" but when the time comes to finally battle ur opponent it will be decided not by who wore out who the most during scout wars and such.. it will decided by the person who made the least amount of mistakes before going into battle (unless its a relic driven closed map then sometimes its determined by the arts, add a closed map with diplo becoming a neccessity then it depends on creatures.) With a map with 1 maybe 2 relics max and creatures that dont join, the winner is decided by the person who makes fewer mistakes.

Closed maps are better for your gaming skill, open maps are better for tactical battle skills. All depends what your pace is. Random maps dont count untill they are generated better... you shouldn't have to restart 10 times before you play a game.

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